* Copyright (C) 2007 - 2014 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
* Use of the Software is limited solely to applications:
* (a) running on a Xilinx device, or
* (b) that interact with a Xilinx device through a bus or interconnect.
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* @file xaxipmon.h
* The XAxiPmon driver supports the Xilinx AXI Performance Monitor device.
* The AXI Performance Monitor device provides following features:
* Configurable number of Metric Counters and Incrementers
* Computes performance metrics for Agents connected to
* monitor slots (Up to 8 slots)
* The following Metrics can be computed:
* Metrics computed for an AXI4 MM agent:
* Write Request Count: Total number of write requests by/to the agent.
* Read Request Count: Total number of read requests given by/to the
* agent.
* Read Latency: It is defined as the time from the start of read address
* transaction to the beginning of the read data service.
* Write Latency: It is defined as the period needed a master completes
* write data transaction, i.e. from write address
* transaction to write response from slave.
* Write Byte Count: Total number of bytes written by/to the agent.
* This metric is helpful when calculating the
* throughput of the system.
* Read Byte Count: Total number of bytes read from/by the agent.
* Average Write Latency: Average write latency seen by the agent.
* It can be derived from total write latency
* and the write request count.
* Average Read Latency: Average read latency seen by the agent. It can be
* derived from total read latency and the read
* request count.
* Master Write Idle Cycle Count: Number of idle cycles caused by the
* masters during write transactions to
* the slave.
* Slave Write Idle Cycle Count: Number of idle cycles caused by this slave
* during write transactions to the slave.
* Master Read Idle Cycle Count: Number of idle cycles caused by the
* master during read transactions to the
* slave.
* Slave Read Idle Cycle Count: Number of idle cycles caused by this slave
* during read transactions to the slave.
* Metrics computed for an AXI4-Stream agent:
* Transfer Cycle Count: Total number of writes by/to the agent.
* Data Byte Count: Total number of data bytes written by/to the agent.
* This metric helps in calculating the throughput
* of the system.
* Position Byte Count: Total number of position bytes transferred.
* Null Byte Count: Total number of null bytes transferred.
* Packet Count: Total number of packets transferred.
* There are three modes : Advanced, Profile and Trace.
* - Advanced mode has 10 Mertic Counters, Sampled Metric Counters, Incrementors
* and Sampled Incrementors.
* - Profile mode has only 47 Metric Counters and Sampled Metric Counters.
* - Trace mode has no Counters.
* User should refer to the hardware device specification for detailed
* information about the device.
* This header file contains the prototypes of driver functions that can
* be used to access the AXI Performance Monitor device.
* Initialization and Configuration
* The device driver enables higher layer software (e.g., an application) to
* communicate to the AXI Performance Monitor device.
* XAxiPmon_CfgInitialize() API is used to initialize the AXI Performance Monitor
* device. The user needs to first call the XAxiPmon_LookupConfig() API which
* returns the Configuration structure pointer which is passed as a parameter to
* the XAxiPmon_CfgInitialize() API.
* Interrupts
* The AXI Performance Monitor does not support Interrupts
* Virtual Memory
* This driver supports Virtual Memory. The RTOS is responsible for calculating
* the correct device base address in Virtual Memory space.
* Threads
* This driver is not thread safe. Any needs for threads or thread mutual
* exclusion must be satisfied by the layer above this driver.
* Asserts
* Asserts are used within all Xilinx drivers to enforce constraints on argument
* values. Asserts can be turned off on a system-wide basis by defining, at
* compile time, the NDEBUG identifier. By default, asserts are turned on and it
* is recommended that users leave asserts on during development.
* Building the driver
* The XAxiPmon driver is composed of several source files. This allows the user
* to build and link only those parts of the driver that are necessary.
