
The examples in this directory are provided to give the user an idea of
how the USB and its driver can be used for Bulk and Interrupt tranfers.


1. xusb_types.h  - Top level include for all examples.

2. xusb_cp.c     - Top level USB chapter 9 related file for all examples.

3. xusb_cp9.h    - Top level USB chapter9 related include file.

4. xusb_storage.c - Provides the bulk transfer example. It implements a mass
		    storage device.

5. xusb_storage.h - This file is the include file required for mass storage

6. xusb_keyboard.c - A USB keyboard example using USB for interrupt transfers.

7. xusb_keyboard.h - The include file for the USB keyboard example.

8. xusb_mouse.c - A USB mouse example using USB for interrupt transfers.

9. xusb_mouse.h - This is the include file for the USB mouse example.

10. xusb_dma_intr_storage.c - Provides the bulk transfer example. It implements
		a mass storage device using the dma interrupts such that all the
		SCSI processing is handled in the interrupts.
11. xusb_phy_read_write.c - Provides a simple example for ULPI PHY read/write
12. xusb_microphone.c - A USB microphone example to demonstrate the isochronous
13. xusb_microphone.h - This is the include file for the USB microphone example.

14. xusb_storage_polled_mode.c - USB mass storage example implemented in polled mode


* These examples are independent from one another. All the examples except the
the phy_read_write example should include the xusb_cp9.c file.

defined in the xusb_types.h file are to be used for testing the examples.

* To run mass storage examples, the constant definition MASS_STORAGE_DEVICE is
to be defined and the constants HID_DEVICES, USB_KEYBOARD and USB_MOUSE are to
be undefined.

* To run keyboard example, the constants HID_DEVICES and USB_KEYBOARD are to
be defined and the constant definitions MASS_STORAGE_DEVICE and USB_MOUSE are to
be undefined.

* To run mouse example, the constants HID_DEVICES and USB_MOUSE are to
be defined and the constant definitions MASS_STORAGE_DEVICE and USB_KEYBOARD are
to be undefined.

* To run the microphone example the constant definition MICROPHONE has to be
defined and the other example constant definitions should be undefined.