* Copyright (C) 2012 - 2014 Xilinx, Inc.  All rights reserved.
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
* Use of the Software is limited solely to applications:
* (a) running on a Xilinx device, or
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* Except as contained in this notice, the name of the Xilinx shall not be used
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* this Software without prior written authorization from Xilinx.
* @file xilisf_atmel_spr_example.c
* This file contains a design example using the In-system and Serial Flash
* Library (XilIsf). This example shows all the features related to Sector
* Protection.
* This example
* - Writes to the Sector Protection Register
* - Reads the Sector Protection Register and compares with the data that was
*   written
* - Erases the Sector Protection Register
* - Erases a Page and writes the data to the Page
* - Enables the Sector Protection so that all the sectors are Write protected
* - Erases a Page (This should not happen as the Sectors are Write protected
* - Reads back the Page that is written and compares the data.
* The example works for AT45DB011D/AT45DB021D/AT45DB041D/AT45DB081D Serial Flash
* devices. The bytes per page (ISF_PAGE_SIZE) in these devices is
* 264 for Default addressing mode and 256 in Power-of-2 addressing mode.
* For AT45DB161D/AT45DB321D devices the Bytes Per Page (ISF_PAGE_SIZE) is
* 528 for Default addressing mode and 512 in Power-Of-2 addressing mode.
* For AT45DB642D device the Bytes Per Page (ISF_PAGE_SIZE) is 1056 for Default
* addressing mode and 1024 in Power-Of-2 addressing mode.
* The ISF_PAGE_SIZE should be defined by the user according to the Device used.
* For further details of each device refer to the Spartan-3AN Serial Flash User
* Guide and data sheets of Atmel AT45XXXD .
* This example has been tested with the In-System Flash Memory available on the
* Spartan-3AN on a Xilinx Spartan-3AN Starter Kit board.
* @note
* None.
* Ver   Who      Date     Changes
* ----- -------  -------- -----------------------------------------------------
* 1.00a mta/ksu  03/20/08 First release
* 1.00a ktn 	 09/08/09 Updated this example such that every SPR write should
*			  be preceded by an erase as per the atmel datasheet.
* 2.00a ktn  	 11/22/09 Updated to use HAL processor APIs.

/***************************** Include Files *********************************/

#include "xparameters.h"	/* EDK generated parameters */
#include "xintc.h"		/* Interrupt controller device driver */
#include <xilisf.h>		/* Serial Flash Library header file */
#include "xil_exception.h"

/************************** Constant Definitions *****************************/

 * The following constants map to the XPAR parameters created in the
 * xparameters.h file. They are defined here such that a user can easily
 * change all the needed parameters in one place.

 * The following constant defines the slave select signal that is used to
 * select the Serial Flash device on the SPI bus, this signal is typically
 * connected to the chip select of the device.
#define ISF_SPI_SELECT		0x01

 * Page size of the Serial Flash.
#define ISF_PAGE_SIZE		264

 * Address within the page of the Serial Flash to perform Erase, Write and Read
 * operations.
#define TEST_ADDRESS		0xA2400
#define ISF_TEST_BYTE		0x36	 /* Test Byte offset value */

/**************************** Type Definitions *******************************/

/***************** Macros (Inline Functions) Definitions *********************/

/************************** Function Prototypes ******************************/

static int IsfWaitForFlashNotBusy();

static int SetupInterruptSystem(XSpi *SpiPtr);

void SpiHandler(void *CallBackRef, u32 StatusEvent, u16 ByteCount);

/************************** Variable Definitions *****************************/

 * The instances to support the device drivers are global such that they
 * are initialized to zero each time the program runs.
static XIsf Isf;
static XIntc InterruptController;
static XSpi Spi;

 * The following variables are shared between non-interrupt processing and
 * interrupt processing such that they must be global.
volatile static int TransferInProgress; /* State of Spi Transfer */
static int ErrorCount;		/* Errors occurred during Spi transfers */

 * The user needs to allocate a buffer to be used by the In-system and Serial
 * Flash Library to perform any read/write operations on the Serial Flash
 * device.
 * User applications must pass the address of this memory to the Library in
 * Serial Flash Initialization function, for the Library to work.
 * For Write operations:
 * - The size of this buffer should be equal to the Number of bytes to be
 * written to the Serial Flash + XISF_CMD_MAX_EXTRA_BYTES.
 * - The size of this buffer should be large enough for usage across all the
 * applications that use a common instance of the Serial Flash.
 * - A minimum of one byte and a maximum of ISF_PAGE_SIZE bytes can be written
 * to the Serial Flash, through a single Write operation.
 * The size of this buffer should be equal to XISF_CMD_MAX_EXTRA_BYTES, if the
 * application only reads from the Serial Flash (no write operations).

