/****************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 2013 - 2014 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * Use of the Software is limited solely to applications: * (a) running on a Xilinx device, or * (b) that interact with a Xilinx device through a bus or interconnect. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * XILINX CONSORTIUM BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * * Except as contained in this notice, the name of the Xilinx shall not be used * in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in * this Software without prior written authorization from Xilinx. * ******************************************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /** * * @file * xilskey_efuse_example.c * @note * * Contains the api functions for the PS & PL eFUSE functionality. * eFUSE Application project is capable of programming the PS and PL eFUSE * bits given by the user. PS eFUSE holds the RSA primary key hash bits and * user feature bits, which will enable/disable some features in ZYNQ. * PL eFUSE holds the AES key, user key and some feature bits. * User has the provision to write PS eFUSE & PL eFUSE independently or * can combine together. This can be selected by using the compilation * switch provided in xilskey_input.h. XSK_EFUSEPS_DRIVER should be * defined to enable PS functionality & XSK_EFUSEPL_DRIVER for PL * functionality. * * eFUSE bits are one-time programmable. Once they are burnt, they * cannot be changed. Make sure you enter the correct information before * you program eFUSE bits. * * POR reset is required for the eFUSE values to become into effect. * Please do a POR reset after eFUSE writing. * * All the user configurable parameters for PS & PL eFUSE writing should be * defined in xilskey_input.h. By default, all the macros will be defined * with FALSE values. * * For PL eFUSE writing enabling the caches are necessary if the image is * executing from DDR. This will be done in BSP by default. User has to * take care not to disable caches. * * eFUSE writing procedure running out of DDR as an application: * (This sequence is same as the existing flow described below) * * 1) After providing the required inputs in xilskey_input.h, compile the * project. * 2) Take the latest FSBL (.elf) and stitch the <output>.elf generated * to it using the bootgen utility and generate a bootable image. * 3) Write the generated binary image into the flash device. * (Ex: QSPI,NAND etc) * 4) Execute image from flash which will write the mentioned eFUSE key * bits. * * eFUSE driver compilation procedure for OCM: * * 1) Open the linker script (lscript.ld) in the SDK project. * 2) Now map all the sections points to �ps7_ram_0_S_AXI_BASEADDR� * instead of �ps7_ddr_0_S_AXI_BASEADDR�. * * Example: Click on the �Memory Region� tab for .text section & select * �ps7_ram_0_S_AXI_BASEADDR� from the drop down list. * * 3) Copy the ps7_init.c & ps7_init.h files from the hw_platform folder * into the example folder. * 4) Uncomment calling of �ps7_init()� routine in * �xilskey_efuse_example.c� * 5) Compile the project. * 6) <project name>.elf will be generated. This will be executed * out of OCM. * * SVF File Generation using <output>.elf : * * 1) Use the below xmd to create the svf file from the above generated * elf file. Please note that path to the elf file should be given in opt file. * * �xmd �tcl efuse.tcl �opt efuse.opt� * * 2) Output of the above command will be <O/p