/* * LED Clock demo * Part of Comedilib * * Copyright (c) 2001 David A. Schleef * * This file may be freely modified, distributed, and combined with * other software, as long as proper attribution is given in the * source code. */ /* * Requirements: * - A board with a digital output subdevice and a subdevice that * can trigger on an external digital line. A parallel port * satisfies these requirements. * - A Fantazein LED Clock modified so that the individual LEDs * can be controlled directly by the digital I/O lines. * * The Fantazein clock has 8 LEDs arranged in a row on a wand that * sweeps back and forth at about 15 Hz. Unmodified, the firmware * of the clock lights the LEDs at the appropriate time to print * words and the time of day. Since the wand moves quickly, it is * barely visible, so it looks like the image floats in the air. * Stuart Hughes modified a clock so that the LEDs could be controlled * directly by the parallel port of a computer, and wrote the * appropriate software using RTAI to create a stable image. This * is an attempt to port the demo to Comedi. * * It needs much work. */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "examples.h" comedi_t *device; int count; int out_subd; #define BUFSZ 1024 sampl_t buf[BUFSZ]; unsigned int chanlist[16]; void prepare_cmd(comedi_t *dev,comedi_cmd *cmd, int subdevice); void do_cmd(comedi_t *dev,comedi_cmd *cmd); void do_toggle(void); void config_output(void) { int i; for(i=0;i<8;i++){ comedi_dio_config(device,out_subd,i,COMEDI_OUTPUT); } } void do_toggle(void) { #if 1 comedi_insnlist il; comedi_insn insn[3]; lsampl_t data[6]; int mask = 0xff; count++; il.n_insns = 3; il.insns = insn; memset(insn,0,3*sizeof(comedi_insn)); insn[0].insn = INSN_BITS; insn[0].n = 2; insn[0].data = data+0; insn[0].subdev = out_subd; data[0] = mask; //data[1] = count; data[1] = 0xfc; insn[1].insn = INSN_WAIT; insn[1].n = 1; insn[1].data = data+2; data[2] = 100000-1; insn[2].insn = INSN_BITS; insn[2].n = 2; insn[2].data = data+4; insn[2].subdev = out_subd; data[4] = mask; //data[5] = count; data[5] = 0xff; comedi_do_insnlist(device,&il); #else unsigned int data; unsigned int mask = 0xff; count++; data = count; comedi_dio_bitfield(device,out_subd,mask,&data); #endif } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ret; comedi_cmd cmd; struct parsed_options options; init_parsed_options(&options); parse_options(&options, argc, argv); device = comedi_open(options.filename); if(!device){ perror(options.filename); exit(1); } out_subd = 0; config_output(); ret = fcntl(comedi_fileno(device),F_SETFL,O_NONBLOCK|O_ASYNC); if(ret<0)perror("fcntl"); #if 0 { struct sched_param p; memset(&p,0,sizeof(p)); p.sched_priority = 1; ret = sched_setscheduler(0,SCHED_FIFO,&p); if(ret<0)perror("sched_setscheduler"); } #endif prepare_cmd(device, &cmd, options.subdevice); do_cmd(device,&cmd); return 0; } void do_cmd(comedi_t *dev,comedi_cmd *cmd) { int total=0; int ret; int go; fd_set rdset; struct timeval timeout; ret=comedi_command_test(dev,cmd); printf("test ret=%d\n",ret); if(ret<0){ printf("errno=%d\n",errno); comedi_perror("comedi_command_test"); return; } dump_cmd(stdout,cmd); ret=comedi_command_test(dev,cmd); printf("test ret=%d\n",ret); if(ret<0){ printf("errno=%d\n",errno); comedi_perror("comedi_command_test"); return; } dump_cmd(stdout,cmd); ret=comedi_command(dev,cmd); printf("ret=%d\n",ret); if(ret<0){ printf("errno=%d\n",errno); comedi_perror("comedi_command"); return; } go=1; while(go){ FD_ZERO(&rdset); FD_SET(comedi_fileno(dev),&rdset); timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = 50000; ret = select(comedi_fileno(dev)+1,&rdset,NULL,NULL,&timeout); if(ret<0){ perror("select"); }else if(ret==0){ /* timeout */ }else if(FD_ISSET(comedi_fileno(dev),&rdset)){ ret=read(comedi_fileno(dev),buf,BUFSZ); if(ret<0){ if(errno==EAGAIN){ go = 0; perror("read"); } }else if(ret==0){ go = 0; }else{ //int i; total+=ret; //printf("read %d %d\n",ret,total); //printf("count = %d\n",count); do_toggle(); #if 0 for(i=0;isubdev = subdevice; /* flags */ cmd->flags = TRIG_WAKE_EOS; cmd->start_src = TRIG_NOW; cmd->start_arg = 0; cmd->scan_begin_src = TRIG_EXT; cmd->scan_begin_arg = 0; #if 0 cmd->convert_src = TRIG_TIMER; cmd->convert_arg = 1; #else cmd->convert_src = TRIG_ANY; cmd->convert_arg = 0; #endif cmd->scan_end_src = TRIG_COUNT; cmd->scan_end_arg = 1; cmd->stop_src = TRIG_NONE; cmd->stop_arg = 0; cmd->chanlist = chanlist; cmd->chanlist_len = 1; chanlist[0]=CR_PACK(0,0,0); }