/****************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 2006 Vreelin Engineering, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * (c) Copyright 2007-2013 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This file contains confidential and proprietary information of Xilinx, Inc. * and is protected under U.S. and international copyright and other * intellectual property laws. * * DISCLAIMER * This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any rights to the * materials distributed herewith. Except as otherwise provided in a valid * license issued to you by Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by * applicable law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND WITH ALL * FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, * IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; * and (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, including * negligence, or under any other theory of liability) for any loss or damage * of any kind or nature related to, arising under or in connection with these * materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, special, incidental, * or consequential loss or damage (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, * or any type of loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought by * a third party) even if such damage or loss was reasonably foreseeable or * Xilinx had been advised of the possibility of the same. * * CRITICAL APPLICATIONS * Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail-safe, or for use in * any application requiring fail-safe performance, such as life-support or * safety devices or systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, * applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any other applications * that could lead to death, personal injury, or severe property or * environmental damage (individually and collectively, "Critical * Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and liability of any use of * Xilinx products in Critical Applications, subject only to applicable laws * and regulations governing limitations on product liability. * * THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS PART OF THIS FILE * AT ALL TIMES. * ******************************************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /** * * @file xusb_l.h * * This header file contains identifiers and low-level driver function prototypes * (or macros) that can be used to access the USB device. High-level driver * function prototypes are defined in xusb.h. * *
* Ver   Who  Date     Changes
* ----- ---- -------- ---------------------------------------------------------
* 1.00a hvm  2/22/07  First release
* 2.00a hvm  12/2/08  Updated the register offset values as per the new USB
*			device datasheet. Added new bitmasks related to DMA
*			operation as defined in the datasheet.
* 3.00a hvm 10/28/09 Updated the new USB error register related constants
* 3.00a hvm  11/18/09 Updated to use HAL processor APIs.
*			XUsb_mReadReg is renamed to XUsb_ReadReg and
*			XUsb_mWriteReg is renamed to XUsb_WriteReg.
*			Updated the new USB error register related constants.
* 4.00a hvm 10/21/10   Updated the ULPI PHY and interrupt register related
*			constants.
* 4.01a hvm 08/23/11   Updated with High bandwidth Isochronous bit definitions
* 4.03a bss  06/20/10 Added SIE Reset Mask (CR 660602)
* 4.04a bss  10/22/13 Added macros for HSIC PHY registers.
* ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef XUSB_L_H /* prevent circular inclusions */ #define XUSB_L_H /* by using protection macros */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /***************************** Include Files *********************************/ #include "xil_types.h" #include "xil_assert.h" #include "xil_io.h" /************************** Constant Definitions *****************************/ /** @name Register Map * * Register offsets for the USB device. * @{ */ #define XUSB_EP0_CONFIG_OFFSET 0x0000 /**< EP0 Config Reg Offset */ #define XUSB_EP1_CONFIG_OFFSET 0x4000 /**< EP1 Config Reg Offset */ #define XUSB_SETUP_PKT_ADDR_OFFSET 0x0080 /**< Setup Packet Address */ #define XUSB_EP0_RAMBASE_OFFSET 0x0088 /**< EP0 RAM buffer Register */ #define XUSB_ADDRESS_OFFSET 0x0100 /**< Address Register */ #define XUSB_CONTROL_OFFSET 0x0104 /**< Control Register */ #define XUSB_STATUS_OFFSET 0x0108 /**< Status Register */ #define XUSB_FRAMENUM_OFFSET 0x010C /**< Frame Number Register */ #define XUSB_IER_OFFSET 0x0110 /**< Interrupt Enable Reg */ #define XUSB_BUFFREADY_OFFSET 0x0114 /**< Buffer Ready Register */ #define XUSB_TESTMODE_OFFSET 0x0118 /**< Test Mode Register */ #define XUSB_ECR_OFFSET 0x011C /**< USB Error Count Reg */ #define XUSB_UPAR_OFFSET 0x0120 /**< USB ULPI PHY Access Reg */ #define XUSB_DMA_RESET_OFFSET 0x0200 /**< DMA Soft Reset Register */ #define XUSB_DMA_CONTROL_OFFSET 0x0204 /**< DMA Control Register */ #define XUSB_DMA_DSAR_ADDR_OFFSET 0x0208 /**< DMA source Address Reg */ #define XUSB_DMA_DDAR_ADDR_OFFSET 0x020C /**< DMA destination Addr Reg */ #define XUSB_DMA_LENGTH_OFFSET 0x0210 /**< DMA Length Register */ #define XUSB_DMA_STATUS_OFFSET 0x0214 /**< DMA Status Register */ /* @} */ /** @name Address Register * * @{ */ #define XUSB_ADDRESS_ADDR_MASK 0x7F /**< Address Mask */ /* @} */ /** @name Control Register * * @{ */ #define XUSB_CONTROL_USB_READY_MASK 0x80000000 /**< USB ready Mask */ #define XUSB_REMOTE_WAKEUP_MASK 0x40000000 /**< Remote Wakeup Mask */ #define XUSB_CONTROL_SIE_RESET_MASK 0x20000000 /**< Soft Reset Mask */ /* @} */ /** @name Status Register and Interrupt Enable Register * * Status Register * * This register holds the status flags for the USB device. * * Interrupt Enable Register * * This register is used to enable interrupt sources for the USB device. * Writing a '1' to a bit in this register enables the corresponding Interrupt. * Writing a '0' to a bit in this register disables the corresponding Interrupt. * * Both these registers have the same bit definitions and are only defined * once. * @{ */ #define XUSB_STATUS_GLOBAL_INTR_MASK 0x80000000 /**< Global Intr Enable */ #define XUSB_STATUS_PHY_ACCESS_MASK 0x40000000 /**< PHY access complete */ #define XUSB_STATUS_BITSTUFF_ERR_MASK 0x20000000 /**< USB Bit stuff error */ #define XUSB_STATUS_PID_ERR_MASK 0x10000000 /**< USB PID error */ #define XUSB_STATUS_CRC_ERR_MASK 0x08000000 /**< USB CRC error */ #define XUSB_STATUS_DMA_DONE_MASK 0x04000000 /**< DMA done */ #define XUSB_STATUS_DMA_ERROR_MASK 0x02000000 /**< DMA error */ #define XUSB_STATUS_RESUME_MASK 0x01000000 /**< USB resume Mask */ #define XUSB_STATUS_RESET_MASK 0x00800000 /**< USB Reset Mask */ #define XUSB_STATUS_SUSPEND_MASK 0x00400000 /**< USB Suspend Mask */ #define XUSB_STATUS_DISCONNECT_MASK 0x00200000 /**< USB Disconnect Mask */ #define XUSB_STATUS_FIFO_BUFF_RDY_MASK 0x00100000 /**< FIFO Buff Ready Mask */ #define XUSB_STATUS_FIFO_BUFF_FREE_MASK 0x00080000 /**< FIFO Buff Free Mask */ #define XUSB_STATUS_SETUP_PACKET_MASK 0x00040000 /**< Setup packet received */ #define XUSB_STATUS_SOF_PACKET_MASK 0x00020000 /**< SOF packet received */ #define XUSB_STATUS_HIGH_SPEED_MASK 0x00010000 /**< USB Speed Mask */ #define XUSB_STATUS_EP7_BUFF2_COMP_MASK 0x00008000 /**< EP 7 Buff 2 Processed */ #define XUSB_STATUS_EP6_BUFF2_COMP_MASK 0x00004000 /**< EP 6 Buff 2 Processed */ #define XUSB_STATUS_EP5_BUFF2_COMP_MASK 0x00002000 /**< EP 5 Buff 2 Processed */ #define XUSB_STATUS_EP4_BUFF2_COMP_MASK 0x00001000 /**< EP 4 Buff 2 Processed */ #define XUSB_STATUS_EP3_BUFF2_COMP_MASK 0x00000800 /**< EP 3 Buff 2 Processed */ #define XUSB_STATUS_EP2_BUFF2_COMP_MASK 0x00000400 /**< EP 2 Buff 2 Processed */ #define XUSB_STATUS_EP1_BUFF2_COMP_MASK 0x00000200 /**< EP 1 Buff 2 Processed */ #define XUSB_STATUS_EP7_BUFF1_COMP_MASK 0x00000080 /**< EP 7 Buff 1 Processed */ #define XUSB_STATUS_EP6_BUFF1_COMP_MASK 0x00000040 /**< EP 6 Buff 1 Processed */ #define XUSB_STATUS_EP5_BUFF1_COMP_MASK 0x00000020 /**< EP 5 Buff 1 Processed */ #define XUSB_STATUS_EP4_BUFF1_COMP_MASK 0x00000010 /**< EP 4 Buff 1 Processed */ #define XUSB_STATUS_EP3_BUFF1_COMP_MASK 0x00000008 /**< EP 3 Buff 1 Processed */ #define XUSB_STATUS_EP2_BUFF1_COMP_MASK 0x00000004 /**< EP 2 Buff 1 Processed */ #define XUSB_STATUS_EP1_BUFF1_COMP_MASK 0x00000002 /**< EP 1 Buff 1 Processed */ #define XUSB_STATUS_EP0_BUFF1_COMP_MASK 0x00000001 /**< EP 0 Buff 1 Processed */ #define XUSB_STATUS_EP_BUFF2_SHIFT 8 /**< EP buffer offset */ /* @} */ /** @name Frame Number Register * * @{ */ #define XUSB_FRAMENUM_FRAME_MASK 0x00007FF8 /**< Frame Number Mask */ #define XUSB_FRAMENUM_MICRO_FRAME_MASK 0x00000007 /**< Micro Frame Mask */ #define XUSB_FRAMENUM_FRAME_SHIFT 0x3 /**< Frame Number Shift */ /* @} */ /** @name Buffer Ready Register * * @{ */ #define XUSB_BUFFREADY_EP7_BUFF2_MASK 0x00008000 /**< EP 7 Buff 2 Ready */ #define XUSB_BUFFREADY_EP6_BUFF2_MASK 0x00004000 /**< EP 6 Buff 2 Ready */ #define XUSB_BUFFREADY_EP5_BUFF2_MASK 0x00002000 /**< EP 5 Buff 2 Ready */ #define XUSB_BUFFREADY_EP4_BUFF2_MASK 0x00001000 /**< EP 4 Buff 2 Ready */ #define XUSB_BUFFREADY_EP3_BUFF2_MASK 0x00000800 /**< EP 3 Buff 2 Ready */ #define XUSB_BUFFREADY_EP2_BUFF2_MASK 0x00000400 /**< EP 2 Buff 2 Ready */ #define XUSB_BUFFREADY_EP1_BUFF2_MASK 0x00000200 /**< EP 1 Buff 2 Ready */ #define XUSB_BUFFREADY_EP7_BUFF1_MASK 0x00000080 /**< EP 7 Buff 1 Ready */ #define XUSB_BUFFREADY_EP6_BUFF1_MASK 0x00000040 /**< EP 6 Buff 1 Ready */ #define XUSB_BUFFREADY_EP5_BUFF1_MASK 0x00000020 /**< EP 5 Buff 1 Ready */ #define XUSB_BUFFREADY_EP4_BUFF1_MASK 0x00000010 /**< EP 4 Buff 1 Ready */ #define XUSB_BUFFREADY_EP3_BUFF1_MASK 0x00000008 /**< EP 3 Buff 1 Ready */ #define XUSB_BUFFREADY_EP2_BUFF1_MASK 0x00000004 /**< EP 2 Buff 1 Ready */ #define XUSB_BUFFREADY_EP1_BUFF1_MASK 0x00000002 /**< EP 1 Buff 1 Ready */ #define XUSB_BUFFREADY_EP0_BUFF_MASK 0x00000001 /**< EP 0 Buffer Ready */ #define XUSB_STATUS_INTR_EVENT_MASK (XUSB_STATUS_HIGH_SPEED_MASK | \ XUSB_STATUS_RESET_MASK | \ XUSB_STATUS_SUSPEND_MASK | \ XUSB_STATUS_DISCONNECT_MASK | \ XUSB_STATUS_SOF_PACKET_MASK|\ XUSB_STATUS_RESUME_MASK) #define XUSB_STATUS_INTR_BUFF_COMP_ALL_MASK \ (XUSB_STATUS_EP7_BUFF2_COMP_MASK | \ XUSB_STATUS_EP6_BUFF2_COMP_MASK | \ XUSB_STATUS_EP5_BUFF2_COMP_MASK | \ XUSB_STATUS_EP4_BUFF2_COMP_MASK | \ XUSB_STATUS_EP3_BUFF2_COMP_MASK | \ XUSB_STATUS_EP2_BUFF2_COMP_MASK | \ XUSB_STATUS_EP1_BUFF2_COMP_MASK | \ XUSB_STATUS_EP7_BUFF1_COMP_MASK | \ XUSB_STATUS_EP6_BUFF1_COMP_MASK | \ XUSB_STATUS_EP5_BUFF1_COMP_MASK | \ XUSB_STATUS_EP4_BUFF1_COMP_MASK | \ XUSB_STATUS_EP3_BUFF1_COMP_MASK | \ XUSB_STATUS_EP2_BUFF1_COMP_MASK | \ XUSB_STATUS_EP1_BUFF1_COMP_MASK | \ XUSB_STATUS_EP0_BUFF1_COMP_MASK ) #define XUSB_STATUS_DMA_EVENT_MASK (XUSB_STATUS_DMA_DONE_MASK | \ XUSB_STATUS_DMA_ERROR_MASK) #define XUSB_STATUS_ERROR_EVENT_MASK (XUSB_STATUS_BITSTUFF_ERR_MASK | \ XUSB_STATUS_PID_ERR_MASK | \ XUSB_STATUS_CRC_ERR_MASK) #define XUSB_STATUS_INTR_ALL_MASK 0xFFFFFEFF /**< All Interrupts Mask */ /* @} */ /** @name Test Mode Register * * @{ */ #define XUSB_TESTMODE_J_MASK 0x00000001 /**< Test Mode J */ #define XUSB_TESTMODE_K_MASK 0x00000002 /**< Test Mode K */ #define XUSB_TESTMODE_SE0_NAK_MASK 0x00000003 /**< Test Mode SE0 NAK */ #define XUSB_TESTMODE_TEST_PKT_MASK 0x00000004 /**< Test Packet Mode */ /* @} */ /** @name Error Counter Register * * @{ */ #define XUSB_ECR_BITSTUFF_ERRCNT_MASK 0xFF000000 /**< Bit Stuff error counter */ #define XUSB_ECR_PID_ERRCNT_MASK 0x00FF0000 /**< PID error counter */ #define XUSB_ECR_CRC_ERRCNT_MASK 0x0000FF00 /**< CRC error counter */ #define XUSB_ECR_BITSTUFF_ERRCNT_SHIFT 24 #define XUSB_ECR_PID_ERRCNT_SHIFT 16 #define XUSB_ECR_CRC_ERRCNT_SHIFT 8 /* @} */ /** @name ULPI PHY Access Register * * @{ */ #define XUSB_UPAR_REG_DATA_MASK 0x0000FF00 /**< PHY Data register */ #define XUSB_UPAR_REG_ADDR_MASK 0x0000003F /**< PHY Address register */ #define XUSB_UPAR_READ_WRITE_MASK 0x00000040 /**< PHY Read/Write Transaction selection bit */ #define XUSB_UPAR_BUSY_MASK 0x80000000 /**< PHY access enable */ #define XUSB_UPAR_REG_DATA_SHIFT 8 /* @} */ /** @name Endpoint Configuration Space offsets * * @{ */ #define XUSB_EP_CFGSTATUS_OFFSET 0x00 /**< Endpoint Config Status */ #define XUSB_EP_BUF0COUNT_OFFSET 0x08 /**< Buffer 0 Count */ #define XUSB_EP_BUF1COUNT_OFFSET 0x0C /**< Buffer 1 Count */ /* @} */ /** @name Endpoint Configuration Status Register * * @{ */ #define XUSB_EP_CFG_VALID_MASK 0x80000000 /**< Endpoint Valid bit */ #define XUSB_EP_CFG_STALL_MASK 0x40000000 /**< Endpoint Stall bit */ #define XUSB_EP_CFG_OUT_IN_MASK 0x20000000 /**< Endpoint OUT/IN cfg */ #define XUSB_EP_CFG_ISO_MASK 0x10000000 /**< Endpoint ISO config */ #define XUSB_EP_CFG_DATA_TOGGLE_MASK 0x08000000 /**< Endpoint Data toggle */ #define XUSB_EP_CFG_BUF_SELECT_MASK 0x04000000 /**< Endpoint Buff Select */ #define XUSB_EP_CFG_PACKET_SIZE_MASK 0x03ff8000 /**< Endpoint Packet Size */ #define XUBS_EP_CFG_ISOTRANS_MASK 0x00006000 /**< Isochronous Transfer */ #define XUSB_EP_CFG_BASE_MASK 0x00001fff /**< Endpoint Base Mask */ #define XUSB_EP_CFG_VALID_SHIFT 31 /**< Endpoint Valid bit Shift */ #define XUSB_EP_CFG_STALL_SHIFT 30 /**< Endpoint Stall bit Shift */ #define XUSB_EP_CFG_OUT_IN_SHIFT 29 /**< Endpoint OUT/IN config */ #define XUSB_EP_CFG_ISO_SHIFT 28 /**< Endpoint ISO config Shft */ #define XUSB_EP_CFG_DATA_TOGGLE_SHIFT 27 /**< Endpoint Data toggle */ #define XUSB_EP_CFG_BUF_SELECT_SHIFT 26 /**< Endpoint Buf Select Shft */ #define XUSB_EP_CFG_PACKET_SIZE_SHIFT 15 /**< Endpoint Pkt Size Shift */ #define XUSB_EP_CFG_ISOTRANS_SHIFT 13 /**< Endpoint Isotrans Shift*/ /* @} */ /** @name DMA Reset/Control and Status register bits * * @{ */ #define XUSB_DMA_RESET_VALUE 0x0000000A /**< DMA Reset value */ #define XUSB_DMA_WRITE_TO_DPRAM 0 /**< DPRAM is the destination address for DMA transfer */ #define XUSB_DMA_READ_FROM_DPRAM 0x80000000/**< DPRAM is the source address for DMA transfer */ #define XUSB_DMA_DMASR_BUSY 0x80000000 /**< DMA busy*/ #define XUSB_DMA_DMASR_ERROR 0x40000000 /**< DMA Error */ #define