Bernd Porr df6a97ec6c I've updated the manual in the section configuration and
also updated the tutorial. I've simplified the tut2.c
by using comedi2phys instead of comedi2physical. The use of
polynomials as a 2nd comedi program is a bit too difficult
for a novice and might deter the user to dig deeper into
the coding. Also, I've added tut3.c which is a stripped
down version of cmd.c and of that again the relevant lines
for the handbook to save space.
2012-04-27 01:37:33 +01:00

220 lines
5.5 KiB

* Example of using commands - asynchronous input
* Part of Comedilib
* Copyright (c) 1999,2000,2001 David A. Schleef <>
* 2008 Bernd Porr <>
* This file may be freely modified, distributed, and combined with
* other software, as long as proper attribution is given in the
* source code.
* The program is used to test the usbdux sigma board
#include <stdio.h>
#include <comedilib.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
extern comedi_t *device;
struct parsed_options
char *filename;
double value;
int subdevice;
int channel;
int aref;
int range;
int verbose;
int n_chan;
int n_scan;
double freq;
#define BUFSZ 10000
char buf[BUFSZ];
#define N_CHANS 256
static unsigned int chanlist[N_CHANS];
static comedi_range * range_info[N_CHANS];
static lsampl_t maxdata[N_CHANS];
int prepare_cmd_lib(comedi_t *dev, int subdevice, int n_scan, int n_chan, unsigned period_nanosec, comedi_cmd *cmd);
void do_cmd(comedi_t *dev,comedi_cmd *cmd);
void print_datum(lsampl_t raw, int channel_index);
char *cmdtest_messages[]={
"invalid source",
"source conflict",
"invalid argument",
"argument conflict",
"invalid chanlist",
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
comedi_t *dev;
comedi_cmd c,*cmd=&c;
int ret;
int total=0;
int i;
struct timeval start,end;
int subdev_flags;
lsampl_t raw;
struct parsed_options options;
/* The following variables used in this demo
* can be modified by command line
* options. When modifying this demo, you may want to
* change them here. */
options.filename = "/dev/comedi0";
options.subdevice = 0; = 0;
options.range = 0;
options.aref = AREF_GROUND;
options.n_chan = 2;
options.n_scan = 10000;
options.freq = 1000.0;
/* open the device */
dev = comedi_open(options.filename);
// Print numbers for clipped inputs
/* Set up channel list */
for(i = 0; i < options.n_chan; i++){
chanlist[i] = CR_PACK( + i, options.range, options.aref);
range_info[i] = comedi_get_range(dev, options.subdevice,, options.range);
maxdata[i] = comedi_get_maxdata(dev, options.subdevice,;
/* prepare_cmd_lib() uses a Comedilib routine to find a
* good command for the device. prepare_cmd() explicitly
* creates a command, which may not work for your device. */
prepare_cmd_lib(dev, options.subdevice, options.n_scan, options.n_chan, 1e9 / options.freq, cmd);
/* comedi_command_test() tests a command to see if the
* trigger sources and arguments are valid for the subdevice.
* If a trigger source is invalid, it will be logically ANDed
* with valid values (trigger sources are actually bitmasks),
* which may or may not result in a valid trigger source.
* If an argument is invalid, it will be adjusted to the
* nearest valid value. In this way, for many commands, you
* can test it multiple times until it passes. Typically,
* if you can't get a valid command in two tests, the original
* command wasn't specified very well. */
ret = comedi_command_test(dev, cmd);
if(ret < 0){
if(errno == EIO){
fprintf(stderr,"Ummm... this subdevice doesn't support commands\n");
ret = comedi_command_test(dev, cmd);
if(ret < 0){
fprintf(stderr,"second test returned %d (%s)\n", ret,
fprintf(stderr, "Error preparing command\n");
/* start the command */
ret = comedi_command(dev, cmd);
if(ret < 0){
subdev_flags = comedi_get_subdevice_flags(dev, options.subdevice);
ret = read(comedi_fileno(dev),buf,BUFSZ);
if(ret < 0){
/* some error occurred */
}else if(ret == 0){
/* reached stop condition */
static int col = 0;
int bytes_per_sample;
total += ret;
if(options.verbose)fprintf(stderr, "read %d %d\n", ret, total);
if(subdev_flags & SDF_LSAMPL)
bytes_per_sample = sizeof(lsampl_t);
bytes_per_sample = sizeof(sampl_t);
for(i = 0; i < ret / bytes_per_sample; i++){
if(subdev_flags & SDF_LSAMPL) {
raw = ((lsampl_t *)buf)[i];
} else {
raw = ((sampl_t *)buf)[i];
print_datum(raw, col);
if(col == options.n_chan){
* This prepares a command in a pretty generic way. We ask the
* library to create a stock command that supports periodic
* sampling of data, then modify the parts we want. */
int prepare_cmd_lib(comedi_t *dev, int subdevice, int n_scan, int n_chan, unsigned scan_period_nanosec, comedi_cmd *cmd)
int ret;
/* This comedilib function will get us a generic timed
* command for a particular board. If it returns -1,
* that's bad. */
ret = comedi_get_cmd_generic_timed(dev, subdevice, cmd, n_chan, scan_period_nanosec);
printf("comedi_get_cmd_generic_timed failed\n");
return ret;
/* Modify parts of the command */
cmd->chanlist = chanlist;
cmd->chanlist_len = n_chan;
if(cmd->stop_src == TRIG_COUNT) cmd->stop_arg = n_scan;
return 0;
void print_datum(lsampl_t raw, int channel_index) {
double physical_value;
physical_value = comedi_to_phys(raw, range_info[channel_index], maxdata[channel_index]);
printf("%#8.6g ",physical_value);