/****************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 2006 Vreelin Engineering, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * (c) Copyright 2007-2013 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This file contains confidential and proprietary information of Xilinx, Inc. * and is protected under U.S. and international copyright and other * intellectual property laws. * * DISCLAIMER * This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any rights to the * materials distributed herewith. Except as otherwise provided in a valid * license issued to you by Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by * applicable law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND WITH ALL * FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, * IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; * and (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, including * negligence, or under any other theory of liability) for any loss or damage * of any kind or nature related to, arising under or in connection with these * materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, special, incidental, * or consequential loss or damage (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, * or any type of loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought by * a third party) even if such damage or loss was reasonably foreseeable or * Xilinx had been advised of the possibility of the same. * * CRITICAL APPLICATIONS * Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail-safe, or for use in * any application requiring fail-safe performance, such as life-support or * safety devices or systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, * applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any other applications * that could lead to death, personal injury, or severe property or * environmental damage (individually and collectively, "Critical * Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and liability of any use of * Xilinx products in Critical Applications, subject only to applicable laws * and regulations governing limitations on product liability. * * THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS PART OF THIS FILE * AT ALL TIMES. * ******************************************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /** * * @file xusb.h * * This file contains the implementation of the XUsb component. It is the * driver for the USB device controller. * * The USB device controller supports the following features: * - USB 2.0 Specification supporting High/Full/Low Speed * - 8 Endpoints * - 1 Control Endpoint * - 7 Configurable Endpoints, which can be configured * as IN or OUT , and configurable as Interrupt or Bulk or * Isochronous * - 2 Ping Pong Buffers for all the endpoints except the Control Endpoint * * Initialization & Configuration * * The device driver enables higher layer software (e.g., an application) to * communicate to the USB device. Apart from transmission and reception of * USB frames the driver also handles the configuration of the device. A single * device driver can support multiple USB devices. * * XUsb_CfgInitialize() API is used to initialize the USB device. * The user needs to first call the XUsb_LookupConfig() API which returns * the Configuration structure pointer which is passed as a parameter to the * XUsb_CfgInitialize() API. * * - Configuration of the DEVICE endpoints: * The endpoints of the device need to be configured using the * XUsb_EpConfigure() function call. * After configuration is complete, the endpoints need to be initialized * using the XUsb_EpInitializeAll() function call. * * PHY Communication * * As the H/W doesn't give any provision for the driver to configure the PHY, the * driver doesn't provide any mechanism for directly programming the PHY. * * DMA * * The USB device has an inbuilt DMA. It's a simple DMA for data transfer * between endpoint buffer memory and the external memory. * The driver has two APIs for DMA operation. one API is used for resetting the * DMA module of the USB device. The other API is for initiating the DMA * transfer. The DMA transfer API is internal to the driver and is used by the * USB endpoint data send and data receive functions. Upon completion of DMA * transfer the USB device sets the buffer ready bit of the endpoint for which * the DMA transfer is initiated. Setting of the buffer ready bit enables * transmission/reception of an endpoint data. To enable the USB device to know * to which endpoint the current DMA transfer is initiated, the driver writes the * buffer ready mask to the DMA control register. * * The DMA in the device can be enabled or disabled only during the system build * time. * * Interrupts * * The driver provides an interrupt handler XUsb_IntrHandler for handling * the interrupt from the USB device. The users of this driver have to * register this handler with the interrupt system and provide the callback * functions. * The interrupt handlers and associated callback functions for the USB device * have to be registered by the user using the XUsb_IntrSetHandler() function * and/or XUsb_EpSetHandler() function. * * XUsb_IntrSetHandler() function installs an asynchronous callback function * for the general interrupts (interrupts other than the endpoint interrupts). * * XUsb_EpSetHandler() function installs the callback functions for the * interrupts related to the endpoint events. A separate callback function has to * be installed for each of the endpoints. * * Virtual Memory * * This driver supports Virtual Memory. The RTOS is responsible for calculating * the correct device base address in Virtual Memory space. * * Threads * * This driver is not thread safe. Any needs for threads or thread mutual * exclusion must be satisfied by the layer above this driver. * * Asserts * * Asserts are used within all Xilinx drivers to enforce constraints on argument * values. Asserts can be turned off on a system-wide basis by defining, at * compile time, the NDEBUG identifier. By default, asserts are turned on and it * is recommended that users leave asserts on during development. * * Building the driver * * The XUsb driver is composed of several source files. This allows the user * to build and link only those parts of the driver that are necessary. * *
* Ver   Who  Date     Changes
* ----- ---- -------- ---------------------------------------------------------
* 1.00a hvm  02/22/07 First release.
