572 lines
18 KiB
OpenEdge ABL
572 lines
18 KiB
OpenEdge ABL
Interface file for wrapping Comedilib
Copyright (C) 2003 Bryan Cole <bryan.cole@teraview.co.uk>
Copyright (C) 1998-2002 David A. Schleef <ds@schleef.org>
Copyright (C) 2003,2004 Frank Mori Hess <fmhess@users.sourceforge.net>
Copyright (C) 2003 Steven Jenkins <steven.jenkins@ieee.org>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
* This file was created with Python wrappers in mind but wil
* probably work for other swig-supported script languages
* to regenerate the wrappers run:
* swig -python comedi.i
%module comedi
#include "comedilib.h"
%include "carrays.i"
%include "typemaps.i"
%inline %{
static unsigned int cr_pack(unsigned int chan, unsigned int rng, unsigned int aref){
return CR_PACK(chan,rng,aref);
static unsigned int cr_pack_flags(unsigned int chan, unsigned int rng, unsigned int aref, unsigned int flags){
return CR_PACK_FLAGS(chan,rng,aref, flags);
static unsigned int cr_chan(unsigned int a){
return CR_CHAN(a);
static unsigned int cr_range(unsigned int a){
return CR_RANGE(a);
static unsigned int cr_aref(unsigned int a){
return CR_AREF(a);
%array_class(unsigned int, chanlist);
%typemap(ruby, argout) comedi_cmd *INOUT(VALUE info) {
$result = output_helper($result, $arg);
/* below are (modified) copies of comedi.h and comedilib.h */
/* comedi.h */
typedef unsigned int lsampl_t;
typedef unsigned short sampl_t;
#define CR_FLAGS_MASK 0xfc000000
#define CR_ALT_FILTER (1<<26)
#define CR_ALT_SOURCE (1<<27)
#define CR_EDGE (1<<30)
#define CR_INVERT (1<<31)
#define AREF_GROUND 0x00 /* analog ref = analog ground */
#define AREF_COMMON 0x01 /* analog ref = analog common */
#define AREF_DIFF 0x02 /* analog ref = differential */
#define AREF_OTHER 0x03 /* analog ref = other (undefined) */
/* counters -- these are arbitrary values */
#define GPCT_RESET 0x0001
#define GPCT_SET_SOURCE 0x0002
#define GPCT_SET_GATE 0x0004
#define GPCT_SET_DIRECTION 0x0008
#define GPCT_SET_OPERATION 0x0010
#define GPCT_ARM 0x0020
#define GPCT_DISARM 0x0040
#define GPCT_GET_INT_CLK_FRQ 0x0080
#define GPCT_INT_CLOCK 0x0001
#define GPCT_EXT_PIN 0x0002
#define GPCT_NO_GATE 0x0004
#define GPCT_UP 0x0008
#define GPCT_DOWN 0x0010
#define GPCT_HWUD 0x0020
#define GPCT_SIMPLE_EVENT 0x0040
#define GPCT_SINGLE_PERIOD 0x0080
#define GPCT_SINGLE_PW 0x0100
#define GPCT_CONT_PULSE_OUT 0x0200
#define GPCT_SINGLE_PULSE_OUT 0x0400
/* instructions */
#define INSN_MASK_WRITE 0x8000000
#define INSN_MASK_READ 0x4000000
#define INSN_MASK_SPECIAL 0x2000000
/* trigger flags */
/* These flags are used in comedi_trig structures */
#define TRIG_BOGUS 0x0001 /* do the motions */
#define TRIG_DITHER 0x0002 /* enable dithering */
#define TRIG_DEGLITCH 0x0004 /* enable deglitching */
//#define TRIG_RT 0x0008 /* perform op in real time */
#define TRIG_CONFIG 0x0010 /* perform configuration, not triggering */
//#define TRIG_WAKE_EOS 0x0020 /* wake up on end-of-scan events */
//#define TRIG_WRITE 0x0040 /* write to bidirectional devices */
/* command flags */
/* These flags are used in comedi_cmd structures */
#define CMDF_PRIORITY 0x00000008 /* try to use a real-time interrupt while performing command */
#define TRIG_RT CMDF_PRIORITY /* compatibility definition */
#define TRIG_WAKE_EOS 0x00000020 /* legacy definition for COMEDI_EV_SCAN_END */
