389 lines
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389 lines
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include/comedi.h (installed as /usr/include/comedi.h)
header file for comedi
COMEDI - Linux Control and Measurement Device Interface
Copyright (C) 1998-2000 David A. Schleef <ds@schleef.org>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#ifndef _COMEDI_H
#define _COMEDI_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* comedi's major device number */
#define COMEDI_MAJOR 98
maximum number of minor devices. This can be increased, although
kernel structures are currently statically allocated, thus you
don't want this to be much more than you actually use.
/* number of config options in the config structure */
/* max length of device and driver names */
typedef unsigned int lsampl_t;
typedef unsigned short sampl_t;
/* packs and unpacks a channel/range number */
#define CR_PACK(chan,rng,aref) ( (((aref)&0x3)<<24) | (((rng)&0xff)<<16) | ((chan)&0xffff) )
#define CR_CHAN(a) ((a)&0xffff)
#define CR_RANGE(a) (((a)>>16)&0xff)
#define CR_AREF(a) (((a)>>24)&0x03)
#define AREF_GROUND 0x00 /* analog ref = analog ground */
#define AREF_COMMON 0x01 /* analog ref = analog common */
#define AREF_DIFF 0x02 /* analog ref = differential */
#define AREF_OTHER 0x03 /* analog ref = other (undefined) */
/* instructions */
#define INSN_MASK_WRITE 0x8000000
#define INSN_MASK_READ 0x4000000
#define INSN_MASK_SPECIAL 0x2000000
/* trigger flags */
#define TRIG_BOGUS 0x0001 /* do the motions */
#define TRIG_DITHER 0x0002 /* enable dithering */
#define TRIG_DEGLITCH 0x0004 /* enable deglitching */
#define TRIG_RT 0x0008 /* perform op in real time */
#define TRIG_CONFIG 0x0010 /* perform configuration, not triggering */
#define TRIG_WAKE_EOS 0x0020 /* wake up on end-of-scan events */
#define TRIG_WRITE 0x0040 /* write to bidirectional devices */
#define TRIG_ROUND_MASK 0x00030000
#define TRIG_ROUND_NEAREST 0x00000000
#define TRIG_ROUND_DOWN 0x00010000
#define TRIG_ROUND_UP 0x00020000
#define TRIG_ROUND_UP_NEXT 0x00030000
/* trigger sources */
#define TRIG_ANY 0xffffffff
#define TRIG_NONE 0x00000001 /* never trigger */
#define TRIG_NOW 0x00000002 /* trigger now + N ns */
#define TRIG_FOLLOW 0x00000004 /* trigger on next lower level trig */
#define TRIG_TIME 0x00000008 /* trigger at time N ns */
#define TRIG_TIMER 0x00000010 /* trigger at rate N ns */
#define TRIG_COUNT 0x00000020 /* trigger when count reaches N */
#define TRIG_EXT 0x00000040 /* trigger on external signal N */
#define TRIG_INT 0x00000080 /* trigger on comedi-internal signal N */
#define TRIG_INVAL 0x00000100 /* choice was invalid */
/* subdevice flags */
#define SDF_BUSY 0x0001 /* device is busy */
#define SDF_BUSY_OWNER 0x0002 /* device is busy with your job */
#define SDF_LOCKED 0x0004 /* subdevice is locked */
#define SDF_LOCK_OWNER 0x0008 /* you own lock */
#define SDF_MAXDATA 0x0010 /* maxdata depends on channel */
#define SDF_FLAGS 0x0020 /* flags depend on channel */
#define SDF_RANGETYPE 0x0040 /* range type depends on channel */
#define SDF_MODE0 0x0080 /* can do mode 0 */
#define SDF_MODE1 0x0100 /* can do mode 1 */
#define SDF_MODE2 0x0200 /* can do mode 2 */
#define SDF_MODE3 0x0400 /* can do mode 3 */
#define SDF_MODE4 0x0800 /* can do mode 4 */
#define SDF_READABLE 0x00010000 /* subdevice can be read (e.g. analog input) */
#define SDF_WRITEABLE 0x00020000 /* subdevice can be written (e.g. analog output) */
#define SDF_INTERNAL 0x00040000 /* subdevice does not have externally visible lines */
#define SDF_RT 0x00080000 /* subdevice is RT capable */
#define SDF_GROUND 0x00100000 /* can do aref=ground */
#define SDF_COMMON 0x00200000 /* can do aref=common */
#define SDF_DIFF 0x00400000 /* can do aref=diff */
