xemacps_ieee1588_example_readme.txt ----------------------------------- The examples in this directory are provided to give the user some idea of the following: - How the EmacPs and its driver are intended to be used. - How the protocol packets flow and processed for IEEE1588 (PTP). FILES Three files are provided to demonstrate the usage of EmacPs and the driver. They are: - xemacps_example.h - Top level include for the example. - xemacps_example_util.c - Provide various utilities for debugging, and ethernet frame construction. - xemacps_example_intr_dma.c - Implements the example that uses EmacPs internal DMA to send and receive packets in loopback mode. It uses interrupts. The user must include the above three files for building the binary to see how Ethernet packets are sent and received in PHY loopback mode.. Three files are provided for demonstrating the IEEE1588 protocol. They are: - xemacps_ieee1588_example.c: The top level C file that has the programe entry "main". It also has initialization code for EmacPs, Timer etc. It has initialization code for PTP packets. - xemacps_ieee1588.h: Include file that contains all function prototypes, hash defines etc. - xemacps_ieee1588.c: The protocol packets are processed in this file. The user must include the above three files for building the binary to see how IEEE1588 (PTP) works. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS The system containing the EmacPs should have the following capabilities: - An interrupt controller - A UART to display messages - A Timer that is used to send protocol packets at regular intervals For testing the example in xemacps_example_intr_dma.c which uses PHY loopback, a single hardware system is sufficient. To run and test the binary created for IEEE1588 (PTP), the user needs to have two EmacPs based hardware systems connected back-to-back. One would act as a Master and other as a slave. HOW THE IEEE1588 EXAMPLE WORKS - The example should be run between two boards, both having capability to time stamp the PTP packets. For example, it can be run between two Zynq boards, two PEEP boards, one Zynq and one PEEP board etc. Additionally this example is also tested between a Zynq/PEEP board and a ML605 board. However, on ML605 board we need to run a slightly modified AVB example (for AxiEthernet) available in Perforce for AxiEthernet driver. - To run the example on a PEEP board, please define the flag PEEP in xemacps_ieee1588.h (or with -DPEEP compile time option). - The example can be run in PTP MASTER mode or PTP SLAVE mode. To run it in PTP MASTER mode please define the flag IEEE1588_MASTER (with -DIEEE1588_MASTER) in the compiler options or just define it in xemacps_ieee1588.h. If this flag is defined then the software runs in MASTER mode or else in SLAVE mode. - The example by default initializes the PHY and GEM for 100 Mbps speed. Additionally autonegotiation can be used. To use autonegotiation, please define the flag PHY_AUTONEGOTIATION. However this feature is applicable only for Zynq boards. - ScuTimer is used to generate interrupts every 500 mseconds. This timer interrupt is used to send various protocol packets. For example, Sync/ FollowUp packets are sent every 1 seconds. Announce frames are sent every 5 seconds and PDelay packets are sent every 4 seconds. - In a typical test setup, 2 Zynq boards are connected back to back. Please build the SDK projects (with the above 3 files) in MASTER mode and download the elf to one Zynq board. Then build the SDK project in SLAVE mode and download and run it in the other board. You can start seeing the console messages. - There are two debug levels. By default debug level 1 is defined to see some of the important PTP messages. For example, the link delay and the time correction values. The other debug level can be defined to see the messages from ISR. It can be handy to debug issues if any. To define the 1st debug level, define the flag DEBUG_XEMACPS_LEVEL1 in xemacps_ieee1588.h. To define the other debug level, define the flag DEBUG_LEVEL_TWO. - Signalling frames are not implemented. So at runtime, we cannot change mode between MASTER and SLAVE. Clock adjustment is implemented, but clock rate adjustment is not implemented.