Extensions Function: comedi_arm -- arm a subdevice Retval: int Param: comedi_t * device Param: unsigned int subdevice Param: unsigned int source Status: alpha Description: This function arms a subdevice. It may, for example, arm a counter to begin counting. The source parameter specifies what source should trigger the subdevice to begin. The possible sources are driver-dependant. This function is only useable on subdevices that provide support for the INSN_CONFIG_ARM configuration instruction. Some subdevices treat this as an instruction to arm a specific channel. For those subdevices, this function will arm channel 0 and comedi_arm_channel should be called instead of this one to specify the channel. Returns: 0 on success, -1 on error. Function: comedi_arm_channel -- arm a subdevice channel Retval: int Param: comedi_t * device Param: unsigned int subdevice Param: unsigned int channel Param: unsigned int source Status: alpha Description: This function arms a specified channel of a subdevice. It may, for example, arm a counter to begin counting. The source parameter specifies what source should trigger the subdevice to begin. The possible sources are driver-dependant. This function is only useable on subdevices that provide support for the INSN_CONFIG_ARM configuration instruction. Some subdevices treat this as an instruction to arm the whole subdevice and ignore the specified channel. For such subdevices, comedi_arm is normally called instead. Returns: 0 on success, -1 on error. Function: comedi_digital_trigger_disable -- disable a digital trigger Retval: int Param: comedi_t * device Param: unsigned int subdevice Param: unsigned int trigger_id Status: alpha Description: This function disables a digital trigger on a subdevice, returning it to its default, inactive, unconfigured state. If the subdevice supports several digital triggers, the trigger_id selects one. This function is only useable on subdevices that provide support for the INSN_CONFIG_DIGITAL_TRIG configuration instruction. Returns: 0 on success, -1 on error. Function: comedi_digital_trigger_enable_edges -- set digital trigger edge detection Retval: int Param: comedi_t * device Param: unsigned int subdevice Param: unsigned int trigger_id Param: unsigned int base_input Param: unsigned int rising_edge_inputs Param: unsigned int falling_edge_inputs Status: alpha Description: This function enables edge detection for a digital trigger on a subdevice. If the subdevice supports several digital triggers, the trigger_id selects one. The rising_edge_inputs and falling_edge_inputs parameters are bit fields that enable (1) or disable (0) rising and falling edge detection on a set of (up to) 32 inputs. The least-significant bit corresponds to the input specified by the base_input parameter, with subsequent bits corresponding to subsequent inputs. Successive calls to this function have an cumulative effect, which allows digital triggers to be set up for more than 32 inputs. There may also be a cumulative effect with calls to comedi_digital_trigger_enable_levels if the digital trigger supports a combination of edge and level triggering. Due to the cumulative effect, it may be necessary to call comedi_digital_trigger_disable to clear the old settings before reconfiguring the digital trigger inputs. A digital trigger may support edge detection, level detection, both at different times, or both at the same time. If it supports both but not at the same time, configuring edge triggers will disable any previous level triggers, or vice versa. This function is only useable on subdevices that provide support for the INSN_CONFIG_DIGITAL_TRIG configuration instruction, and only if the digital trigger supports edge detection. Returns: 0 on success, -1 on error. Function: comedi_digital_trigger_enable_levels -- set digital trigger level detection Retval: int Param: comedi_t * device Param: unsigned int subdevice Param: unsigned int trigger_id Param: unsigned int base_input Param: unsigned int high_level_inputs Param: unsigned int low_level_inputs Status: alpha Description: This function enables level detection for a digital trigger on a subdevice. If the subdevice supports several digital triggers, the trigger_id selects one. The high_level_inputs and low_level_inputs parameters are bit fields that enable (1) or disable (0) high and low level detection on a set of (up to) 32 inputs. The least-significant bit corresponds to the input specified by the base_input parameter, with subsequent bits corresponding to subsequent inputs. Successive calls to this function have an cumulative effect, which allows digital triggers to be set up for more than 32 inputs. There may also be a cumulative effect with calls to comedi_digital_trigger_enable_edges if the digital trigger supports a combination of edge and level triggering. Due to the cumulative effect, it may be necessary to call comedi_digital_trigger_disable to clear the old settings before reconfiguring the digital trigger inputs. A digital trigger may support edge detection, level detection, both at different times, or both at the same time. If it supports both but not at the same time, configuring level triggers will disable any previous edge triggers, or vice versa. This function is only useable on subdevices that provide support for the INSN_CONFIG_DIGITAL_TRIG configuration instruction, and only if the digital trigger supports level detection. Returns: 0 on success, -1 on error. Function: comedi_disarm -- disarm a subdevice Retval: int