* 1.01a hvm  05/30/07 The chapter 9 files are moved to examples directory.
* 1.01a sdm  08/22/08 Removed support for static interrupt handlers from the MDD
*			file
* 1.01a hvm  10/02/08 The Buffer0Ready, Buffer1Ready are declared as volatile.
*			In function XUsb_EpDataRecv, the initialization of
*			Buffer0Ready, Buffer1Ready and CurBufNum variables is
*			moved before the buffer ready bit is set in the buffer
*			ready register.
*			Added the initialization of Buffer0Ready, Buffer1Ready
*			and CurBufNum variables in the XUsb_EpDataSecd function.
* 2.00a	hvm  10/22/08 Added Support for the new XPS USB device. The new
*			device has support for DMA. Apart from the
*			DMA, remote wakeup feature is also added the USB device.
* 			However, there is no additional code needed to be added
*			in the driver to support this feature.
* 3.00a hvm  12/03/09 Added the modifications related to the new USB error
*			reporting register in the XPS USB device. Updated to use
*			HAL processor APIs. Removed _m from the	name of the
*			macros.
*			XUsb_mReadReg is renamed to XUsb_ReadReg and
*			XUsb_mWriteReg is renamed to XUsb_WriteReg.
* 3.01a hvm  5/20/10  Updated with fix for CR561171.The interrupt handler is
*			updated to call the error handler callback function
* 			during error interrupts.
* 3.02a hvm  7/15/10  Added Device ID initialization in XUsb_CfgInitialize
*			function (CR555996).
* 3.02a hvm  8/5/10   Updated the XUsb_EpDataRecv function to ensure that the
*			buffer ready bit setup is now made only during non-DMA
*			case. CR570776.
* 3.02a hvm  8/16/10  Updated the examples with the little endian support.
* 4.00a hvm  10/21/10 Added new API XUsb_DmaIntrSetHandler for setting up DMA
*			handler. Updated the XUsb_IntrHandler function to call
*			the DMA handler to handle DMA events. Removed DmaDone
*			and DmaError variables from the XUsb structure.
*			Added two new APIs to provide access to the new ULPI PHY
*			register.
* 4.01a hvm  8/23/11  Added new bit definitions for isochronous transfer bits
*			in endpoint configuration register. Added a new API
*			for setting these bits for a given endpoint. These bits
*			are available only in the newer versions of the AXI USB
*			IP. Check the IP datasheet for more details.
* 4.02a bss  3/04/12  Modified XCOMPONENT_IS_READY to XIL_COMPONENT_IS_READY
*			CR 650877
* 4.03a bss  06/20/10 Added SIE Reset API to reset (XUsb_SieReset) the SIE
*		      state machine in xusb.c and SIE Reset Mask in xusb_l.h
*		      for CR 660602
* 4.04a bss  10/22/13 Added macros for HSIC PHY registers in xusb_l.h.
