############################################################################## # # (c) Copyright 2010 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. # # This file contains confidential and proprietary information of Xilinx, Inc. # and is protected under U.S. and international copyright and other # intellectual property laws. # # DISCLAIMER # This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any rights to the # materials distributed herewith. Except as otherwise provided in a valid # license issued to you by Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by # applicable law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND WITH ALL # FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, # IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; # and (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, including # negligence, or under any other theory of liability) for any loss or damage # of any kind or nature related to, arising under or in connection with these # materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, special, incidental, # or consequential loss or damage (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, # or any type of loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought by # a third party) even if such damage or loss was reasonably foreseeable or # Xilinx had been advised of the possibility of the same. # # CRITICAL APPLICATIONS # Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail-safe, or for use in # any application requiring fail-safe performance, such as life-support or # safety devices or systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, # applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any other applications # that could lead to death, personal injury, or severe property or # environmental damage (individually and collectively, "Critical # Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and liability of any use of # Xilinx products in Critical Applications, subject only to applicable laws # and regulations governing limitations on product liability. # # THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS PART OF THIS FILE # AT ALL TIMES. # # Top level Makefile # # $Id: Makefile_mb.sh,v 2011/08/25 12:12:50 anirudh Exp $ # ############################################################################## # # Processor architecture # microblaze # ARCH = microblaze SYSTEMDIR = ../../.. TOPDIR = . ARCH_PREFIX = mb # # gnu tools for Makefile # CC = $(ARCH_PREFIX)-gcc AR = $(ARCH_PREFIX)-ar CP = cp # export ARCH ARCH_PREFIX ARCH_DEFINE CC AR CP # # Compiler, linker and other options. # CFLAGS = ${COMPILER_FLAGS} -D__XMK__ ${EXTRA_COMPILER_FLAGS} # # System project directories. # LIBDIR = $(SYSTEMDIR)/lib INCLUDEDIR = $(SYSTEMDIR)/include # ELF process's system call wrapper library LIBSYSCALL = ${TOPDIR}/libsyscall.a # Kernel library. Contains system call wrappers and the entire kernel LIBXILKERNEL = ${LIBDIR}/libxil.a LIBXILKERNEL_OLD = ${TOPDIR}/libxilkernel.a INCLUDES = -I${TOPDIR}/include -I$(INCLUDEDIR) LIBS = -L${TOPDIR} -L$(LIBDIR) # These objects go into libxil.a for linking with kernel bundled threads KERNEL_AR_OBJS = ${TOPDIR}/src/sys/*.o ${TOPDIR}/src/ipc/*.o ${TOPDIR}/syscall/arch/${ARCH}/*.o ${TOPDIR}/syscall/*.o ${TOPDIR}/syscall/arch/${ARCH}/*.o ${TOPDIR}/syscall/*.o ${TOPDIR}/src/arch/${ARCH}/debugmon.o KERNEL_AR_OBJS_2 = ${TOPDIR}/src/arch/${ARCH}/*.o # These objects go into the ELF process system call wrapper library - libsyscall.a LIBSYSCALL_OBJS = ${TOPDIR}/syscall/arch/${ARCH}/*.o ${TOPDIR}/syscall/*.o INCLUDEFILES = ${TOPDIR}/include/* STANDALONE_STDIN_SRC = inbyte.c STANDALONE_STDOUT_SRC = outbyte.c STANDALONE_STDIN_OBJ = inbyte.o STANDALONE_STDOUT_OBJ = outbyte.o LIBXIL = libxil.a #SUBDIRS = dir_src SUBDIRS = libs: real_libs echo "Compiling xilkernel" real_libs: dir_syscall dir_src standalone rellibs dir_src: $(MAKE) -C src CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)" ARCH="$(ARCH)" CC="$(CC)" AR="$(AR)" all dir_syscall: $(MAKE) -C syscall CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)" ARCH="$(ARCH)" CC="$(CC)" AR="$(AR)" libs # # This target is required because of the way inbyte.c and outbyte.c get # generated under xilkernel instead of standalone. This is due to the behavior # of standard tcl library routines xhandle_stdin and xhandle_stdout # standalone: # Does not work on SOL !! #.PHONY: include include: dummy $(CP) -rf $(INCLUDEFILES) $(INCLUDEDIR) dummy: rellibs: standalone $(AR) -r ${LIBSYSCALL} $(LIBSYSCALL_OBJS) $(CP) $(LIBSYSCALL) $(LIBDIR) $(AR) -r ${LIBXILKERNEL} $(KERNEL_AR_OBJS) $(AR) -r ${LIBXILKERNEL_OLD} ${KERNEL_AR_OBJS_2} $(CP) $(LIBXILKERNEL_OLD) $(LIBDIR) clean: $(MAKE) -C src ARCH="$(ARCH)" clean $(MAKE) -C syscall ARCH="$(ARCH)" clean rm -f ${LIBSYSCALL}