using Toybox.WatchUi as Ui; using Toybox.Graphics as Gfx; using Toybox.System as Sys; using Toybox.Lang as Lang; using Toybox.Communications as Comm; using Toybox.System as Sys; using Toybox.Time as Time; using Toybox.Timer as Timer; class BusStopView extends Ui.View { var schedule = null; var tmr; function intialize() { View.initialize(); } //! Load your resources here function onLayout(dc) { } //! Called when this View is brought to the foreground. Restore //! the state of this View and prepare it to be shown. This includes //! loading resources into memory. function onShow() { tmr = new Timer.Timer(); tmr.start(method(:redraw), 1000, true); } //! Called when this View is removed from the screen. Save the //! state of this View here. This includes freeing resources from //! memory. function onHide() { tmr.stop(); } //! Update the view function onUpdate(dc) { var string; // Set background color dc.setColor( Gfx.COLOR_TRANSPARENT, Gfx.COLOR_BLACK ); dc.clear(); dc.setColor( Gfx.COLOR_WHITE, Gfx.COLOR_TRANSPARENT ); if( schedule != null ) { var ts = new Time.Moment(schedule[1][4] / 1000); var duration =; var ts_greg =, Time.FORMAT_MEDIUM); var dur_greg = Time.Moment(duration.value()), Time.FORMAT_SHORT); /* Timezone offset */ dur_greg.hour -= 2; var arr = Lang.format("$1$:$2$:$3$", [ (ts_greg.hour - 2), (ts_greg.min).format("%02u"), (ts_greg.sec).format("%02u") ]); var due = ""; if (dur_greg.hour > 0) { due += dur_greg.hour + " h "; } if (dur_greg.min > 0) { due += dur_greg.min + " min "; } if (dur_greg.sec > 0) { due += dur_greg.sec + " sec "; } dc.drawText( (dc.getWidth() / 2), (dc.getHeight() / 2) - 80, Gfx.FONT_LARGE, schedule[1][2], Gfx.TEXT_JUSTIFY_CENTER ); dc.drawText( (dc.getWidth() / 2), (dc.getHeight() / 2) - 40, Gfx.FONT_SMALL, schedule[1][1], Gfx.TEXT_JUSTIFY_CENTER ); dc.drawText( (dc.getWidth() / 2), (dc.getHeight() / 2) - 20, Gfx.FONT_SMALL, schedule[1][3], Gfx.TEXT_JUSTIFY_CENTER ); dc.drawText( (dc.getWidth() / 2), (dc.getHeight() / 2) + 10, Gfx.FONT_SMALL, arr, Gfx.TEXT_JUSTIFY_CENTER ); dc.drawText( (dc.getWidth() / 2), (dc.getHeight() / 2) + 40, Gfx.FONT_SMALL, due, Gfx.TEXT_JUSTIFY_CENTER ); } else { dc.drawText( (dc.getWidth() / 2), (dc.getHeight() / 2), Gfx.FONT_SMALL, "No schedule avail", Gfx.TEXT_JUSTIFY_CENTER ); } } function setPosition(info) { var url = ""; var parameters = { "Circle" => info.position.toDegrees()[0] + "," + info.position.toDegrees()[1] + ",150", "ReturnList" => "StopPointName,DestinationName,LineName,EstimatedTime" }; var options = { :method => Comm.HTTP_REQUEST_METHOD_GET }; Comm.makeJsonRequest(url, parameters, options, method(:requestCompleted)); } function requestCompleted(responseCode, data) { Sys.println("Request completed: " + responseCode); if (responseCode == 200) { schedule = data; redraw(); } } function redraw() { WatchUi.requestUpdate(); } }