/****************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 2006 Vreelin Engineering, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * (c) Copyright 2007-2013 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This file contains confidential and proprietary information of Xilinx, Inc. * and is protected under U.S. and international copyright and other * intellectual property laws. * * DISCLAIMER * This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any rights to the * materials distributed herewith. Except as otherwise provided in a valid * license issued to you by Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by * applicable law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND WITH ALL * FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, * IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; * and (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, including * negligence, or under any other theory of liability) for any loss or damage * of any kind or nature related to, arising under or in connection with these * materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, special, incidental, * or consequential loss or damage (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, * or any type of loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought by * a third party) even if such damage or loss was reasonably foreseeable or * Xilinx had been advised of the possibility of the same. * * CRITICAL APPLICATIONS * Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail-safe, or for use in * any application requiring fail-safe performance, such as life-support or * safety devices or systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, * applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any other applications * that could lead to death, personal injury, or severe property or * environmental damage (individually and collectively, "Critical * Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and liability of any use of * Xilinx products in Critical Applications, subject only to applicable laws * and regulations governing limitations on product liability. * * THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS PART OF THIS FILE * AT ALL TIMES. * ******************************************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /** * @file xusb_cp9.c * * This file contains the USB Chapter 9 related functions. * * @note None. * *
 * Ver   Who  Date     Changes
 * ----- ---- -----------------------------------------------------------------
 * 1.00a hvm  2/22/07 First release
 * 1.01a hvm  5/30/07 Moved the USB class specific command processing to
 *		      application files.
 * 3.00a hvm  11/18/09 Updated to use HAL processor APIs.
 *		       XUsb_mReadReg is renamed to XUsb_ReadReg and
 *		       XUsb_mWriteReg is renamed to XUsb_WriteReg.
 * 3.02a hvm  08/16/10 Updated with the little endian support changes.
 * 4.00a hvm  12/20/10 Updated SetInterface function with microphone case
 *			support.
*****************************************************************************/ /***************************** Include Files *********************************/ #include "xusb_cp9.h" #include #undef XUSB_CH9_DEBUG #ifdef XUSB_CH9_DEBUG #include "stdio.h" #endif /************************** Constant Definitions ******************************/ /************************** Variable Definitions ******************************/ IntChar UsbMemData; /* Dual Port memory */ /* * Instance of the Chapter 9 command buffer. */ USB_CMD_BUF Ch9_CmdBuf; /* * Maximum control pkt size. */ u16 MaxControlSize = 8; /* * Standard USB structure instances. */ extern USB_STD_DEV_DESC DeviceDescriptor; extern USB_STD_QUAL_DESC QualifierDescriptor; extern FPGA1_CONFIGURATION HsUsbConfig; extern FPGA1_CONFIGURATION FsUsbConfig; extern USB_STD_STRING_DESC LangId; extern USB_STD_STRING_MAN_DESC Manufacturer; extern USB_STD_STRING_PS_DESC ProductString; extern USB_STD_STRING_SN_DESC SerialNumber; #ifdef HID_DEVICES extern USB_STD_HID_DESC HidDescriptor; #endif #ifdef USB_KEYBOARD const unsigned char ReportDesc[0x2b] = // Report descriptor { 0x05,0x01, /* Usage Page (generic desktop) */ 0x09,0x06, /* Usage (keyboard) */ 0xA1,0x01, /* Collection */ 0x05,0x07, /* Usage Page 7 (keyboard/keypad) */ 0x19,0xE0, /* Usage Minimum = 224 */ 0x29,0xE7, /* Usage Maximum = 231 */ 0x15,0x00, /* Logical Minimum = 0 */ 0x25,0x01, /* Logical Maximum = 1 */ 0x75,0x01, /* Report Size = 1 */ 0x95,0x08, /* Report Count = 8 */ 0x81,0x02, /* Input(Data,Variable,Absolute) */ 0x95,0x01, /* Report Count = 1 */ 0x75,0x08, /* Report Size = 8 */ 0x81,0x01, /* Input(Constant) */ 0x19,0x00, /* Usage Minimum = 0 */ 0x29,0x65, /* Usage Maximum = 101 */ 0x15,0x00, /* Logical Minimum = 0 */ 0x25,0x65, /* Logical Maximum = 101 */ 0x75,0x08, /* Report Size = 8 */ 0x95,0x01, /* Report Count = 1 */ 0x81,0x00, /* Input(Data,Variable,Array) */ 0xC0}; /* End Collection */ #endif #ifdef USB_MOUSE const unsigned char ReportDesc[0x34] = // Report descriptor { 0x05,0x01, /* Usage Page (generic desktop) */ 0x09,0x02, /* Usage (mouse) */ 0xA1,0x01, /* Collection */ 0x09,0x01, /* Usage Page 7 () */ 0xA1,0x00, /* Usage Minimum = 224 */ 0x05,0x09, /* Usage Maximum = 231 */ 0x19,0x01, /* Logical Minimum = 0 */ 0x29,0x03, /* Logical Maximum = 1 */ 0x15,0x00, /* Report Size = 1 */ 0x25,0x01, /* Report Count = 8 */ 0x95,0x03, /* Input(Data,Variable,Absolute) */ 0x75,0x01, /* Report Count = 1 */ 0x81,0x02, /* Report Size = 8 */ 0x95,0x01, /* Input(Constant) */ 0x75,0x05, /* Usage Minimum = 0 */ 0x81,0x01, /* Usage Maximum = 101 */ 0x05,0x01, /* Logical Minimum = 0 */ 0x09,0x30, /* Logical Maximum = 101 */ 0x09,0x31, /* Report Size = 8 */ 0x09,0x38, 0x15,0x81, /* Report Count = 1 */ 0x25,0x7F, /* Input(Data,Variable,Array) */ 0x75,0x08, 0x95,0x03, 0x81,0x06, 0xC0, 0xC0}; /* End Collection */ #endif /************************** Function Prototypes *******************************/ /******************************************************************************/ /** * This routine is called when an OUT transaction for Endpoint Zero is received. * * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XUsb instance of the controller. * * @return None. * * @note None. * ******************************************************************************/ void EP0ProcessOutToken(XUsb * InstancePtr) { u8 Count; u8 *RamBase; u16 Index; switch (Ch9_CmdBuf.SetupSeqRX) { case STATUS_PHASE: /* * This resets both state machines for the next * Setup packet. */ Ch9_CmdBuf.SetupSeqRX = SETUP_PHASE; Ch9_CmdBuf.SetupSeqTX = SETUP_PHASE; break; case DATA_PHASE: Count = XUsb_ReadReg(InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress, XUSB_EP_BUF0COUNT_OFFSET); /* * Copy the data to be received from the DPRAM. */ RamBase = (u8 *) (InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress + ((InstancePtr->DeviceConfig.Ep[0]. RamBase) << 2)); for (Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) { *Ch9_CmdBuf.ContReadPtr++ = *RamBase++; } Ch9_CmdBuf.ContReadCount += Count; if (Ch9_CmdBuf.Word3.wLength == Ch9_CmdBuf.ContReadCount) { Ch9_CmdBuf.SetupSeqRX = STATUS_PHASE; ExecuteCommand(InstancePtr); } else { /* * Set the Tx packet size and the Tx enable bit. */ XUsb_WriteReg(InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress, XUSB_EP_BUF0COUNT_OFFSET, Count); XUsb_WriteReg(InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress, XUSB_BUFFREADY_OFFSET, 1); InstancePtr->DeviceConfig.Ep[0].Buffer0Ready = 1; } break; default: break; } } /******************************************************************************/ /** * This routine is called when IN transaction for Endpoint Zero is received. * * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XUsb instance of the controller. * * @return None. * * @note None. * ******************************************************************************/ void EP0ProcessInToken(XUsb * InstancePtr) { u32 EpCfgReg; switch (Ch9_CmdBuf.SetupSeqTX) { case STATUS_PHASE: if (Ch9_CmdBuf.Byte1.bRequest == SET_ADDRESS) { /* * Set the address of the device. */ XUsb_SetDeviceAddress(InstancePtr, Ch9_CmdBuf.Word1.Byte23. bDescriptorIndex); } else if (Ch9_CmdBuf.Byte1.bRequest == SET_FEATURE) { if (Ch9_CmdBuf.Byte0.bmRequestType == STANDARD_OUT_DEVICE) { #ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__ Ch9_CmdBuf.Word1.wValue = ((u16)(Ch9_CmdBuf.Word1.Byte23.bDescriptorIndex) | (u16)(Ch9_CmdBuf.Word1.Byte23.bDescriptorType << 8)); #endif if (Ch9_CmdBuf.Word1.wValue == TEST_MODE) { XUsb_SetTestMode(InstancePtr, TEST_J, NULL); } } } break; case DATA_PHASE: if (Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWriteCount == 0) { /* * We're done with data transfer, next * will be zero length OUT with data toggle of * 1. Setup data_toggle. */ EpCfgReg = XUsb_ReadReg(InstancePtr->Config. BaseAddress, InstancePtr-> EndPointOffset[0]); EpCfgReg |= XUSB_EP_CFG_DATA_TOGGLE_MASK; XUsb_WriteReg(InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress, InstancePtr->EndPointOffset[0], EpCfgReg); XUsb_WriteReg(InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress, (InstancePtr->EndPointOffset[0] + XUSB_EP_BUF0COUNT_OFFSET), 0); XUsb_WriteReg(InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress, XUSB_BUFFREADY_OFFSET, 1); InstancePtr->DeviceConfig.Ep[0].Buffer0Ready = 1; Ch9_CmdBuf.SetupSeqTX = STATUS_PHASE; } else { LoadEP0(InstancePtr); } break; default: break; } } /******************************************************************************/ /** * This routine is called when a chapter 9 command is received. * * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XUsb instance of the controller. * * @return The setup request value to be processed by the upper layer. * * @note None. * ******************************************************************************/ int Chapter9(XUsb * InstancePtr) { volatile unsigned int *RamBase; /* * Load up the chapter 9 command buffer. */ RamBase = (unsigned int *) (InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress + XUSB_SETUP_PKT_ADDR_OFFSET); /* * Get the first 4 bytes of the setup packet. */ UsbMemData.Word = *RamBase; Ch9_CmdBuf.Byte0.bmRequestType = UsbMemData.Byte.Zero; Ch9_CmdBuf.Byte1.bRequest = UsbMemData.Byte.One; Ch9_CmdBuf.Word1.Byte23.bDescriptorIndex = UsbMemData.Byte.Two; Ch9_CmdBuf.Word1.Byte23.bDescriptorType = UsbMemData.Byte.Three; /* * Get the last 4 bytes of the setup packet. */ RamBase += 1; UsbMemData.Word = *RamBase; /* * Byte swapping for next 4 bytes for BE machines is defined in * the different layout of BECB verses LECB. */ #ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__ Ch9_CmdBuf.Word2.Byte45.Byteh = UsbMemData.Byte.Zero; Ch9_CmdBuf.Word2.Byte45.Bytel = UsbMemData.Byte.One; Ch9_CmdBuf.Word3.Byte67.Byteh = UsbMemData.Byte.Two; Ch9_CmdBuf.Word3.Byte67.Bytel = UsbMemData.Byte.Three; #else Ch9_CmdBuf.Word2.Byte45.Bytel = UsbMemData.Byte.Zero; Ch9_CmdBuf.Word2.Byte45.Byteh = UsbMemData.Byte.One; Ch9_CmdBuf.Word3.Byte67.Bytel = UsbMemData.Byte.Two; Ch9_CmdBuf.Word3.Byte67.Byteh = UsbMemData.Byte.Three; #endif /* * Restore ReadPtr to data buffer. */ Ch9_CmdBuf.ContReadPtr = &Ch9_CmdBuf.ContReadDataBuffer[0]; if (Ch9_CmdBuf.Byte0.bmRequestType & DIR_DEVICE_TO_HOST) { /* * Execute the get command. */ Ch9_CmdBuf.SetupSeqRX = STATUS_PHASE; Ch9_CmdBuf.SetupSeqTX = DATA_PHASE; return (ExecuteCommand(InstancePtr)); } else { /* * Execute the put command. */ Ch9_CmdBuf.SetupSeqRX = DATA_PHASE; Ch9_CmdBuf.SetupSeqTX = STATUS_PHASE; if (Ch9_CmdBuf.Word3.wLength == 0) { return (ExecuteCommand(InstancePtr)); } } /* * Control should never reach here */ return XST_FAILURE; } /******************************************************************************/ /** * This function executes the chapter 9 command processing * * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XUsb instance of the controller. * * @return The request value to be processed by the upper layer if the * request is not handled. * XST_SUCCESS if the request is successfully processed. * * @note None. * ******************************************************************************/ int ExecuteCommand(XUsb * InstancePtr) { if ((Ch9_CmdBuf.Byte0.bmRequestType & TYPE_MASK) == TYPE_STANDARD) { /* * Process the chapter 9 command. */ switch (Ch9_CmdBuf.Byte1.bRequest) { case GET_STATUS: #ifdef XUSB_CH9_DEBUG xil_printf("Get Status \r\n"); #endif GetStatus(InstancePtr); break; case