diff --git a/home/.bash_aliases b/home/.bash_aliases index fce1f6f..3ffd71a 100644 --- a/home/.bash_aliases +++ b/home/.bash_aliases @@ -14,18 +14,7 @@ alias cp='cp -i' alias dquilt='quilt --quiltrc=${HOME}/.quiltrc-dpkg' # git Aliases -alias gcl='git clone' -alias ga='git add' -alias gall='git add .' -alias gd='git diff' -alias g='git' -alias gs='git status' -alias gp='git push' -alias gpo='git push origin ' -alias gb='git branch' -alias gc='git commit' -alias gl='git log --oneline' -alias gll='git log --graph --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit' +alias g=git # I'd like to learn the vi keybinings alias pico=vi diff --git a/home/.gitconfig b/home/.gitconfig index 070a2d1..3743a39 100644 --- a/home/.gitconfig +++ b/home/.gitconfig @@ -56,4 +56,18 @@ smtpServerPort = 587 [alias] addnw = !sh -c 'git diff -U0 -w --no-color "$@" | git apply --cached --ignore-whitespace --unidiff-zero -' + l = log --oneline + ll = log --graph --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit + lll = "log --pretty=format:'%h %ad | %s%d [%an]' --graph --date=short" + a = add + d = diff + p = push + po = push origin + c = commit + s = status + cl= clone + co = checkout + br = branch + type = 'cat-file -t' + dump = 'cat-file -p'