#define SDF_OTHER 0x00800000 /* can do aref=other */
#define SDF_DITHER 0x01000000 /* can do dithering */
#define SDF_DEGLITCH 0x02000000 /* can do deglitching */
#define SDF_MMAP 0x04000000 /* can do mmap() */
#define SDF_RUNNING 0x08000000 /* subdevice is acquiring data */
#define SDF_LSAMPL 0x10000000 /* subdevice uses 32-bit samples */
#define SDF_PACKED 0x20000000 /* subdevice can do packed DIO */
/* subdevice types */
#define COMEDI_SUBD_UNUSED 0 /* unused */
#define COMEDI_SUBD_AI 1 /* analog input */
#define COMEDI_SUBD_AO 2 /* analog output */
#define COMEDI_SUBD_DI 3 /* digital input */
#define COMEDI_SUBD_DO 4 /* digital output */
#define COMEDI_SUBD_DIO 5 /* digital input/output */
#define COMEDI_SUBD_COUNTER 6 /* counter */
#define COMEDI_SUBD_TIMER 7 /* timer */
#define COMEDI_SUBD_MEMORY 8 /* memory, EEPROM, DPRAM */
#define COMEDI_SUBD_CALIB 9 /* calibration DACs */
#define COMEDI_SUBD_PROC 10 /* processor, DSP */
#define COMEDI_INPUT 0
/* ioctls */
#define CIO 'd'
#define COMEDI_DEVCONFIG _IOW(CIO,0,comedi_devconfig)
#define COMEDI_DEVINFO _IOR(CIO,1,comedi_devinfo)
#define COMEDI_SUBDINFO _IOR(CIO,2,comedi_subdinfo)
#define COMEDI_CHANINFO _IOR(CIO,3,comedi_chaninfo)
#define COMEDI_TRIG _IOWR(CIO,4,comedi_trig)
#define COMEDI_LOCK _IO(CIO,5)
#define COMEDI_RANGEINFO _IOR(CIO,8,comedi_rangeinfo)
#define COMEDI_CMD _IOR(CIO,9,comedi_cmd)
#define COMEDI_CMDTEST _IOR(CIO,10,comedi_cmd)
#define COMEDI_INSNLIST _IOR(CIO,11,comedi_insnlist)
#define COMEDI_INSN _IOR(CIO,12,comedi_insn)
#define COMEDI_BUFCONFIG _IOR(CIO,13,comedi_bufconfig)
/* structures */
typedef struct comedi_trig_struct comedi_trig;
typedef struct comedi_cmd_struct comedi_cmd;
typedef struct comedi_insn_struct comedi_insn;
typedef struct comedi_insnlist_struct comedi_insnlist;
typedef struct comedi_chaninfo_struct comedi_chaninfo;
typedef struct comedi_subdinfo_struct comedi_subdinfo;
typedef struct comedi_devinfo_struct comedi_devinfo;
typedef struct comedi_devconfig_struct comedi_devconfig;
typedef struct comedi_rangeinfo_struct comedi_rangeinfo;
typedef struct comedi_krange_struct comedi_krange;
typedef struct comedi_bufconfig_struct comedi_bufconfig;
struct comedi_trig_struct{
unsigned int subdev; /* subdevice */
unsigned int mode; /* mode */
unsigned int flags;
unsigned int n_chan; /* number of channels */
unsigned int *chanlist; /* channel/range list */
sampl_t *data; /* data list, size depends on subd flags */
unsigned int n; /* number of scans */
unsigned int trigsrc;
unsigned int trigvar;
unsigned int trigvar1;
unsigned int data_len;
unsigned int unused[3];
struct comedi_insn_struct{
unsigned int insn;
unsigned int n;
lsampl_t *data;
unsigned int subdev;
unsigned int chanspec;
unsigned int unused[3];
struct comedi_insnlist_struct{
unsigned int n_insns;
comedi_insn *insns;
struct comedi_cmd_struct{
unsigned int subdev;
unsigned int flags;
unsigned int start_src;
unsigned int start_arg;
unsigned int scan_begin_src;
unsigned int scan_begin_arg;
unsigned int convert_src;
unsigned int convert_arg;
unsigned int scan_end_src;
unsigned int scan_end_arg;
unsigned int stop_src;
unsigned int stop_arg;
unsigned int *chanlist; /* channel/range list */
unsigned int chanlist_len;
sampl_t *data; /* data list, size depends on subd flags */
unsigned int data_len;
struct comedi_chaninfo_struct{
unsigned int subdev;
lsampl_t *maxdata_list;
unsigned int *flaglist;
unsigned int *rangelist;
unsigned int unused[4];
struct comedi_rangeinfo_struct{
unsigned int range_type;
void *range_ptr;
struct comedi_krange_struct{
int min; /* fixed point, multiply by 1e-6 */
int max; /* fixed point, multiply by 1e-6 */
unsigned int flags;
struct comedi_subdinfo_struct{
unsigned int type;
unsigned int n_chan;
unsigned int subd_flags;
unsigned int timer_type;