XUSB_DMA_DMACR_DIR_MASK 0x80000000 /**< DMA direction */ /* @} */ /* * When this bit is set, the DMA buffer ready bit is set by hardware upon * DMA transfer completion. */ #define XUSB_DMA_BRR_CTRL 0x40000000 /**< DMA bufready ctrl bit */ /** @name HSIC PHY Registers * * User need not program HSIC PHY registers for normal operation. These * are provided to test the PHY access only. * * @{ */ #define XUSB_HSIC_CONTROL_REGISTER 0x28 /**< HSIC Control Regsiter */ #define XUSB_HSIC_STATUS_REGISTER 0x29 /**< HSIC Status Regsiter */ #define XUSB_HSIC_STROBE_REGISTER 0x2A /**< HSIC Strobe Regsiter */ #define XUSB_HSIC_DATA_REGISTER 0x2B /**< HSIC Data Regsiter */ #define XUSB_HSIC_CR_SOFTRESET_MASK 0x00000001 /**< PHY Soft reset mask */ #define XUSB_HSIC_CR_CONNECT_MASK 0x00000002 /**< PHY issues connect mask */ #define XUSB_HSIC_CR_REMOTEWKP_ENABLE_MASK 0x00000004 /**< Enable Remote Wake-up signal forwarding to HSIC */ #define XUSB_HSIC_SR_LINKSTATUS_MASK 0x00000003 /**< Link Status */ #define XUSB_HSIC_SR_VBUSSTATE_MASK 0x00000004 /**< VBUS State */ #define XUSB_HSIC_SR_CONNECT_MASK 0x00000008 /**< Connect signaling issued from device to host */ #define XUSB_HSIC_SR_CDERR_MASK 0x00000010 /**< Carrier Detect Error */ #define XUSB_HSIC_SR_FRAMEERR_MASK 0x00000020 /**< Frame decoding Error */ #define XUSB_HSIC_SR_TXFIFO_UNDERRUN_MASK 0x00000040 /**< PHY Transmit FIFO underrun mask */ #define XUSB_HSIC_SR_ELFIFO_OVERRUN_MASK 0x00000080 /**< Elasticity FIFO overrun mask */ #define XUSB_HSIC_STROBE_IDELAY_MASK 0x0000001F /**< IDELAY value for HSIC strobe input for receive */ #define XUSB_HSIC_STROBE_READY_MASK 0x00000020 /**< IDELAY block ready mask */ #define XUSB_HSIC_DATA_IDELAY_MASK 0x0000001F /**< IDELAY value for HSIC data input for receive */ #define XUSB_HSIC_DATA_READY_MASK 0x00000020 /**< IDELAY block ready mask */ /* @} */ /* * Define the appropriate I/O access method to memory mapped I/O or * other interface if necessary */ #define XUsb_In32 Xil_In32 #define XUsb_Out32 Xil_Out32 /**************************** Type Definitions *******************************/ /***************** Macros (Inline Functions) Definitions *********************/ /****************************************************************************/ /** * Read from the specified USB device register. * * @param BaseAddress contains the base address of the device. * @param RegOffset contains the offset from the 1st register of the * device to select the specific register. * * @return The value read from the register. * * @note C-Style signature: * u32 XUsb_ReadReg(u32 BaseAddress, u32 RegOffset); * ******************************************************************************/ #define XUsb_ReadReg(BaseAddress, RegOffset) \ XUsb_In32((BaseAddress) + (RegOffset)) /***************************************************************************/ /** * Write to the specified USB device register. * * @param BaseAddress contains the base address of the device. * @param RegOffset contains the offset from the 1st register of the * device to select the specific register. * @param RegisterValue is the value to be written to the register. * * @return None. * * @note C-Style signature: * void XUsb_WriteReg(u32 BaseAddress, u32 RegOffset, * u32 RegisterValue); ******************************************************************************/ #define XUsb_WriteReg(BaseAddress, RegOffset, RegisterValue) \ XUsb_Out32((BaseAddress) + (RegOffset), (RegisterValue)) #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* XUSB_L_H */