/** * @file compilation.dox * @page compilation Compiling and Running eduOS * * @section toc Table of Contents * - @ref checkout * - @ref compiling * - @ref runqemu * * @section checkout Checking out eduOS online * * The eduOS project is hosted in a Git repository. To check it out, just type: * * \verbatim$ git clone https://github.com/RWTH-OS/eduOS.git \endverbatim * * @section compiling Compiling eduOS * * To compile eduOS, you will need a proper Makefile and configuration. To use the example files, just do the following: * * \verbatim $ cd eduOS $ cp Makefile.example Makefile $ (cd include/eduos; cp config.h.example config.h) \endverbatim * * The standard configuration works on usual PC hardware configurations as well as in emulators. * * Compiler settings can be edited in the Makefile, while the kernel configuration can be found in the just copied configuration file. * * @section runqemu Running eduOS in Qemu * * There is a Make-target for running eduOS in Qemu: * \verbatim$ make qemu \endverbatim * * The emulator is then started with the following parameters: * \verbatim$ qemu -monitor stdio -smp 2 -net nic,model=rtl8139 -net user,hostfwd=tcp::12345-:7 -net dump -kernel eduos.elf \endverbatim * */