/****************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 2012 - 2015 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * Use of the Software is limited solely to applications: * (a) running on a Xilinx device, or * (b) that interact with a Xilinx device through a bus or interconnect. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * XILINX CONSORTIUM BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * * Except as contained in this notice, the name of the Xilinx shall not be used * in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in * this Software without prior written authorization from Xilinx. * ******************************************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /** * * @file xaxivdma_porting_guide.h * * This is a guide on how to move from using the xvdma driver to use xaxivdma * driver. * *
* Ver   Who  Date     Changes
* ----- ---- -------- -------------------------------------------------------
* 1.00a jz   08/16/10 First release
* 2.00a jz   12/10/10 Added support for direct register access mode, v3 core
* 2.01a jz   01/19/11 Added ability to re-assign BD addresses
* 	rkv  03/28/11 Added support for frame store register.
* 3.00a srt  08/26/11 - Added support for Flush on Frame Sync and dynamic 
*		      	programming of Line Buffer Thresholds.
*		      - XAxiVdma_ChannelErrors API is changed to support for
*			Flush on Frame Sync feature.
*			MATCH_ERROR are added to report error status when
*			Flush on Frame Sync feature is enabled.		    
* 4.00a srt  11/21/11 - XAxiVdma_ChannelSetBufferAddr API is changed to
*			support 32 Frame Stores.
*		      - XAxiVdma_ChannelConfig API is changed to support
*			modified Park Offset Register bits.
*		      - Added APIs: 
*			XAxiVdma_FsyncSrcSelect()
*			XAxiVdma_GenLockSourceSelect()
*		      - Modified structures XAxiVdma_Config and XAxiVdma to
*		        include new parameters.
* 4.01a srt  06/13/12 - Added APIs:
*			XAxiVdma_GetDmaChannelErrors()
*			XAxiVdma_ClearDmaChannelErrors()
*			XAxiVdma_ClearChannelErrors()
*		      - XAxiVdma_ChannelErrors API is changed to remove 
*			Mismatch error logic.
*		      - Removed Error checking logic in the channel APIs.
*			Provided User APIs to do this.
*		      - Added new error bit mask XAXIVDMA_SR_ERR_SOF_LATE_MASK
*		      - XAXIVDMA_MISMATCH_ERROR flag is deprecated.
* 		      - Modified the logic of Error handling in interrupt
*		        handlers. 
* * Overview * * The API for xaxivdma driver is similar to xvdma driver. However, the prefix * for functions and structures is now XAxiVdma_. Due to hardware changes, * for AXI_VDMA core in 12.3, we have changed some API functions, removed some * API functions and added some new API functions. * * From 13.1 release, the hardware, v3.00a core supports direct register access * mode where transfer is set through direct register writes. Scatter gather is * no longer there if the direct register access mode is selected. This change * does not impact the driver API. * * For 13.2 release, the driver supports re-assigning BD addresses. This comes * from the user that it is desirable to change the BD addresses to a memory * region that SG hardware can access. * * For 13.4 release, the hardware, v5.00a core has added new features to select * Internal GenLock and Frame Sync Sources in the control register. Due to * hardware changes, we have added new API functions for the two new features. * * For 14.2 release, the hardware, v5.02a core has modified the handling of * VDMA errors. To support this, we have changed some APIs and added some new * APIs. * * API That Only Have Prefix Changes * * Note that API includes data structures and functions. For API functions that * use VDMA data structures or their pointers as arguments, the structures need * to use the new perfix as well. * * The following are the data structures that have prefix changed: * * xvdma API structures | xaxivdma API structures *------------------------------------|------------------------------ * XVDma | XAxiVdma * XVDma_Config | XAxiVdma_Config * XVDma_DmaSetup | XAxiVdma_DmaSetup * XVDmaFrameCounter | XAxiVdma_FrameCounter * * The following is the list of API functions that only have the prefix changes: * * xvdma API functions | xaxivdma API functions *------------------------------------|------------------------------ * XVDma_CfgInitialize | XAxiVdma_CfgInitialize * XVDma_StartWriteFrame | XAxiVdma_StartWriteFrame * XVDma_StartReadFrame | XAxiVdma_StartReadFrame * XVDma_SetFrameCounter | XAxiVdma_SetFrameCounter * XVDma_GetFrameCounter | XAxiVdma_GetFrameCounter * XVDma_LookupConfig | XAxiVdma_LookupConfig * * API Functions That Have Been Changed * * PLB VDMA only has one channel, while the AXI VDMA has two channels. This * change has caused some of the API functions to take an extra argument to * differentiate the channels. The following functions now take an extra * argument (u16 Direction), the new argument is the last in the argument list: * * xvdma API functions | xaxivdma API functions *------------------------------------|------------------------------ * XVDma_Reset | XAxiVdma_Reset * XVDma_IsBusy | XAxiVdma_IsBusy * XVDma_CurrFrameStore | XAxiVdma_CurrFrameStore * XVDma_IntrEnable | XAxiVdma_IntrEnable * XVDma_IntrDisable | XAxiVdma_IntrDisable * XVDma_IntrGetPending | XAxiVdma_IntrGetPending * XVDma_IntrClear | XAxiVdma_IntrClear * XVDma_SetCallBack | XAxiVdma_SetCallBack * * Note that the xvdma API functions that already have Direction as the argument * are kept as they are, which are not necessarily having Direction as the last * argument. * * Some API functions have changed return type from void to int. This is to make * the driver more intelligent and signal the failure early on to the user. The * following functions have change return type from void to int: * * xvdma API functions | xaxivdma API functions *------------------------------------|------------------------------ * void XVDma_DmaConfig | int XAxiVdma_DmaConfig * void XVDma_DmaSetBufferAddr | int XAxiVdma_DmaSetBufferAddr * void XVDma_DmaStart | int XAxiVdma_DmaStart * * New API Functions * * New core v5.02a has added new features, to support them these APIs are added * * int XAxiVdma_GetDmaChannelErrors(XAxiVdma *InstancePtr, u16 Direction) * int XAxiVdma_ClearDmaChannelErrors(XAxiVdma *InstancePtr, u16 Direction, * u32 ErrorMask) * void XAxiVdma_ClearChannelErrors(XAxiVdma_Channel *Channel, u32 ErrorMask) * * * New core v5.00a has added new features, to support them these APIs are added * * int XAxiVdma_FsyncSrcSelect(XAxiVdma *InstancePtr, u32 Source, * u16 Direction) * int XAxiVdma_GenLockSourceSelect(XAxiVdma *InstancePtr, u32 Source, * u16 Direction) * * * Due to addition of frame store register in hardware these functions are added * * int XAxiVdma_SetFrmStore(XAxiVdma *InstancePtr, u8 FrmStoreNum, * u16 Direction) * void XAxiVdma_GetFrmStore(XAxiVdma *InstancePtr, u8 *FrmStoreNum, * u16 Direction) * * Due to the fact that AXI VDMA has two channels, and each channel has its own * interrupt ID, we removed the single interrupt handler API from xvdma driver, * and added two interrupt handlers: * * . void XAxiVdma_ReadIntrHandler(void *Ref) * . void XAxiVdma_WriteIntrHandler(void *Ref) * * Based on customers feedback on xvdma, we added XAxiVdma_Stop to stop one * channel: * * . void XAxiVdma_Stop(XAxiVdma *InstancePtr, u16 Direction) * * We need a function to check whether reset is done: * * . int XAxiVdma_ResetNotDone(XAxiVdma *InstancePtr, u16 Direction) * * While doing the development, it shows the need for getting the hardware * status to provide as much information as possible for user's development. * * . u32 XAxiVdma_GetStatus(XAxiVdma *InstancePtr, u16 Direction) * * Because the hardware limitations, parking mode cannot be the initial mode to * start the DMA engine. Entering and exiting parking mode have to be done * after the hardware is running. Therefore, we add two API functions to enter * and exit park mode. * * . void XAxiVdma_StartParking(XAxiVdma *InstancePtr, int FrameIndex, * u16 Direction); * . void XAxiVdma_StopParking(XAxiVdma *InstancePtr, u16 Direction); * * Note that configuring the hardware to be in park mode using * XAxiVdma_DmaConfig() is fine. The advantage of using _StartParking() and * _StopParking() is the simplicity. * * . void XAxiVdma_StartFrmCntEnable(XAxiVdma *InstancePtr, u16 Direction); * * This function is used to enable frame count enable. It is much simpler to * enable frame count enable this way than using the full configuration * structure. * * . int XAxiVdma_SetBdAddrs(XAxiVdma *InstancePtr, u32 BdAddrPhys, * u32 BdAddrVirt, int NumBds, u16 Direction); * * This function provides the ability for the user application to re-assign * the BD addresses to whereever in the memory it wants. This is to aid the * situation that SG engine may have limited access to certain region of the * memory, comparing to the processor's ability. The default BD addresses are * inside the region that the processor can access. * * API Functions That Have Been Removed * * Due to hardware design change, some of the API functions are no longer * needed: * * . XVDma_CmdInerfaceDisable() * . XVDma_CmdInerfaceEnable() * . XVDma_FullDuplexDisable() * . XVDma_FullDuplexEnable() * . XVDma_HoriCropDisable() * . XVDma_HoriCropEnable() * . XVDma_IntrEnableGlobal() * . XVDma_IntrDisableGlobal() * . XVDma_IntrHandler() * * ******************************************************************************/