diff --git a/XilinxProcessorIPLib/drivers/cpu_cortexa9/data/cpu_cortexa9.tcl b/XilinxProcessorIPLib/drivers/cpu_cortexa9/data/cpu_cortexa9.tcl index ea7eda04..ae08e1de 100755 --- a/XilinxProcessorIPLib/drivers/cpu_cortexa9/data/cpu_cortexa9.tcl +++ b/XilinxProcessorIPLib/drivers/cpu_cortexa9/data/cpu_cortexa9.tcl @@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ # ----- ---- -------- ----------------------------------------------- # 1.00a sdm 05/16/10 Updated to support AXI version of the core # 2.0 adk 10/12/13 Updated as per the New Tcl API's +# 2.1 pkp 06/27/14 Updated the tcl to create empty libxil for IAR support in BSP # ############################################################################## #uses "xillib.tcl" @@ -55,7 +56,19 @@ proc xdefine_cortexa9_params {drvhandle} { set sw_proc_handle [get_sw_processor] set hw_proc_handle [get_cells [get_property HW_INSTANCE $sw_proc_handle ]] - + set procdrv [get_sw_processor] + set archiver [get_property CONFIG.archiver $procdrv] + if {[string first "iarchive" $archiver] < 0 } { + } else { + set libxil_a [file join .. .. lib libxil.a] + if { ![file exists $libxil_a] } { + # create empty libxil.a + set fd [open "test.a" a+] + close $fd + exec $archiver --create --output $libxil_a test.a + file delete -force test.a + } + } set periphs [::hsm::utils::get_common_driver_ips $drvhandle] set lprocs [get_cells -filter "IP_NAME==ps7_cortexa9"] set lprocs [lsort $lprocs]