* Limitations of the driver
* * MODIFICATION HISTORY: * * Ver Who Date Changes * ----- ----- -------- ----------------------------------------------------- * 1.00a bss 02/27/12 First release * 2.00a bss 06/23/12 Updated to support v2_00a version of IP. * 3.00a bss 09/03/12 To support v2_01_a version of IP: * Deleted XAxiPmon_SetAgent, XAxiPmon_GetAgent APIs and * added XAPM_FLAG_EVENT, XAPM_FLAG_EVNTSTAR, * XAPM_FLAG_EVNTSTOP. * Deleted XAxiPmon_SetAgent, XAxiPmon_GetAgent APIs and * modified XAxiPmon_SetMetrics, XAxiPmon_GetMetrics APIs * in xaxipmon.c * Deleted XAPM_AGENT_OFFSET Macro in xaxipmon_hw.h * 3.01a bss 10/25/12 To support new version of IP: * Added XAPM_MCXLOGEN_OFFSET macros in xaxipmon_hw.h. * Added XAxiPmon_SetMetricCounterCutOff, * XAxiPmon_GetMetricCounterCutOff, * XAxiPmon_EnableExternalTrigger and * XAxiPmon_DisableExternalTrigger APIs in xaxipmon.c * Modified XAxiPmon_SetMetrics and XAxiPmon_GetMetrics * (CR #683746) in xaxipmon.c * Added XAxiPmon_EnableEventLog, * XAxiPmon_DisableMetricsCounter, * XAxiPmon_EnableMetricsCounter APIs in xaxipmon.c to * replace macros in this file. * Added XAPM_FLAG_XXX macros. * Added XAxiPmon_StartCounters and XAxiPmon_StopCounters * APIs (CR #683799). * Added XAxiPmon_StartEventLog and XAxiPmon_StopEventLog * APIs (CR #683801). * Added XAxiPmon_GetMetricName API (CR #683803). * Deleted XAxiPmon_SetAgent, XAxiPmon_GetAgent * declarations (CR #677337) * 4.00a bss 01/17/13 To support new version of IP: * Added XAPM_METRIC_SET_12 to XAPM_METRIC_SET_15 macros. * Added XAxiPmon_SetLogEnableRanges, * XAxiPmon_GetLogEnableRanges, * XAxiPmon_EnableMetricCounterTrigger, * XAxiPmon_DisableMetricCounterTrigger, * XAxiPmon_EnableEventLogTrigger, * XAxiPmon_DisableEventLogTrigger, * XAxiPmon_SetWriteLatencyId, * XAxiPmon_SetReadLatencyId, * XAxiPmon_GetWriteLatencyId, * XAxiPmon_GetReadLatencyId APIs and removed * XAxiPmon_SetMetricCounterCutOff, * XAxiPmon_GetMetricCounterCutOff, * XAxiPmon_EnableExternalTrigger and * XAxiPmon_DisableExternalTrigger APIs in xaxipmon.c * Added XAPM_LATENCYID_OFFSET, * XAPM_CR_EVTLOG_EXTTRIGGER_MASK, * XAPM_LATENCYID_RID_MASK and XAPM_LATENCYID_WID_MASK in * xaxipmon_hw.h * 5.00a bss 08/26/13 To support new version of IP: * XAxiPmon_SampleMetrics Macro. * Modified XAxiPmon_CfgInitialize, Assert functions * Added XAxiPmon_GetMetricCounter, * XAxiPmon_SetSampleInterval, XAxiPmon_GetSampleInterval, * XAxiPmon_SetWrLatencyStart, XAxiPmon_SetWrLatencyEnd, * XAxiPmon_SetRdLatencyStart, XAxiPmon_SetRdLatencyEnd, * XAxiPmon_GetWrLatencyStart, XAxiPmon_GetWrLatencyEnd, * XAxiPmon_GetRdLatencyStart, XAxiPmon_GetRdLatencyEnd, * XAxiPmon_SetWriteIdMask, XAxiPmon_SetReadIdMask, * XAxiPmon_GetWriteIdMask and XAxiPmon_GetReadIdMask APIs * Renamed : * XAxiPmon_SetWriteLatencyId to * XAxiPmon_SetWriteId, XAxiPmon_SetReadLatencyId to * XAxiPmon_SetReadId, XAxiPmon_GetWriteLatencyId to * XAxiPmon_GetWriteId and XAxiPmon_SetReadLatencyId to * XAxiPmon_GetReadId. in xaxipmon.c * Added Macros XAPM_MC10_OFFSET to XAPM_MC47_OFFSET, * XAPM_SMC10_OFFSET to XAPM_SMC47_OFFSET, * XAPM_IDMASK_OFFSET, XAPM_CR_IDFILTER_ENABLE_MASK, * XAPM_CR_WRLATENCY_START_MASK, * XAPM_CR_WRLATENCY_END_MASK, * XAPM_CR_RDLATENCY_START_MASK, * XAPM_CR_RDLATENCY_END_MASK and * XAPM_MAX_COUNTERS_PROFILE. * Renamed: * XAPM_LATENCYID_OFFSET to XAPM_ID_OFFSET, * XAPM_LATENCYID_RID_MASK to XAPM_ID_RID_MASK, * XAPM_LATENCYID_WID_MASK to XAPM_ID_WID_MASK. * in xaxipmon_hw.h. * Modified driver tcl to generate new parameters * ScaleFactor, ModeProfile, ModeTrace and ModeAdvanced * in Config structure. * 6.0 adk 19/12/13 Updated as per the New Tcl API's * 6.1 adk 16/04/14 Updated the driver tcl for the newly added parameters in * The Axi pmon IP. * 6.2 bss 04/21/14 Updated XAxiPmon_CfgInitialize in xaxipmon.c to Reset * counters and FIFOs based on Modes(CR#782671). And if * both profile and trace modes are present set mode as * Advanced. ** *****************************************************************************/ #ifndef XAXIPMON_H /* Prevent circular inclusions */ #define XAXIPMON_H /* by using protection macros */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /***************************** Include Files ********************************/ #include "xil_types.h" #include "xil_assert.h" #include "xstatus.h" #include "xaxipmon_hw.h" /************************** Constant Definitions ****************************/ /** * @name Macro for Maximum number of Counters * * @{ */ #define XAPM_MAX_COUNTERS 10 /**< Maximum number of Counters */ #define XAPM_MAX_COUNTERS_PROFILE 48 /**< Maximum number of Counters */ /*@}*/ /** * @name Indices for Metric Counters and Sampled Metric Coounters used with * XAxiPmon_GetMetricCounter and XAxiPmon_GetSampledMetricCounter APIs * @{ */ #define XAPM_METRIC_COUNTER_0 0 /**< Metric Counter 0 Register Index */ #define XAPM_METRIC_COUNTER_1 1 /**< Metric Counter 1 Register Index */ #define XAPM_METRIC_COUNTER_2 2 /**< Metric Counter 2 Register Index */ #define XAPM_METRIC_COUNTER_3 3 /**< Metric Counter 3 Register Index */ #define XAPM_METRIC_COUNTER_4 4 /**< Metric Counter 4 Register Index */ #define XAPM_METRIC_COUNTER_5 5 /**< Metric Counter 5 Register Index */ #define XAPM_METRIC_COUNTER_6 6 /**< Metric Counter 6 Register Index */ #define XAPM_METRIC_COUNTER_7 7 /**< Metric Counter 7 Register Index */ #define XAPM_METRIC_COUNTER_8 8 /**< Metric Counter 8 Register Index */ #define XAPM_METRIC_COUNTER_9 9 /**< Metric Counter 9 Register Index */ /*@}*/ /** * @name Indices for Incrementers and Sampled Incrementers used with * XAxiPmon_GetIncrementer and XAxiPmon_GetSampledIncrementer APIs * @{ */ #define XAPM_INCREMENTER_0 0 /**< Metric Counter 0 Register Index */ #define XAPM_INCREMENTER_1 1 /**< Metric Counter 0 Register Index */ #define XAPM_INCREMENTER_2 2 /**< Metric Counter 0 Register Index */ #define XAPM_INCREMENTER_3 3 /**< Metric Counter 0 Register Index */ #define XAPM_INCREMENTER_4 4 /**< Metric Counter 0 Register Index */ #define XAPM_INCREMENTER_5 5 /**< Metric Counter 0 Register Index */ #define XAPM_INCREMENTER_6 6 /**< Metric Counter 0 Register Index */ #define XAPM_INCREMENTER_7 7 /**< Metric Counter 0 Register Index */ #define XAPM_INCREMENTER_8 8 /**< Metric Counter 0 Register Index */ #define XAPM_INCREMENTER_9 9 /**< Metric Counter 0 Register Index */ /*@}*/ /** * @name Macros for Metric Selector Settings * @{ */ #define XAPM_METRIC_SET_0 0 /**< Write Transaction Count */ #define XAPM_METRIC_SET_1 1 /**< Read Transaction Count */ #define XAPM_METRIC_SET_2 2 /**< Write Byte Count */ #define XAPM_METRIC_SET_3 3 /**< Read Byte Count */ #define XAPM_METRIC_SET_4 4 /**< Write Beat Count */ #define XAPM_METRIC_SET_5 5 /**< Total Read Latency */ #define XAPM_METRIC_SET_6 6 /**< Total Write Latency */ #define XAPM_METRIC_SET_7 7 /**< Slv_Wr_Idle_Cnt */ #define XAPM_METRIC_SET_8 8 /**< Mst_Rd_Idle_Cnt */ #define XAPM_METRIC_SET_9 9 /**< Num_BValids */ #define XAPM_METRIC_SET_10 10 /**< Num_WLasts */ #define XAPM_METRIC_SET_11 11 /**< Num_RLasts */ #define XAPM_METRIC_SET_12 12 /**< Minimum Write Latency */ #define XAPM_METRIC_SET_13 13 /**< Maximum Write Latency */ #define XAPM_METRIC_SET_14 14 /**< Minimum Read Latency */ #define XAPM_METRIC_SET_15 15 /**< Maximum Read Latency */ #define XAPM_METRIC_SET_16 16 /**< Transfer Cycle Count */ #define XAPM_METRIC_SET_17 17 /**< Packet Count */ #define XAPM_METRIC_SET_18 18 /**< Data Byte Count */ #define XAPM_METRIC_SET_19 19 /**< Position Byte Count */ #define XAPM_METRIC_SET_20 20 /**< Null Byte Count */ #define XAPM_METRIC_SET_21 21 /**< Slv_Idle_Cnt */ #define XAPM_METRIC_SET_22 22 /**< Mst_Idle_Cnt */ #define XAPM_METRIC_SET_30 30 /**< External event count */ /*@}*/ /** * @name Macros for Maximum number of Agents * @{ */ #define XAPM_MAX_AGENTS 8 /**< Maximum number of Agents */ /*@}*/ /** * @name Macros for Flags in Flag Enable Control Register * @{ */ #define XAPM_FLAG_WRADDR 0x00000001 /**< Write Address Flag */ #define XAPM_FLAG_FIRSTWR 0x00000002 /**< First Write Flag */ #define XAPM_FLAG_LASTWR 0x00000004 /**< Last Write Flag */ #define XAPM_FLAG_RESPONSE 0x00000008 /**< Response Flag */ #define XAPM_FLAG_RDADDR 0x00000010 /**< Read Address Flag */ #define XAPM_FLAG_FIRSTRD 0x00000020 /**< First Read Flag */ #define XAPM_FLAG_LASTRD 0x00000040 /**< Last Read Flag */ #define XAPM_FLAG_SWDATA 0x00010000 /**< Software-written Data Flag */ #define XAPM_FLAG_EVENT 0x00020000 /**< Last Read Flag */ #define XAPM_FLAG_EVNTSTOP 0x00040000 /**< Last Read Flag */ #define XAPM_FLAG_EVNTSTART 0x00080000 /**< Last Read Flag */ #define XAPM_FLAG_GCCOVF 0x00100000 /**< Global Clock Counter Overflow * Flag */ #define XAPM_FLAG_SCLAPSE 0x00200000 /**< Sample Counter Lapse Flag */ #define XAPM_FLAG_MC0 0x00400000 /**< Metric Counter 0 Flag */ #define XAPM_FLAG_MC1 0x00800000 /**< Metric Counter 1 Flag */ #define XAPM_FLAG_MC2 0x01000000 /**< Metric Counter 2 Flag */ #define XAPM_FLAG_MC3 0x02000000 /**< Metric Counter 3 Flag */ #define XAPM_FLAG_MC4 0x04000000 /**< Metric Counter 4 Flag */ #define XAPM_FLAG_MC5 0x08000000 /**< Metric Counter 5 Flag */ #define XAPM_FLAG_MC6 0x10000000 /**< Metric Counter 6 Flag */ #define XAPM_FLAG_MC7 0x20000000 /**< Metric Counter 7 Flag */ #define XAPM_FLAG_MC8 0x40000000 /**< Metric Counter 8 Flag */ #define XAPM_FLAG_MC9 0x80000000 /**< Metric Counter 9 Flag */ /*@}*/ /** * @name Macros for Read/Write Latency Start and End points * @{ */ #define XAPM_LATENCY_ADDR_ISSUE 0 /**< Address Issue as start point for Latency calculation*/ #define XAPM_LATENCY_ADDR_ACCEPT 1 /**< Address Acceptance as start point for Latency calculation*/ #define XAPM_LATENCY_LASTRD 0 /**< Last Read as end point for Latency calculation */ #define XAPM_LATENCY_LASTWR 0 /**< Last Write as end point for Latency calculation */ #define XAPM_LATENCY_FIRSTRD 1 /**< First Read as end point for Latency calculation */ #define XAPM_LATENCY_FIRSTWR 1 /**< First Write as end point for Latency calculation */ /*@}*/ /** * @name Macros for Modes of APM * @{ */ #define XAPM_MODE_TRACE 2 /**< APM in Trace mode */ #define XAPM_MODE_PROFILE 1 /**< APM in Profile mode */ #define XAPM_MODE_ADVANCED 0 /**< APM in Advanced mode */ /*@}*/ /**************************** Type Definitions *******************************/ /** * This typedef contains configuration information for the AXI Performance * Monitor device. */ typedef struct { u16 DeviceId; /**< Unique ID of device */ u32 BaseAddress; /**< Device base address */ int GlobalClkCounterWidth; /**< Global Clock Counter Width */ int MetricSampleCounterWidth ; /**< Metric Sample Counters Width */ u8 IsEventCount; /**< Event Count Enabled 1 - enabled 0 - not enabled */ u8 NumberofSlots; /**< Number of Monitor Slots */ u8 NumberofCounters; /**< Number of Counters */ u8 HaveSampledCounters; /**< Have Sampled Counters 1 - present 0 - Not present */ u8 IsEventLog; /**< Event Logging Enabled 1 - enabled 0 - Not enabled */ u32 FifoDepth; /**< Event Log FIFO Depth */ u32 FifoWidth; /**< Event Log FIFO Width */ u32 TidWidth; /**< Streaming Interface TID Width */ u8 ScaleFactor; /**< Event Count Scaling factor */ u8 ModeAdvanced; /**< Advanced Mode */ u8 ModeProfile; /**< Profile Mode */ u8 ModeTrace; /**< Trace Mode */ } XAxiPmon_Config; /** * The driver's instance data. The user is required to allocate a variable * of this type for every AXI Performance Monitor device in system. A pointer * to a variable of this type is then passed to the driver API functions. */ typedef struct { XAxiPmon_Config Config; /**< XAxiPmon_Config of current device */ u32 IsReady; /**< Device is initialized and ready */ u8 Mode; /**< APM Mode */ } XAxiPmon; /***************** Macros (Inline Functions) Definitions ********************/ /****************************************************************************/ /** * * This routine enables the Global Interrupt. * * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XAxiPmon instance. * * @return None. * * @note C-Style signature: * void XAxiPmon_IntrGlobalEnable(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr) * *****************************************************************************/ #define XAxiPmon_IntrGlobalEnable(InstancePtr) \ XAxiPmon_WriteReg((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress, \ XAPM_GIE_OFFSET, 1) /****************************************************************************/ /** * * This routine disables the Global Interrupt. * * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XAxiPmon instance. * * @return None. * * @note C-Style signature: * void XAxiPmon_IntrGlobalDisable(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr) * *****************************************************************************/ #define XAxiPmon_IntrGlobalDisable(InstancePtr) \ XAxiPmon_WriteReg((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress, \ XAPM_GIE_OFFSET, 0) /****************************************************************************/ /** * * This routine enables interrupt(s). Use the XAPM_IXR_* constants defined in * xaxipmon_hw.h to create the bit-mask to enable interrupts. * * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XAxiPmon instance. * @param Mask is the mask to enable. Bit positions of 1 will be enabled. * Bit positions of 0 will keep the previous setting. This mask is * formed by OR'ing XAPM_IXR__* bits defined in xaxipmon_hw.h. * * @return None. * * @note C-Style signature: * void XAxiPmon_IntrEnable(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, u32 Mask) * *****************************************************************************/ #define XAxiPmon_IntrEnable(InstancePtr, Mask) \ XAxiPmon_WriteReg((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress, XAPM_IE_OFFSET, \ XAxiPmon_ReadReg((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress, \ XAPM_IE_OFFSET) | Mask); /****************************************************************************/ /** * * This routine disable interrupt(s). Use the XAPM_IXR_* constants defined in * xaxipmon_hw.h to create the bit-mask to disable interrupts. * * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XAxiPmon instance. * @param Mask is the mask to disable. Bit positions of 1 will be * disabled. Bit positions of 0 will keep the previous setting. * This mask is formed by OR'ing XAPM_IXR_* bits defined in * xaxipmon_hw.h. * * @return None. * * @note C-Style signature: * void XAxiPmon_IntrEnable(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, u32 Mask) * *****************************************************************************/ #define XAxiPmon_IntrDisable(InstancePtr, Mask) \ XAxiPmon_WriteReg((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress, XAPM_IE_OFFSET, \ XAxiPmon_ReadReg((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress, \ XAPM_IE_OFFSET) | Mask); /****************************************************************************/ /** * * This routine clears the specified interrupt(s). * * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XAxiPmon instance. * @param Mask is the mask to clear. Bit positions of 1 will be cleared. * This mask is formed by OR'ing XAPM_IXR_* bits defined in * xaxipmon_hw.h. * * @return None. * * @note C-Style signature: * void XAxiPmon_IntrClear(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, u32 Mask) * *****************************************************************************/ #define XAxiPmon_IntrClear(InstancePtr, Mask) \ XAxiPmon_WriteReg((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress, XAPM_IS_OFFSET, \ XAxiPmon_ReadReg((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress, \ XAPM_IS_OFFSET) | Mask); /****************************************************************************/ /** * * This routine returns the Interrupt Status Register. * * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XAxiPmon instance. * * @return Interrupt Status Register contents * * @note C-Style signature: * void XAxiPmon_IntrClear(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr) * *****************************************************************************/ #define XAxiPmon_IntrGetStatus(InstancePtr) \ XAxiPmon_ReadReg((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress, \ XAPM_IS_OFFSET); /****************************************************************************/ /** * * This function enables the Global Clock Counter. * * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XAxiPmon instance. * * @return None * * @note C-Style signature: * void XAxiPmon_EnableGlobalClkCounter(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr); * *****************************************************************************/ #define XAxiPmon_EnableGlobalClkCounter(InstancePtr) \ XAxiPmon_WriteReg((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress, XAPM_CTL_OFFSET, \ XAxiPmon_ReadReg((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress, \ XAPM_CTL_OFFSET) | XAPM_CR_GCC_ENABLE_MASK); /****************************************************************************/ /** * * This