/****************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 2008 - 2014 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * Use of the Software is limited solely to applications: * (a) running on a Xilinx device, or * (b) that interact with a Xilinx device through a bus or interconnect. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * XILINX CONSORTIUM BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * * Except as contained in this notice, the name of the Xilinx shall not be used * in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in * this Software without prior written authorization from Xilinx. * ******************************************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /** * * @file xvtc.h * * This is the main header file of Xilinx MVI Video Timing Controller (VTC) * device driver. The VTC device detects video signals, independently * overrides any one of them, re-generates video signals with +/- delay and * with polarity inversion, and generates up to 16 one cycle Frame Sync outputs. * * The device has the following main features: * - Detect video signals: * - horizontal sync * - horizontal blank * - vertical sync * - vertical blank * - active video * - field id * - Independently override any one signal. * - Re-generate video signals with +/- delay and with polarity inversion. * - Generate up to 16 one cycle Frame Sync outputs. * * For a full description of VTC features, please see the hardware * specification. * * Software Initialization & Configuration * * The application needs to do following steps in order for preparing the * VTC to be ready to process video signal handling. * * - Call XVtc_LookupConfig using a device ID to find the core * configuration. * - Call XVtc_CfgInitialize to initialize the device and the driver * instance associated with it. * - Call XVtc_SetGenerator to set up the video signals to generate, * if desired. * - Call XVtc_SetPolarity to set up the video signal polarity. * - Call XVtc_SetSource for source selection * - Call XVtc_SetGeneratorHoriOffset to set up the Generator * VBlank/VSync horizontal offsets, if values other than the default are * needed * - Call XVtc_EnableSync, if generator needs to be synced to the detector * - Call XVtc_Enable to enable/start the VTC device. * * Interrupts * * The interrupt types supported are: * - Frame Sync Interrupts 0 - 15 * - Generator interrupt: * - Generator Active Video Interrupt * - Generator VBLANK Interrupt * - Detector interrupt: * - Detector Active Video Interrupt * - Detector VBLANK Interrupt * - Signal Lock interrupt: * - Active Chroma signal lock * - Active Video Signal Lock * - Field ID Signal Lock * - Vertical Blank Signal Lock * - Vertical Sync Signal Lock * - Horizontal Blank Signal Lock * - Horizontal Sync Signal Lock * * Virtual Memory * * This driver supports Virtual Memory. The RTOS is responsible for calculating * the correct device base address in Virtual Memory space. * * Threads * * This driver is not thread safe. Any needs for threads or thread mutual * exclusion must be satisfied by the layer above this driver. * * Asserts * * Asserts are used within all Xilinx drivers to enforce constraints on argument * values. Asserts can be turned off on a system-wide basis by defining, at * compile time, the NDEBUG identifier. By default, asserts are turned on and it * is recommended that users leave asserts on during development. * * Building the driver * * The Vtc driver is composed of several source files. This allows the user * to build and link only those parts of the driver that are necessary. * * Examples * * An example is provided with this driver to demonstrate the driver usage. * * Cache Coherency * * Alignment * * Limitations * * BUS Interface * *
* Ver   Who    Date     Changes
* ----- ------ -------- -----------------------------------------------
* 1.00a xd     08/05/08 First release
* 1.01a xd     07/23/10 Added GIER Added more h/w generic info into
*                       xparameters.h Feed callbacks with pending
*                       interrupt info. Added Doxygen & Version support
* 2.00a xd     05/13/11 1. Renamed to "Video Timing Controller"
*                       2. Added Generator/Detector VBlank/VSync
*                          Horizontal offset setup/fetch support
*                       3. Renamed the IP to support to be axi_vtc
*                       4. Supported sync between generator and detector
*                          with addition of new XVtc_EnableSync and
*                          XVtc_DisableSync functions
*                       5. Renamed XVtc_SetSync to XVtc_SetFSync
*                       6. Renamed XVtc_GetSync to XVtc_GetFSync
*                       7. Removed unnecessary register write in
*                          XVtc_Reset
*                       8. Corrected driver name in .mdd file
*                       9. Updated register bit definition (a few fields grow
*                          from 12 to 13 bit wide)
* 2.00a cm     05/25/11 1. Renamed XVtc_SetSkip to XVtc_SetSkipLine
*                       2. Renamed XVtc_GetSkip to XVtc_GetSkipLine
*                       3. Added XVtc_SetSkipPixel
*                       4. Added XVtc_GetSkipPixel
* 2.00a cm     06/16/12 1. Added missing xil_assert.h include
* 2.00a cm     07/25/12 1. Removed unused XVtc_IntrSetLockPolarity function
* 3.00a cm     08/02/12 1. Added the XVtc_Sync_Reset frame sync'ed SW
*                       reset function.