unsigned int len_chanlist;
lsampl_t maxdata;
unsigned int flags; /* channel flags */
unsigned int range_type; /* lookup in kernel */
unsigned int unused[10];
struct comedi_devinfo_struct{
unsigned int version_code;
unsigned int n_subdevs;
char driver_name[COMEDI_NAMELEN];
char board_name[COMEDI_NAMELEN];
struct comedi_devconfig_struct{
char board_name[COMEDI_NAMELEN];
struct comedi_bufconfig_struct{
unsigned int read_size; /* read buffer size in bytes */
unsigned int write_size; /* write buffer size in bytes */
unsigned int unused[5];
/* range stuff */
#define __RANGE(a,b) ((((a)&0xffff)<<16)|((b)&0xffff))
#define RANGE_OFFSET(a) (((a)>>16)&0xffff)
#define RANGE_LENGTH(b) ((b)&0xffff)
#define RF_UNIT(flags) ((flags)&0xff)
#define RF_EXTERNAL (1<<8)
#define UNIT_volt 0
#define UNIT_mA 1
#define UNIT_none 2
/* Kernel internal stuff. Needed by RTLinux modules and such. */
#ifdef __KERNEL__
/* callback stuff */
#define COMEDI_CB_EOS 1 /* end of scan */
#define COMEDI_CB_EOA 2 /* end of acquisition */
#define COMEDI_CB_BLOCK 4 /* convenient block size */
#define COMEDI_CB_EOBUF 8 /* end of buffer */
#define COMEDI_CB_ERROR 16 /* card error during acquisition */
/* exported functions */
/* these functions may not be called at real-time priority */
int comedi_open(unsigned int minor);
void comedi_close(unsigned int minor);
/* these functions may be called at any priority, but may fail at
real-time priority */
int comedi_lock_ioctl(unsigned int minor,unsigned int subdev);
int comedi_unlock_ioctl(unsigned int minor,unsigned int subdev);
/* these functions may be called at any priority, but you must hold
the lock for the subdevice */
int comedi_cancel_ioctl(unsigned int minor,unsigned int subdev);
int comedi_register_callback(unsigned int minor,unsigned int subdev,
unsigned int mask,int (*cb)(unsigned int,void *),void *arg);
int comedi_trig_ioctl(unsigned int minor,unsigned int subdev,comedi_trig *it);
int __comedi_trig_ioctl(unsigned int minor,unsigned int subdev,comedi_trig *it);
int comedi_data_write(unsigned int dev,unsigned int subdev,unsigned int chan,
unsigned int range,unsigned int aref,lsampl_t data);
int comedi_data_read(unsigned int dev,unsigned int subdev,unsigned int chan,
unsigned int range,unsigned int aref,lsampl_t *data);
int comedi_dio_config(unsigned int dev,unsigned int subdev,unsigned int chan,
unsigned int io);
int comedi_dio_read(unsigned int dev,unsigned int subdev,unsigned int chan,
unsigned int *val);
int comedi_dio_write(unsigned int dev,unsigned int subdev,unsigned int chan,
unsigned int val);
int comedi_dio_bitfield(unsigned int dev,unsigned int subdev,unsigned int mask,
unsigned int *bits);
int comedi_get_n_subdevices(unsigned int dev);
int comedi_get_version_code(unsigned int dev);
char *comedi_get_driver_name(unsigned int dev);
char *comedi_get_board_name(unsigned int minor);
int comedi_get_subdevice_type(unsigned int minor,unsigned int subdevice);
int comedi_find_subdevice_by_type(unsigned int minor,int type,unsigned int subd);
int comedi_get_n_channels(unsigned int minor,unsigned int subdevice);
lsampl_t comedi_get_maxdata(unsigned int minor,unsigned int subdevice,unsigned
int chan);
int comedi_get_n_ranges(unsigned int minor,unsigned int subdevice,unsigned int
/* ALPHA functions */
unsigned int comedi_get_subdevice_flags(unsigned int minor,unsigned int
int comedi_get_len_chanlist(unsigned int minor,unsigned int subdevice);
int comedi_get_krange(unsigned int minor,unsigned int subdevice,unsigned int
chan, unsigned int range, comedi_krange *krange);
unsigned int comedi_get_buf_head_pos(unsigned int minor,unsigned int
int comedi_set_user_int_count(unsigned int minor,unsigned int subdevice,
unsigned int buf_user_count);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _COMEDI_H */