* 5.0   adk  19/12/13 Updated as per the New Tcl API's
* ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef XUSB_H #define XUSB_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /***************************** Include Files *********************************/ #include "xusb_l.h" #include "xstatus.h" /************************** Constant Definitions *****************************/ /** * @name Endpoint Direction * Definitions to be used with Endpoint related function that require a * 'Direction' parameter. * * NOTE: * The direction is always defined from the perspective of the HOST! This * means that an IN endpoint on the device is used for sending data while the * OUT endpoint on the device is used for receiving data. * @{ */ #define XUSB_EP_DIRECTION_IN 1 /**< Endpoint direction IN. */ #define XUSB_EP_DIRECTION_OUT 0 /**< Endpoint direction OUT. */ /* @} */ /** * @name Speed * Definitions to be used with speed. * @{ */ #define XUSB_EP_HIGH_SPEED 1 /**< High Speed */ #define XUSB_EP_FULL_SPEED 0 /**< Full Speed */ /* @} */ /** @name USB device specific global configuration constants. * @{ */ #define XUSB_MAX_ENDPOINTS 8 /**< Maximum End Points */ #define XUSB_EP_NUMBER_ZERO 0 /**< End point Zero */ #define XUSB_DEVICEADDR_MAX 127 /**< Max device address */ /* @} */ /** @name USB device disconnect state * @{ */ #define XUSB_DISCONNECTED 0x1 /**< Disconnected state */ #define XUSB_RESET 0x0 /**< Reset State */ /* @} */ /** @name Test Modes (Set Feature) * @{ */ #define TEST_J 1 /**< Chirp J Test */ #define TEST_K 2 /**< Chirp K Test */ #define TEST_SE0_NAK 3 /**< Chirp SE0 Test */ #define TEST_PKT 4 /**< Packet Test */ /* @} */ /**************************** Type Definitions *******************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /** * This data type defines the callback function to be used for Endpoint * handlers. * * @param CallBackRef is the Callback reference passed in by the upper * layer when setting the handler, and is passed back to the upper * layer when the handler is called. * @param EpNum is the endpoint that caused the event. * @param EventType is the type of the event that occurred on that * endpoint. */ typedef void (*XUsb_EpHandlerFunc) (void *CallBackRef, u8 EpNum, u32 EventType); /*****************************************************************************/ /** * This data type defines the callback function to be used for the general * interrupt handler. * * @param CallBackRef is the Callback reference passed in by the upper * layer when setting the handler, and is passed back to the upper * layer when the handler is called. * @param InterruptType is the type of the event that caused the * interrupt. */ typedef void (*XUsb_IntrHandlerFunc) (void *CallBackRef, u32 InterruptType); /** * The XUsb_EpConfig structure is used to configure endpoints. */ typedef struct { int OutIn; /**< The end point direction */ int EpType; /**< Bulk/interrupt/Isochronous */ int Buffer0Count; /**< Pkt Size for the first ping-pong buffer */ volatile int Buffer0Ready; /**< Status flag for first ping-pong buffer */ int Buffer1Count; /**< Pkt Size for the second ping-pong buffer */ volatile int Buffer1Ready; /**< Status flag for second ping-pong buffer */ u32 Size; /**< Maximum buffer size for this end point */ u32 RamBase; /**< The rambase offset value in the end point buffer space */ volatile int CurBufNum; /**< The current ping-pong buffer to be used */ XUsb_EpHandlerFunc HandlerFunc; /**< Call back function for this end point */ void *HandlerRef; /**< Callback reference */ } XUsb_EpConfig; /** * The XUsb_DeviceConfig structure contains the configuration information to * configure the USB controller for DEVICE mode. This data structure is used * with the XUsb_ConfigureDevice() function call. */ typedef struct { u8 NumEndpoints; /**< Number of Endpoints */ XUsb_EpConfig Ep[XUSB_MAX_ENDPOINTS]; /**< An array of end points */ u8 Status; /**< USB device Status */ u8 CurrentConfiguration; /**< Current state of enumeration enumerated (1)/Not enumerated (0)*/ u32 CurrentSpeed; /**< Current Speed */ } XUsb_DeviceConfig; /** * The XUsb_Config