#define CMDF_WRITE 0x00000040
#define TRIG_WRITE CMDF_WRITE /* compatibility definition */
#define CMDF_RAWDATA 0x00000080
#define COMEDI_EV_START 0x00040000
#define COMEDI_EV_SCAN_BEGIN 0x00080000
#define COMEDI_EV_CONVERT 0x00100000
#define COMEDI_EV_SCAN_END 0x00200000
#define COMEDI_EV_STOP 0x00400000
#define TRIG_ROUND_MASK 0x00030000
#define TRIG_ROUND_NEAREST 0x00000000
#define TRIG_ROUND_DOWN 0x00010000
#define TRIG_ROUND_UP 0x00020000
#define TRIG_ROUND_UP_NEXT 0x00030000
/* trigger sources */
#define TRIG_ANY 0xffffffff
#define TRIG_INVALID 0x00000000
#define TRIG_NONE 0x00000001 /* never trigger */
#define TRIG_NOW 0x00000002 /* trigger now + N ns */
#define TRIG_FOLLOW 0x00000004 /* trigger on next lower level trig */
#define TRIG_TIME 0x00000008 /* trigger at time N ns */
#define TRIG_TIMER 0x00000010 /* trigger at rate N ns */
#define TRIG_COUNT 0x00000020 /* trigger when count reaches N */
#define TRIG_EXT 0x00000040 /* trigger on external signal N */
#define TRIG_INT 0x00000080 /* trigger on comedi-internal signal N */
#define TRIG_OTHER 0x00000100 /* driver defined */
/* subdevice flags */
#define SDF_BUSY 0x0001 /* device is busy */
#define SDF_BUSY_OWNER 0x0002 /* device is busy with your job */
#define SDF_LOCKED 0x0004 /* subdevice is locked */
#define SDF_LOCK_OWNER 0x0008 /* you own lock */
#define SDF_MAXDATA 0x0010 /* maxdata depends on channel */
#define SDF_FLAGS 0x0020 /* flags depend on channel */
#define SDF_RANGETYPE 0x0040 /* range type depends on channel */
#define SDF_MODE0 0x0080 /* can do mode 0 */
#define SDF_MODE1 0x0100 /* can do mode 1 */
#define SDF_MODE2 0x0200 /* can do mode 2 */
#define SDF_MODE3 0x0400 /* can do mode 3 */
#define SDF_MODE4 0x0800 /* can do mode 4 */
#define SDF_CMD 0x1000 /* can do commands */
#define SDF_READABLE 0x00010000 /* subdevice can be read (e.g. analog input) */
#define SDF_WRITABLE 0x00020000 /* subdevice can be written (e.g. analog output) */
#define SDF_WRITEABLE SDF_WRITABLE /* spelling error in API */
#define SDF_INTERNAL 0x00040000 /* subdevice does not have externally visible lines */
#define SDF_RT 0x00080000 /* DEPRECATED: subdevice is RT capable */
#define SDF_GROUND 0x00100000 /* can do aref=ground */
#define SDF_COMMON 0x00200000 /* can do aref=common */
#define SDF_DIFF 0x00400000 /* can do aref=diff */
#define SDF_OTHER 0x00800000 /* can do aref=other */
#define SDF_DITHER 0x01000000 /* can do dithering */
#define SDF_DEGLITCH 0x02000000 /* can do deglitching */
#define SDF_MMAP 0x04000000 /* can do mmap() */
#define SDF_RUNNING 0x08000000 /* subdevice is acquiring data */
#define SDF_LSAMPL 0x10000000 /* subdevice uses 32-bit samples */
#define SDF_PACKED 0x20000000 /* subdevice can do packed DIO */
/* subdevice types */
#define COMEDI_SUBD_UNUSED 0 /* unused */
#define COMEDI_SUBD_AI 1 /* analog input */
#define COMEDI_SUBD_AO 2 /* analog output */
#define COMEDI_SUBD_DI 3 /* digital input */
#define COMEDI_SUBD_DO 4 /* digital output */
#define COMEDI_SUBD_DIO 5 /* digital input/output */
#define COMEDI_SUBD_COUNTER 6 /* counter */
#define COMEDI_SUBD_TIMER 7 /* timer */
#define COMEDI_SUBD_MEMORY 8 /* memory, EEPROM, DPRAM */
#define COMEDI_SUBD_CALIB 9 /* calibration DACs */
#define COMEDI_SUBD_PROC 10 /* processor, DSP */
/* configuration instructions */
