* Copyright (C) 2005 - 2014 Xilinx, Inc.  All rights reserved.
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
* Use of the Software is limited solely to applications:
* (a) running on a Xilinx device, or
* (b) that interact with a Xilinx device through a bus or interconnect.
* Except as contained in this notice, the name of the Xilinx shall not be used
* in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in
* this Software without prior written authorization from Xilinx.
 * @file xllfifo.h
 * The Xilinx Dual Channel Fifo driver component. This driver supports the
 * Virtex-5(TM) and Virtex-4(TM) XPS_ll_Fifo and the AxiFifo.
 * For a full description of the bridge features, please see the HW spec. This
 * driver supports the following features:
 *   - Memory mapped access to host interface registers
 *   - API for polled frame transfers
 *   - API for interrupt driven frame transfers
 *   - Virtual memory support
 *   - Full duplex operation
 * <h2>Driver Description</h2>
 * This driver enables higher layer software to access the XPS_llFifo core
 * using any alignment in the data buffers.
 * This driver supports send and receive channels in the same instance
 * structure in the same fashion as the hardware core.
 * <h2>Initialization</h2>
 * An instance of this driver is initialized using a call to Initialize().
 * <h2>Usage</h2>
 * It is fairly simple to use the API provided by this FIFO driver. The
 * only somewhat tricky part is that the calling code must correctly call
 * a couple routines in the right sequence for receive and transmit.
 * This sequence is described here. Check the routine functional
 * descriptions for information on how to use a specific API routine.
 * <h3>Receive</h3>
 * A frame is received by using the following sequence:<br>
 * 1) call XLlFifo_RxOccupancy() to check the occupancy count<br>
 * 2) call XLlFifo_RxGetLen() to get the length of the next incoming frame<br>
 * 3) call XLlFifo_Read() one or more times to read the number of bytes
 *    reported by XLlFifo_RxGetLen().<br>
 * For example:
 * <pre>
 * 	while (XLlFifo_RxOccupancy(&RxInstance)) {
 * 		frame_len = XLlFifo_RxGetLen(&RxInstance);
 *		while (frame_len) {
 * 			unsigned bytes = min(sizeof(buffer), frame_len);
 * 			XLlFifo_Read(&RxInstance, buffer, bytes);
 * 			// ********
 * 			// do something with buffer here
 * 			// ********
 * 			frame_len -= bytes;
 *		}
 * 	}
 * </pre>
 * This FIFO hardware core does <b>not</b> support a sequence where the
 * calling code calls RxGetLen() twice in a row and then receive the data
 * for two frames. Each frame must be read in by calling RxGetLen() just
 * prior to reading the data.
 * <h3>Transmit</h3>
 * A frame is transmittted by using the following sequence:<br>
 * 1) call XLlFifo_Write() one or more times to write all the of bytes in
 *    the next frame.<br>
 * 2) call XLlFifo_TxSetLen() to begin the transmission of frame just
 *    written.<br>
 * For example:
 * <pre>
 * 	frame_left = frame_len;
 * 	while (frame_left) {
 * 		unsigned bytes = min(sizeof(buffer), frame_left);
 * 		XLlFifo_Write(&TxInstance, buffer, bytes);
 * 		// ********
 * 		// do something here to refill buffer
 * 		// ********
 * 		frame_left -= bytes;
 * 	}
 * 	XLlFifo_TxSetLen(&RxInstance, frame_len);
 * </pre>
 * This FIFO hardware core does <b>not</b> support a sequence where the
 * calling code writes the data for two frames and then calls TxSetLen()
 * twice in a row. Each frame must be written by writting the data for one
 * frame and then calling TxSetLen().
 * <h2>Interrupts</h2>
 * This driver does not handle interrupts from the FIFO hardware. The
 * software layer above may make use of the interrupts by setting up its
 * own handlers for the interrupts.
 * <pre>
 * Ver   Who  Date     Changes
 * ----- ---- -------- -------------------------------------------------------
 * 1.00a jvb  10/12/06 First release
 * 1.01a sdm  08/22/08 Removed support for static interrupt handlers from the
 *		       MDD file
 * 1.02a jz   12/04/09 Hal phase 1 support
 * 2.01a asa  09/17/10 Added code for resetting Local Link/AXI Streaming
 *		       interface for CR574868
 * 2.02a asa  12/27/11 Changed the function XStrm_Read in xtreamer.c to reset
 *		       HeadIndex to zero when all bytes have been read.
 *		       Changed the macro XStrm_IsRxInternalEmpty in file
 *		       xtreamer.h to use FrmByteCnt instead of HeadIndex.
 *		       When FrmByteCnt is zero, this means all internal buffers
 *		       in streamer are empty. Earlier implementation using
 *		       HeadIndex was not very clear and could give improper
 *		       results for some cases.
 *		       Changed the macro XLlFifo_IsRxEmpty in file xllfifo.h
 *		       These changes are done to fix the CR 604650.
  * 2.03a asa  14/08/12  Added XLLF_TDR_OFFSET, XLLF_RDR_OFFSET
 *		         defines for the new registers, and XLLF_INT_TFPF_MASK,
 *		         XLLF_INT_RFPE_MASK for the new version of the
 *		         AXI4-Stream FIFO core (v2.01a and later)
 * 3.00a adk 08/10/13 Added support for AXI4 Datainterface.Changes are
 * 		      In Xllfifo.c file XLlFifo_RxGetWord,XLlFifo_TxPutword.
 * 		      In XLlfifo.h file updated XLlfifo structure for 
 * 		      Axi4BaseAddress and for Datainterface type provided 
 *		      polling and interrupt examples. XLlfifo_IsRxDone Macro 
 *		      Is added in the XLlfifo.h file for polledmode exmaple.
 *		      Added Static initialzation for the driver. 
 *		      XLlFifo_Initialize is still used to make the driver
 *		      backward compatible.
 * 4.0   adk  19/12/13 Updated as per the New Tcl API's
 * </pre>
#ifndef XLLFIFO_H		/* prevent circular inclusions */
#define XLLFIFO_H		/* by using preprocessor symbols */

