svg2poly.ulp #3

opened 2019-01-22 03:17:13 +01:00 by stv0g · 0 comments

Author: @hadron137 Posted at: 30.05.2017 19:44

Added ability to handle H and V commands.
Also added ability to parse the attribute "transform="scale(z.zzzzzz)"" .
Finally, included a GUI frontend.

Author: @hadron137 Posted at: 30.05.2017 19:44 Added ability to handle H and V commands. Also added ability to parse the attribute "transform="scale(z.zzzzzz)"" . Finally, included a GUI frontend.
stv0g closed this issue 2019-01-22 03:17:13 +01:00
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Reference: stv0g/eagle#3
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