CLEAR_FEATURE: #ifdef XUSB_CH9_DEBUG xil_printf("Clear Feature \r\n"); #endif SetClearFeature(InstancePtr, FALSE); break; case SET_FEATURE: #ifdef XUSB_CH9_DEBUG xil_printf("Set Feature \r\n"); #endif SetClearFeature(InstancePtr, TRUE); break; case SET_ADDRESS: #ifdef XUSB_CH9_DEBUG xil_printf("Set address \r\n"); #endif SetupControlWriteStatusStage(InstancePtr); break; case GET_DESCRIPTOR: GetDescriptor(InstancePtr); break; case SET_DESCRIPTOR: #ifdef XUSB_CH9_DEBUG xil_printf("Set Descriptor \r\n"); #endif SetDescriptor(InstancePtr); break; case GET_CONFIGURATION: #ifdef XUSB_CH9_DEBUG xil_printf("Get Configuration \r\n"); #endif GetConfiguration(InstancePtr); break; case SET_CONFIGURATION: #ifdef XUSB_CH9_DEBUG xil_printf("Set Configuration \r\n"); #endif SetConfiguration(InstancePtr); break; case GET_INTERFACE: #ifdef XUSB_CH9_DEBUG xil_printf("Get Interface \r\n"); #endif GetInterface(InstancePtr); break; case SET_INTERFACE: #ifdef XUSB_CH9_DEBUG xil_printf("Set Interface \r\n"); #endif SetInterface(InstancePtr); break; case SYCH_FRAME: break; default: /* * The default is to stall the end point zero. */ XUsb_EpStall(InstancePtr, 0); break; } } else if ((Ch9_CmdBuf.Byte0.bmRequestType & TYPE_MASK) == TYPE_CLASS) { #ifdef XUSB_CH9_DEBUG xil_printf("Sub class code %d \r\n", Ch9_CmdBuf.Byte1.bRequest); #endif return (Ch9_CmdBuf.Byte1.bRequest); } else { /* * Unsupported command. Stall the end point. */ XUsb_EpStall(InstancePtr, 0); } return XST_SUCCESS; } /****************************************************************************** Start of Chapter 9 Commands ******************************************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /** * This function responds to the GET_INTERFACE command. * * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XUsb instance of the controller. * * @return None. * * @note None. * ******************************************************************************/ void GetInterface(XUsb * InstancePtr) { u32 *RamBase; #ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__ Ch9_CmdBuf.Word1.wValue = ((u16)(Ch9_CmdBuf.Word1.Byte23.bDescriptorIndex) | (u16)(Ch9_CmdBuf.Word1.Byte23.bDescriptorType << 8)); #endif if (Ch9_CmdBuf.Word1.wValue == 0) { RamBase = (u32 *) (InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress + ((InstancePtr->DeviceConfig.Ep[0]. RamBase) << 2)); UsbMemData.Word = 0x0; *RamBase = UsbMemData.Word; InstancePtr->DeviceConfig.Ep[0].Buffer0Ready = 1; XUsb_WriteReg(InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress, (InstancePtr->EndPointOffset[0] + XUSB_EP_BUF0COUNT_OFFSET), 1); XUsb_WriteReg(InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress, XUSB_BUFFREADY_OFFSET, 1); } else { XUsb_EpStall(InstancePtr, 0); } } /******************************************************************************/ /** * This function responds to the SET_INTERFACE command. * * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XUsb instance of the controller. * * @return None. * * @note None. * ******************************************************************************/ void SetInterface(XUsb * InstancePtr) { if ((Ch9_CmdBuf.Word1.wValue == 0) && (Ch9_CmdBuf.Word2.wIndex == 0)) { SetupControlWriteStatusStage(InstancePtr); } else { #ifdef MICROPHONE SetupControlWriteStatusStage(InstancePtr); #else XUsb_EpStall(InstancePtr, 0); #endif } } /******************************************************************************/ /** * This function sets the basic Control status words. * * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XUsb instance of the controller. * * @return None. * * @note None. * ******************************************************************************/ void SetupControlWriteStatusStage(XUsb * InstancePtr) { u32 EpCfgReg; EpCfgReg = XUsb_ReadReg(InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress, InstancePtr->EndPointOffset[0]); EpCfgReg |= XUSB_EP_CFG_DATA_TOGGLE_MASK; XUsb_WriteReg(InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress, InstancePtr->EndPointOffset[0], EpCfgReg); InstancePtr->DeviceConfig.Ep[0].Buffer0Count = 