function disbles the Global Clock Counter. * * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XAxiPmon instance. * * @return None * * @note C-Style signature: * void XAxiPmon_DisableGlobalClkCounter(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr); * *****************************************************************************/ #define XAxiPmon_DisableGlobalClkCounter(InstancePtr) \ XAxiPmon_WriteReg((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress, XAPM_CTL_OFFSET, \ XAxiPmon_ReadReg((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress, \ XAPM_CTL_OFFSET) & ~(XAPM_CR_GCC_ENABLE_MASK)); /****************************************************************************/ /** * * This function enables the specified flag in Flag Control Register. * * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XAxiPmon instance. * @param Flag is one of the XAPM_FLAG_* masks defined in xaxipmon.h * * @return None * * @note C-Style signature: * void XAxiPmon_EnableFlag(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr); * *****************************************************************************/ #define XAxiPmon_EnableFlag(InstancePtr, Flag) \ XAxiPmon_WriteReg((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress, XAPM_FEC_OFFSET, \ XAxiPmon_ReadReg((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress, \ XAPM_FEC_OFFSET) | Flag); /****************************************************************************/ /** * * This function disables the specified flag in Flag Control Register. * * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XAxiPmon instance. * @param Flag is one of the XAPM_FLAG_* masks defined in xaxipmon.h* * @return None * * @note C-Style signature: * void XAxiPmon_DisableFlag(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr); * *****************************************************************************/ #define XAxiPmon_DisableFlag(InstancePtr, Flag) \ XAxiPmon_WriteReg((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress, XAPM_FEC_OFFSET, \ XAxiPmon_ReadReg((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress, \ XAPM_FEC_OFFSET) & ~(Flag)); /****************************************************************************/ /** * * This function loads the sample interval register value into the sample * interval counter. * * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XAxiPmon instance. * * @return None * * @note C-Style signature: * void XAxiPmon_LoadSampleIntervalCounter(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr); * *****************************************************************************/ #define XAxiPmon_LoadSampleIntervalCounter(InstancePtr) \ XAxiPmon_WriteReg((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress, XAPM_SICR_OFFSET, \ XAPM_SICR_LOAD_MASK); /****************************************************************************/ /** * * This enables the down count of the sample interval counter. * * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XAxiPmon instance. * * @return None * * @note C-Style signature: * void XAxiPmon_EnableSampleIntervalCounter(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr); * *****************************************************************************/ #define XAxiPmon_EnableSampleIntervalCounter(InstancePtr) \ XAxiPmon_WriteReg((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress, XAPM_SICR_OFFSET,\ XAPM_SICR_ENABLE_MASK); /****************************************************************************/ /** * * This disables the down count of the sample interval counter. * * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XAxiPmon instance. * * @return None * * @note C-Style signature: * void XAxiPmon_DisableSampleIntervalCounter(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr); * *****************************************************************************/ #define XAxiPmon_DisableSampleIntervalCounter(InstancePtr) \ XAxiPmon_WriteReg((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress, XAPM_SICR_OFFSET, \ XAxiPmon_ReadReg((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress, \ XAPM_SICR_OFFSET) & ~(XAPM_SICR_ENABLE_MASK)); /****************************************************************************/ /** * * This