/****************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 2010 - 2014 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * Use of the Software is limited solely to applications: * (a) running on a Xilinx device, or * (b) that interact with a Xilinx device through a bus or interconnect. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * XILINX CONSORTIUM BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * * Except as contained in this notice, the name of the Xilinx shall not be used * in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in * this Software without prior written authorization from Xilinx. * ******************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************/ /** * * @file xcanps_intr_example.c * * Contains an example of how to use the XCanPs driver directly. * This example shows the usage of the driver/device in interrupt mode. * * @note * The Baud Rate Prescaler Register (BRPR) and Bit Timing Register (BTR) * are setup such that CAN baud rate equals 40Kbps, assuming that the * the CAN clock is 24MHz. The user needs to modify these values based on * the desired baud rate and the CAN clock frequency. For more information * see the CAN 2.0A, CAN 2.0B, ISO 11898-1 specifications. * *
* Ver   Who    Date	Changes
* ----- -----  -------- -----------------------------------------------
* 1.00a xd/sv  01/12/10 First release
* 2.1 adk 		23/08/14 Fixed CR:798792 Peripheral test for CANPS IP in
*						 SDK claims a 40kbps baud rate but it's not.
* ******************************************************************************/ /***************************** Include Files *********************************/ #include "xparameters.h" #include "xcanps.h" #include "xscugic.h" #include "xil_exception.h" #include "xil_printf.h" /************************** Constant Definitions *****************************/ /* * The following constants map to the XPAR parameters created in the * xparameters.h file. They are defined here such that a user can easily * change all the needed parameters in one place. */ #define CAN_DEVICE_ID XPAR_XCANPS_0_DEVICE_ID #define INTC_DEVICE_ID XPAR_SCUGIC_SINGLE_DEVICE_ID #define CAN_INTR_VEC_ID XPAR_XCANPS_0_INTR /* Maximum CAN frame length in word */ #define XCANPS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE_IN_WORDS (XCANPS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE / sizeof(u32)) #define FRAME_DATA_LENGTH 8 /* Frame Data field length */ /* * Message Id Constant. */ #define TEST_MESSAGE_ID 2000 /* * The Baud Rate Prescaler Register (BRPR) and Bit Timing Register (BTR) * are setup such that CAN baud rate equals 40Kbps, assuming that the * the CAN clock is 24MHz. The user needs to modify these values based on * the desired baud rate and the CAN clock frequency. For more information * see the CAN 2.0A, CAN 2.0B, ISO 11898-1 specifications. */ /* * Timing parameters to be set in the Bit Timing Register (BTR). * These values are for a 40 Kbps baudrate assuming the CAN input clock * frequency is 24 MHz. */ #define TEST_BTR_SYNCJUMPWIDTH 3 #define TEST_BTR_SECOND_TIMESEGMENT 2 #define TEST_BTR_FIRST_TIMESEGMENT 15 /* * The Baud rate Prescalar value in the Baud Rate Prescaler Register * needs to be set based on the input clock frequency to the CAN core and * the desired CAN baud rate. * This value is for a 40 Kbps baudrate assuming the CAN input clock frequency * is 24 MHz. */ #define TEST_BRPR_BAUD_PRESCALAR 29 /**************************** Type Definitions *******************************/ /***************** Macros (Inline Functions) Definitions *********************/ /************************** Function Prototypes ******************************/ int CanPsIntrExample(XScuGic *IntcInstPtr, XCanPs *CanInstPtr, u16 CanDeviceId, u16 CanIntrId); static void Config(XCanPs *InstancePtr); static void SendFrame(XCanPs *InstancePtr); static void SendHandler(void *CallBackRef); static void RecvHandler(void *CallBackRef); static void ErrorHandler(void *CallBackRef, u32 ErrorMask); static void EventHandler(void *CallBackRef, u32 Mask); static int SetupInterruptSystem(XScuGic *IntcInstancePtr, XCanPs *CanInstancePtr, u16 CanIntrId); /************************** Variable Definitions *****************************/ #ifndef TESTAPP_GEN static XCanPs CanInstance; /* Instance of the Can driver */ static XScuGic IntcInstance; /* Instance of the Interrupt Controller driver */ #endif /* * Buffers to hold frames to send and receive. These are declared as global so * that they are not on the stack. * These buffers need to be 32-bit aligned */ static u32 TxFrame[XCANPS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE_IN_WORDS]; static u32 