0; XUsb_WriteReg(InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress, (InstancePtr->EndPointOffset[0] + XUSB_EP_BUF0COUNT_OFFSET), 0); XUsb_WriteReg(InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress, XUSB_BUFFREADY_OFFSET, 1); } /******************************************************************************/ /** * This routine is called when a GET_STATUS command is received. * * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XUsb instance of the controller. * * @return None. * * @note None. * ******************************************************************************/ void GetStatus(XUsb * InstancePtr) { u32 *RamBase; u8 EndPoint; UsbMemData.Word = 0x0; RamBase = (u32 *) (InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress + ((InstancePtr->DeviceConfig.Ep[0].RamBase) << 2)); switch (Ch9_CmdBuf.Byte0.bmRequestType) { case STANDARD_IN_DEVICE: UsbMemData.Byte.Zero = 0x01; UsbMemData.Byte.One = 0x00; *RamBase = UsbMemData.Word; InstancePtr->DeviceConfig.Ep[0].Buffer0Ready = 1; XUsb_WriteReg(InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress, (InstancePtr->EndPointOffset[0] + XUSB_EP_BUF0COUNT_OFFSET), 2); XUsb_WriteReg(InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress, XUSB_BUFFREADY_OFFSET, 1); break; case STANDARD_IN_INTERFACE: if ((Ch9_CmdBuf.Word2.wIndex > 0) && (Ch9_CmdBuf.Word2.wIndex <= MAX_INTERFACES)) { UsbMemData.Byte.Zero = 0; UsbMemData.Byte.One = 0; *RamBase = UsbMemData.Word; InstancePtr->DeviceConfig.Ep[0].Buffer0Ready = 1; XUsb_WriteReg(InstancePtr->Config. BaseAddress, (InstancePtr->EndPointOffset [0] + XUSB_EP_BUF0COUNT_OFFSET), 2); XUsb_WriteReg(InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress, XUSB_BUFFREADY_OFFSET, 1); } else { XUsb_EpStall(InstancePtr, 0); } break; case STANDARD_IN_ENDPOINT: EndPoint = (unsigned int) (Ch9_CmdBuf.Word2.wIndex & 0x07); UsbMemData.Byte.Zero = (u8) (((XUsb_ReadReg(InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress, InstancePtr-> EndPointOffset[EndPoint])) & XUSB_EP_CFG_STALL_MASK) >> XUSB_EP_CFG_STALL_SHIFT); UsbMemData.Byte.One = 0; *RamBase = UsbMemData.Word; InstancePtr->DeviceConfig.Ep[0].Buffer0Ready = 1; XUsb_WriteReg(InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress, (InstancePtr->EndPointOffset[0] + XUSB_EP_BUF0COUNT_OFFSET), 2); XUsb_WriteReg(InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress, XUSB_BUFFREADY_OFFSET, 1); break; default: /* * The default is to stall the end point. */ XUsb_EpStall(InstancePtr, 0); break; } } /******************************************************************************/ /** * This routine is called when a GET_DESCRIPTOR command is received. * * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XUsb instance of the controller. * * @return None. * * @note None. * ******************************************************************************/ void GetDescriptor(XUsb * InstancePtr) { switch (Ch9_CmdBuf.Word1.Byte23.bDescriptorType) { case DEVICE_DESCR: #ifdef XUSB_CH9_DEBUG xil_printf("Get Dev Decriptor \r\n"); #endif if (InstancePtr->DeviceConfig.CurrentSpeed == XUSB_EP_HIGH_SPEED) { Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWritePtr = (unsigned char *) &DeviceDescriptor; } else { Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWritePtr = (u8 *) &DeviceDescriptor; } Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWriteCount = sizeof(USB_STD_DEV_DESC); if (Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWriteCount > Ch9_CmdBuf.Word3.wLength) { Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWriteCount = Ch9_CmdBuf.Word3.wLength; } break; case QUALIFIER_DESCR: #ifdef XUSB_CH9_DEBUG xil_printf("Get Qua Decriptor \r\n"); #endif Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWritePtr = (unsigned char *) &QualifierDescriptor; Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWriteCount = sizeof(USB_STD_QUAL_DESC); if (Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWriteCount > Ch9_CmdBuf.Word3.wLength) { Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWriteCount = Ch9_CmdBuf.Word3.wLength; } break; case CONFIG_DESCR: #ifdef XUSB_CH9_DEBUG xil_printf("Get Config Decriptor \r\n"); #endif