Frank Mori Hess 24da90810d Adding trivial email address obfuscation, since some of the AUTHORS
files are linked to from the web page.
2007-11-10 16:54:15 +00:00

14 lines
636 B

# People who have contributed code/documentation to comedilib (alphabetized by last name)
Ian Abbott <abbotti at mev dot co dot uk>
Terry Barnaby <terry1 at beam dot ltd dot uk>
Tobias Blaser <tblaser at freesurf dot ch>
Anders Blomdell <anders dot blomdell at control dot lth dot se>
Herman Bruyninckx
John Conner <conner at empiredi dot com>
Jan Gukelberger <g dot u dot g dot i at gmx dot de>
Steven Jenkins <steven dot jenkins at ieee dot org>
Luc Lefebvre <luc dot lefebvre at mcgill dot ca>
Tim Ousley <tim dot ousley at ni dot com>
Bernd Porr <Bernd dot Porr at f2s dot com>
Bean ZAHND <beat dot zahnd at phim dot unibe dot ch>