diff --git a/doc/install.xml b/doc/install.xml
index 681a4e6..80418a7 100644
--- a/doc/install.xml
+++ b/doc/install.xml
@@ -164,86 +164,139 @@ comedi0: ni_atmio: 0x0260 at-mio-16e-10 ( irq = 3 )
So now that you have &comedi; talking to the hardware, try to
- talk to &comedi;. Here's some information from comedi's proc
- file, which indicates what drivers are loaded and which
- boards are configured:
+ talk to &comedi;.
+ Call the command comedi_board_info, which provides information
+ about each subdevice on the board.
+ Here's part of the output of the USB-DUX sigma
+ board (which is on /dev/comedi0), as a result of
+ the command comedi_board_info -v.
+overall info:
+ version code: 0x00074c
+ driver name: usbduxsigma
+ board name: usbduxsigma
+ number of subdevices: 4
+subdevice 0:
+ type: 1 (analog input)
+ flags: 0x10119000
+ SDF_CMD_READ:can do asynchronous input commands
+ SDF_READABLE:subdevice can be read
+ SDF_GROUND:can do aref=ground
+ SDF_LSAMPL:subdevice uses 32-bit samples for commands
+ number of channels: 16
+ max data value: 16777215
+ ranges:
+ all chans: [-1.325 V,1.325 V]
+ command:
+ start: now|int
+ scan_begin: timer
+ convert: now
+ scan_end: count
+ stop: none|count
+ command structure filled with probe_cmd_generic_timed for 16 channels:
+ start: now 0
+ scan_begin: timer 1000000
+ scan_begin_src = TRIG_TIMER:
+ The sampling rate is defined per scan
+ meaning all channels are sampled at
+ the same time. The maximum sampling rate is f=1000 Hz
+ convert: now 0
+ scan_end: count 16
+ stop: count 2
+subdevice 1:
+ type: 2 (analog output)
+ flags: 0x00125000
+ SDF_CMD_WRITE:can do asynchronous output commands
+ SDF_WRITABLE:subdevice can be written
+ SDF_GROUND:can do aref=ground
+ number of channels: 4
+ max data value: 255
+ ranges:
+ all chans: [0 V,2.5 V]
+ command:
+ start: now|int
+ scan_begin: timer
+ convert: now
+ scan_end: count
+ stop: none|count
+ command structure filled with probe_cmd_generic_timed for 4 channels:
+ start: now 0
+ scan_begin: timer 1000000
+ scan_begin_src = TRIG_TIMER:
+ The sampling rate is defined per scan
+ meaning all channels are sampled at
+ the same time. The maximum sampling rate is f=1000 Hz
+ convert: now 0
+ scan_end: count 4
+ stop: count 2
+subdevice 2:
+ type: 5 (digital I/O)
+ flags: 0x00030000
+ SDF_READABLE:subdevice can be read
+ SDF_WRITABLE:subdevice can be written
+ number of channels: 24
+ max data value: 1
+ ranges:
+ all chans: [0 V,5 V]
+ command:
+ not supported
+subdevice 3:
+ type: 12 (pwm)
+ flags: 0x00020100
+ SDF_MODE1:can do mode 1
+ SDF_WRITABLE:subdevice can be written
+ number of channels: 8
+ max data value: 512
+ ranges:
+ all chans: [0,1]
+ command:
+ not supported
+ This board has four subdevices. Devices are separated into
+ subdevices that each have a distinct purpose; e.g., analog
+ input, analog output, digital input/output.
+ Here's the information from comedi's proc
+ file, which indicates what drivers are loaded and which
+ boards are configured:
cat /proc/comedi
- For example, on a computer with an NI pxi-6281 configured on
- /dev/comedi0 and
- a pxi-6602 configured on /dev/comedi1 you might
- see something like:
+ For example, on a computer with an NI pxi-6281 configured on
+ /dev/comedi0 and
+ a pxi-6602 configured on /dev/comedi1 you might
+ see something like:
-comedi version 0.7.74
+comedi version 0.7.76
format string: "%2d: %-20s %-20s %4d",i,driver_name,board_name,n_subdevices
-0: ni_pcimio pxi-6281 14
-1: ni_660x PXI-6602 10
- ni_pcimio
- 8255
- ni_660x
+ 0: usbduxsigma usbduxsigma 4
+ usbduxfast
+ usbduxsigma
- This documentation feature is not well-developed yet. Basically, it
- currently returns the driver name, the device name, and the number of
- subdevices. Following those lines are a list of the comedi kernel
- driver modules currently loaded, each followed by a list of the board
- names it recognizes (names that can be used with comedi_config).
+ This documentation feature currently returns the driver name, the device name, and the number of
+ subdevices. Following those lines are a list of the comedi kernel
+ driver modules currently loaded, each followed by a list of the board
+ names it recognizes (names that can be used with comedi_config).
- In the demo/ subdirectory of
- Comedilib, there is a
- command called board_info, which provides information
- about each subdevice on the board. Its output can be rather long,
- if the board has several subdevices.
- Here's part of the output of the National Instruments
- board (which is on /dev/comedi0), as a result of
- the command demo/board_info /dev/comedi0 (run from the
- top-level directory of comedilib):
-overall info:
- version code: 0x00074a
- driver name: ni_atmio
- board name: at-mio-16e-10
- number of subdevices: 7
-subdevice 0:
- type: 1 (analog input)
- number of channels: 16
- max data value: 4095
- The overall info gives information about the device; basically
- the same information as /proc/comedi.
- This board has seven subdevices. Devices are separated into
- subdevices that each have a distinct purpose; e.g., analog
- input, analog output, digital input/output. This board also
- has an EEPROM and calibration DACs that are also subdevices.
- &comedi; has more information about the device than what is displayed
- above, but demo/board_info doesn't currently display
- this.