diff --git a/.Xresources b/.Xresources index 7ea494e..a7d8674 100644 --- a/.Xresources +++ b/.Xresources @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ URxvt*modifier: alt URxvt*scrollBar: false URxvt*saveLines: 5000 -URxvt.font: xft:DejaVuSansMono:pixelsize=15 -URxvt.boldfont: xft:DejaVuSandMono-Bold:pixelsize=15 +URxvt.font: xft:DejaVuSansMono,xft:FontAwesome:pixelsize=15 +URxvt.boldfont: xft:DejaVuSandMono-Bold,xft:FontAwesome:pixelsize=15 Xft.antialias: true Xft.rgba: rgb diff --git a/.i3/config b/.i3/config index 9aba643..1c95651 100644 --- a/.i3/config +++ b/.i3/config @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ set $mod Mod4 new_window pixel 1 -font pango:DejaVuSansMono 13 +font pango:DejaVuSansMono,FontAwesome 13 # Use Mouse+$mod to drag floating windows to their wanted position floating_modifier $mod @@ -16,6 +16,11 @@ bindsym $mod+Shift+q kill # start dmenu (a program launcher) bindsym $mod+d exec dmenu_run -fn "DejaVuSansMono 12" +# volume keys +bindsym XF86AudioLowerVolume exec pactl set-sink-volume 0 -- '-5%' && killall -SIGUSR1 i3status +bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec pactl set-sink-volume 0 -- '+5%' && killall -SIGUSR1 i3status +bindsym XF86AudioMute exec pactl set-sink-mute 0 toggle && killall -SIGUSR1 i3status + # move focus bindsym $mod+Left focus left bindsym $mod+Down focus down @@ -120,5 +125,5 @@ bindsym $mod+r mode "resize" # finds out, if available) bar { status_command i3status -c ~/.i3/status - font pango:DejaVuSansMono 12 + font pango:DejaVuSansMono,FontAwesome 12 } diff --git a/.i3/status b/.i3/status index cca2d73..b47ba7a 100644 --- a/.i3/status +++ b/.i3/status @@ -11,68 +11,63 @@ order += "volume master" order += "load" order += "cpu_usage" order += "cpu_temperature 0" -order += "cpu_temperature 1" -order += "cpu_temperature 2" -order += "cpu_temperature 3" +order += "battery 0" order += "disk /" order += "ethernet eth0" order += "wireless wlan0" order += "tztime local" volume master { - format = " ♪: %volume " + format = "  %volume " + format_muted = "  %volume " device = "default" mixer = "Master" mixer_idx = 0 } load { - format = " Δ: %1min " + format = "  %1min " } cpu_usage { - format = " %usage " + format = "  %usage " } cpu_temperature 0 { - format = " ± %degrees°" + format = " %degrees°" path = "/sys/devices/platform/coretemp.0/temp2_input" max_threshold = 95 } cpu_temperature 1 { - format = "%degrees°" + format = "%degrees° " path = "/sys/devices/platform/coretemp.0/temp3_input" max_threshold = 95 } -cpu_temperature 2 { - format = "%degrees°" - path = "/sys/devices/platform/coretemp.0/temp4_input" - max_threshold = 95 -} - -cpu_temperature 3 { - format = "%degrees° " - path = "/sys/devices/platform/coretemp.0/temp5_input" - max_threshold = 95 +battery 0 { + format = "  %status %percentage %remaining " + format_down = "No battery" + path = "/sys/class/power_supply/BAT%d/uevent" + low_threshold = 10 + integer_battery_capacity = true } disk "/" { - format = " %avail:/ " + format = "  %avail:/ " } wireless wlan0 { - format_up = " W: (%quality at %essid) %ip " - format_down = " ☡ WiFi " + format_up = "  %essid (%quality) " + format_down = " no wifi " } ethernet eth0 { # if you use %speed, i3status requires root privileges - format_up = " Ω: %ip " - format_down = " ∅ eth0 " + format_up = " %ip " + format_down = " no wired " } tztime local { - format = " %h-%d %H:%M ☰ " + format = "  %h-%d  %H:%M:%S " }