 * Buffers used during read and write transactions.
u8 ReadBuffer[ISF_PAGE_SIZE + XISF_CMD_SEND_EXTRA_BYTES] ; /* Read Buffer. */
u8 WriteBuffer[ISF_PAGE_SIZE]; 				   /* Write buffer. */

* Main function to execute the Atmel Serial Flash SPR example.
* @param	None
* @return	XST_SUCCESS if successful else XST_FAILURE.
* @note		None
int main(void)
	int Status;
	u16 Index;
	XIsf_WriteParam WriteParam;
	XIsf_ReadParam ReadParam;

	 * Initialize the SPI driver so that it's ready to use,
	 * specify the device ID that is generated in xparameters.h.
	Status = XSpi_Initialize(&Spi, SPI_DEVICE_ID);
	if(Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		 return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Connect the SPI driver to the interrupt subsystem such that
	 * interrupts can occur. This function is application specific.
	Status = SetupInterruptSystem(&Spi);
	if(Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		 return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Setup the handler for the SPI that will be called from the interrupt
	 * context when an SPI status occurs, specify a pointer to the SPI
	 * driver instance as the callback reference so the handler is able to
	 * access the instance data.
	XSpi_SetStatusHandler(&Spi, &Spi, (XSpi_StatusHandler)SpiHandler);

	 * Start the SPI driver so that interrupts and the device are enabled.
	Status = XSpi_Start(&Spi);
	if(Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Initialize the In-system and Serial Flash Library.
	Status = XIsf_Initialize(&Isf, &Spi, ISF_SPI_SELECT, IsfWriteBuffer);
	if(Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Perform the SPR erase operation.
	TransferInProgress = TRUE;
	Status = XIsf_SectorProtect(&Isf, XISF_SPR_ERASE, NULL);
	if(Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Wait till the Transfer is complete and check for any errors.
	if(ErrorCount != 0) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Wait till the Serial Flash is ready.
	Status = IsfWaitForFlashNotBusy();
	if(Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Perform the SPR read operation.
	TransferInProgress = TRUE;
	Status = XIsf_SectorProtect(&Isf, XISF_SPR_READ, ReadBuffer);
	if(Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Wait till the Transfer is complete and check for any errors.
	if(ErrorCount != 0) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Compare the values read back from the SPR with the values written
	 * during SPR erase operation. Return if error.
	for(Index = 0; Index < Isf.NumOfSectors; Index++) {
		if((ReadBuffer[Index + XISF_CMD_SEND_EXTRA_BYTES] & 0xFF) !=
									0xFF) {
			return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Prepare the values to be written to the Sector Protect Register
	 * (SPR).
	for(Index = 0; Index < Isf.NumOfSectors; Index++) {
		WriteBuffer[Index] = 0x00;