Param: comedi_t * device Param: unsigned int subdevice Status: alpha Description: This function disarms a subdevice. It may, for example, stop a counter counting. This function is only useable on subdevices that provide support for the INSN_CONFIG_DISARM configuration instruction. Some subdevices treat this as an instruction to disarm a specific channel. For those subdevices, this function will disarm channel 0 and comedi_disarm_channel should be called instead of this one to specify the channel. Returns: 0 on success, -1 on error. Function: comedi_disarm_channel -- disarm a subdevice channel Retval: int Param: comedi_t * device Param: unsigned int subdevice Param: unsigned int channel Status: alpha Description: This function disarms a specified channel of a subdevice. It may, for example, stop a counter counting. This function is only useable on subdevices that provide support for the INSN_CONFIG_DISARM configuration instruction. Some subdevices treat this as an instruction to disarm the whole subdevice and ignore the specified channel. For such subdevices, comedi_disarm is normally called instead. Returns: 0 on success, -1 on error. Function: comedi_get_clock_source -- get master clock for a subdevice Retval: int Param: comedi_t * device Param: unsigned int subdevice Param: unsigned int channel Param: unsigned int * clock Param: unsigned int * period_ns Status: alpha Description: This function queries the master clock for a subdevice, as set by comedi_set_clock_source. The currently configured master clock will be written to *clock. The possible values and their corresponding clocks are driver-dependant. The period of the clock in nanoseconds (or zero if it is unknown) will be written to *period_ns. If the subdevice does not support configuring its master clocks on a per-channel basis, then the channel parameter will be ignored. It is safe to pass NULL pointers as the clock or period_ns parameters. This function is only useable on subdevices that provide support for the INSN_CONFIG_GET_CLOCK_SRC configuration instruction. Returns: 0 on success, -1 on error. Function: comedi_get_gate_source -- get gate for a subdevice Retval: int Param: comedi_t * device Param: unsigned int subdevice Param: unsigned int channel Param: unsigned int gate_index Param: unsigned int * gate_source Status: alpha Description: This function queries the gate for a subdevice, as set by comedi_set_gate_source. The currently configured gate source will be written to *gate_source. The possible values and their corresponding gates are driver-dependant. If the subdevice does not support configuring its gates on a per-channel basis, then the channel parameter will be ignored. This function is only useable on subdevices that provide support for the INSN_CONFIG_GET_GATE_SRC configuration instruction. Returns: 0 on success, -1 on error. Function: comedi_get_hardware_buffer_size -- get size of subdevice's hardware buffer Retval: int Param: comedi_t *device Param: unsigned int subdevice Param: enum comedi_io_direction direction Description: This function returns the number of bytes the subdevice can hold in it's hardware buffer. The term hardware buffer refers to any FIFOs, etc. on the acquisition board itself which are used during streaming commands. This does not include the buffer maintained by the comedi kernel module in host memory, whose size may be queried by comedi_get_buffer_size. The direction parameter of type enum comedi_io_direction should be set to COMEDI_INPUT to query the input buffer size (e.g., the buffer of an analog input subdevice), or COMEDI_OUTPUT to query the output buffer size (e.g., the buffer of an analog output). Returns: Hardware buffer size in bytes, or -1 on error. Function: comedi_get_routing -- get routing for an output Retval: int Param: comedi_t * device Param: unsigned int subdevice Param: unsigned int channel Param: unsigned int * routing Status: alpha Description: This function queries the routing for an output, as set by comedi_set_routing. The currently configured routing will be written to *routing. The possible values and their corresponding routings are driver-dependant. This function is only useable on subdevices that provide support for the INSN_CONFIG_GET_ROUTING configuration instruction. Returns: 0 on success, -1 on error. Function: comedi_reset -- reset a subdevice Retval: int Param: comedi_t * device Param: unsigned int subdevice Status: alpha Description: This function resets a subdevice. It is only useable on subdevices that provide support for the INSN_CONFIG_RESET configuration instruction. Some subdevices treat this as an instruction to reset a specific channel. For those subdevices, this function will reset channel 0 and comedi_reset_channel should be called instead of this one to specify the channel. Returns: 0 on success, -1 on error. Function: comedi_reset_channel -- reset a subdevice channel Retval: int Param: comedi_t * device Param: unsigned int subdevice Param: unsigned int channel Status: alpha Description: This function resets a specified channel of a subdevice. It is only useable on subdevices that provide support for the INSN_CONFIG_RESET configuration instruction. Some subdevices treat this as an instruction to reset the whole subdevice and ignore the specified channel. For such subdevices, comedi_reset is normally called instead. Returns: 0 on success, -1 on error. Function: comedi_set_clock_source -- set master clock for a subdevice Retval: int Param: comedi_t * device Param: unsigned