RxFrame[XCANPS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE_IN_WORDS]; /* * Shared variables used to test the callbacks. */ volatile static int LoopbackError; /* Asynchronous error occurred */ volatile static int RecvDone; /* Received a frame */ volatile static int SendDone; /* Frame was sent successfully */ /****************************************************************************/ /** * * This function is the main function of the Can interrupt example. * * @param None. * * @return * - XST_SUCCESS if the example has completed successfully. * - XST_FAILURE if the example has failed. * * @note None. * *****************************************************************************/ #ifndef TESTAPP_GEN int main() { int Status; xil_printf("CAN Interrupt Example Test \r\n"); /* * Run the Can interrupt example. */ Status = CanPsIntrExample(&IntcInstance, &CanInstance, CAN_DEVICE_ID, CAN_INTR_VEC_ID); if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) { xil_printf("CAN Interrupt Example Test Failed\r\n"); return XST_FAILURE; } xil_printf("Successfully ran CAN Interrupt Example Test\r\n"); return XST_SUCCESS; } #endif /*****************************************************************************/ /** * * The main entry point for showing the XCanPs driver in interrupt mode. * The example configures the device for internal loop back mode, then * sends a CAN frame and receives the same CAN frame. * * @param IntcInstPtr is a pointer to the instance of the INTC driver. * @param CanInstPtr is a pointer to the instance of the CAN driver which * is going to be connected to the interrupt controller. * @param CanDeviceId is the device Id of the CAN device and is typically * XPAR__DEVICE_ID value from xparameters.h. * @param CanIntrId is the interrupt Id and is typically * XPAR__INTR value from xparameters.h. * * @return XST_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise driver-specific error code. * * @note If the device is not working correctly, this function may enter * an infinite loop and will never return to the caller. * ******************************************************************************/ int CanPsIntrExample(XScuGic *IntcInstPtr, XCanPs *CanInstPtr, u16 CanDeviceId, u16 CanIntrId) { int Status; XCanPs_Config *ConfigPtr; /* * Initialize the Can device. */ ConfigPtr = XCanPs_LookupConfig(CanDeviceId); if (ConfigPtr == NULL) { return XST_FAILURE; } XCanPs_CfgInitialize(CanInstPtr, ConfigPtr, ConfigPtr->BaseAddr); /* * Run self-test on the device, which verifies basic sanity of the * device and the driver. */ Status = XCanPs_SelfTest(CanInstPtr); if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) { return XST_FAILURE; } /* * Configure CAN device. */ Config(CanInstPtr); /* * Set interrupt handlers. */ XCanPs_SetHandler(CanInstPtr, XCANPS_HANDLER_SEND, (void *)SendHandler, (void *)CanInstPtr); XCanPs_SetHandler(CanInstPtr, XCANPS_HANDLER_RECV, (void *)RecvHandler, (void *)CanInstPtr); XCanPs_SetHandler(CanInstPtr, XCANPS_HANDLER_ERROR, (void *)ErrorHandler, (void *)CanInstPtr); XCanPs_SetHandler(CanInstPtr, XCANPS_HANDLER_EVENT, (void *)EventHandler, (void *)CanInstPtr); /* * Initialize the flags. */ SendDone = FALSE; RecvDone = FALSE; LoopbackError = FALSE; /* * Connect to the interrupt controller. */ Status = SetupInterruptSystem(IntcInstPtr, CanInstPtr, CanIntrId); if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) { return XST_FAILURE; } /* * Enable all interrupts in CAN device. */ XCanPs_IntrEnable(CanInstPtr, XCANPS_IXR_ALL); /* * Enter Loop Back Mode. */ XCanPs_EnterMode(CanInstPtr, XCANPS_MODE_LOOPBACK); while(XCanPs_GetMode(CanInstPtr) != XCANPS_MODE_LOOPBACK); /* * Loop back a frame. The RecvHandler is expected to handle * the frame reception. */ SendFrame(CanInstPtr); /* Send a frame */ /* * Wait here until both sending and reception have been completed. */ while ((SendDone != TRUE) || (RecvDone != TRUE)); /* * Check for errors found in the callbacks. */ if (LoopbackError == TRUE) { return XST_LOOPBACK_ERROR; } return XST_SUCCESS; } /*****************************************************************************/ /** * * This function configures CAN device. Baud Rate Prescaler Register (BRPR) and * Bit Timing Register (BTR) are set in this function. * * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the driver instance. * * @return None. * * @note If the CAN device is not working correctly, this function may * enter an infinite loop and will never return to the caller. * ******************************************************************************/ static void Config(XCanPs *InstancePtr) { /* * Enter Configuration Mode if the device is not currently in * Configuration Mode. */ XCanPs_EnterMode(InstancePtr, XCANPS_MODE_CONFIG); while(XCanPs_GetMode(InstancePtr) != XCANPS_MODE_CONFIG); /* * Setup Baud Rate Prescaler Register (BRPR) and * Bit Timing Register (BTR). */ XCanPs_SetBaudRatePrescaler(InstancePtr, TEST_BRPR_BAUD_PRESCALAR); XCanPs_SetBitTiming(InstancePtr, TEST_BTR_SYNCJUMPWIDTH, TEST_BTR_SECOND_TIMESEGMENT, TEST_BTR_FIRST_TIMESEGMENT); } /*****************************************************************************/ /** * * Send a CAN frame. * * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the driver instance. * * @return None. * * @note None. * ******************************************************************************/ static void SendFrame(XCanPs *InstancePtr) { u8 *FramePtr; int Index; int Status; /* * Create correct values for Identifier and Data Length Code Register. */ TxFrame[0] = (u32)XCanPs_CreateIdValue((u32)TEST_MESSAGE_ID, 0, 0, 0, 0); TxFrame[1] = (u32)XCanPs_CreateDlcValue((u32)FRAME_DATA_LENGTH); /* * Now fill in the data field with known values so we can verify them * on receive. */ FramePtr = (u8 *)(&TxFrame[2]); for (Index = 0; Index < FRAME_DATA_LENGTH; Index++) { *FramePtr++ = (u8)Index; } /* * Now wait until the TX FIFO is not full and send the frame. */ while (XCanPs_IsTxFifoFull(InstancePtr) == TRUE); Status = XCanPs_Send(InstancePtr, TxFrame); if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) { /* * The frame could not be sent successfully. */ LoopbackError = TRUE; SendDone = TRUE; RecvDone = TRUE; } } /*****************************************************************************/ /** * * Callback function (called from interrupt handler) to handle confirmation of * transmit events when in interrupt mode. * * @param CallBackRef is the callback reference passed from the interrupt * handler, which in our case is a pointer to the driver instance. * * @return None. * * @note This function is called by the driver within interrupt context. * ******************************************************************************/ static void SendHandler(void *CallBackRef) { /* * The frame was sent successfully. Notify the task context. */ SendDone = TRUE; } /*****************************************************************************/ /** * * Callback function (called from interrupt handler) to handle frames received in * interrupt mode. This function is called once per frame received. * The driver's receive function is called to read the frame from RX FIFO. * * @param CallBackRef is the callback reference passed from the interrupt * handler, which in our case is a pointer to the device instance. * * @return None. * * @note This function is called by the driver within interrupt context. * ******************************************************************************/ static void RecvHandler(void *CallBackRef) { XCanPs *CanPtr = (XCanPs *)CallBackRef; int Status; int Index; u8 *FramePtr; Status = XCanPs_Recv(CanPtr, RxFrame); if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) { LoopbackError = TRUE; RecvDone = TRUE; return; } /* * Verify Identifier and Data Length Code. */ if (RxFrame[0] != (u32)XCanPs_CreateIdValue((u32)TEST_MESSAGE_ID, 0, 0, 0, 0)) { LoopbackError = TRUE; RecvDone = TRUE; return; } if ((RxFrame[1] & ~XCANPS_DLCR_TIMESTAMP_MASK) != TxFrame[1]) { LoopbackError = TRUE; RecvDone = TRUE; return; } /* * Verify the Data field contents. */ FramePtr = (u8 *)(&RxFrame[2]); for (Index = 0; Index < FRAME_DATA_LENGTH; Index++) { if (*FramePtr++ != (u8)Index) { LoopbackError = TRUE; break; } } RecvDone = TRUE; } /*****************************************************************************/ /** * * Callback function (called from interrupt handler) to handle error interrupt. * Error code read from Error Status register is passed into this function. * * @param CallBackRef is the callback reference passed from the interrupt * handler, which in our case is a pointer to the driver instance. * @param ErrorMask is a bit mask indicating the cause of the error. * Its value equals 'OR'ing one or more XCANPS_ESR_* defined in * xcanps_hw.h. * * @return None. * * @note This function is called by the driver within interrupt context. * ******************************************************************************/ static void ErrorHandler(void *CallBackRef, u32 ErrorMask) { if(ErrorMask & XCANPS_ESR_ACKER_MASK) { /* * ACK Error handling code should be put here. */ } if(ErrorMask & XCANPS_ESR_BERR_MASK) { /* * Bit Error handling code should be put here. */ } if(ErrorMask & XCANPS_ESR_STER_MASK) { /* * Stuff Error handling code should be put here. */ } if(ErrorMask & XCANPS_ESR_FMER_MASK) { /* * Form Error handling code should be put here. */ } if(ErrorMask & XCANPS_ESR_CRCER_MASK) { /* * CRC