* 3.00a cjm    08/02/12 Converted from xio.h to xil_io.h, translating
*                       basic types, MB cache functions, exceptions and
*                       assertions to xil_io format.
*                       Replaced the following
*                       "XExc_Init" -> "Xil_ExceptionInit"
*                       "XExc_RegisterHandler" -> "Xil_ExceptionRegister
*                                                                 Handler"
*                       "XEXC_ID_NON_CRITICAL_INT" -> "XIL_EXCEPTION_ID_INT"
*                       "XExceptionHandler" -> "Xil_ExceptionHandler"
*                       "XExc_mEnableExceptions" -> "Xil_ExceptionEnable"
*                       "XExc_DisableExceptions" -> "Xil_ExceptionDisable"
*                       "XExc_RemoveHandler" -> "Xil_ExceptionRemoveHandler"
*                       "microblaze_enable_interrupts" -> "Xil_ExceptionEnable"
*                       "microblaze_disable_interrupts" -> "Xil_Exception
*                                                               Disable"
*                       "XCOMPONENT_IS_READY" -> "XIL_COMPONENT_IS_READY"
*                       "XASSERT_NONVOID" -> "Xil_AssertNonvoid"
*                       "XASSERT_VOID_ALWAYS" -> "Xil_AssertVoidAlways"
*                       "XASSERT_VOID" -> "Xil_AssertVoid"
*                       "Xil_AssertVoid_ALWAYS" -> "Xil_AssertVoidAlways"
*                       "XAssertStatus" -> "Xil_AssertStatus"
*                       "XAssertSetCallback" -> "Xil_AssertCallback"
*                       "XASSERT_OCCURRED" -> "XIL_ASSERT_OCCURRED"
*                       "XASSERT_NONE" -> "XIL_ASSERT_NONE"
*                       "microblaze_disable_dcache" -> "Xil_DCacheDisable"
*                       "microblaze_enable_dcache" -> "Xil_DCacheEnable"
*                       "microblaze_enable_icache" -> "Xil_ICacheEnable"
*                       "microblaze_disable_icache" -> "Xil_ICacheDisable"
*                       "microblaze_init_dcache_range" -> "Xil_DCacheInvalidate
*                                                                       Range"
*                       "XCache_DisableDCache" -> "Xil_DCacheDisable"
*                       "XCache_DisableICache" -> "Xil_ICacheDisable"
*                       "XCache_EnableDCache" -> "Xil_DCacheEnableRegion"
*                       "XCache_EnableICache" -> "Xil_ICacheEnableRegion"
*                       "XCache_InvalidateDCacheLine" -> "Xil_DCacheInvalidate
*                                                                       Range"
*                       "XUtil_MemoryTest32" -> "Xil_TestMem32"
*                       "XUtil_MemoryTest16" -> "Xil_TestMem16"
*                       "XUtil_MemoryTest8" -> "Xil_TestMem8"
*                       "xutil.h" -> "xil_testmem.h"
*                       "xbasic_types.h" -> "xil_types.h"
*                       "xio.h" -> "xil_io.h"
*                       "XIo_In32" -> "Xil_In32"
*                       "XIo_Out32" -> "Xil_Out32"
*                       "XTRUE" -> "TRUE"
*                       "XFALSE" -> "FALSE"
*                       "XNULL" -> "NULL"
*                       "Xuint8" -> "u8"
*                       "Xuint16" -> "u16"
*                       "Xuint32" -> "u32"
*                       "Xint8" -> "char"
*                       "Xint16" -> "short"
*                       "Xint32" -> "long"
*                       "Xfloat32" -> "float"
*                       "Xfloat64" -> "double"
*                       "Xboolean" -> "int"
*                       "XTEST_FAILED" -> "XST_FAILURE"
*                       "XTEST_PASSED" -> "XST_SUCCESS"
* 4.00a cjm    02/07/13 Removed Unused Functions
*                       XVtc_IntrEnableGlobal
*                       XVtc_IntrDisableGlobal
* 5.00a cjm    08/07/13 Replaced XVTC_RESET with (XVTC_CTL)
*                       Replaced XVTC_RESET_RESET_MASK with
*                       (XVTC_CTL_RESET_MASK)
*                       Replaced XVTC_SYNC_RESET_MASK with (XVTC_CTL_SRST_MASK)
* 5.00a cjm    10/30/13 Replaced XVtc_RegUpdate with XVtc_RegUpdateEnable
*                       Added XVtc_RegUpdateDisable
*                       Removed type parameter from XVtc_Enable
*                       Added XVtc_EnableGenerator to enable only the Generator
*                       Added XVtc_EnableDetector to enable only the Detector
* 5.00a cjm    11/01/13 Added Timing, VideoMode and Signal Conversion
*                       Functions:
*                       XVtc_ConvVideoMode2Timing
*                       XVtc_ConvTiming2Signal
*                       XVtc_ConvSignal2Timing
*                       XVtc_ConvTiming2VideoMode
*                       Added Timing and Video Mode Set/Get Functions:
*                       XVtc_SetGeneratorTiming
*                       XVtc_SetGeneratorVideoMode
*                       XVtc_GetGeneratorTiming
*                       XVtc_GetGeneratorVideoMode
*                       XVtc_GetDetectorTiming
*                       XVtc_GetDetectorVideoMode
* 6.0   adk    19/12/13 Updated as per the New Tcl API's.
