############################################################################### # # Copyright (C) 2004 - 2014 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # Use of the Software is limited solely to applications: # (a) running on a Xilinx device, or # (b) that interact with a Xilinx device through a bus or interconnect. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # XILINX CONSORTIUM BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF # OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # # Except as contained in this notice, the name of the Xilinx shall not be used # in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in # this Software without prior written authorization from Xilinx. # ############################################################################### # # MODIFICATION HISTORY: # Ver Who Date Changes # -------- ------ -------- ------------------------------------ # 3.0 adk 12/10/13 Updated as per the New Tcl API's ############################################################################## ## @BEGIN_CHANGELOG EDK_I ## ## - include header files ## ## @END_CHANGELOG ## @BEGIN_CHANGELOG EDK_H ## ## - Initial Revision ## ## @END_CHANGELOG # Uses $XILINX_EDK/bin/lib/xillib_sw.tcl # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Software Project Types (swproj): # 0 : MemoryTest - Calls basic memorytest routines from common driver dir # 1 : PeripheralTest - Calls any existing polled_example and/or selftest # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # TCL Procedures: # ----------------------------------------------------------------- proc gen_include_files {swproj mhsinst} { set inc_file_lines "" if {$swproj == 0} { return "" } if {$swproj == 1} { set stdout [get_property CONFIG.STDOUT [get_os]] set isStdout [string match $stdout $mhsinst] set ipname [get_property IP_NAME $mhsinst] if {${isStdout} == 0} { set ifuartliteintr [is_ip_interrupting_current_processor $mhsinst] if {$ifuartliteintr == 1} { if {$ipname == "mdm"} { set inc_file_lines {uartlite_header.h} } else { set inc_file_lines {xuartlite.h uartlite_header.h uartlite_intr_header.h} } } else { set inc_file_lines {uartlite_header.h} } return $inc_file_lines } return $inc_file_lines } } proc gen_src_files {swproj mhsinst} { if {$swproj == 0} { return "" } if {$swproj == 1} { set ipname [get_property IP_NAME $mhsinst] set stdout [get_property CONFIG.STDOUT [get_os]] set isStdout [string match $stdout $mhsinst] if {${isStdout} == 0} { set ifuartliteintr [is_ip_interrupting_current_processor $mhsinst] if {$ifuartliteintr == 1} { if {$ipname == "mdm"} { set inc_file_lines {examples/xuartlite_selftest_example.c data/uartlite_header.h} } else { set inc_file_lines {examples/xuartlite_selftest_example.c examples/xuartlite_intr_tapp_example.c data/uartlite_header.h data/uartlite_intr_header.h} } } else { set inc_file_lines {examples/xuartlite_selftest_example.c data/uartlite_header.h} } return $inc_file_lines } } return "" } proc gen_testfunc_def {swproj mhsinst} { return "" } proc gen_init_code {swproj mhsinst} { if {$swproj == 0} { return "" } if {$swproj == 1} { set stdout [get_property CONFIG.STDOUT [get_os]] set isStdout [string match $stdout $mhsinst] if {${isStdout} == 0} { set ipname [get_property NAME $mhsinst] set ifuartliteintr [is_ip_interrupting_current_processor $mhsinst] set mdm_name [get_property IP_NAME $mhsinst] if {$ifuartliteintr == 1} { if {$mdm_name == "mdm"} { return "" } set decl " static XUartLite ${ipname}_UartLite;" set inc_file_lines $decl return $inc_file_lines } else { return "" } } } return "" } proc gen_testfunc_call {swproj mhsinst} { set ipname [get_property NAME $mhsinst] set ifuartliteintr [is_ip_interrupting_current_processor $mhsinst] set testfunc_call "" if {$swproj == 0} { return $testfunc_call } # Don't generate test code if this is the STDOUT device # We will be using this to generate print stmts for other tests set stdout [get_property CONFIG.STDOUT [get_os]] set isStdout [string match $stdout $mhsinst] if {${isStdout} == 1} { append testfunc_call " /* * Peripheral SelfTest will not be run for ${ipname} * because it has been selected as the STDOUT device */ " return $testfunc_call } set deviceid [xget_name $mhsinst "DEVICE_ID"] set stdout [get_property CONFIG.STDOUT [get_os]] if { $stdout == "" || $stdout == "none" } { set hasStdout 0 } else { set hasStdout 1 } if {$ifuartliteintr == 1} { set intr_pin_name [get_pins -of_objects [get_cells $ipname] -filter "TYPE==INTERRUPT"] set intcname [get_connected_interrupt_controller $ipname $intr_pin_name] set intcvar intc set proc [get_property IP_NAME [get_cells [get_sw_processor]]] set mdm_name [get_property IP_NAME $mhsinst] } if {${hasStdout} == 0} { append testfunc_call " { int status; status = UartLiteSelfTestExample(${deviceid}); }" if {$ifuartliteintr == 1} { if {$mdm_name == "mdm"} { return $testfunc_call } if { $proc == "microblaze" } then { set intr_id "XPAR_${intcname}_${ipname}_${intr_pin_name}_INTR" } else { set intr_id "XPAR_FABRIC_${ipname}_${intr_pin_name}_INTR" } set intr_id [string toupper $intr_id] append testfunc_call " { int Status; Status = UartLiteIntrExample(&${intcvar}, &${ipname}_UartLite, \\ ${deviceid}, \\ ${intr_id}); }" } } else { append testfunc_call " { int status; print(\"\\r\\nRunning UartLiteSelfTestExample() for ${ipname}...\\r\\n\"); status = UartLiteSelfTestExample(${deviceid}); if (status == 0) { print(\"UartLiteSelfTestExample PASSED\\r\\n\"); } else { print(\"UartLiteSelfTestExample FAILED\\r\\n\"); } }" if {$ifuartliteintr == 1} { if {$mdm_name == "mdm"} { return $testfunc_call } if { $proc == "microblaze" } then { set intr_id "XPAR_${intcname}_${ipname}_${intr_pin_name}_INTR" } else { set intr_id "XPAR_FABRIC_${ipname}_${intr_pin_name}_INTR" } set intr_id [string toupper $intr_id] append testfunc_call " { int Status; print(\"\\r\\n Running Interrupt Test for ${ipname}...\\r\\n\"); Status = UartLiteIntrExample(&${intcvar}, &${ipname}_UartLite, \\ ${deviceid}, \\ ${intr_id}); if (Status == 0) { print(\"UartLite Interrupt Test PASSED\\r\\n\"); } else { print(\"UartLite Interrupt Test FAILED\\r\\n\"); } }" } } return $testfunc_call }