enables Reset of Metric Counters when Sample Interval Counter lapses. * * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XAxiPmon instance. * * @return None * * @note C-Style signature: * void XAxiPmon_EnableMetricCounterReset(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr); * *****************************************************************************/ #define XAxiPmon_EnableMetricCounterReset(InstancePtr) \ XAxiPmon_WriteReg((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress, XAPM_SICR_OFFSET,\ XAPM_SICR_MCNTR_RST_MASK); /****************************************************************************/ /** * * This disables the down count of the sample interval counter. * * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XAxiPmon instance. * * @return None * * @note C-Style signature: * void XAxiPmon_DisableMetricCounterReset(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr); * *****************************************************************************/ #define XAxiPmon_DisableMetricCounterReset(InstancePtr) \ XAxiPmon_WriteReg((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress, XAPM_SICR_OFFSET, \ XAxiPmon_ReadReg((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress, \ XAPM_SICR_OFFSET) & ~(XAPM_SICR_MCNTR_RST_MASK)); /****************************************************************************/ /** * * This function enables the ID Filter Masking. * * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XAxiPmon instance. * * @return None * * @note C-Style signature: * void XAxiPmon_EnableIDFilter(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr); * *****************************************************************************/ #define XAxiPmon_EnableIDFilter(InstancePtr) \ XAxiPmon_WriteReg((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress, XAPM_CTL_OFFSET, \ XAxiPmon_ReadReg((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress, \ XAPM_CTL_OFFSET) | XAPM_CR_IDFILTER_ENABLE_MASK); /****************************************************************************/ /** * * This function disbles the ID Filter masking. * * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XAxiPmon instance. * * @return None * * @note C-Style signature: * void XAxiPmon_DisableIDFilter(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr); * *****************************************************************************/ #define XAxiPmon_DisableIDFilter(InstancePtr) \ XAxiPmon_WriteReg((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress, XAPM_CTL_OFFSET, \ XAxiPmon_ReadReg((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress, \ XAPM_CTL_OFFSET) & ~(XAPM_CR_IDFILTER_ENABLE_MASK)); /****************************************************************************/ /** * * This function samples Metric Counters to Sampled Metric Counters by * reading Sample Register and also returns interval. i.e. the number of * clocks in between previous read to the current read of sample register. * * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XAxiPmon instance. * * @return Interval. i.e. the number of clocks in between previous * read to the current read of sample register. * * @note C-Style signature: * u32 XAxiPmon_SampleMetrics(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr); * *****************************************************************************/ #define XAxiPmon_SampleMetrics(InstancePtr) \ XAxiPmon_ReadReg((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress, XAPM_SR_OFFSET); /************************** Function Prototypes *****************************/ /** * Functions in xaxipmon_sinit.c */ XAxiPmon_Config *XAxiPmon_LookupConfig(u16 DeviceId); /** * Functions in xaxipmon.c */ int XAxiPmon_CfgInitialize(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, XAxiPmon_Config *ConfigPtr, u32 EffectiveAddr); int XAxiPmon_ResetMetricCounter(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr); void XAxiPmon_ResetGlobalClkCounter(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr); int XAxiPmon_ResetFifo(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr); void XAxiPmon_SetIncrementerRange(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, u8 IncrementerNum, u16 RangeUpper, u16 RangeLower); void