file name>.svf. * * * MODIFICATION HISTORY: * * Ver Who Date Changes * ----- ---- -------- -------------------------------------------------------- * 1.00a rpoolla 04/26/13 First release * 1.02a hk 10/28/13 Added use of API's read status and key. PR# 735957. * * ****************************************************************************/ /***************************** Include Files *********************************/ #include "stdio.h" #include "xil_io.h" #include "xstatus.h" #include "xilskey_utils.h" #include "xilskey_eps.h" #include "xilskey_epl.h" #include "xilskey_input.h" /************************** Constant Definitions *****************************/ /**************************** Type Definitions ******************************/ /***************** Macros (Inline Functions) Definitions ********************/ /** * Address for the Reboot Status Register */ #define REBOOT_STATUS_REG_ADDR (0xF8000258) /** * PL eFUSE aes key size in characters */ #define XSK_EFUSEPL_AES_KEY_STRING_SIZE (64) /** * PL eFUSE user low key size in characters */ #define XSK_EFUSEPL_USER_LOW_KEY_STRING_SIZE (2) /** * PL eFUSE user high key size in characters */ #define XSK_EFUSEPL_USER_HIGH_KEY_STRING_SIZE (6) /** * User AES Key size in Bytes */ #define XSK_EFUSEPL_AES_KEY_SIZE_IN_BITS (256) /** * User Low Key size in Bytes */ #define XSK_EFUSEPL_USER_LOW_KEY_SIZE_IN_BITS (8) /** * User High Key size in Bytes */ #define XSK_EFUSEPL_USER_HIGH_KEY_SIZE_IN_BITS (24) /** * Key length definition for RSA KEY Hash */ /** * PS eFUSE RSA key Hash size in characters */ #define XSK_EFUSEPL_RSA_KEY_HASH_STRING_SIZE (64) /* * PS efuse status bit definitions */ #define XSK_EFUSEPS_STATUS_WP_BIT_LOW 0x1000 #define XSK_EFUSEPS_STATUS_WP_BIT_HIGH 0x2000 #define XSK_EFUSEPS_STATUS_RSA_EN 0x400 #define XSK_EFUSEPS_STATUS_ROM_128_CRC 0x800 /* * PL efuse status bit definitions */ #define XSK_EFUSEPL_STATUS_FORCE_PCYCLE_RECONFIG 0x002 #define XSK_EFUSEPL_STATUS_DISABLE_KEY_WRITE 0x004 #define XSK_EFUSEPL_STATUS_DISABLE_AES_KEY_READ 0x008 #define XSK_EFUSEPL_STATUS_DISABLE_USER_KEY_READ 0x010 #define XSK_EFUSEPL_STATUS_DISABLE_FUSE_CNTRL_WRITE 0x020 #define XSK_EFUSEPL_STATUS_EFUSE_SEC_ENABLE 0x100 #define XSK_EFUSEPL_STATUS_JTAG_DISABLE 0x200 #define XSK_EFUSEPL_STATUS_BBRAM_KEY_DISABLE 0x400 /************************** Variable Definitions ****************************/ /************************** Function Prototypes *****************************/ /** * Function used to convert the string to Hex in Little Endian format */ u32 XilSKey_Efuse_ConvertStringToHexLE(const char * Str, u8 * Buf, u32 Len); /** * Function used to convert the string to Hex in Little Endian format */ u32 XilSKey_Efuse_ConvertStringToHexBE(const char * Str, u8 * Buf, u32 Len); /** * Function used to validate the AES & RSA key provided as input */ u32 XilSKey_Efuse_ValidateKey(const char *Key, u32 Len); u32 XilSKey_EfusePs_InitData(XilSKey_EPs *PsInstancePtr); u32 XilSKey_EfusePl_InitData(XilSKey_EPl *PlInstancePtr); /*extern void ps7_init();*/ /***************************************************************************/ int main() { u32 PlStatus = 0xFFFF; u32 PsStatus = 0xFFFF; u32 Status = 0; /*ps7_init();*/ #ifdef XSK_EFUSEPS_DRIVER XilSKey_EPs PsInstancePtr; u32 PsStatusBits = 0; /** * Initialize the PS instance pointer with the data * populated in xilskey_input.h */ PsStatus = XilSKey_EfusePs_InitData(&PsInstancePtr); if(PsStatus != XST_SUCCESS) { printf("PS Data Initialization failed\r\n"); goto