Error handling code should be put here. */ } /* * Set the shared variables. */ LoopbackError = TRUE; RecvDone = TRUE; SendDone = TRUE; } /*****************************************************************************/ /** * * Callback function (called from interrupt handler) to handle the following * interrupts: * - XCANPS_IXR_BSOFF_MASK: Bus Off Interrupt * - XCANPS_IXR_RXOFLW_MASK: RX FIFO Overflow Interrupt * - XCANPS_IXR_RXUFLW_MASK: RX FIFO Underflow Interrupt * - XCANPS_IXR_TXBFLL_MASK: TX High Priority Buffer Full Interrupt * - XCANPS_IXR_TXFLL_MASK: TX FIFO Full Interrupt * - XCANPS_IXR_WKUP_MASK: Wake up Interrupt * - XCANPS_IXR_SLP_MASK: Sleep Interrupt * - XCANPS_IXR_ARBLST_MASK: Arbitration Lost Interrupt * * * @param CallBackRef is the callback reference passed from the * interrupt Handler, which in our case is a pointer to the * driver instance. * @param IntrMask is a bit mask indicating pending interrupts. * Its value equals 'OR'ing one or more of the XCANPS_IXR_*_MASK * value(s) mentioned above. * * @return None. * * @note This function is called by the driver within interrupt context. * This function should be changed to meet specific application * needs. * ******************************************************************************/ static void EventHandler(void *CallBackRef, u32 IntrMask) { XCanPs *CanPtr = (XCanPs *)CallBackRef; if (IntrMask & XCANPS_IXR_BSOFF_MASK) { /* * Entering Bus off status interrupt requires * the CAN device be reset and reconfigured. */ XCanPs_Reset(CanPtr); Config(CanPtr); return; } if(IntrMask & XCANPS_IXR_RXOFLW_MASK) { /* * Code to handle RX FIFO Overflow Interrupt should be put here. */ } if(IntrMask & XCANPS_IXR_RXUFLW_MASK) { /* * Code to handle RX FIFO Underflow Interrupt * should be put here. */ } if(IntrMask & XCANPS_IXR_TXBFLL_MASK) { /* * Code to handle TX High Priority Buffer Full * Interrupt should be put here. */ } if(IntrMask & XCANPS_IXR_TXFLL_MASK) { /* * Code to handle TX FIFO Full Interrupt should be put here. */ } if (IntrMask & XCANPS_IXR_WKUP_MASK) { /* * Code to handle Wake up from sleep mode Interrupt * should be put here. */ } if (IntrMask & XCANPS_IXR_SLP_MASK) { /* * Code to handle Enter sleep mode Interrupt should be put here. */ } if (IntrMask & XCANPS_IXR_ARBLST_MASK) { /* * Code to handle Lost bus arbitration Interrupt * should be put here. */ } } /*****************************************************************************/ /** * * This function sets up the interrupt system so interrupts can occur for the * CAN. This function is application-specific since the actual system may or * may not have an interrupt controller. The CAN could be directly connected * to a processor without an interrupt controller. The user should modify this * function to fit the application. * * @param IntcInstancePtr is a pointer to the instance of the ScuGic. * @param CanInstancePtr contains a pointer to the instance of the CAN * which is going to be connected to the interrupt * controller. * @param CanIntrId is the interrupt Id and is typically * XPAR__INTR value from xparameters.h. * * @return XST_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise XST_FAILURE. * * @note None. * ****************************************************************************/ static int SetupInterruptSystem(XScuGic *IntcInstancePtr, XCanPs *CanInstancePtr, u16 CanIntrId) { int Status; #ifndef TESTAPP_GEN XScuGic_Config *IntcConfig; /* Instance of the interrupt controller */ Xil_ExceptionInit(); /* * Initialize the interrupt controller driver so that it is ready to * use. */ IntcConfig = XScuGic_LookupConfig(INTC_DEVICE_ID); if (NULL == IntcConfig) { return XST_FAILURE; } Status = XScuGic_CfgInitialize(IntcInstancePtr, IntcConfig, IntcConfig->CpuBaseAddress); if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) { return XST_FAILURE; } /* * Connect the interrupt controller interrupt handler to the hardware * interrupt handling logic in the processor. */ Xil_ExceptionRegisterHandler(XIL_EXCEPTION_ID_IRQ_INT, (Xil_ExceptionHandler)XScuGic_InterruptHandler, IntcInstancePtr); #endif /* * Connect the device driver handler that will be called when an * interrupt for the device occurs, the handler defined above performs * the specific interrupt processing for the device. */ Status = XScuGic_Connect(IntcInstancePtr, CanIntrId, (Xil_InterruptHandler)XCanPs_IntrHandler, (void *)CanInstancePtr); if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) { return Status; } /* * Enable the interrupt for the CAN device. */ XScuGic_Enable(IntcInstancePtr, CanIntrId); #ifndef TESTAPP_GEN /* * Enable interrupts in the Processor. */ Xil_ExceptionEnable(); #endif return XST_SUCCESS; }