* 6.1   adk    23/08/14 Implemented XVtc_SelfTest in
*                       xvtc_selftest.c.
*                       Modified prototype of XVtc_GetVersion API.
*                       Modifications from xvtc.c file are:
*                       Modified HActiveVideo value to 1920 for
*                       XVTC_VMODE_1080I mode.
*                       Removed Major, Minor and Revision parameters from
*                       XVtc_GetVersion.
*                       Modified return type of XVtc_GetVersion from
*                       void to u32.
*                       Modifications from xvtc_hw.h file are:
*                       Removed XVTC_ERR_FIL_MASK macro because it is  not
*                       present in latest product guide.
*                       Modified register offsets from XVTC_* to XVTC_*_OFFSET
*                       for consistency.
*                       Added backward compatibility macros.
*                       Modifications from xvtc_intr.c and xvtc_sinit.c files
*                       are:
*                       updated doxygen tags.
*                       Modifications from xvtc_selftest.c file are:
*                       First Release.
*                       Implemented following function:
*                       XVtc_SelfTest.
* ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef XVTC_H_ #define XVTC_H_ /**< Prevent circular inclusions * by using protection macros */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /***************************** Include Files *********************************/ #include "xvtc_hw.h" #include "xil_assert.h" #include "xstatus.h" /************************** Constant Definitions *****************************/ /** @name Interrupt Types for setting up Callbacks * @{ */ #define XVTC_HANDLER_FRAMESYNC 1 /**< A frame sync event * interrupt type */ #define XVTC_HANDLER_LOCK 2 /**< A signal lock event * interrupt type */ #define XVTC_HANDLER_DETECTOR 3 /**< A detector event * interrupt type */ #define XVTC_HANDLER_GENERATOR 4 /**< A generator event * interrupt type */ #define XVTC_HANDLER_ERROR 5 /**< An error condition * interrupt type */ /*@}*/ /** @name Options for enabling VTC modules * @{ */ #define XVTC_EN_GENERATOR 1 /**< To enable generator */ #define XVTC_EN_DETECTOR 2 /**< To enable detector */ /*@}*/ /** @name Address gap between two register next to each other * @{ */ #define XVTC_REG_ADDRGAP 4 /**< Register address gap */ #define XVTC_VMODE_720P 1 /**< Video mode 720P */ #define XVTC_VMODE_1080P 2 /**< Video mode 1080P */ #define XVTC_VMODE_480P 3 /**< Video mode 480P */ #define XVTC_VMODE_576P 4 /**< Video mode 576P */ #define XVTC_VMODE_VGA 5 /**< Video mode VGA */ #define XVTC_VMODE_SVGA 6 /**< Video mode SVGA */ #define XVTC_VMODE_XGA 7 /**< Video mode XGA */ #define XVTC_VMODE_SXGA 8 /**< Video mode SXGA */ #define XVTC_VMODE_WXGAPLUS 9 /**< Video mode WXGAPlus */ #define XVTC_VMODE_WSXGAPLUS 10 /**< Video mode WSXGAPlus */ #define XVTC_VMODE_1080I 100 /**< Video mode 1080I */ #define XVTC_VMODE_NTSC 101 /**< Video mode NTSC */ #define XVTC_VMODE_PAL 102 /**< Video mode PAL */ /*@}*/ /**************************** Type Definitions *******************************/ /** * This typedef contains configuration information for a VTC core. * Each VTC device should have a configuration structure associated */ typedef struct { u16 DeviceId; /**< DeviceId is the unique ID of the VTC * core */ u32 BaseAddress; /**< BaseAddress is the physical base address * of the core's registers */ } XVtc_Config; /** * This typedef contains Polarity configuration information for a VTC core. */ typedef struct { u8 ActiveChromaPol; /**< Active Chroma Output Polarity */ u8 ActiveVideoPol; /**< Active Video Output Polarity */ u8 FieldIdPol; /**< Field ID Output Polarity */ u8 VBlankPol; /**< Vertical Blank Output Polarity */ u8 VSyncPol; /**< Vertical Sync Output Polarity */ u8 HBlankPol; /**< Horizontal Blank Output * Polarity */ u8 HSyncPol; /**< Horizontal Sync Output Polarity */ } XVtc_Polarity; /** * This typedef contains Source Selection configuration information for a * VTC core. */ typedef struct { u8 FieldIdPolSrc; /**< Field