#define COMEDI_INPUT 0
//#define INSN_CONFIG_TRIG 0x12
//#define INSN_CONFIG_COUNTER 0x13
#define INSN_CONFIG_TIMER_1 0x17
/* structures */
typedef struct comedi_trig_struct comedi_trig;
typedef struct comedi_cmd_struct comedi_cmd;
typedef struct comedi_insn_struct comedi_insn;
typedef struct comedi_insnlist_struct comedi_insnlist;
typedef struct comedi_chaninfo_struct comedi_chaninfo;
typedef struct comedi_subdinfo_struct comedi_subdinfo;
typedef struct comedi_devinfo_struct comedi_devinfo;
typedef struct comedi_devconfig_struct comedi_devconfig;
typedef struct comedi_rangeinfo_struct comedi_rangeinfo;
typedef struct comedi_krange_struct comedi_krange;
typedef struct comedi_bufconfig_struct comedi_bufconfig;
typedef struct comedi_bufinfo_struct comedi_bufinfo;
struct comedi_trig_struct{
unsigned int subdev; /* subdevice */
unsigned int mode; /* mode */
unsigned int flags;
unsigned int n_chan; /* number of channels */
unsigned int *chanlist; /* channel/range list */
sampl_t *data; /* data list, size depends on subd flags */
unsigned int n; /* number of scans */
unsigned int trigsrc;
unsigned int trigvar;
unsigned int trigvar1;
unsigned int data_len;
unsigned int unused[3];
struct comedi_insn_struct{
unsigned int insn;
unsigned int n;
lsampl_t *data;
unsigned int subdev;
unsigned int chanspec;
unsigned int unused[3];
struct comedi_insnlist_struct{
unsigned int n_insns;
comedi_insn *insns;
struct comedi_cmd_struct{
unsigned int subdev;
unsigned int flags;
unsigned int start_src;
unsigned int start_arg;
unsigned int scan_begin_src;
unsigned int scan_begin_arg;
unsigned int convert_src;
unsigned int convert_arg;
unsigned int scan_end_src;
unsigned int scan_end_arg;
unsigned int stop_src;
unsigned int stop_arg;
unsigned int *chanlist; /* channel/range list */
unsigned int chanlist_len;
sampl_t *data; /* data list, size depends on subd flags */
unsigned int data_len;
struct comedi_chaninfo_struct{
unsigned int subdev;
lsampl_t *maxdata_list;
unsigned int *flaglist;
unsigned int *rangelist;
unsigned int unused[4];
struct comedi_rangeinfo_struct{
unsigned int range_type;
void *range_ptr;
struct comedi_krange_struct{
int min; /* fixed point, multiply by 1e-6 */
int max; /* fixed point, multiply by 1e-6 */
unsigned int flags;
struct comedi_subdinfo_struct{
unsigned int type;
unsigned int n_chan;
unsigned int subd_flags;
unsigned int timer_type;
unsigned int len_chanlist;
lsampl_t maxdata;
unsigned int flags; /* channel flags */
unsigned int range_type; /* lookup in kernel */
unsigned int settling_time_0;
unsigned int unused[9];
struct comedi_devinfo_struct{
unsigned int version_code;
unsigned int n_subdevs;
char driver_name[COMEDI_NAMELEN];
char board_name[COMEDI_NAMELEN];
int read_subdevice;
int write_subdevice;
int unused[30];
struct comedi_devconfig_struct{
char board_name[COMEDI_NAMELEN];
struct comedi_bufconfig_struct{
unsigned int subdevice;
unsigned int flags;
unsigned int maximum_size;
unsigned int size;
unsigned int unused[4];
struct comedi_bufinfo_struct{
unsigned int subdevice;
unsigned int bytes_read;
unsigned int buf_write_ptr;
unsigned int buf_read_ptr;
unsigned int buf_write_count;
unsigned int buf_read_count;
unsigned int bytes_written;
unsigned int unused[4];
/* range stuff */
#define __RANGE(a,b) ((((a)&0xffff)<<16)|((b)&0xffff))
#define RANGE_OFFSET(a) (((a)>>16)&0xffff)
