/****************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 2010 - 2014 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * Use of the Software is limited solely to applications: * (a) running on a Xilinx device, or * (b) that interact with a Xilinx device through a bus or interconnect. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * XILINX CONSORTIUM BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * * Except as contained in this notice, the name of the Xilinx shall not be used * in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in * this Software without prior written authorization from Xilinx. * ******************************************************************************/ /** * * @file xavb_example.c * * This file implements a simple example to show the usage of Audio Video * Bridging (AVB) functionality of Axi Ethernet IP in loopback mode. * The example uses the PTP Timer and the PTP Rx interrupts. A PDelay_Req packet * is sent and is received back (as we are in loopback mode). . * After this loop backed PDelay_Req packet is received, a PDelay_Resp and * PDelay_RespFollowUp packets are sent. These packets are also received. * Since the source port identity of the received packets matches with our * systems's own source port identity there is no further processing done. * * @note * * This code assumes the processor type is Microblaze, Xilinx interrupt * controller (XIntc) is used in the system , and that no operating * system is used. * * It also assumes that all the relevant AVB interrupts are properly * connected to the Intc module. * * The Ethernet AVB Endpoint functionality should be enabled in the Xilinx * Axi Ethernet core for this example to work. * * The Axi Ethernet is used with a GMII interface. The example initializes * the GMII interface with 1000 Mbps speed. * * IMPORTANT NOTE: * The user must define the macro XAVB_CLOCK_LOCK_THRESHOLD in xavb.h to * an appropriate value as relevant for the corresponding use case. Presently * it is defined to 1000 ns which is typical for telecom industry. * This macro is used to compare against the slave error as calculated everytime * after receiving 2 successive sync/followup frames. Slave error is the * difference between master time duration and slave time duration as calculated * for the time gap (the time it takes to receive two successive sync/follow up * frames). If slave error is greater than the value defined in * XAVB_CLOCK_LOCK_THRESHOLD, then master and slave clocks are unlocked. This * means the node running this SW assumes that the peer is no more capable of * processing 802.1as frames. The node running the SW then waits till it successful * calculates the path delay (which essentially means the peer is again capable * of processing 802.1as frames. * * <pre> * MODIFICATION HISTORY: * * Ver Who Date Changes * ----- ------- -------- ----------------------------------------------------- * 1.00a kag/asa 08/25/10 First release * 3.00a asa 04/10/12 Disabled enabling of promiscuous mode. This is * required for AxiEthernet cores with version v3_01_a * onwards because of a change in the AVB implementation. * 4.0 asa 03/06/14 Fix for CR 740863. Added a #warning message for * users of this example to take note of the fact that * we have just used a typical value for XAVB_CLOCK_LOCK_THRESHOLD * and users may want to change it as per their requirements. * * </pre> *******************************************************************************/ /***************************** Include Files *********************************/ #include "xparameters.h" #include "xil_types.h" #include "xintc.h" #include "xil_exception.h" #include "xavb_hw.h" #include "xavb.h" #include "xil_cache.h" #include "xaxiethernet.h" /* defines Axi Ethernet APIs */ /************************** Constant Definitions *****************************/ /** * The following