Put square brackets around "COMEDI_DEVICE" on the usage line to indicate
that it is optional, and add a line to indicate that it defaults to
"/dev/comedi0" if unspecified.
Also change "1Ghz" to "1 GHz" in the description of the -F option.
The units for a range with internal unit code `RF_EXTERNAL | UNIT_volt` is currently
displayed as " (unknown unit 256)", for example an external bipolar
voltage range -1 to 1 is displayed as:
[-1 (unknown unit 256),1 (unknown unit 256)]
Change it to be displayed as:
[-1*EXT V,1*EXT V]
Add variable `def_n_chans_for_generic_timed` to hold the preferred
number of channels to use in calls to `comedi_get_cmd_generic_timed()`.
Reset the `n_chans_for_generic_timed` variable to this value each time
around the loop for each subdevice before clipping the value to the
number of channels the subdevice has.
`strtmp` is currently declared as `char strtmp[16]`, but that may be too
short for the calls to `unit_to_desc()` when the type of unit is
unknown. Increase its length to 32.
info in the demo directory. I've made it a bit more verbose
and also took into account that now the generic_timed command
takes more than one channel so that a user can experiment which
sampling rates are possible with different channel numbers.
I've also added an option to set the sampling rate for the generic_timed
command. That sould actually not be needed but I'm sure there
are drivers out there which do not correct the sampling rate
downwards automatically.