#define RANGE_LENGTH(b) ((b)&0xffff)
#define RF_UNIT(flags) ((flags)&0xff)
#define RF_EXTERNAL (1<<8)
#define UNIT_volt 0
#define UNIT_mA 1
#define UNIT_none 2
#define COMEDI_MIN_SPEED ((unsigned int)0xffffffff)
/* callback stuff */
/* only relevant to kernel modules. */
#define COMEDI_CB_EOS 1 /* end of scan */
#define COMEDI_CB_EOA 2 /* end of acquisition */
#define COMEDI_CB_BLOCK 4 /* DEPRECATED: convenient block size */
#define COMEDI_CB_EOBUF 8 /* DEPRECATED: end of buffer */
#define COMEDI_CB_ERROR 16 /* card error during acquisition */
#define COMEDI_CB_OVERFLOW 32 /* buffer overflow/underflow */
/* comedilib.h */
typedef void comedi_t;
typedef struct{
double min;
double max;
unsigned int unit;
typedef struct comedi_sv_struct{
comedi_t *dev;
unsigned int subdevice;
unsigned int chan;
/* range policy */
int range;
int aref;
/* number of measurements to average (for ai) */
int n;
lsampl_t maxdata;
enum comedi_oor_behavior {
comedi_t *comedi_open(const char *fn);
int comedi_close(comedi_t *it);
/* logging */
int comedi_loglevel(int loglevel);
void comedi_perror(const char *s);
char *comedi_strerror(int errnum);
int comedi_errno(void);
int comedi_fileno(comedi_t *it);
/* global behavior */
enum comedi_oor_behavior comedi_set_global_oor_behavior(enum comedi_oor_behavior behavior);
/* device queries */
int comedi_get_n_subdevices(comedi_t *it);
#define COMEDI_VERSION_CODE(a,b,c) (((a)<<16) | ((b)<<8) | (c))
int comedi_get_version_code(comedi_t *it);
char *comedi_get_driver_name(comedi_t *it);
char *comedi_get_board_name(comedi_t *it);
int comedi_get_read_subdevice(comedi_t *dev);
int comedi_get_write_subdevice(comedi_t *dev);
/* subdevice queries */
int comedi_get_subdevice_type(comedi_t *it,unsigned int subdevice);
int comedi_find_subdevice_by_type(comedi_t *it,int type,unsigned int subd);
int comedi_get_subdevice_flags(comedi_t *it,unsigned int subdevice);
int comedi_get_n_channels(comedi_t *it,unsigned int subdevice);
int comedi_range_is_chan_specific(comedi_t *it,unsigned int subdevice);
int comedi_maxdata_is_chan_specific(comedi_t *it,unsigned int subdevice);
/* channel queries */
lsampl_t comedi_get_maxdata(comedi_t *it,unsigned int subdevice,
unsigned int chan);
int comedi_get_n_ranges(comedi_t *it,unsigned int subdevice,
unsigned int chan);
comedi_range * comedi_get_range(comedi_t *it,unsigned int subdevice,
unsigned int chan,unsigned int range);
int comedi_find_range(comedi_t *it,unsigned int subd,unsigned int chan,
unsigned int unit,double min,double max);
/* buffer queries */
int comedi_get_buffer_size(comedi_t *it,unsigned int subdevice);
int comedi_get_max_buffer_size(comedi_t *it,unsigned int subdevice);
int comedi_set_buffer_size(comedi_t *it,unsigned int subdevice,
unsigned int len);
/* low-level stuff */
int comedi_do_insnlist(comedi_t *it,comedi_insnlist *il);
int comedi_do_insn(comedi_t *it,comedi_insn *insn);
int comedi_lock(comedi_t *it,unsigned int subdevice);
int comedi_unlock(comedi_t *it,unsigned int subdevice);
/* physical units */
double comedi_to_phys(lsampl_t data,comedi_range *rng,lsampl_t maxdata);
lsampl_t comedi_from_phys(double data,comedi_range *rng,lsampl_t maxdata);
int comedi_sampl_to_phys(double *dest, int dst_stride, sampl_t *src,
int src_stride, comedi_range *rng, lsampl_t maxdata, int n);