constants map to the XPAR parameters created in the * xparameters.h file. They are defined here such that a user can easily * change all the needed parameters in one place. */ #define AXIETHERNET_DEVICE_ID XPAR_AXIETHERNET_0_DEVICE_ID #define AVB_PTP_RX_INTERRUPT_ID \ XPAR_INTC_0_AXIETHERNET_0_AV_INTERRUPT_PTP_RX_VEC_ID /* * AVB PTP Received * Frame Interrupt ID */ #define AVB_PTP_INTERRUPT_ID \ XPAR_INTC_0_AXIETHERNET_0_AV_INTERRUPT_10MS_VEC_ID /* AVB PTP Timer * Interrupt ID */ /* * Other constants used in this file. */ #define PHY_DETECT_REG 1 #define PHY_DETECT_MASK 0x1808 #define PHY_R0_RESET 0x8000 #define PHY_R0_LOOPBACK 0x4000 #define PHY_R0_DFT_SPD_1000 0x0040 /* * The source MAC address used in this example. This will also form * a part of source port identity field in the PTP messages */ #define ETH_SYSTEM_ADDRESS_EUI48_HIGH 0x000A35 #define ETH_SYSTEM_ADDRESS_EUI48_LOW 0x010203 /******************************************************************************/ #warning The threshold or tolerance limit for slave error is currently set to \ 1000 ns. This can be configured through the macro \ XAVB_CLOCK_LOCK_THRESHOLD in xavb.h. Slave error is the difference \ between measured master time duration and slave time duration over \ two sync-frame intervals. If slave error exceeds the configured \ threshold, the master and slave clocks are unlocked. For usage of the \ macro XAVB_CLOCK_LOCK_THRESHOLD refer to the function \ XAvb_UpdateRtcIncrement in file xavb_rtc_sync.c /******************************************************************************/ /************************** Function Prototypes ******************************/ static int AvbSetupInterruptSystem(XAvb *InstancePtr); static int AvbConfigHW(XAxiEthernet *AxiEthernetInstancePtr,XAvb *InstancePtr); void AvbGMDiscontinuityHandler(void *CallBackRef, u32 TimestampsUncertain); static int AvbConfigureGmii(XAxiEthernet *InstancePtr, XAvb *AvbInstancePtr); static int AvbEnterPhyLoopBack(XAxiEthernet *InstancePtr); static void AvbUtilPhyDelay(unsigned int Seconds); static void AvbEnablePTPInterrupts(void); static void AvbUtilPrintMessage(char *Message); static XAxiEthernet AxiEthernetInstance; /* Instance of Axi Ethernet driver */ static XAvb Avb; /* Instance of AVB driver */ static XIntc InterruptController; /* Instance of INTC driver */ static XAvb_Config AvbConfigStruct; volatile u8 EchoPTPFramesReceived = 0; /*****************************************************************************/ /** * * This is the main function for the AVB example. * * @param None. * * @return - XST_SUCCESS to indicate success. * - XST_FAILURE to indicate failure * * @note This example will be in a infinte loop if the HW is not working * properly and if the interrupts are not received. * ****************************************************************************/ int main() { int Status; XAxiEthernet_Config *AxiEtherCfgPtr; XAvb_PortIdentity SystemIdentity; u32 WriteData; #if XPAR_MICROBLAZE_USE_ICACHE Xil_ICacheInvalidate(); Xil_ICacheEnable(); #endif #if XPAR_MICROBLAZE_USE_DCACHE Xil_DCacheInvalidate(); Xil_DCacheEnable(); #endif AvbUtilPrintMessage("\r\n--- Entering main() ---"); /* * Initialize Axi Ethernet Driver. */ AxiEtherCfgPtr = XAxiEthernet_LookupConfig(AXIETHERNET_DEVICE_ID); Status = XAxiEthernet_CfgInitialize(&AxiEthernetInstance, AxiEtherCfgPtr, AxiEtherCfgPtr->BaseAddress); if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) { AvbUtilPrintMessage("Failed initializing config for Axi Ethernet\r\n"); AvbUtilPrintMessage("--- Exiting main() ---\r\n"); return XST_FAILURE; } /* * Initialize the AVB Config structure. */ AvbConfigStruct.DeviceId = AxiEtherCfgPtr->DeviceId; AvbConfigStruct.BaseAddress = AxiEtherCfgPtr->BaseAddress; Status = XAvb_CfgInitialize(&Avb, &AvbConfigStruct, AvbConfigStruct.BaseAddress); if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) { AvbUtilPrintMessage("Failed