ID Output Polarity Source */ u8 ActiveChromaPolSrc; /**< Active Chroma Output Polarity Source */ u8 ActiveVideoPolSrc; /**< Active Video Output Polarity Source */ u8 HSyncPolSrc; /**< Horizontal Sync Output Polarity Source */ u8 VSyncPolSrc; /**< Vertical Sync Output Polarity Source */ u8 HBlankPolSrc; /**< Horizontal Blank Output Polarity Source */ u8 VBlankPolSrc; /**< Vertical Blank Output Polarity Source */ u8 VChromaSrc; /**< Start of Active Chroma Register * Source Select */ u8 VActiveSrc; /**< Vertical Active Video Start Register * Source Select */ u8 VBackPorchSrc; /**< Vertical Back Porch Start Register * Source Select */ u8 VSyncSrc; /**< Vertical Sync Start Register Source * Select */ u8 VFrontPorchSrc; /**< Vertical Front Porch Start Register Source * Select */ u8 VTotalSrc; /**< Vertical Total Register Source Select */ u8 HActiveSrc; /**< Horizontal Active Video Start Register * Source Select */ u8 HBackPorchSrc; /**< Horizontal Back Porch Start Register * Source Select */ u8 HSyncSrc; /**< Horizontal Sync Start Register * Source Select */ u8 HFrontPorchSrc; /**< Horizontal Front Porch Start Register * Source Select */ u8 HTotalSrc; /**< Horizontal Total Register Source Select */ } XVtc_SourceSelect; /** * This typedef contains the VTC signal configuration used by the * Generator/Detector modules in a VTC device. */ typedef struct { u16 OriginMode; /**< Origin Mode */ u16 HTotal; /**< Horizontal total clock cycles per Line */ u16 HFrontPorchStart; /**< Horizontal Front Porch Start Cycle * Count */ u16 HSyncStart; /**< Horizontal Sync Start Cycle Count */ u16 HBackPorchStart; /**< Horizontal Back Porch Start Cycle Count */ u16 HActiveStart; /**< Horizontal Active Video Start Cycle * Count */ u16 V0Total; /**< Total lines per Frame (Field 0) */ u16 V0FrontPorchStart; /**< Vertical Front Porch Start Line * Count * (Field 0) */ u16 V0SyncStart; /**< Vertical Sync Start Line Count * (Field 0) */ u16 V0BackPorchStart; /**< Vertical Back Porch Start Line * Count * (Field 0) */ u16 V0ActiveStart; /**< Vertical Active Video Start Line * Count * (Field 0) */ u16 V0ChromaStart; /**< Active Chroma Start Line Count * (Field 0) */ u16 V1Total; /**< Total lines per Frame (Field 1) */ u16 V1FrontPorchStart; /**< Vertical Front Porch Start Line * Count * (Field 1) */ u16 V1SyncStart; /**< Vertical Sync Start Line Count * (Field 1) */ u16 V1BackPorchStart; /**< Vertical Back Porch Start Line Count * * (Field 1) */ u16 V1ActiveStart; /**< Vertical Active Video Start Line * Count (Field 1) */ u16 V1ChromaStart; /**< Active Chroma Start Line Count * (Field 1) */ } XVtc_Signal; /** * This typedef contains Detector/Generator VBlank/VSync Horizontal Offset * configuration information for a VTC device. */ typedef struct { u16 V0BlankHoriStart; /**< Vertical Blank Hori Offset Start * (field 0) */ u16 V0BlankHoriEnd; /**< Vertical Blank Hori Offset End * (field 0) */ u16 V0SyncHoriStart; /**< Vertical Sync Hori Offset Start * (field 0) */ u16 V0SyncHoriEnd; /**< Vertical Sync Hori Offset End * (field 0) */ u16 V1BlankHoriStart; /**< Vertical Blank Hori Offset Start * (field 1) */ u16 V1BlankHoriEnd; /**< Vertical Blank Hori Offset End * (field 1) */ u16 V1SyncHoriStart; /**< Vertical Sync Hori Offset Start * (field 1) */ u16 V1SyncHoriEnd; /**< Vertical Sync Hori Offset End * (field 1) */ } XVtc_HoriOffsets; /** * This typedef contains Timing (typically in Display Timing) format * configuration information for the VTC core. */ typedef struct { /* Horizontal Timing */ u16 HActiveVideo; /**< Horizontal Active Video Size */ u16 HFrontPorch; /**< Horizontal Front Porch Size */ u16 HSyncWidth; /**< Horizontal Sync Width */ u16 HBackPorch; /**< Horizontal Back Porch Size */ u16 HSyncPolarity; /**< Horizontal Sync Polarity */ /* Vertical Timing */ u16 VActiveVideo; /**< Vertical Active Video Size */ u16 V0FrontPorch; /**< Vertical Front Porch Size */ u16 V0SyncWidth; /**< Vertical Sync Width */ u16 V0BackPorch; /**< Horizontal Back Porch Size */ u16 V1FrontPorch; /**< Vertical Front Porch Size */ u16 V1SyncWidth; /**< Vertical Sync Width */ u16 V1BackPorch; /**< Vertical Back Porch Size */ u16 