EFUSE_ERROR; } /* * Read the PS efuse status * Change in these status bits will only be reflected after POR */ PsStatus = XilSKey_EfusePs_ReadStatus(&PsInstancePtr, &PsStatusBits); if(PsStatus != XST_SUCCESS) { printf("PS status read failed\r\n"); goto EFUSE_ERROR; } /* * Print Efuse PS status bits */ xil_printf("EfusePS status bits : 0x%x \n\r", PsStatusBits); if((PsStatusBits & XSK_EFUSEPS_STATUS_WP_BIT_LOW) || (PsStatusBits & XSK_EFUSEPS_STATUS_WP_BIT_HIGH)) { xil_printf("EfusePS status bits : Write protect enabled\n\r"); }else { xil_printf("EfusePS status bits : Write protect disabled\n\r"); } if(PsStatusBits & XSK_EFUSEPS_STATUS_RSA_EN) { xil_printf("EfusePS status bits : RSA authentication of " "fsbl enabled\n\r"); }else { xil_printf("EfusePS status bits : RSA authentication of " "fsbl disabled\n\r"); } if(PsStatusBits & XSK_EFUSEPS_STATUS_ROM_128_CRC) { xil_printf("EfusePS status bits : 128k CRC check on ROM enabled\n\r"); }else { xil_printf("EfusePS status bits : 128k CRC check on ROM disabled\n\r"); } /** * Write the PS eFUSE as defined in xilskeyinput.h */ PsStatus = XilSKey_EfusePs_Write(&PsInstancePtr); if (PsStatus != XST_SUCCESS) { printf("PS EFUSE writing failed\n"); goto EFUSE_ERROR; } u32 Index; /** * Clear the structure element of Rsa Key Hash for reading */ for(Index=0;Index<32;Index++){ PsInstancePtr.RsaKeyHashValue[Index]=0; } /** * Read the PS eFUSE RSA Key Hash */ PsStatus = XilSKey_EfusePs_Read(&PsInstancePtr); if (PsStatus != XST_SUCCESS){ printf("PS EFUSE reading failed\n"); goto EFUSE_ERROR; } /** * Print the read PS eFUSE RSA Key Hash */ printf("Read RSA Key Hash: \n"); for(Index=0;Index<32;Index++){ printf("%02x",PsInstancePtr.RsaKeyReadback[Index]); } printf("\n"); #endif /* XSK_EFUSEPS_DRIVER*/ #ifdef XSK_EFUSEPL_DRIVER XilSKey_EPl PlInstancePtr; u32 PlStatusBits = 0; int KeyCnt; /** * Initialize the PL data structure based on the xilskey_input.h values */ PlStatus = XilSKey_EfusePl_InitData(&PlInstancePtr); if( PlStatus != XST_SUCCESS) { printf("PL Data Initialization Failed\r\n"); goto EFUSE_ERROR; } /** * Call the PL eFUSE programming function to program the eFUSE * based on the user input */ PlStatus = XilSKey_EfusePl_Program(&PlInstancePtr); if(PlStatus != XST_SUCCESS) { printf("PL eFUSE programming failed\r\n"); } /* * Read Efuse PL status bits */ PlStatus = XilSKey_EfusePl_ReadStatus(&PlInstancePtr, &PlStatusBits); if( PlStatus != XST_SUCCESS) { printf("PL efuse status read failed\r\n"); goto EFUSE_ERROR; } /* * Print Efuse PL status bits */ xil_printf("EfusePL status bits : 0x%x \n\r", PlStatusBits); if(PlStatusBits & XSK_EFUSEPL_STATUS_FORCE_PCYCLE_RECONFIG) { xil_printf("EfusePL status bits : Force power cycle for " "reconfiguration enabled\n\r"); }else { xil_printf("EfusePL status bits : Force power cycle for " "reconfiguration disabled\n\r"); } if(PlStatusBits & XSK_EFUSEPL_STATUS_DISABLE_KEY_WRITE) { xil_printf("EfusePL status bits : Key write disabled \n\r"); }else { xil_printf("EfusePL status bits : Key write enabled \n\r"); } if(PlStatusBits & XSK_EFUSEPL_STATUS_DISABLE_AES_KEY_READ) { xil_printf("EfusePL status bits : AES Key read disabled \n\r"); }else { xil_printf("EfusePL status bits : AES Key read enabled \n\r"); } if(PlStatusBits & XSK_EFUSEPL_STATUS_DISABLE_USER_KEY_READ) { xil_printf("EfusePL status bits : User Key read disabled \n\r"); }else { xil_printf("EfusePL status bits : User Key read enabled \n\r"); } if(PlStatusBits & XSK_EFUSEPL_STATUS_DISABLE_FUSE_CNTRL_WRITE) { xil_printf("EfusePL status bits : Fuse Control write disabled \n\r"); }else { xil_printf("EfusePL status bits : Fuse Control write enabled \n\r"); } if(PlStatusBits & XSK_EFUSEPL_STATUS_EFUSE_SEC_ENABLE) { xil_printf("EfusePL status bits : Efuse secure boot enabled \n\r"); }else { xil_printf("EfusePL status bits : Efuse secure boot disabled \n\r"); } if(PlStatusBits & XSK_EFUSEPL_STATUS_JTAG_DISABLE) { xil_printf("EfusePL status bits : Jtag disabled \n\r"); }else { xil_printf("EfusePL status bits : Jtag enabled \n\r"); } if(PlStatusBits & XSK_EFUSEPL_STATUS_BBRAM_KEY_DISABLE) { xil_printf("EfusePL status bits : BBRAM key disabled \n\r"); }else { xil_printf("EfusePL status bits : BBRAM key enabled \n\r"); } /* * Read Efuse PL key */ PlStatus = XilSKey_EfusePl_ReadKey(&PlInstancePtr); if( PlStatus != XST_SUCCESS) { printf("PL efuse key read failed\r\n"); goto EFUSE_ERROR; } /* * Print Efuse PL key */ xil_printf("EfusePL User key : 0x"); for(KeyCnt = 3; KeyCnt >= 0; KeyCnt--) { xil_printf("%02x", PlInstancePtr.UserKeyReadback[KeyCnt]); } xil_printf("\n\r"); xil_printf("EfusePL AES key : 0x"); for(KeyCnt = 31; KeyCnt >= 0; KeyCnt--) { xil_printf("%02x", PlInstancePtr.AESKeyReadback[KeyCnt]); } xil_printf("\n\r"); #endif /*XSK_EFUSEPL_DRIVER*/ EFUSE_ERROR: /** * Write the error returned in the Reboot Status Register * Eg: If the reboot status register value is 0xYYYYZZZZ * then * - YYYY Represents the PS eFUSE Status. * - ZZZZ Represents the PL eFUSE Status. * * - Value 0x0000ZZZZ * represents PS eFUSE is successful & PL eFUSE process * returned with error. * - Value 0xYYYY0000 * represents PL eFUSE is successful & PS eFUSE process * returned with error. * - Value 0xFFFF0000 * represents PS eFUSE is not initiated & PL eFUSE is successful. * - Value 0x0000FFFF * represents PL eFUSE is not initiated & PS eFUSE is successful. * - Value 0xFFFFZZZZ * represents PS eFUSE is not initiated & PL eFUSE is process * returned with error. * - Value 0xYYYYFFFF * represents PL eFUSE is not initiated & PS eFUSE is process * returned with error. */ Status = ((PsStatus << 16) + PlStatus); printf("eFUSE operations exit status: %08X\r\n", Status); /** * Writing the Exit Status to Reboot Status Register */ Xil_Out32(REBOOT_STATUS_REG_ADDR,Status); while(1); return 0; } #ifdef XSK_EFUSEPS_DRIVER /****************************************************************************/ /** * * * Helper functions to properly initialize the PS eFUSE structure instance * * * @param PsInstancePtr - Structure Address to update the structure elements * * @return * * - XST_SUCCESS - In case of Success * - XST_FAILURE - If initialization fails * * @note * *****************************************************************************/ u32 XilSKey_EfusePs_InitData(XilSKey_EPs *PsInstancePtr) { u32 PsStatus; PsStatus = XST_SUCCESS; /** * Copy the xilskeyinput.h values into PS structure elements */ PsInstancePtr->EnableWriteProtect = XSK_EFUSEPS_ENABLE_WRITE_PROTECT; PsInstancePtr->EnableRsaAuth = XSK_EFUSEPS_ENABLE_RSA_AUTH; PsInstancePtr->EnableRom128Crc = XSK_EFUSEPS_ENABLE_ROM_128K_CRC; PsInstancePtr->EnableRsaKeyHash = XSK_EFUSEPS_ENABLE_RSA_KEY_HASH; if (PsInstancePtr->EnableRsaKeyHash == TRUE) { /** * Validation of RSA Hash */ PsStatus = XilSKey_Efuse_ValidateKey( (char *)XSK_EFUSEPS_RSA_KEY_HASH_VALUE, XSK_EFUSEPL_RSA_KEY_HASH_STRING_SIZE); if(PsStatus != XST_SUCCESS) { return PsStatus; } /** * Convert the input RSA Key Hash string into Hex