initializing config for AVB\r\n"); AvbUtilPrintMessage("--- Exiting main() ---\r\n"); return XST_FAILURE; } /* * Setup the handler for the AVB that will be called if the PTP drivers * identify a possible discontinuity in GrandMaster time. */ XAvb_SetGMDiscontinuityHandler(&Avb, AvbGMDiscontinuityHandler, &Avb); /* * Reset and initialize the AVB driver. */ XAvb_Reset(&Avb); /* * Perform configuration on the Axi Ethernet and Ethernet AVB Endpoint * cores */ Status = AvbConfigHW(&AxiEthernetInstance, &Avb); if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) { AvbUtilPrintMessage("Failed initializing Axi Ethernet and AVB\r\n"); AvbUtilPrintMessage("--- Exiting main() ---\r\n"); return XST_FAILURE; } /* * Initialize Interrupt Controller */ Status = AvbSetupInterruptSystem(&Avb); if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) { AvbUtilPrintMessage("Failed initializing INTC system\r\n"); AvbUtilPrintMessage("--- Exiting main() ---\r\n"); return XST_FAILURE; } /* * Setup the Source Address and Source Port Identity fields in all * TX PTP Buffers */ SystemIdentity.ClockIdentityUpper = (ETH_SYSTEM_ADDRESS_EUI48_HIGH << 8) | 0xFF; SystemIdentity.ClockIdentityLower = (0xFE << 24) | (ETH_SYSTEM_ADDRESS_EUI48_LOW); SystemIdentity.PortNumber = 1; /* * Write the SA to all default TX PTP buffers */ WriteData = (XAvb_ReorderWord(SystemIdentity.ClockIdentityUpper)) << 16; XAvb_WriteToMultipleTxPtpFrames(Avb.Config.BaseAddress, XAVB_PTP_TX_PKT_SA_UPPER_OFFSET, (WriteData & 0xFFFF0000) , 0xFFFF0000, 0x7F); WriteData = (SystemIdentity.ClockIdentityUpper << 16); WriteData = (WriteData & 0xFF000000); WriteData = (WriteData | (SystemIdentity.ClockIdentityLower & 0x00FFFFFF)); WriteData = XAvb_ReorderWord(WriteData); XAvb_WriteToMultipleTxPtpFrames(Avb.Config.BaseAddress, XAVB_PTP_TX_PKT_SA_LOWER_OFFSET, WriteData, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x7F); /* * Write sourceportidentity to all default TX PTP buffers */ XAvb_SetupSourcePortIdentity(&Avb,SystemIdentity); /* * Start AVB and enable the PTP interrupts. */ XAvb_Start(&Avb); AvbEnablePTPInterrupts(); while(1) { if(EchoPTPFramesReceived) { AvbUtilPrintMessage("\r\nExample passed\r\n"); AvbUtilPrintMessage("--- Exiting main() ---\r\n"); break; } } return XST_SUCCESS; } /*****************************************************************************/ /** * * This function configures Axi Ethernet core and AVB module. * * @param AxiEthernetInstancePtr is a pointer to the Axi Ethernet driver * instance * @param AvbInstancePtr is a pointer to the AVB instance. * * @return -XST_SUCCESS to indicate success * -XST_FAILURE to indicate failure. * * @note None. * ******************************************************************************/ static int AvbConfigHW(XAxiEthernet *AxiEthernetInstancePtr, XAvb *AvbInstancePtr) { u32 ReadData; int Status; /* * Configure MDIO Master in Axi Ethernet - MUST be done before * any MDIO accesses */ XAxiEthernet_WriteReg(AxiEthernetInstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress, XAE_MDIO_MC_OFFSET,0x0000005D); /* * Disable Axi Ethernet Flow Control */ XAxiEthernet_WriteReg(AxiEthernetInstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress, XAE_FCC_OFFSET,0x0); /* * Initialise Axi Ethernet by enabling Tx and Rx with VLAN capability */ XAxiEthernet_WriteReg(AxiEthernetInstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress, XAE_TC_OFFSET,XAE_TC_TX_MASK | XAE_TC_VLAN_MASK); XAxiEthernet_WriteReg(AxiEthernetInstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress, XAE_RCW1_OFFSET, XAE_RCW1_RX_MASK | XAE_RCW1_VLAN_MASK); /* * Initialise RTC reference clock for nominal frequency 125MHz - * (see xavb_hw.h for value) */ XAvb_WriteReg(AvbInstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress, XAVB_RTC_INCREMENT_OFFSET, XAVB_RTC_INCREMENT_NOMINAL_RATE); Status = AvbConfigureGmii(AxiEthernetInstancePtr,AvbInstancePtr); return Status; } /*****************************************************************************/ /** * * This function configures the GMII interface and Axi Ethernet registers for * 1000 Mbps speed configuration. * * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the Axi Ethernet driver instance * @param AvbInstancePtr is a pointer to the AVB instance. * * @return - XST_SUCCESS if successful. * - XST_FAILURE, in case of failure... * * @note None. * ******************************************************************************/ static int AvbConfigureGmii(XAxiEthernet *InstancePtr, XAvb *AvbInstancePtr) { u32 EmmcReg; int Status; /* * Set PHY to loopback. */ Status = AvbEnterPhyLoopBack(InstancePtr); if(Status != XST_SUCCESS) { XAvb_Stop(AvbInstancePtr); return XST_FAILURE; } /* * Get the current contents of the EMAC config register and * zero out speed bits */ EmmcReg = XAxiEthernet_ReadReg(InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress, XAE_EMMC_OFFSET); EmmcReg = EmmcReg & (~XAE_EMMC_LINKSPEED_MASK); EmmcReg |= XAE_EMMC_LINKSPD_1000; XAxiEthernet_WriteReg(InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress, XAE_EMMC_OFFSET,EmmcReg); /* * Setting the operating speed of the MAC needs a delay. There * doesn't seem to be register to poll, so please consider this * during your application design. */ AvbUtilPhyDelay(1); return XST_SUCCESS; } /******************************************************************************/ /** * * This function sets the PHY to loopback mode. This works with the marvell PHY * common on Xilinx evaluation boards. This sets the PHY speed to 1000 Mbps. * * @param AxiEthernetInstancePtr is a pointer to the instance of the * AxiEthernet component. * * @return - XST_SUCCESS if successful. * - XST_FAILURE, in case of failure.. * * @note None. * ******************************************************************************/ static int AvbEnterPhyLoopBack(XAxiEthernet *InstancePtr) { u16 PhyReg0; signed int PhyAddr; u16 PhyReg; for (PhyAddr = 31; PhyAddr >= 0; PhyAddr--) { XAxiEthernet_PhyRead(&AxiEthernetInstance, PhyAddr, PHY_DETECT_REG, &PhyReg); if ((PhyReg != 0xFFFF) && ((PhyReg & PHY_DETECT_MASK) == PHY_DETECT_MASK)) { /* Found a valid PHY address */ break; } } if(PhyAddr == 0) return XST_FAILURE; /* * Clear the PHY of any existing bits by zeroing this out */ PhyReg0 = 0; PhyReg0 |= PHY_R0_DFT_SPD_1000; /* * Set the speed and put the PHY in reset, then put the PHY in loopback */ XAxiEthernet_PhyWrite(&AxiEthernetInstance, PhyAddr, 0, PhyReg0 | PHY_R0_RESET); AvbUtilPhyDelay(1); XAxiEthernet_PhyRead(&AxiEthernetInstance, PhyAddr, 0,&PhyReg0); XAxiEthernet_PhyWrite(&AxiEthernetInstance, PhyAddr, 0, PhyReg0 | PHY_R0_LOOPBACK); AvbUtilPhyDelay(1); return XST_SUCCESS; } /*****************************************************************************/ /** * * This function sets up the interrupt system so interrupts can occur for the * AVB design. * * @param InstancePtr contains a pointer to the instance of the AVB * component which is going to be connected to the interrupt * controller. * * @return - XST_SUCCESS if successful. * - XST_FAILURE, in case of failure.. * * @note None. * ****************************************************************************/ static int AvbSetupInterruptSystem(XAvb *InstancePtr) { int Status; /* * Initialize the interrupt controller driver so that it can be used. * XPAR_INTC_0_DEVICE_ID specifies the XINTC device ID that is * generated in xparameters.h */ Status = XIntc_Initialize(&InterruptController, XPAR_INTC_0_DEVICE_ID); if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) { return XST_FAILURE; } /* * Connect the Ethernet AVB Endpoint's 10 ms interrupt */ Status = XIntc_Connect(&InterruptController, AVB_PTP_INTERRUPT_ID, (XInterruptHandler)XAvb_PtpTimerInterruptHandler, InstancePtr); if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) { return