There is 1 DisplayPort RX example included in this directory:
1) xdprx_intr_timer_example.c : This interrupt with timer example shows how to
   set up both the interrupt system with interrupt handlers and how to override
   the default sleep/delay functionality for MicroBlaze. A timer needs to exist
   in the hardware system and will be used for sleep/delay functionality inside
   of a callback function. The default behavior in MicroBlaze for sleep/delay is
   to call MB_Sleep from microblaze_sleep.h, which has only millisecond
   accuracy. For ARM/Zynq SoC systems, the supplied callback function will be
   ignored - the usleep function will be called since the SoC has a timer

Note: All example functions start with Dprx_*, while all driver functions start
with XDprx_*.

There are 6 DisplayPort TX examples included in this directory:
1) xdptx_audio_example.c : This audio example, apart from training the main link
   and outputting video, illustrates the sequence required for setting up audio
   in the DisplayPort TX. This example requires that an audio source, such as a
   S/PDIF instance be present and connected to the DisplayPort TX in the
   hardware system, and for the audio enable configuration parameter to be set
   for the instantiated DisplayPort TX. For audio to output, the user will need
   to implement the following functions:
   a) Dptx_ConfigureAudioSrc : This function needs to configure the audio source
      to output to the DisplayPort TX.
   b) Dptx_AudioSendInfoFrame : This function needs to set up and write an audio
      info frame as per user requirements.

2) xdptx_intr_example.c : This interrupt example shows how to set up the
   interrupt system and specify the interrupt handlers for when a DisplayPort
   interrupt event occurs. An interrupt controller with a connection to the
   DisplayPort interrupt signal needs to exist in the hardware system.

3) xdptx_mst_example.c : This multi-stream transport (MST) example shows how to
   use the driver's MST capabilities. Streams can be directed at sinks using two
   a) After topology discover has created a sink list, streams may be assigned
      to sinks using the index in the sink list.
   b) The streams may be assigned to sinks directly without using topology
      discovery if their relative addresses (and total number of DisplayPort
      links) from the DisplayPort source is known beforehand.

4) xdptx_poll_example.c : This interrupt example shows how to poll the
   DisplayPort TX instance's registers for DisplayPort interrupt events.

5) xdptx_timer_example.c : This timer example shows how to override the default
   sleep/delay functionality for MicroBlaze. A timer needs to exist in the
   hardware system and will be used for sleep/delay functionality inside of a
   callback function. The default behavior in MicroBlaze for sleep/delay is to
   call MB_Sleep from microblaze_sleep.h, which has only millisecond accuracy.
   For ARM/Zynq SoC systems, the supplied callback function will be ignored -
   the usleep function will be called since the SoC has a timer built-in.

6) xdptx_selftest_example.c : This self test example will perform a sanity check
   on the state of the DisplayPort TX instance. It may be called prior to usage
   of the core or after a reset to ensure that (a subset of) the registers hold
   their default values.

Each of these examples are meant to be used in conjunction with
xdptx_example_common.[ch] which holds common functionality for all examples.
After importing the examples, these files will need to be manually copied into
the example src/ directory.
This code shows how to train the main link and set up a video stream.

Additionally, in order to be able to use the interrupt, polling, and timer
examples, the user will need to implement and link the following functions:
1) Dptx_InitPlatform : This function needs to do all hardware system
2) Dptx_StreamSrc* : These function need to configure the source of the stream
   (pattern generators, video input, etc.) such that a video stream, with
   timings and video attributes that correspond to the main stream attributes
   (MSA) configuration, is received by the DisplayPort Tx. The examples call
   this function from the Dptx_Run->Dptx_StartVideoStream functions in

Note: All example functions start with Dptx_*, while all driver functions start
with XDptx_*.