VSyncPolarity; /**< Vertical Sync Polarity */ u8 Interlaced; /**< Interlaced / Progressive video */ } XVtc_Timing; /** * * Callback type for all interrupts except error interrupt. * * @param CallBackRef is a callback reference passed in by the upper * layer when setting the callback functions, and passed back to * the upper layer when the callback is invoked. * @param Mask is a bit mask indicating the cause of the event. For * current core version, this parameter is "OR" of 0 or more * XVTC_IXR_*_MASK constants defined in xvtc_hw.h. * * @return None. * * @note None. * *****************************************************************************/ typedef void (*XVtc_CallBack)(void *CallBackRef, u32 Mask); /** * * Callback type for Error interrupt. * * @param CallBackRef is a callback reference passed in by the upper * layer when setting the callback functions, and passed back to * the upper layer when the callback is invoked. * @param ErrorMask is a bit mask indicating the cause of the error. For * current core version, this parameter always have value 0 and * could be ignored. * * @return None. * * @note None. * *****************************************************************************/ typedef void (*XVtc_ErrorCallBack)(void *CallBackRef, u32 ErrorMask); /** * The XVtc driver instance data. An instance must be allocated for each * VTC core in use. */ typedef struct { XVtc_Config Config; /**< Hardware Configuration */ u32 IsReady; /**< Core and the driver instance are * initialized */ /* Interrupt callbacks*/ XVtc_CallBack FrameSyncCallBack; /**< Callback for Frame Sync * interrupt */ void *FrameSyncRef; /**< To be passed to the Frame Sync * interrupt callback */ XVtc_CallBack LockCallBack; /**< Callback for Signal Lock * interrupt */ void *LockRef; /**< To be passed to the Signal Lock * interrupt callback */ XVtc_CallBack DetectorCallBack; /**< Callback for Detector interrupt */ void *DetectorRef; /**< To be passed to the Detector * interrupt callback */ XVtc_CallBack GeneratorCallBack; /**< Callback for Generator * interrupt */ void *GeneratorRef; /**< To be passed to the Generator * interrupt callback */ XVtc_ErrorCallBack ErrCallBack; /**< Callback for Error interrupt */ void *ErrRef; /**< To be passed to the Error * interrupt callback */ } XVtc; /***************** Macros (Inline Functions) Definitions *********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /** * * This function macro resets the VTC core. * * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the VTC instance to be * worked on. * * @return None. * * @note C-style signature: * void XVtc_Reset(XVtc *InstancePtr) * ******************************************************************************/ #define XVtc_Reset(InstancePtr) \ XVtc_WriteReg((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress, (XVTC_CTL_OFFSET), \ (XVTC_CTL_RESET_MASK)) /*****************************************************************************/ /** * * This function macro resets the VTC core after the next input frame is * complete. * * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the VTC core instance to be * worked on. * * @return None. * * @note C-style signature: * void XVtc_SyncReset(XVtc *InstancePtr) * ******************************************************************************/ #define XVtc_SyncReset(InstancePtr) \ XVtc_WriteReg((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress, (XVTC_CTL_OFFSET), \ (XVTC_CTL_SRST_MASK)) /*****************************************************************************/ /** * * This function macro enables synchronization of the Generator with the * Detector on the given VTC core. * * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the VTC core instance to be * worked on. * * @return None. * * @note C-style signature: * void XVtc_EnableSync(XVtc *InstancePtr) * ******************************************************************************/ #define XVtc_EnableSync(InstancePtr) \ XVtc_WriteReg((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress, (XVTC_CTL_OFFSET), \ XVtc_ReadReg((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress, \ (XVTC_CTL_OFFSET)) | (XVTC_CTL_SE_MASK)) /*****************************************************************************/ /** * * This function macro enables updating timing registers at the end of each * Generator frame. (DEPRECATED - replaced with XVtc_RegUpdateEnable). * * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the VTC core instance to be * worked on. * * @return None. * * @note C-style signature: * void XVtc_RegUpdate(XVtc *InstancePtr) * ******************************************************************************/ #define XVtc_RegUpdate(InstancePtr) \ XVtc_WriteReg((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress, (XVTC_CTL_OFFSET), \ XVtc_ReadReg((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress, \ (XVTC_CTL_OFFSET)) | (XVTC_CTL_RU_MASK)) /*****************************************************************************/ /** * * This function macro enables updating timing registers at the end of each * Generator frame. * * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the VTC core instance to be * worked on. * * @return None. * * @note C-style signature: * void XVtc_RegUpdateEnable(XVtc *InstancePtr) * ******************************************************************************/ #define XVtc_RegUpdateEnable(InstancePtr) \ XVtc_WriteReg((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress, (XVTC_CTL_OFFSET), \ XVtc_ReadReg((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress, \ (XVTC_CTL_OFFSET)) | (XVTC_CTL_RU_MASK)) /*****************************************************************************/ /** * * This function macro disables updating timing registers at the end of each * Generator frame. * * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the VTC core instance to be * worked on. * * @return None. * * @note C-style signature: * void XVtc_RegUpdateDisable(XVtc *InstancePtr) * ******************************************************************************/ #define XVtc_RegUpdateDisable(InstancePtr) \ XVtc_WriteReg((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress, (XVTC_CTL_OFFSET), \ XVtc_ReadReg((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress, \ (XVTC_CTL_OFFSET)) & (~(XVTC_CTL_RU_MASK))) /*****************************************************************************/ /** * * This function macro disables synchronization of the Generator with the * Detector on the given VTC core. * * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the VTC core instance to be * worked on. * * @return None. * * @note C-style signature: * void XVtc_DisableSync(XVtc *InstancePtr) * ******************************************************************************/ #define XVtc_DisableSync(InstancePtr) \ XVtc_WriteReg((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress, (XVTC_CTL_OFFSET), \ (XVtc_ReadReg((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress, \ (XVTC_CTL_OFFSET)) & ~(XVTC_CTL_SE_MASK))) /*****************************************************************************/ /** * * This function macro gets the status of the Detector in the VTC core. * * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the VTC core instance to be * worked on. * * @return The Detector status. Use XVTC_DS_* in xvtc_hw.h to interpret * the returned value. * * @note C-style signature: * u32 XVtc_GetDetectionStatus(XVtc *InstancePtr) * ******************************************************************************/ #define XVtc_GetDetectionStatus(InstancePtr) \ XVtc_ReadReg((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress, (XVTC_DTSTAT_OFFSET)) /*****************************************************************************/ /** * * This function macro enables individual interrupts of the VTC core by * updating the IRQ_ENABLE register. * * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the VTC core instance to be * worked on. * * @param IntrType is the bit-mask of the interrupts to be enabled. * Bit positions of 1 will be enabled. Bit positions of 0 will * keep the previous setting. This mask is formed by OR'ing * XVTC_IXR_*_MASK bits defined in xvtc_hw.h. * * @return None. * * @note The existing enabled interrupt(s) will remain