if (Ch9_CmdBuf.Word1.Byte23.bDescriptorIndex <= DeviceDescriptor.bNumConfigurations) { switch (Ch9_CmdBuf.Word1.Byte23.bDescriptorIndex) { case 0: /* * Duplicate this for each configuration * supported. */ if (InstancePtr->DeviceConfig. CurrentSpeed == XUSB_EP_HIGH_SPEED) { #ifdef XUSB_CH9_DEBUG xil_printf("High Speed \r\n"); #endif HsUsbConfig.stdCfg.bType = CONFIG_DESCR; Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWritePtr = (u8 *) &HsUsbConfig; Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWriteCount = HsUsbConfig.stdCfg.bTotalLength; } else { FsUsbConfig.stdCfg.bType = CONFIG_DESCR; Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWritePtr = (u8 *) &FsUsbConfig; Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWriteCount = FsUsbConfig.stdCfg.bTotalLength; } if (Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWriteCount > Ch9_CmdBuf.Word3.wLength) { Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWriteCount = Ch9_CmdBuf.Word3.wLength; } break; default: XUsb_EpStall(InstancePtr, 0); goto Func_Exit7; break; } } else { XUsb_EpStall(InstancePtr, 0); goto Func_Exit7; } break; case OSD_CONFIG_DESCR: #ifdef XUSB_CH9_DEBUG xil_printf("Get OSD Config Decriptor \r\n"); #endif if (Ch9_CmdBuf.Word1.Byte23.bDescriptorIndex <= DeviceDescriptor.bNumConfigurations) { switch (Ch9_CmdBuf.Word1.Byte23.bDescriptorIndex) { case 0: /* * Duplicate this for each * configuration supported. */ if (InstancePtr->DeviceConfig. CurrentSpeed == XUSB_EP_HIGH_SPEED) { FsUsbConfig.stdCfg.bType = OSD_CONFIG_DESCR; Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWritePtr = (u8 *) &FsUsbConfig; Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWriteCount = FsUsbConfig.stdCfg.bTotalLength; } else { HsUsbConfig.stdCfg.bType = OSD_CONFIG_DESCR; Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWritePtr = (u8 *) &HsUsbConfig; Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWriteCount = HsUsbConfig.stdCfg.bTotalLength; } if (Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWriteCount > Ch9_CmdBuf.Word3.wLength) { Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWriteCount = Ch9_CmdBuf.Word3.wLength; } break; default: XUsb_EpStall(InstancePtr, 0); goto Func_Exit7; break; } } else { XUsb_EpStall(InstancePtr, 0); goto Func_Exit7; } break; case STRING_DESCR: if (Ch9_CmdBuf.Word1.Byte23.bDescriptorIndex <= 3) { switch (Ch9_CmdBuf.Word1.Byte23.bDescriptorIndex) { case 0: /* * Set the language ID's. */ #ifdef XUSB_CH9_DEBUG xil_printf("Get LangId \r\n"); #endif Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWritePtr = (unsigned char *) &LangId; Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWriteCount = LangId.bLength; if (Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWriteCount > Ch9_CmdBuf.Word3.wLength) { Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWriteCount = Ch9_CmdBuf.Word3.wLength; } break; case 1: /* * Set the Manufacturer's String. */ #ifdef XUSB_CH9_DEBUG xil_printf("Get Manuferer \r\n"); #endif Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWritePtr = (unsigned char *) &Manufacturer; Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWriteCount = Manufacturer.bLength; if (Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWriteCount > Ch9_CmdBuf.Word3.wLength) { Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWriteCount = Ch9_CmdBuf.Word3.wLength; } break; case 2: /* * Set the Product String. */ #ifdef XUSB_CH9_DEBUG xil_printf("Get Product Id \r\n"); #endif Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWritePtr = (unsigned char *) &ProductString; Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWriteCount = ProductString.bLength; if (Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWriteCount > Ch9_CmdBuf.Word3.wLength) { Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWriteCount = Ch9_CmdBuf.Word3.wLength; } break; case 3: /* * Set the Serial Number String. */ #ifdef XUSB_CH9_DEBUG xil_printf("Get Serial No \r\n"); #endif Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWritePtr = (unsigned char *) &SerialNumber; Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWriteCount = SerialNumber.bLength; if (Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWriteCount > Ch9_CmdBuf.Word3.wLength) { Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWriteCount = Ch9_CmdBuf.Word3.wLength; } break; default: XUsb_EpStall(InstancePtr, 0); goto Func_Exit7; break; } } else { XUsb_EpStall(InstancePtr, 0); goto Func_Exit7; } break; #ifdef HID_DEVICES case HID_DESC: #ifdef XUSB_CH9_DEBUG xil_printf("Get HID descriptor \r\n"); #endif Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWritePtr = (unsigned char *)&HidDescriptor; Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWriteCount = HidDescriptor.bLength; if (Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWriteCount > Ch9_CmdBuf.Word3.wLength) { Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWriteCount = Ch9_CmdBuf.Word3.wLength; } break; case REPORT_DESC: #ifdef XUSB_CH9_DEBUG xil_printf(" Get Report descriptor \r\n"); #endif Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWritePtr = (unsigned char *) &ReportDesc[0]; Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWriteCount = sizeof (ReportDesc); if (Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWriteCount > Ch9_CmdBuf.Word3.wLength) { Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWriteCount = Ch9_CmdBuf.Word3.wLength; } break; #endif default: /* * The default is to stall the end point zero. */ XUsb_EpStall(InstancePtr, 0); goto Func_Exit7; break; } LoadEP0(InstancePtr); Func_Exit7: return; } /******************************************************************************/ /** * This routine is called when a SET_DESCRIPTOR command is received. * * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XUsb instance of the controller. * * @return None. * * @note None. * ******************************************************************************/ void SetDescriptor(XUsb * InstancePtr) { /* * Command not supported. */ XUsb_EpStall(InstancePtr, 0); } /******************************************************************************/ /** * This routine is called when a GET_CONFIGURATION command is received. * * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XUsb instance of the controller. * * @return None. * * @note None. * ******************************************************************************/ void GetConfiguration(XUsb * InstancePtr) { u32 *RamBase; UsbMemData.Word = 0x00; RamBase = (u32 *) (InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress + ((InstancePtr->DeviceConfig.Ep[0].RamBase) << 2)); UsbMemData.Byte.Zero = InstancePtr->DeviceConfig.CurrentConfiguration; UsbMemData.Byte.One = 0; UsbMemData.Byte.Two = 0; UsbMemData.Byte.Three = 0; *RamBase = UsbMemData.Word; InstancePtr->DeviceConfig.Ep[0].Buffer0Ready = 1; XUsb_WriteReg(InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress, (InstancePtr->EndPointOffset[0] + XUSB_EP_BUF0COUNT_OFFSET), 1); XUsb_WriteReg(InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress, XUSB_BUFFREADY_OFFSET, 1); Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWriteCount = 0; } /******************************************************************************/ /** * This routine is called when a SET_CONFIGURATION command is received. * * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XUsb instance of the controller. * * @return None. * * @note None. * ******************************************************************************/ void SetConfiguration(XUsb * InstancePtr) { u8 Index; #ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__ Ch9_CmdBuf.Word1.wValue = ((u16)(Ch9_CmdBuf.Word1.Byte23.bDescriptorIndex) | (u16)(Ch9_CmdBuf.Word1.Byte23.bDescriptorType << 8)); #endif switch (Ch9_CmdBuf.Word1.wValue) { case 0: /* * This configuration value resets the device to the * un configured state like power up. */ #ifdef XUSB_CH9_DEBUG xil_printf("Reset Configuration \r\n"); #endif InstancePtr->DeviceConfig.CurrentConfiguration = 0; InitUsbInterface(InstancePtr); /* * Cause a valid status phase to be issued. */ SetupControlWriteStatusStage(InstancePtr); break; case CONFIGURATION_ONE: #ifdef XUSB_CH9_DEBUG xil_printf("USB enumerated \r\n"); #endif InstancePtr->DeviceConfig.CurrentConfiguration = 1; SetupControlWriteStatusStage(InstancePtr); for (Index = 0; Index < InstancePtr->DeviceConfig.NumEndpoints; Index++){ if (Index != 0){ if (InstancePtr->DeviceConfig.Ep[Index].OutIn == XUSB_EP_DIRECTION_OUT) { XUsb_WriteReg(InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress, XUSB_BUFFREADY_OFFSET, 1 << Index); InstancePtr->DeviceConfig.Ep[Index].Buffer0Ready = 1; XUsb_WriteReg(InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress, XUSB_BUFFREADY_OFFSET, (1 << (Index + XUSB_STATUS_EP_BUFF2_SHIFT))); InstancePtr->DeviceConfig.Ep[Index].Buffer1Ready = 1; } } } break; /* * Additional configurations can be added here. */ default: /* * stall the end point. */ XUsb_EpStall(InstancePtr, 0); break; } } /******************************************************************************/ /** * This routine is called when a SET_FEATURE or a CLEAR_FEATURE command is * received. * * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XUsb instance of the controller. * @param flag specifies whether it is a SET_FEATURE (TRUE)or a * CLEAR_FEATURE (FALSE) command. * * @return None. * * @note None. * ******************************************************************************/ void SetClearFeature(XUsb * InstancePtr, int flag) { u8 EndPoint; u8 OutInbit; u32 EpCfgReg; #ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__ Ch9_CmdBuf.Word1.wValue = ((u16)(Ch9_CmdBuf.Word1.Byte23.bDescriptorIndex) | (u16)(Ch9_CmdBuf.Word1.Byte23.bDescriptorType << 8)); #endif switch (Ch9_CmdBuf.Byte0.bmRequestType) { case STANDARD_OUT_DEVICE: switch (Ch9_CmdBuf.Word1.wValue) { case DEVICE_REMOTE_WAKEUP: /* * User needs to add code here. */ break; case TEST_MODE: /* * The Test Mode will be executed * after the status phase. */ break; default: XUsb_EpStall(InstancePtr, 0); break; } break; case STANDARD_OUT_ENDPOINT: if (Ch9_CmdBuf.Word1.wValue == 0) { EndPoint = Ch9_CmdBuf.Word2.wIndex & 0xf; OutInbit = Ch9_CmdBuf.Word2.wIndex & 0x80; OutInbit = OutInbit >> 7; /* * Make sure direction matches. */ if (OutInbit != InstancePtr->DeviceConfig.Ep[EndPoint].OutIn) { XUsb_EpStall(InstancePtr, 0); goto Func_Exit10; } if (EndPoint == 0) { /* * Clear the stall. */ XUsb_EpUnstall(InstancePtr, 0); break; } else { if (flag == TRUE) { XUsb_EpStall(InstancePtr, EndPoint); } else { XUsb_EpUnstall(InstancePtr, EndPoint); /* * Clear the data toggle. */ EpCfgReg = XUsb_ReadReg(InstancePtr-> Config. BaseAddress, InstancePtr-> EndPointOffset [EndPoint]); EpCfgReg &= ~XUSB_EP_CFG_DATA_TOGGLE_MASK; XUsb_WriteReg(InstancePtr->Config. BaseAddress, InstancePtr-> EndPointOffset[EndPoint], EpCfgReg); } } } break; /* * Add more here as needed. */ default: XUsb_EpStall(InstancePtr, 0); goto Func_Exit10; break; } /* * Cause and valid status phase to be issued. */ SetupControlWriteStatusStage(InstancePtr); Func_Exit10: return; } /******************************************************************************/ /** * This routine copies the EP0 related data to the DPRAM. * * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XUsb instance of the controller. * * @return None. * * @note None. * ******************************************************************************/ void LoadEP0(XUsb * InstancePtr) { u16 Count; u8 *RamBase; u16 Index; if (MaxControlSize >= Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWriteCount) { Count = Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWriteCount; } else { Count = MaxControlSize; } /* * Copy the data to be transmitted into the DPRAM. */ RamBase = (u8 *) (InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress + ((InstancePtr->DeviceConfig.Ep[0].RamBase) << 2)); for (Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) { *RamBase++ = *Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWritePtr++; } /* * Set the Tx packet size and enable the Transmission. */ XUsb_WriteReg(InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress, XUSB_EP_BUF0COUNT_OFFSET, Count); XUsb_WriteReg(InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress, XUSB_BUFFREADY_OFFSET, 1); InstancePtr->DeviceConfig.Ep[0].Buffer0Ready = 1; Ch9_CmdBuf.ContWriteCount -= Count; }