XST_FAILURE; } /* * Connect the Ethernet AVB Endpoint's PTP Rx interrupt */ Status = XIntc_Connect(&InterruptController, AVB_PTP_RX_INTERRUPT_ID, (XInterruptHandler)XAvb_PtpRxInterruptHandler, InstancePtr); if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) { return XST_FAILURE; } /* * Start the interrupt controller so interrupts are enabled for all * devices that cause interrupts. */ Status = XIntc_Start(&InterruptController, XIN_REAL_MODE); if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) { return XST_FAILURE; } /* * Enable interrupt on Microblaze */ Xil_ExceptionInit(); Xil_ExceptionRegisterHandler(XIL_EXCEPTION_ID_INT, (Xil_ExceptionHandler)XIntc_InterruptHandler, (void *)&InterruptController); Xil_ExceptionEnable(); return XST_SUCCESS; } /*****************************************************************************/ /** * * This function enables the PTP Timer interrupt and PTP Rx interrupt in the * INTC module. * * @param None * * @return None * * @note None. * ******************************************************************************/ static void AvbEnablePTPInterrupts(void) { XIntc_Enable(&InterruptController, AVB_PTP_RX_INTERRUPT_ID); XIntc_Enable(&InterruptController, AVB_PTP_INTERRUPT_ID); return; } /****************************************************************************/ /** * * This function is the handler which will be called if the PTP drivers * identify a possible discontinuity in GrandMaster time. * * This handler provides an example of how to handle this situation - * but this function is application specific. * * * @param CallBackRef contains a callback reference from the driver, in * this case it is the instance pointer for the AVB driver. * @param TimestampsUncertain - a value of 1 indicates that there is a * possible discontinuity in GrandMaster time. A value of 0 * indicates that Timestamps are no longer uncertain. * * @return None. * * @note This Handler ned to be defined otherwise the XAvb_StubHandler * will generate an error * ****************************************************************************/ void AvbGMDiscontinuityHandler(void *CallBackRef, u32 TimestampsUncertain) { xil_printf("\r\nGMDiscontinuityHandler: Timestamps are now %s\r\n", TimestampsUncertain ? "uncertain" : "certain"); } /******************************************************************************/ /** * * For Microblaze we use an assembly loop that is roughly the same regardless of * optimization level, although caches and memory access time can make the delay * vary. Just keep in mind that after resetting or updating the PHY modes, * the PHY typically needs time to recover. * * @return None * * @note None * ******************************************************************************/ static void AvbUtilPhyDelay(unsigned int Seconds) { static int WarningFlag = 0; /* If MB caches are disabled or do not exist, this delay loop could * take minutes instead of seconds (e.g., 30x longer). Print a warning * message for the user (once). If only MB had a built-in timer! */ if (((mfmsr() & 0x20) == 0) && (!WarningFlag)) { WarningFlag = 1; } #define ITERS_PER_SEC (XPAR_CPU_CORE_CLOCK_FREQ_HZ / 6) asm volatile ("\n" "1: \n\t" "addik r7, r0, %0 \n\t" "2: \n\t" "addik r7, r7, -1 \n\t" "bneid r7, 2b \n\t" "or r0, r0, r0 \n\t" "bneid %1, 1b \n\t" "addik %1, %1, -1 \n\t" :: "i"(ITERS_PER_SEC), "d" (Seconds)); } /******************************************************************************/ /** * * This function is called by example code to display a console message * * @param Message is the text explaining the error * * @return None * * @note None * ******************************************************************************/ static void AvbUtilPrintMessage(char *Message) { #ifdef STDOUT_BASEADDRESS xil_printf("%s\r\n", Message); #endif }