/*********************************************************** * Interface file for wrapping Comedilib * author: Bryan Cole email: bryan.cole@teraview.co.uk * * This file was created with Python wrappers in mind but wil * probably work for other swig-supported script languages * * to regenerate the wrappers run: * swig -python comedi.i * ***********************************************************/ %module comedi %{ #include "../comedilib-0.7.19/include/comedi.h" #include "../comedilib-0.7.19/include/comedilib.h" %} %include "carrays.i" %inline %{ static unsigned int cr_pack(unsigned int chan, unsigned int rng, unsigned int aref){ return CR_PACK(chan,rng,aref); } static unsigned int cr_pack_flags(unsigned int chan, unsigned int rng, unsigned int aref, unsigned int flags){ return CR_PACK_FLAGS(chan,rng,aref, flags); } static unsigned int cr_chan(unsigned int a){ return CR_CHAN(a); } static unsigned int cr_range(unsigned int a){ return CR_RANGE(a); } static unsigned int cr_aref(unsigned int a){ return CR_AREF(a); } %} %array_class(unsigned int, chanlist); %include "../comedilib-0.7.19/include/comedi.h" %include "../comedilib-0.7.19/include/comedilib.h"