	 * Perform the SPR write operation.
	TransferInProgress = TRUE;
	Status = XIsf_SectorProtect(&Isf, XISF_SPR_WRITE, WriteBuffer);
	if(Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Wait till the Transfer is complete and check for any errors.
	if(ErrorCount != 0) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Wait till the Serial Flash is ready.
	Status = IsfWaitForFlashNotBusy();
	if(Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Perform the SPR read operation.
	TransferInProgress = TRUE;
	Status = XIsf_SectorProtect(&Isf, XISF_SPR_READ, ReadBuffer);
	if(Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Wait till the Transfer is complete and check for any errors.
	if(ErrorCount != 0) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Compare the values read back from the SPR with the values written
	 * during SPR write operation. Return if error.
	for(Index = 0; Index < Isf.NumOfSectors; Index++) {
		if(ReadBuffer[Index + XISF_CMD_SEND_EXTRA_BYTES] != 0x00) {
			return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Perform the SPR erase operation.
	TransferInProgress = TRUE;
	Status = XIsf_SectorProtect(&Isf, XISF_SPR_ERASE, NULL);
	if(Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Wait till the Transfer is complete and check for any errors.
	if(ErrorCount != 0) {
		ErrorCount = 0;
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Wait till the Serial Flash is ready.
	Status = IsfWaitForFlashNotBusy();
	if(Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Perform the SPR read operation.
	TransferInProgress = TRUE;
	Status = XIsf_SectorProtect(&Isf, XISF_SPR_READ, ReadBuffer);
	if(Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Wait till the Transfer is complete and check for any errors.
	if(ErrorCount != 0) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Check if the values read from the SPR, are all 0xFF after performing
	 * the SPR erase operation.
	for(Index = XISF_CMD_SEND_EXTRA_BYTES; Index < (Isf.NumOfSectors +
		if(ReadBuffer[Index] != 0xFF) {
			return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Perform the SP disable operation.
	TransferInProgress = TRUE;
	Status = XIsf_SectorProtect(&Isf, XISF_SP_DISABLE, NULL);
	if(Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Wait till the Transfer is complete and check for any errors.
	if(ErrorCount != 0) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Wait till the Serial Flash is ready.
	Status = IsfWaitForFlashNotBusy();
	if(Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Perform the Page Erase operation.
	TransferInProgress = TRUE;
	Status = XIsf_Erase(&Isf, XISF_PAGE_ERASE, TEST_ADDRESS);
	if(Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Wait till the Transfer is complete and check for any errors.
	if(ErrorCount != 0) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Wait till the Serial Flash is ready.
	Status = IsfWaitForFlashNotBusy();
	if(Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Set the
	 * - Address within the Serial Flash where the data is to be written.
	 * - The number of bytes to be written to the Serial Flash.
	 * - Write Buffer which contains the data to be written to the Serial
	 *   Flash.
	WriteParam.Address = TEST_ADDRESS;
	WriteParam.NumBytes = ISF_PAGE_SIZE;
	WriteParam.WritePtr = WriteBuffer;

	 * Prepare the write buffer. Fill in the data need to be written into
	 * Serial Flash.
	for(Index = 0; Index < ISF_PAGE_SIZE; Index++) {
		WriteParam.WritePtr[Index] = Index + ISF_TEST_BYTE;

	 * Perform the Write operation.
	TransferInProgress = TRUE;
	Status = XIsf_Write(&Isf, XISF_WRITE, (void*) &WriteParam);
	if(Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Wait till the Transfer is complete and check for any errors.
	if(ErrorCount != 0) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Wait till the Serial Flash is ready.
	Status = IsfWaitForFlashNotBusy();
	if(Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Perform the SP enable operation. This should enable protection for
	 * all sectors since a SP erase operation has been performed earlier.
	TransferInProgress = TRUE;
	Status = XIsf_SectorProtect(&Isf, XISF_SP_ENABLE, NULL);
	if(Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Wait till the Transfer is complete and check for any errors.
	if(ErrorCount != 0) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Wait till the Serial Flash is ready.
	Status = IsfWaitForFlashNotBusy();
	if(Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Perform the Page Erase operation. The Page Erase operation should not
	 * work since SP is enabled.
	TransferInProgress = TRUE;
	Status = XIsf_Erase(&Isf, XISF_PAGE_ERASE, TEST_ADDRESS);
	if(Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Wait till the Transfer is complete and check for any errors.
	if(ErrorCount != 0) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Wait till the Serial Flash is ready.
	Status = IsfWaitForFlashNotBusy();
	if(Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Perform the SP disable operation.
	TransferInProgress = TRUE;
	Status = XIsf_SectorProtect(&Isf, XISF_SP_DISABLE, NULL);
	if(Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Wait till the Transfer is complete and check for any errors.
	if(ErrorCount != 0) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Wait till the Serial Flash is ready.
	Status = IsfWaitForFlashNotBusy();
	if(Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Set the
	 * - Address in the Serial Flash where the data is to be read from.
	 * - Number of bytes to be read from the Serial Flash.
	 * - Read Buffer to which the data is to be read.
	ReadParam.Address = TEST_ADDRESS;
	ReadParam.NumBytes = ISF_PAGE_SIZE;
	ReadParam.ReadPtr = ReadBuffer;