int subdevice Param: unsigned int channel Param: unsigned int clock Param: unsigned int period_ns Status: alpha Description: This function selects a master clock for a subdevice. The clock parameter selects the master clock, and is driver-dependant. If the subdevice does not support configuring its master clocks on a per-channel basis, then the channel parameter will be ignored. The period_ns parameter specifies the clock's period in nanoseconds. It may left unspecified by using a value of zero. Drivers will ignore the clock period if they already know what the clock period should be for the specified clock (e.g. for an on-board 20MHz oscillator). Certain boards which use a phase-locked loop to synchronize to external clock sources must be told the period of the external clock. Specifying a clock period for an external clock may also allow the driver to support TRIG_TIMER sources in commands while using the external clock. The clock may be queried with the comedi_get_clock_source function. This function is only useable on subdevices that provide support for the INSN_CONFIG_SET_CLOCK_SRC configuration instruction. Returns: 0 on success, -1 on error. Function: comedi_set_counter_mode -- change mode of a counter subdevice Retval: int Param: comedi_t * device Param: unsigned int subdevice Param: unsigned int channel Param: unsigned int mode Status: alpha Description: This function configures a counter subdevice. The meaning of the mode parameter is driver-dependent. If the subdevice does not support configuring its mode on a per-channel basis, then the channel parameter will be ignored. It is only useable on subdevices that provide support for the INSN_CONFIG_SET_COUNTER_MODE configuration instruction. Returns: 0 on success, -1 on error. Function: comedi_set_filter -- select a filter for a subdevice Retval: int Param: comedi_t * device Param: unsigned int subdevice Param: unsigned int channel Param: unsigned int filter Status: alpha Description: This function selects a filter for a subdevice. For instance, a digital input subdevice may provide deglitching filters with varying cutoff frequencies. The filters are used to prevent high-frequency noise from causing unwanted transitions on the digital inputs. This function can tell the hardware which deglitching filter to use, or to use none at all. The filter parameter selects which of the subdevice's filters to use, and is driver-dependant. This function is only useable on subdevices that provide support for the INSN_CONFIG_FILTER configuration instruction. Returns: 0 on success, -1 on error. Function: comedi_set_gate_source -- select gate source for a subdevice Retval: int Param: comedi_t * device Param: unsigned int subdevice Param: unsigned int channel Param: unsigned int gate_index Param: unsigned int gate_source Status: alpha Description: This function selects a gate source for a subdevice. The gate_index parameter selects which gate is being configured, should the subdevice have multiple gates. It takes a value from 0 to N-1 for a subdevice with N different gates. The gate_source parameter selects which signal you wish to use as the gate, and is also driver-dependent. If the subdevice does not support configuring its gates on a per-channel basis, then the channel parameter will be ignored. You may query the gate source with the comedi_get_gate_source function. This function is only useable on subdevices that provide support for the INSN_CONFIG_SET_GATE_SRC configuration instruction. Returns: 0 on success, -1 on error. Function: comedi_set_other_source -- select source signal for something other than a gate or clock Retval: int Param: comedi_t * device Param: unsigned int subdevice Param: unsigned int channel Param: unsigned int other Param: unsigned int source Status: alpha Description: This function allows selection of a source signal for something on a subdevice other than a gate (which uses comedi_set_gate_source) or a clock (which uses comedi_set_clock_source). The other parameter selects which other we are configuring, and is driver-dependent. The source parameter selects the source we which to use for the other. If the subdevice does not support configuring its other sources on a per-channel basis, then the channel parameter will be ignored. As an example, this function is used to select which PFI digital input channels should be used as the A/B/Z signals when running a counter on an NI M-Series board as a quadrature encoder. The other parameter selects either the A, B, or Z signal, and the source parameter is used to specify which PFI digital input channel the external A, B, or Z signal is physically connected to. This function is only useable on subdevices that provide support for the INSN_CONFIG_SET_OTHER_SRC configuration instruction. Returns: 0 on success, -1 on error. Function: comedi_set_routing -- select a routing for an output Retval: int Param: comedi_t * device Param: unsigned int subdevice Param: unsigned int channel Param: unsigned int routing Status: alpha Description: This function configures a mutiplexed output channel which can output a variety of different signals (such as NI's RTSI and PFI lines). The routing parameter selects which signal should be routed to appear on the selected output channel, and is driver-dependant. The routing may be queried with the comedi_get_routing function. This function is only useable on subdevices that provide support for the INSN_CONFIG_SET_ROUTING configuration instruction. Returns: 0 on success, -1 on error.