int comedi_sampl_from_phys(sampl_t *dest,int dst_stride,double *src,
int src_stride, comedi_range *rng, lsampl_t maxdata, int n);
/* syncronous stuff */
int comedi_data_read(comedi_t *it,unsigned int subd,unsigned int chan,
unsigned int range,unsigned int aref,lsampl_t *OUTPUT);
int comedi_data_read_n(comedi_t *it,unsigned int subd,unsigned int chan,
unsigned int range,unsigned int aref,lsampl_t *OUTPUT, unsigned int n);
int comedi_data_read_hint(comedi_t *it,unsigned int subd,unsigned int chan,
unsigned int range,unsigned int aref);
int comedi_data_read_delayed(comedi_t *it,unsigned int subd,unsigned int chan,
unsigned int range,unsigned int aref,lsampl_t *OUTPUT, unsigned int nano_sec);
int comedi_data_write(comedi_t *it,unsigned int subd,unsigned int chan,
unsigned int range,unsigned int aref,lsampl_t data);
int comedi_dio_config(comedi_t *it,unsigned int subd,unsigned int chan,
unsigned int dir);
int comedi_dio_read(comedi_t *it,unsigned int subd,unsigned int chan,
unsigned int *OUTPUT);
int comedi_dio_write(comedi_t *it,unsigned int subd,unsigned int chan,
unsigned int bit);
int comedi_dio_bitfield(comedi_t *it,unsigned int subd,
unsigned int write_mask, unsigned int *INOUT);
/* slowly varying stuff */
int comedi_sv_init(comedi_sv_t *it,comedi_t *dev,unsigned int subd,unsigned int chan);
int comedi_sv_update(comedi_sv_t *it);
int comedi_sv_measure(comedi_sv_t *it,double *data);
/* streaming I/O (commands) */
int comedi_get_cmd_src_mask(comedi_t *dev,unsigned int subdevice,
comedi_cmd *INOUT);
int comedi_get_cmd_generic_timed(comedi_t *dev,unsigned int subdevice,
comedi_cmd *INOUT,unsigned int ns);
int comedi_cancel(comedi_t *it,unsigned int subdevice);
int comedi_command(comedi_t *it,comedi_cmd *cmd);
int comedi_command_test(comedi_t *it,comedi_cmd *INOUT);
int comedi_poll(comedi_t *dev,unsigned int subdevice);
/* buffer control */
int comedi_set_max_buffer_size(comedi_t *it, unsigned int subdev,
unsigned int max_size);
int comedi_get_buffer_contents(comedi_t *it, unsigned int subdev);
int comedi_mark_buffer_read(comedi_t *it, unsigned int subdev,
unsigned int bytes);
int comedi_get_buffer_offset(comedi_t *it, unsigned int subdev);
/* structs and functions used for parsing calibration files */
typedef struct
unsigned int subdevice;
unsigned int channel;
unsigned int value;
} comedi_caldac_t;
typedef struct
unsigned int subdevice;
unsigned int *channels;
unsigned int num_channels;
unsigned int *ranges;
unsigned int num_ranges;
unsigned int arefs[ CS_MAX_AREFS_LENGTH ];
unsigned int num_arefs;
comedi_caldac_t *caldacs;
unsigned int num_caldacs;
} comedi_calibration_setting_t;
typedef struct
char *driver_name;
char *board_name;
comedi_calibration_setting_t *settings;
unsigned int num_settings;
} comedi_calibration_t;
comedi_calibration_t* comedi_parse_calibration_file( const char *cal_file_path );
int comedi_apply_parsed_calibration( comedi_t *dev, unsigned int subdev, unsigned int channel,
unsigned int range, unsigned int aref, const comedi_calibration_t *calibration );
char* comedi_get_default_calibration_path( comedi_t *dev );
void comedi_cleanup_calibration( comedi_calibration_t *calibration );
int comedi_apply_calibration( comedi_t *dev, unsigned int subdev, unsigned int channel,
unsigned int range, unsigned int aref, const char *cal_file_path);