	 * Perform the read operation. The values read should be same as the
	 * values written earlier.
	TransferInProgress = TRUE;
	Status = XIsf_Read(&Isf, XISF_READ, (void*) &ReadParam);
	if(Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Wait till the Transfer is complete and check for any errors.
	if(ErrorCount != 0) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Compare the data read against the data written.
	for(Index = 0; Index < ISF_PAGE_SIZE; Index++) {
		if(ReadParam.ReadPtr[Index + XISF_CMD_SEND_EXTRA_BYTES] !=
			(u8)(Index + ISF_TEST_BYTE)) {
			return XST_FAILURE;

	return XST_SUCCESS;

* This function waits till the Serial Flash is ready to accept next command.
* @param	None
* @return	XST_SUCCESS if successful else XST_FAILURE.
* @note		None.
static int IsfWaitForFlashNotBusy()
	int Status;
	u8 StatusReg;
	u8 ReadBuffer[2];

	while(1) {

		 * Get the Status Register.
		TransferInProgress = TRUE;
		Status = XIsf_GetStatus(&Isf, ReadBuffer);
		if(Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
			return XST_FAILURE;

		 * Wait till the Transfer is complete and check for any errors.
		if(ErrorCount != 0) {
			return XST_FAILURE;

		 * Check if the Serial Flash is ready to accept the next
		 * command. If so break.
		StatusReg = ReadBuffer[BYTE2];
		if(StatusReg & XISF_SR_IS_READY_MASK) {

	return XST_SUCCESS;

* This function is the handler which performs processing for the SPI driver.
* It is called from an interrupt context such that the amount of processing
* performed should be minimized. It is called when a transfer of SPI data
* completes or an error occurs.
* This handler provides an example of how to handle SPI interrupts and
* is application specific.
* @param	CallBackRef is the upper layer callback reference passed back
*		when the callback function is invoked.
* @param	StatusEvent is the event that just occurred.
* @param	ByteCount is the number of bytes transferred up until the event
*		occurred.
* @return	None.
* @note		None.
void SpiHandler(void *CallBackRef, u32 StatusEvent, u16 ByteCount)
	 * Indicate the transfer on the SPI bus is no longer in progress
	 * regardless of the status event.
	TransferInProgress = FALSE;

	 * If the event was not transfer done, then track it as an error.
	if (StatusEvent != XST_SPI_TRANSFER_DONE) {

* This function setups the interrupt system such that interrupts can occur
* for the Spi device. This function is application specific since the actual
* system may or may not have an interrupt controller. The Spi device could be
* directly connected to a processor without an interrupt controller.  The
* user should modify this function to fit the application.
* @param	SpiPtr is a pointer to the instance of the Spi device.
* @return	XST_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise XST_FAILURE.
* @note		None
static int SetupInterruptSystem(XSpi *SpiPtr)

	int Status;

	 * Initialize the interrupt controller driver so that it's ready to use
	 * specify the device ID that is generated in xparameters.h
	Status = XIntc_Initialize(&InterruptController, INTC_DEVICE_ID);
	if(Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		    return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Connect a device driver handler that will be called when an interrupt
	 * for the device occurs, the device driver handler performs the
	 * specific interrupt processing for the device
	Status = XIntc_Connect(&InterruptController,
				(void *)SpiPtr);
	if(Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Start the interrupt controller such that interrupts are enabled for
	 * all devices that cause interrupts, specific real mode so that the SPI
	 * can cause interrupts thru the interrupt controller.
	Status = XIntc_Start(&InterruptController, XIN_REAL_MODE);
	if(Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Enable the interrupt for the SPI.
	XIntc_Enable(&InterruptController, SPI_INTR_ID);

	 * Initialize the exception table.

	 * Register the interrupt controller handler with the exception table.

	 * Enable non-critical exceptions.

	return XST_SUCCESS;