added application of appropriate calibrations before dumps or results

This commit is contained in:
Frank Mori Hess 2003-04-20 01:42:27 +00:00
parent 86d7dfa79d
commit c4c078dfc2

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@ -263,13 +263,35 @@ void set_target( calibration_setup_t *setup, int obs,double target)
setup->observables[obs].target = comedi_to_phys(data,range,maxdata);
static void apply_appropriate_cal( calibration_setup_t *setup, comedi_insn insn )
int retval;
retval = comedi_apply_calibration( setup->dev, insn.subdev,
CR_CHAN( insn.chanspec ), CR_RANGE( insn.chanspec ),
CR_AREF( insn.chanspec ), setup->cal_save_file_path );
if( retval < 0 )
DPRINT( 0, "failed to apply ");
DPRINT( 0, "applied ");
DPRINT( 0, "calibration for subdev %i, channel %i, range %i, aref %i\n", insn.subdev,
CR_CHAN( insn.chanspec ), CR_RANGE( insn.chanspec ),
CR_AREF( insn.chanspec ) );
void observe( calibration_setup_t *setup )
int i;
observable *obs;
for( i = 0; i < setup->n_observables; i++){
preobserve( setup, i);
DPRINT(0,"%s\n", setup->observables[i].name);
obs = &setup->observables[ i ];
if( obs->preobserve_insn.n != 0){
apply_appropriate_cal( setup, obs->preobserve_insn );
apply_appropriate_cal( setup, obs->observe_insn );
measure_observable( setup, i);
observable_dependence( setup, i);