structure contains configuration information for the USB * controller. * * This structure only contains the basic configuration for the device. The * caller also needs to initialize the USB device controller with the * XUsb_ConfigureDevice() function call. */ typedef struct { u16 DeviceId; /**< Unique ID of device. */ u32 BaseAddress; /**< Core register base address. */ u8 DmaEnabled; /**< DMA support Enabled */ } XUsb_Config; /** * The XUsb driver instance data. The user is required to allocate a * variable of this type for every USB device in the system. A pointer * to a variable of this type is then passed to the driver API functions. */ typedef struct { XUsb_Config Config; /**< Configuration structure */ u32 IsReady; /**< Device is initialized and ready */ u32 USBAddress; /**< The USB address of the device. */ u32 EndPointOffset[XUSB_MAX_ENDPOINTS]; /**< End point Offsets */ /** * The following structure holds the configuration for the controller. * They are initialized using the XUsb_ConfigureDevice() function * call. */ XUsb_DeviceConfig DeviceConfig; /** * Callbacks and callback references */ XUsb_IntrHandlerFunc HandlerFunc; void *HandlerRef; XUsb_IntrHandlerFunc ErrHandlerFunc; void * ErrHandlerRef; XUsb_IntrHandlerFunc DmaHandlerFunc; void * DmaHandlerRef; XUsb_IntrHandlerFunc UlpiHandlerFunc; void * UlpiHandlerRef; } XUsb; /***************** Macros (Inline Functions) Definitions *********************/ /************************** Variable Definitions ******************************/ /************************** Function Prototypes ******************************/ /** * Setup / Initialize and DMA functions * * Implemented in the file xusb.c */ int XUsb_CfgInitialize(XUsb *InstancePtr, XUsb_Config *ConfigPtr, u32 EffectiveAddr); int XUsb_ConfigureDevice(XUsb *InstancePtr, XUsb_DeviceConfig *CfgPtr); void XUsb_Start(XUsb *InstancePtr); void XUsb_Stop(XUsb *InstancePtr); u32 XUsb_GetFrameNum(const XUsb *InstancePtr); int XUsb_SetDeviceAddress(XUsb *InstancePtr, u8 Address); void XUsb_SetTestMode(XUsb *InstancePtr, u8 TestMode, u8 *BufPtr); void XUsb_DmaReset(XUsb *InstancePtr); void XUsb_DmaTransfer(XUsb *InstancePtr, u32 *SrcAddr, u32 *DstAddr, u16 Length); void XUsb_ReadErrorCounters(XUsb *InstancePtr, u8 *BitStuffErrors, u8 *PidErrors, u8 *CrcErrors); u8 XUsb_UlpiPhyReadRegister(XUsb *InstancePtr, u8 RegAddr); int XUsb_UlpiPhyWriteRegister(XUsb *InstancePtr, u8 RegAddr, u8 UlpiPhyRegData); void XUsb_SieReset(XUsb *InstancePtr); /* * Functions for managing Endpoints / Data Transfers * * Implemented in the file xusb_endpoint.c */ void XUsb_EpEnable(const XUsb *InstancePtr, u8 EpNum); void XUsb_EpDisable(const XUsb *InstancePtr, u8 EpNum); void XUsb_EpConfigure(XUsb *InstancePtr, u8 EpNum, XUsb_EpConfig *EpCfgPtr); int XUsb_EpDataSend(XUsb *InstancePtr, u8 EpNum, u8 *BufferPtr, u32 BufferLen); int XUsb_EpDataRecv(XUsb *InstancePtr, u8 EpNum, u8 *BufferPtr, u32 BufferLen); void XUsb_EpStall(const XUsb *InstancePtr, u8 EpNum); void XUsb_EpUnstall(const XUsb *InstancePtr, u8 EpNum); void XUsb_EpIsoTransferConfigure(XUsb *InstancePtr, u8 EpNum, u8 NoOfTransfers); /* * Interrupt handling functions * * Implemented in the file xusb_intr.c */ void XUsb_IntrEnable(XUsb *InstancePtr, u32 IntrMask); void XUsb_IntrDisable(XUsb *InstancePtr, u32 IntrMask); void XUsb_IntrHandler(void *InstancePtr); void XUsb_IntrSetHandler(XUsb *InstancePtr, void *CallBackFunc, void *CallBackRef); void XUsb_EpSetHandler(XUsb *InstancePtr, u8 EpNum, XUsb_EpHandlerFunc *CallBackFunc, void *CallBackRef); void XUsb_ErrIntrSetHandler(XUsb *InstancePtr, void *CallBackFunc, void *CallBackRef); void XUsb_DmaIntrSetHandler(XUsb *InstancePtr, void *CallBackFunc, void *CallBackRef); void XUsb_UlpiIntrSetHandler(XUsb *InstancePtr, void *CallBackFunc, void *CallBackRef); /* * Static configuration helper function. * * The following function is provided for non-Linux drivers such as drivers for * VxWorks and Xilinx standalone systems. * * Implemented in xusb_sinit.c */ XUsb_Config *XUsb_LookupConfig(u16 DeviceId); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* XUSB_H */