enabled. * C-style signature: * void XVtc_IntrEnable(XVtc *InstancePtr, u32 IntrType) * ******************************************************************************/ #define XVtc_IntrEnable(InstancePtr, IntrType) \ XVtc_WriteReg((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress, (XVTC_IER_OFFSET), \ (((IntrType) & (XVTC_IXR_ALLINTR_MASK)) | \ (XVtc_ReadReg((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress, \ (XVTC_IER_OFFSET))))) /*****************************************************************************/ /** * * This function macro disables individual interrupts of the VTC core by * updating the IRQ_ENABLE register. * * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the VTC core instance to be * worked on. * * @param IntrType is the bit-mask of the interrupts to be disabled. * Bit positions of 1 will be disabled. Bit positions of 0 will * keep the previous setting. This mask is formed by OR'ing * XVTC_IXR_*_MASK bits defined in xvtc_hw.h. * * @return None. * * @note Any other interrupt not covered by parameter IntrType, * if enabled before this macro is called, will remain enabled. * C-style signature: * void XVtc_IntrDisable(XVtc *InstancePtr, u32 IntrType) * ******************************************************************************/ #define XVtc_IntrDisable(InstancePtr, IntrType) \ XVtc_WriteReg((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress, (XVTC_IER_OFFSET), \ XVtc_ReadReg((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress, \ (XVTC_IER_OFFSET)) & ((~(IntrType)) & (XVTC_IXR_ALLINTR_MASK))) /*****************************************************************************/ /** * * This function macro returns the pending interrupt status of the VTC core * read from the Status register. * * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the VTC core instance to be * worked on. * * @return The status of pending interrupts of the VTC core. * Use XVTC_IXR_*_MASK constants defined in xvtc_hw.h to * interpret this value. * * @note C-style signature: * u32 XVtc_StatusGePending(XVtc *InstancePtr) * ******************************************************************************/ #define XVtc_StatusGetPending(InstancePtr) \ XVtc_ReadReg((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress, (XVTC_ISR_OFFSET)) & \ (XVTC_IXR_ALLINTR_MASK) /*****************************************************************************/ /** * * This function macro returns the pending interrupts of the VTC core for * the interrupts that have been enabled. * * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the VTC core instance to be * worked on. * * @return The pending interrupts of the VTC core. Use * XVTC_IXR_*_MASK constants defined in xvtc_hw.h to * interpret this value. The returned value is a logical AND of * the contents of the STATUS Register and the IRQ_ENABLE * Register. * * @note C-style signature: * u32 XVtc_IntrGetPending(XVtc *InstancePtr) * ******************************************************************************/ #define XVtc_IntrGetPending(InstancePtr) \ (XVtc_ReadReg((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress, XVTC_IER_OFFSET) & \ XVtc_ReadReg((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress, XVTC_ISR_OFFSET) & \ XVTC_IXR_ALLINTR_MASK) /*****************************************************************************/ /** * * This function macro clears/acknowledges pending interrupts of the VTC * core in the Status register. Bit positions of 1 will be cleared. * * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the VTC core instance to be * worked on. * @param IntrType is the pending interrupts to clear/acknowledge. * Use OR'ing of XVTC_IXR_*_MASK constants defined in * xvtc_hw.h to create this parameter value. * * @return None. * * @note C-style signature: * void XVtc_IntrClear(XVtc *InstancePtr, u32 IntrType) * ******************************************************************************/ #define XVtc_IntrClear(InstancePtr, IntrType) \ XVtc_WriteReg((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress, (XVTC_ISR_OFFSET), \ ((IntrType) & (XVTC_IXR_ALLINTR_MASK))) /*****************************************************************************/ /** * * This function macro resets the VTC core after the next input frame is * complete. * * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the VTC core instance to be * worked on. * * @return None. * * @note C-style signature: * void XVtc_Sync_Reset(XVtc *InstancePtr) * ******************************************************************************/ #define XVtc_Sync_Reset XVtc_SyncReset /************************** Function Prototypes ******************************/ /* Initialization and control functions in xvtc.c */ /* Initialization */ int XVtc_CfgInitialize(XVtc *InstancePtr, XVtc_Config *CfgPtr, u32 EffectiveAddr); /* Enabling and Disabling the VTC core */ void XVtc_EnableGenerator(XVtc *InstancePtr); void XVtc_EnableDetector(XVtc *InstancePtr); void XVtc_Enable(XVtc *InstancePtr); void XVtc_DisableGenerator(XVtc *InstancePtr); void XVtc_DisableDetector(XVtc *InstancePtr); void XVtc_Disable(XVtc *InstancePtr); /* Video Mode, Timing and Signal/HoriOffsets/Polarity Conversions */ void XVtc_ConvVideoMode2Timing(XVtc *InstancePtr, u16 Mode, XVtc_Timing *TimingPtr); void XVtc_ConvTiming2Signal(XVtc *InstancePtr, XVtc_Timing *TimingPtr, XVtc_Signal *SignalCfgPtr, XVtc_HoriOffsets *HOffPtr, XVtc_Polarity *PolarityPtr); void XVtc_ConvSignal2Timing(XVtc *InstancePtr, XVtc_Signal *SignalCfgPtr, XVtc_HoriOffsets *HOffPtr, XVtc_Polarity *PolarityPtr, XVtc_Timing *TimingPtr); u16 XVtc_ConvTiming2VideoMode(XVtc *InstancePtr, XVtc_Timing *TimingPtr); /* Timing/Video Mode Setting/Fetching */ void XVtc_SetGeneratorTiming(XVtc *InstancePtr, XVtc_Timing * TimingPtr); void XVtc_SetGeneratorVideoMode(XVtc *InstancePtr, u16 Mode); void XVtc_GetGeneratorTiming(XVtc *InstancePtr, XVtc_Timing *TimingPtr); u16 XVtc_GetGeneratorVideoMode(XVtc *InstancePtr); void XVtc_GetDetectorTiming(XVtc *InstancePtr, XVtc_Timing *TimingPtr); u16 XVtc_GetDetectorVideoMode(XVtc *InstancePtr); /* Polarity setting */ void XVtc_SetPolarity(XVtc *InstancePtr, XVtc_Polarity *PolarityPtr); void XVtc_GetPolarity(XVtc *InstancePtr, XVtc_Polarity *PolarityPtr); void XVtc_GetDetectorPolarity(XVtc *InstancePtr, XVtc_Polarity *PolarityPtr); /* Source selection */ void XVtc_SetSource(XVtc *InstancePtr, XVtc_SourceSelect *SourcePtr); void XVtc_GetSource(XVtc *InstancePtr, XVtc_SourceSelect *SourcePtr); /* Skipping setting */ void XVtc_SetSkipLine(XVtc *InstancePtr, int GeneratorChromaSkip); void XVtc_GetSkipLine(XVtc *InstancePtr, int *GeneratorChromaSkipPtr); void XVtc_SetSkipPixel(XVtc *InstancePtr, int GeneratorChromaSkip); void XVtc_GetSkipPixel(XVtc *InstancePtr, int *GeneratorChromaSkipPtr); /* VTC generator/detector setting/fetching */ void XVtc_SetGenerator(XVtc *InstancePtr, XVtc_Signal *SignalCfgPtr); void XVtc_GetGenerator(XVtc *InstancePtr, XVtc_Signal *SignalCfgPtr); void XVtc_GetDetector(XVtc *InstancePtr, XVtc_Signal *SignalCfgPtr); /* Delay setting */ void XVtc_SetDelay(XVtc *InstancePtr, int VertDelay, int HoriDelay); void XVtc_GetDelay(XVtc *InstancePtr, int *VertDelayPtr, int *HoriDelayPtr); /* Frame Sync setting */ void XVtc_SetFSync(XVtc *InstancePtr, u16 FrameSyncIndex, u16 VertStart, u16 HoriStart); void XVtc_GetFSync(XVtc *InstancePtr, u16 FrameSyncIndex, u16 *VertStartPtr, u16 *HoriStartPtr); /* Horizontal Offset Setting */ void XVtc_SetGeneratorHoriOffset(XVtc *InstancePtr, XVtc_HoriOffsets *HoriOffset); void XVtc_GetGeneratorHoriOffset(XVtc *InstancePtr, XVtc_HoriOffsets *HoriOffset); void XVtc_GetDetectorHoriOffset(XVtc *InstancePtr, XVtc_HoriOffsets *HoriOffset); /* Version function */ u32 XVtc_GetVersion(XVtc *InstancePtr); /* Initialization functions in xvtc_sinit.c */ XVtc_Config *XVtc_LookupConfig(u16 DeviceId); /* * Interrupt related function(s) in xvtc_intr.c */ void XVtc_IntrHandler(void *InstancePtr); int XVtc_SetCallBack(XVtc *InstancePtr, u32 IntrType, void *CallBackFunc, void *CallBackRef); /* SelfTest related function in xvtc_selftest.c */ int XVtc_SelfTest(XVtc *InstancePtr); /************************** Variable Declarations ****************************/ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* end of protection macro */