XAxiPmon_GetIncrementerRange(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, u8 IncrementerNum, u16 *RangeUpper, u16 *RangeLower); void XAxiPmon_SetSampleInterval(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, u32 SampleInterval); void XAxiPmon_GetSampleInterval(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, u32 *SampleInterval); int XAxiPmon_SetMetrics(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, u8 Slot, u8 Metrics, u8 CounterNum); int XAxiPmon_GetMetrics(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, u8 CounterNum, u8 *Metrics, u8 *Slot); void XAxiPmon_GetGlobalClkCounter(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr,u32 *CntHighValue, u32 *CntLowValue); u32 XAxiPmon_GetMetricCounter(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, u32 CounterNum); u32 XAxiPmon_GetSampledMetricCounter(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, u32 CounterNum); u32 XAxiPmon_GetIncrementer(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, u32 IncrementerNum); u32 XAxiPmon_GetSampledIncrementer(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, u32 IncrementerNum); void XAxiPmon_SetSwDataReg(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, u32 SwData); u32 XAxiPmon_GetSwDataReg(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr); int XAxiPmon_StartEventLog(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, u32 FlagEnables); int XAxiPmon_StopEventLog(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr); int XAxiPmon_StartCounters(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, u32 SampleInterval); int XAxiPmon_StopCounters(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr); void XAxiPmon_EnableMetricsCounter(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr); void XAxiPmon_DisableMetricsCounter(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr); void XAxiPmon_SetLogEnableRanges(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, u32 CounterNum, u16 RangeUpper, u16 RangeLower); void XAxiPmon_GetLogEnableRanges(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, u32 CounterNum, u16 *RangeUpper, u16 *RangeLower); void XAxiPmon_EnableEventLog(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr); void XAxiPmon_EnableMetricCounterTrigger(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr); void XAxiPmon_DisableMetricCounterTrigger(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr); void XAxiPmon_EnableEventLogTrigger(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr); void XAxiPmon_DisableEventLogTrigger(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr); const char * XAxiPmon_GetMetricName(u8 Metrics); void XAxiPmon_SetWriteId(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, u16 WriteId); void XAxiPmon_SetReadId(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, u16 ReadId); u16 XAxiPmon_GetWriteId(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr); u16 XAxiPmon_GetReadId(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr); void XAxiPmon_SetWrLatencyStart(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, u8 Param); void XAxiPmon_SetWrLatencyEnd(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, u8 Param); void XAxiPmon_SetRdLatencyStart(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, u8 Param); void XAxiPmon_SetRdLatencyEnd(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, u8 Param); u8 XAxiPmon_GetWrLatencyStart(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr); u8 XAxiPmon_GetWrLatencyEnd(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr); u8 XAxiPmon_GetRdLatencyStart(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr); u8 XAxiPmon_GetRdLatencyEnd(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr); void XAxiPmon_SetWriteIdMask(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, u16 WrMask); void XAxiPmon_SetReadIdMask(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, u16 RdMask); u16 XAxiPmon_GetWriteIdMask(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr); u16 XAxiPmon_GetReadIdMask(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr); /** * Functions in xaxipmon_selftest.c */ int XAxiPmon_SelfTest(XAxiPmon *InstancePtr); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* End of protection macro. */