buffer */ PsStatus = XilSKey_Efuse_ConvertStringToHexBE( XSK_EFUSEPS_RSA_KEY_HASH_VALUE, &(PsInstancePtr->RsaKeyHashValue[0]), 64); if(PsStatus != XST_SUCCESS) { return PsStatus; } } return PsStatus; } #endif /* XSK_EFUSEPS_DRIVER*/ #ifdef XSK_EFUSEPL_DRIVER /****************************************************************************/ /** * * * Helper functions to properly initialize the PL eFUSE structure instance * * * @param PlInstancePtr - Structure Address to update the structure elements * * @return * * - XST_SUCCESS - In case of Success * - XST_FAILURE - If initialization fails * * @note * *****************************************************************************/ u32 XilSKey_EfusePl_InitData(XilSKey_EPl *PlInstancePtr) { u32 PlStatus; PlStatus = XST_SUCCESS; /** * Copy the xilskeyinput.h values into PL eFUSE structure elements */ /** * Assign FUSE CNTRL bits[1:5] to the PL eFUSE structure elements. */ PlInstancePtr->ForcePowerCycle = XSK_EFUSEPL_FORCE_PCYCLE_RECONFIG; PlInstancePtr->KeyWrite = XSK_EFUSEPL_DISABLE_KEY_WRITE; PlInstancePtr->AESKeyRead = XSK_EFUSEPL_DISABLE_AES_KEY_READ; PlInstancePtr->UserKeyRead = XSK_EFUSEPL_DISABLE_USER_KEY_READ; PlInstancePtr->CtrlWrite = XSK_EFUSEPL_DISABLE_FUSE_CNTRL_WRITE; /** * Assign the FUSE CNTRL bits[8:10] into the PL eFUSE structure elements */ PlInstancePtr->UseAESOnly = XSK_EFUSEPL_FORCE_USE_AES_ONLY; PlInstancePtr->JtagDisable = XSK_EFUSEPL_DISABLE_JTAG_CHAIN; PlInstancePtr->AESKeyExclusive = XSK_EFUSEPL_BBRAM_KEY_DISABLE; PlInstancePtr->JtagMioTDI = XSK_EFUSEPL_MIO_JTAG_TDI; PlInstancePtr->JtagMioTDO = XSK_EFUSEPL_MIO_JTAG_TDO; PlInstancePtr->JtagMioTCK = XSK_EFUSEPL_MIO_JTAG_TCK; PlInstancePtr->JtagMioTMS = XSK_EFUSEPL_MIO_JTAG_TMS; PlInstancePtr->JtagMioMuxSel = XSK_EFUSEPL_MIO_JTAG_MUX_SELECT; PlInstancePtr->JtagMuxSelLineDefVal = XSK_EFUSEPL_MIO_MUX_SEL_DEFAULT_VAL; /* * Variable to check whether internal system initialization is done. */ PlInstancePtr->SystemInitDone = 0; /** * Assign the user selection for AES & USER Low Key (or) * User High Key (or) both */ PlInstancePtr->ProgAESandUserLowKey = XSK_EFUSEPL_PROGRAM_AES_AND_USER_LOW_KEY; PlInstancePtr->ProgUserHighKey = XSK_EFUSEPL_PROGRAM_USER_HIGH_KEY; if (PlInstancePtr->ProgAESandUserLowKey == TRUE) { /** * Validation of AES Key */ PlStatus = XilSKey_Efuse_ValidateKey((char *)XSK_EFUSEPL_AES_KEY, XSK_EFUSEPL_AES_KEY_STRING_SIZE); if(PlStatus != XST_SUCCESS) { goto PL_INIT_ERROR; } /** * Validation of User Low Key */ PlStatus = XilSKey_Efuse_ValidateKey((char *)XSK_EFUSEPL_USER_LOW_KEY, XSK_EFUSEPL_USER_LOW_KEY_STRING_SIZE); if(PlStatus != XST_SUCCESS) { goto PL_INIT_ERROR; } /** * Assign the AES Key Value */ XilSKey_Efuse_ConvertStringToHexLE((char *)XSK_EFUSEPL_AES_KEY , &PlInstancePtr->AESKey[0], XSK_EFUSEPL_AES_KEY_SIZE_IN_BITS); /** * Assign the User Low key [7:0] bits */ XilSKey_Efuse_ConvertStringToHexLE((char *)XSK_EFUSEPL_USER_LOW_KEY , &PlInstancePtr->UserKey[0], XSK_EFUSEPL_USER_LOW_KEY_SIZE_IN_BITS); } if (PlInstancePtr->ProgUserHighKey == TRUE) { /** * Validation of User High Key */ PlStatus = XilSKey_Efuse_ValidateKey( (char *)XSK_EFUSEPL_USER_HIGH_KEY, XSK_EFUSEPL_USER_HIGH_KEY_STRING_SIZE); if(PlStatus != XST_SUCCESS) { goto PL_INIT_ERROR; } /** * Assign the User High key [31:8] bits */ XilSKey_Efuse_ConvertStringToHexLE((char *)XSK_EFUSEPL_USER_HIGH_KEY , &PlInstancePtr->UserKey[1], XSK_EFUSEPL_USER_HIGH_KEY_SIZE_IN_BITS); } PL_INIT_ERROR: return PlStatus; } #endif /*XSK_EFUSEPL_DRIVER*/