############################################################################### # # Copyright (C) 2010 - 2014 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # Use of the Software is limited solely to applications: # (a) running on a Xilinx device, or # (b) that interact with a Xilinx device through a bus or interconnect. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # XILINX CONSORTIUM BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF # OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # # Except as contained in this notice, the name of the Xilinx shall not be used # in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in # this Software without prior written authorization from Xilinx. # # MODIFICATION HISTORY: # # 05/12/10 asa First Release based on the LL TEMAC driver tcl # 01/07/13 srt Added C_PHYADDR configuration parameter to support SGMII mode # 02/03/13 srt Added support for IPI designs (CR 698249) # 02/14/13 srt Added support for Zynq (CR 681136) # 04/24/13 srt Modified parameter *_SGMII_PHYADDR to *_PHYADDR, the config # parameter C_PHYADDR applies to SGMII/1000BaseX modes of # operation (CR 704195) # 08/06/13 srt Added support to handle multiple instances of AxiEthernet # FIFO interface (CR 721141) # 06/08/14 adk Modified the driver tcl to handle the open/close of files # properly (CR 810643) # ############################################################################### #uses "xillib.tcl" set periph_config_params 0 set periph_ninstances 0 proc init_periph_config_struct { deviceid } { global periph_config_params set periph_config_params($deviceid) [list] } proc get_periph_config_struct_fields { deviceid } { global periph_config_params return $periph_config_params($deviceid) } proc add_field_to_periph_config_struct { deviceid fieldval } { global periph_config_params lappend periph_config_params($deviceid) $fieldval } proc display_avb_warning_if_applicable { periph } { set avb_param_val "" set avb_param_val [::hsm::utils::get_param_value $periph C_AVB] if { $avb_param_val == 1 } { puts "*******************************************************************************\r\n" puts "WARNING: Audio Video Bridging (AVB) functionality is ENABLED in the AXI Ethernet core." puts "The AXI Ethernet driver does not support AVB functionality." puts "Please refer to the System Integration section of the Ethernet AVB User Guide" puts "http://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/ip_documentation/eth_avb_endpoint_ug492.pdf for information on AXI-Ethernet AVB Driver integration.\r\n" puts "*******************************************************************************\r\n" } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Given an Axi Ethernet peripheral, generate all the stuff required in # the system include file. # # Given an Axi Ethernet which is an initiator on a # Axi4 Stream interface, traverse the Axi4 Stream to the target side, # figure out the peripheral type that is connected and # put in appropriate defines. The peripheral on the other side # can be AXI DMA or AXI Streaming FIFO. # # ------------------------------------------------------------------ proc xdefine_axiethernet_include_file {drv_handle file_name drv_string} { global periph_ninstances # Open include file set file_handle [::hsm::utils::open_include_file $file_name] # Get all peripherals connected to this driver set periphs [::hsm::utils::get_common_driver_ips $drv_handle] # ---------------------------------------------- # PART 1 - AXI Ethernet related parameters # ---------------------------------------------- # Handle NUM_INSTANCES set periph_ninstances 0 puts $file_handle "/* Definitions for driver [string toupper [get_property NAME $drv_handle]] */" foreach periph $periphs { init_periph_config_struct $periph_ninstances incr periph_ninstances 1 } puts $file_handle "\#define [::hsm::utils::get_driver_param_name $drv_string NUM_INSTANCES] $periph_ninstances" close $file_handle # Now print all useful parameters for all peripherals set device_id 0 foreach periph $periphs { #puts $file_handle "" xdefine_include_file $drv_handle "xparameters.h" "XAxiEthernet" "NUM_INSTANCES" "DEVICE_ID" "C_BASEADDR" "C_HIGHADDR" "C_TYPE" "C_TXCSUM" "C_RXCSUM" "C_PHY_TYPE" "C_TXVLAN_TRAN" "C_RXVLAN_TRAN" "C_TXVLAN_TAG" "C_RXVLAN_TAG" "C_TXVLAN_STRP" "C_RXVLAN_STRP" "C_MCAST_EXTEND" "C_STATS" "C_AVB" "C_PHYADDR" set file_handle [::hsm::utils::open_include_file $file_name] # Create canonical definitions xdefine_temac_params_canonical $file_handle $periph $device_id # Interrupt ID (canonical) xdefine_temac_interrupt $file_handle $periph $device_id display_avb_warning_if_applicable $periph incr device_id puts $file_handle "\n" close $file_handle } # ------------------------------------------------------- # PART 2 -- AXIFIFO/AXIDMA Connection related parameters # ------------------------------------------------------- set file_handle [::hsm::utils::open_include_file $file_name] xdefine_axi_target_params $periphs $file_handle puts $file_handle "\n/******************************************************************/\n" close $file_handle } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Main generate function - called by the tools # ------------------------------------------------------------------ proc generate {drv_handle} { xdefine_axiethernet_include_file $drv_handle "xparameters.h" "XAxiEthernet" xdefine_axiethernet_config_file "xaxiethernet_g.c" "XAxiEthernet" } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Given each AXI4 Stream peripheral which is an initiator on a AXI4 # Stream interface, traverse to the target side, figure out the peripheral # type that is connected and put in appropriate defines. # The peripheral on the other side can be AXI DMA or AXi Streaming FIFO. # # NOTE: This procedure assumes that each AXI4 Stream on each peripheral # corresponds to a unique device id in the system and populates # the global device config params structure accordingly. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc xdefine_axi_target_params {periphs file_handle} { global periph_ninstances # # First dump some enumerations on AXI_TYPE # puts $file_handle "/* AxiEthernet TYPE Enumerations */" puts $file_handle "#define XPAR_AXI_FIFO 1" puts $file_handle "#define XPAR_AXI_DMA 2" puts $file_handle "" set device_id 0 set validentry 0 # Get unique list of p2p peripherals foreach periph $periphs { set p2p_periphs [list] set periph_name [string toupper [get_property NAME $periph]] # Get all point2point buses for periph set p2p_busifs_i [get_intf_pins -of_objects $periph -filter "TYPE==INITIATOR"] puts $file_handle "" puts $file_handle "/* Canonical Axi parameters for $periph_name */" # Add p2p periphs foreach p2p_busif $p2p_busifs_i { set busif_name [string toupper [get_property NAME $p2p_busif]] set conn_busif_handle [::hsm::utils::get_connected_intf $periph $busif_name] if { [string compare -nocase $conn_busif_handle ""] == 0} { continue } else { # if there is a single match, we know if it is FIFO or DMA # no need for further iterations set conn_busif_name [get_property NAME $conn_busif_handle] set target_periph [get_cells -of_objects $conn_busif_handle] set target_periph_type [get_property IP_NAME $target_periph] if { [string compare -nocase $target_periph_type "tri_mode_ethernet_mac"] == 0 } { continue } set tartget_per_name [get_property NAME $target_periph] set target_periph_name [string toupper [get_property NAME $target_periph]] set canonical_tag [string toupper [format "AXIETHERNET_%d" $device_id ]] set validentry 1 break } } if {$validentry == 1} { if {$target_periph_type == "axi_fifo_mm_s"} { # # Handle the connection type (FIFO in this case) # set canonical_name [format "XPAR_%s_CONNECTED_TYPE" $canonical_tag] puts $file_handle "#define $canonical_name XPAR_AXI_FIFO" add_field_to_periph_config_struct $device_id $canonical_name set axi_fifo_baseaddr [get_property CONFIG.C_BASEADDR $target_periph] set canonical_name [format "XPAR_%s_CONNECTED_BASEADDR" $canonical_tag] puts $file_handle [format "#define $canonical_name %s" $axi_fifo_baseaddr] add_field_to_periph_config_struct $device_id $canonical_name # FIFO Interrupts Handling set int_pin [get_pins -of_objects [get_cells $tartget_per_name] INTERRUPT] set intc_periph_type [::hsm::utils::get_connected_intr_cntrl $tartget_per_name $int_pin] set intc_name [get_property IP_NAME $intc_periph_type] if { $intc_name != [format "ps7_scugic"] } { set int_id [::hsm::utils::get_port_intr_id [get_cells $tartget_per_name] $int_pin] set canonical_name [format "XPAR_%s_CONNECTED_FIFO_INTR" $canonical_tag] puts $file_handle [format "#define $canonical_name %d" $int_id] add_field_to_periph_config_struct $device_id $canonical_name puts $file_handle [format "#define XPAR_%s_CONNECTED_DMARX_INTR 0xFF" $canonical_tag] puts $file_handle [format "#define XPAR_%s_CONNECTED_DMATX_INTR 0xFF" $canonical_tag] add_field_to_periph_config_struct $device_id 0xFF add_field_to_periph_config_struct $device_id 0xFF } else { set canonical_name [format "XPAR_%s_CONNECTED_FIFO_INTR" $canonical_tag] set target_periph_name [string toupper [get_property NAME $target_periph_type]] puts $file_handle [format "#define $canonical_name XPAR_FABRIC_%s_S2MM_INTROUT_INTR" $target_periph_name] add_field_to_periph_config_struct $deviceid $canonical_name puts $file_handle [format "#define XPAR_%s_CONNECTED_DMARX_INTR 0xFF" $canonical_tag] puts $file_handle [format "#define XPAR_%s_CONNECTED_DMATX_INTR 0xFF" $canonical_tag] add_field_to_periph_config_struct $device_id 0xFF add_field_to_periph_config_struct $device_id 0xFF } } if {$target_periph_type == "axi_dma"} { set axi_dma_baseaddr [get_property CONFIG.C_BASEADDR $target_periph] # Handle base address and connection type set canonical_name [format "XPAR_%s_CONNECTED_TYPE" $canonical_tag] puts $file_handle "#define $canonical_name XPAR_AXI_DMA" add_field_to_periph_config_struct $device_id $canonical_name set canonical_name [format "XPAR_%s_CONNECTED_BASEADDR" $canonical_tag] puts $file_handle [format "#define $canonical_name %s" $axi_dma_baseaddr] add_field_to_periph_config_struct $device_id $canonical_name puts $file_handle [format "#define XPAR_%s_CONNECTED_FIFO_INTR 0xFF" $canonical_tag] add_field_to_periph_config_struct $device_id 0xFF set dmarx_signal [format "s2mm_introut"] set dmatx_signal [format "mm2s_introut"] xdefine_dma_interrupts $file_handle $target_periph $device_id $canonical_tag $dmarx_signal $dmatx_signal } incr device_id } if {$validentry !=1} { puts "*******************************************************************************\r\n" puts "The target Peripheral(Axi DMA or AXI FIFO) is not connected properly to the AXI Ethernet core." puts "*******************************************************************************\r\n" } } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # This procedure creates XPARs that are canonical/normalized for the # hardware design parameters. It also adds these to the Config table. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ proc xdefine_temac_params_canonical {file_handle periph device_id} { puts $file_handle "\n/* Canonical definitions for peripheral [string toupper [get_property NAME $periph]] */" set canonical_tag [string toupper [format "XPAR_AXIETHERNET_%d" $device_id]] # Handle device ID set canonical_name [format "%s_DEVICE_ID" $canonical_tag] puts $file_handle "\#define $canonical_name $device_id" add_field_to_periph_config_struct $device_id $canonical_name # Handle BASEADDR specially set canonical_name [format "%s_BASEADDR" $canonical_tag] puts $file_handle "\#define $canonical_name [::hsm::utils::get_param_value $periph C_BASEADDR]" add_field_to_periph_config_struct $device_id $canonical_name # Handle HIGHADDR specially set canonical_name [format "%s_HIGHADDR" $canonical_tag] puts $file_handle "\#define $canonical_name [::hsm::utils::get_param_value $periph C_HIGHADDR]" set canonical_name [format "%s_TEMAC_TYPE" $canonical_tag] set value [::hsm::utils::get_param_value $periph C_TYPE] if {[llength $value] == 0} { set value 0 } puts $file_handle "\#define $canonical_name $value" add_field_to_periph_config_struct $device_id $canonical_name set canonical_name [format "%s_TXCSUM" $canonical_tag] set value [::hsm::utils::get_param_value $periph C_TXCSUM] if {[llength $value] == 0} { set value 0 } puts $file_handle "\#define $canonical_name $value" add_field_to_periph_config_struct $device_id $canonical_name set canonical_name [format "%s_RXCSUM" $canonical_tag] set value [::hsm::utils::get_param_value $periph C_RXCSUM] if {[llength $value] == 0} { set value 0 } puts $file_handle "\#define $canonical_name $value" add_field_to_periph_config_struct $device_id $canonical_name set canonical_name [format "%s_PHY_TYPE" $canonical_tag] set value [::hsm::utils::get_param_value $periph C_PHY_TYPE] if {[llength $value] == 0} { set value 0 } puts $file_handle "\#define $canonical_name $value" add_field_to_periph_config_struct $device_id $canonical_name set canonical_name [format "%s_TXVLAN_TRAN" $canonical_tag] set value [::hsm::utils::get_param_value $periph C_TXVLAN_TRAN] if {[llength $value] == 0} { set value 0 } puts $file_handle "\#define $canonical_name $value" add_field_to_periph_config_struct $device_id $canonical_name set canonical_name [format "%s_RXVLAN_TRAN" $canonical_tag] set value [::hsm::utils::get_param_value $periph C_RXVLAN_TRAN] if {[llength $value] == 0} { set value 0 } puts $file_handle "\#define $canonical_name $value" add_field_to_periph_config_struct $device_id $canonical_name set canonical_name [format "%s_TXVLAN_TAG" $canonical_tag] set value [::hsm::utils::get_param_value $periph C_TXVLAN_TAG] if {[llength $value] == 0} { set value 0 } puts $file_handle "\#define $canonical_name $value" add_field_to_periph_config_struct $device_id $canonical_name set canonical_name [format "%s_RXVLAN_TAG" $canonical_tag] set value [::hsm::utils::get_param_value $periph C_RXVLAN_TAG] if {[llength $value] == 0} { set value 0 } puts $file_handle "\#define $canonical_name $value" add_field_to_periph_config_struct $device_id $canonical_name set canonical_name [format "%s_TXVLAN_STRP" $canonical_tag] set value [::hsm::utils::get_param_value $periph C_TXVLAN_STRP] if {[llength $value] == 0} { set value 0 } puts $file_handle "\#define $canonical_name $value" add_field_to_periph_config_struct $device_id $canonical_name set canonical_name [format "%s_RXVLAN_STRP" $canonical_tag] set value [::hsm::utils::get_param_value $periph C_RXVLAN_STRP] if {[llength $value] == 0} { set value 0 } puts $file_handle "\#define $canonical_name $value" add_field_to_periph_config_struct $device_id $canonical_name set canonical_name [format "%s_MCAST_EXTEND" $canonical_tag] set value [::hsm::utils::get_param_value $periph C_MCAST_EXTEND] if {[llength $value] == 0} { set value 0 } puts $file_handle "\#define $canonical_name $value" add_field_to_periph_config_struct $device_id $canonical_name set canonical_name [format "%s_STATS" $canonical_tag] set value [::hsm::utils::get_param_value $periph C_STATS] if {[llength $value] == 0} { set value 0 } puts $file_handle "\#define $canonical_name $value" add_field_to_periph_config_struct $device_id $canonical_name set canonical_name [format "%s_AVB" $canonical_tag] set value [::hsm::utils::get_param_value $periph C_AVB] if {[llength $value] == 0} { set value 0 } puts $file_handle "\#define $canonical_name $value" add_field_to_periph_config_struct $device_id $canonical_name set canonical_name [format "%s_ENABLE_SGMII_OVER_LVDS" $canonical_tag] set value [::hsm::utils::get_param_value $periph C_ENABLE_LVDS] if {[llength $value] == 0} { set value 0 } puts $file_handle "\#define $canonical_name $value" add_field_to_periph_config_struct $device_id $canonical_name set canonical_name [format "%s_PHYADDR" $canonical_tag] set phyaddr [::hsm::utils::get_param_value $periph C_PHYADDR] set value [::hsm::utils::convert_binary_to_decimal $phyaddr] if {[llength $value] == 0} { set value 0 } puts $file_handle "\#define $canonical_name $value" } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Create configuration C file as required by Xilinx drivers # Use the config field list technique # ------------------------------------------------------------------ proc xdefine_axiethernet_config_file {file_name drv_string} { global periph_ninstances set filename [file join "src" $file_name] file delete $filename set config_file [open $filename w] ::hsm::utils::write_c_header $config_file "Driver configuration" puts $config_file "\#include \"xparameters.h\"" puts $config_file "\#include \"[string tolower $drv_string].h\"" puts $config_file "\n/*" puts $config_file "* The configuration table for devices" puts $config_file "*/\n" puts $config_file [format "%s_Config %s_ConfigTable\[\] =" $drv_string $drv_string] puts $config_file "\{" set start_comma "" for {set i 0} {$i < $periph_ninstances} {incr i} { puts $config_file [format "%s\t\{" $start_comma] set comma "" foreach field [get_periph_config_struct_fields $i] { puts -nonewline $config_file [format "%s\t\t%s" $comma $field] set comma ",\n" } puts -nonewline $config_file "\n\t\}" set start_comma ",\n" } puts $config_file "\n\};\n" close $config_file } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Find the two LocalLink DMA interrupts (RX and TX), and define # the canonical constants in xparameters.h and the config table # ------------------------------------------------------------------ proc xdefine_dma_interrupts {file_handle target_periph deviceid canonical_tag dmarx_signal dmatx_signal} { set target_periph_name [string toupper [get_property NAME $target_periph]] # First get the interrupt ports on this AXI peripheral set interrupt_port [get_pins -of_objects $target_periph -filter {TYPE==INTERRUPT&&DIRECTION==O}] if {$interrupt_port == ""} { puts "Info: There are no AXIDMA Interrupt ports" puts $file_handle [format "#define XPAR_%s_CONNECTED_DMARX_INTR 0xFF" $canonical_tag] add_field_to_periph_config_struct $deviceid 0xFF puts $file_handle [format "#define XPAR_%s_CONNECTED_DMATX_INTR 0xFF" $canonical_tag] add_field_to_periph_config_struct $deviceid 0xFF return } # For each interrupt port, find out the ordinal of the interrupt line # as connected to an interrupt controller set addentry 0 set dmarx "null" set dmatx "null" foreach intr_port $interrupt_port { set interrupt_signal_name [get_property NAME $intr_port] set intc_port [get_pins -of_objects $target_periph -filter {TYPE==INTERRUPT&&DIRECTION==O}] # Make sure the interrupt signal was connected in this design. We assume # at least one is. (could be a bug if user just wants polled mode) if { $intc_port != "" } { set found_intc "" foreach intr_sink $intc_port { set pname_type [::hsm::utils::get_connected_intr_cntrl $target_periph $intr_sink] if {$pname_type != "chipscope_ila"} { set special [get_property IP_TYPE $pname_type] if {[string compare -nocase $special "INTERRUPT_CNTLR"] == 0} { set found_intc $intr_sink } } } if {$found_intc == ""} { puts "Info: DMA interrupt not connected to intc\n" puts "Info: There are no AXIDMA Interrupt ports" puts $file_handle [format "#define XPAR_%s_CONNECTED_DMARX_INTR 0xFF" $canonical_tag] add_field_to_periph_config_struct $deviceid 0xFF puts $file_handle [format "#define XPAR_%s_CONNECTED_DMATX_INTR 0xFF" $canonical_tag] add_field_to_periph_config_struct $deviceid 0xFF return } set intc_periph [get_cells -of_objects $found_intc] set intc_periph_type [get_property IP_NAME $pname_type] set intc_name [string toupper [get_property NAME $pname_type]] } else { puts "Info: $target_periph_name interrupt signal $interrupt_signal_name not connected" continue } } # A bit of ugliness here. The only way to figure the ordinal is to # iterate over the interrupt lines again and see if a particular signal # matches the original interrupt signal we were tracking. # If it does, put out the XPAR if { $intc_periph_type != [format "ps7_scugic"] } { set rx_int_id [::hsm::utils::get_port_intr_id $target_periph $dmarx_signal] set canonical_name [format "XPAR_%s_CONNECTED_DMARX_INTR" $canonical_tag] puts $file_handle [format "#define $canonical_name %d" $rx_int_id] add_field_to_periph_config_struct $deviceid $canonical_name set tx_int_id [::hsm::utils::get_port_intr_id $target_periph $dmatx_signal] set canonical_name [format "XPAR_%s_CONNECTED_DMATX_INTR" $canonical_tag] puts $file_handle [format "#define $canonical_name %d" $tx_int_id] add_field_to_periph_config_struct $deviceid $canonical_name } else { set addentry 2 } # Now add to the config table in the proper order (RX first, then TX if { $intc_periph_type == [format "ps7_scugic"] } { set canonical_name [format "XPAR_%s_CONNECTED_DMARX_INTR" $canonical_tag] puts $file_handle [format "#define $canonical_name XPAR_FABRIC_%s_S2MM_INTROUT_INTR" $target_periph_name] add_field_to_periph_config_struct $deviceid $canonical_name set canonical_name [format "XPAR_%s_CONNECTED_DMATX_INTR" $canonical_tag] puts $file_handle [format "#define $canonical_name XPAR_FABRIC_%s_MM2S_INTROUT_INTR" $target_periph_name] add_field_to_periph_config_struct $deviceid $canonical_name } if { $addentry == 1} { # for some reason, only one DMA interrupt was connected (probably a bug), # but fill in a dummy entry for the other (may be the wrong direction!) puts "WARNING: only one SDMA interrupt line connected for $target_periph_name" } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This procedure re-forms the AXI Ethernet interrupt ID XPAR constant and adds it to # the driver config table. This Tcl needs to be careful of the order of the # config table entries # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc xdefine_temac_interrupt {file_handle periph device_id} { #set mhs_handle [xget_hw_parent_handle $periph] set periph_name [string toupper [get_property NAME $periph]] # set up the canonical constant name set canonical_name [format "XPAR_AXIETHERNET_%d_INTR" $device_id] # # In order to reform the XPAR for the interrupt ID, we need to hunt # for the interrupt ID based on the interrupt signal name of the TEMAC # # First get the interrupt ports on this peripheral set interrupt_port [get_pins -of_objects $periph -filter {TYPE==INTERRUPT&&DIRECTION==O}] if {$interrupt_port == ""} { puts "Info: There are no AXI Ethernet Interrupt ports" # No interrupts were connected, so add dummy entry to the config structure puts $file_handle [format "#define $canonical_name 0xFF"] add_field_to_periph_config_struct $device_id 0xFF } # For each interrupt port, find out the ordinal of the interrupt line # as connected to an interrupt controller set addentry 0 set interrupt_signal_name [get_property NAME $interrupt_port] #set interrupt_signal [xget_hw_value $interrupt_port] set intc_prt [::hsm::utils::get_sink_pins [get_pins -of_objects [get_cells $periph] INTERRUPT]] # Make sure the interrupt signal was connected in this design. We assume # at least one is. (could be a bug if user just wants polled mode) if { $intc_prt != "" } { set found_intc "" foreach intr_sink $intc_prt { set phandle [get_cells -of_objects $intr_sink] set pname_type [get_property NAME $phandle] if {$pname_type != "chipscope_ila"} { set special [get_property IP_TYPE [get_cells $pname_type]] if {[string compare -nocase $special "INTERRUPT_CNTLR"] == 0} { set found_intc $intr_sink break } } } if {$found_intc == ""} { puts "Info: Axi Ethernet interrupt not connected to intc\n" # No interrupts were connected, so add dummy entry to the config structure puts $file_handle [format "#define $canonical_name 0xFF"] add_field_to_periph_config_struct $device_id 0xFF return } set intc_periph [get_cells -of_objects $found_intc] set intc_periph_type [get_property IP_NAME $intc_periph] set intc_name [string toupper [get_property NAME $intc_periph]] } else { puts "Info: $periph_name interrupt signal $interrupt_signal_name not connected" # No interrupts were connected, so add dummy entry to the config structure puts $file_handle [format "#define $canonical_name 0xFF"] add_field_to_periph_config_struct $device_id 0xFF return } # A bit of ugliness here. The only way to figure the ordinal is to # iterate over the interrupt lines again and see if a particular signal # matches the original interrupt signal we were tracking. if { $intc_periph_type != [format "ps7_scugic"] } { set ethernet_int_signal_name [get_pins -of_objects $periph INTERRUPT] set int_id [::hsm::utils::get_port_intr_id $periph $ethernet_int_signal_name] puts $file_handle "\#define $canonical_name $int_id" add_field_to_periph_config_struct $device_id $canonical_name set addentry 1 } else { puts $file_handle [format "#define $canonical_name XPAR_FABRIC_%s_INTERRUPT_INTR" $periph_name] add_field_to_periph_config_struct $device_id $canonical_name set addentry 1 } if { $addentry == 0 } { # No interrupts were connected, so add dummy entry to the config structure puts $file_handle [format "#define $canonical_name 0xFF"] add_field_to_periph_config_struct $device_id 0xFF } }