/* force C linkage */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

/***************************** Include Files *********************************/

/* This order needs to be kept this way to avoid xstatus/xil_types conflict */
#include "xstreamer.h"
#include "xllfifo_hw.h"

/**************************** Type Definitions *******************************/

 * This typedef defines a run-time instance of an XLlFifo device.
typedef struct XLlFifo {
	u32 BaseAddress;  /**< BaseAddress is the physical base address of the
	                   *   device's registers

	u32 IsReady;           /**< IsReady is non-zero if the driver instance
	                        *   has been initialized.
	u32 Axi4BaseAddress;	/**< BaseAddress if the FIFO Data interface is 
				 *	AXI4 this address should use for FIFO
				 *	access
	u32 Datainterface;	/**< Data interface of the FIFO. This value is zero
				 *	if the Datainterface is AXI4-lite.
	XStrm_RxFifoStreamer RxStreamer; /**< RxStreamer is the byte streamer
	                                  *   instance for the receive channel.
	XStrm_TxFifoStreamer TxStreamer; /**< TxStreamer is the byte streamer
	                                  *   instance for the transmit channel.
} XLlFifo;

typedef struct XLlFifo_Config {
	u32 DeviceId;		/**< Deviceid of the AXI FIFO */
	u32 BaseAddress;	/**< Base Address of the AXI FIFO */
	u32 Axi4BaseAddress;    /**< Axi4 interface Base address */
	u32 Datainterface;	/**< Type of Datainterface */

* XLlFifo_Reset resets both the Tx and Rx channels and the local link interface
* the FIFO specified by <i>InstancePtr</i>. XLlFifo_TxReset resets also sends a
* reset pulse to the downstream device (e.g. TEMAC). XLlFifo_Reset drops any
* bytes in the FIFO not yet retrieved. XLlFifo_Reset drops any bytes in the FIFO
* not yet transmitted.
* @param    InstancePtr references the FIFO on which to operate.
* @return   N/A
* @note
* C-style signature:
*    void XLlFifo_Reset(XLlFifo *InstancePtr)
#define XLlFifo_Reset(InstancePtr) \
	XLlFifo_WriteReg((InstancePtr)->BaseAddress, XLLF_LLR_OFFSET, \

* XLlFifo_Status returns a bit mask of the interrupt status register (ISR)
* for the FIFO specified by <i>InstancePtr</i>. XLlFifo_Status can be used
* to query the status of the FIFO without having to have interrupts enabled.
* @param    InstancePtr references the FIFO on which to operate.
* @return   XLlFifo_IntStatus returns a bit mask of the status conditions.
*           The mask will be a set of bitwise or'd values from the
*           <code>XLLF_INT_*_MASK</code> preprocessor symbols.
* @note
* C-style signature:
*    u32 XLlFifo_IntStatus(XLlFifo *InstancePtr)
#define XLlFifo_Status(InstancePtr) \
	 XLlFifo_ReadReg((InstancePtr)->BaseAddress, XLLF_ISR_OFFSET)

* XLlFifo_IntEnable enables the interrupts specified in <i>Mask</i> for the
* FIFO specified by <i>InstancePtr</i>. The corresponding interrupt for each bit
* set to 1 in <i>Mask</i>, will be enabled.
* @param    InstancePtr references the FIFO on which to operate.
* @param    Mask contains a bit mask of the interrupts to enable. The mask
*           can be formed using a set of bitwise or'd values from the
*           <code>XLLF_INT_*_MASK</code> preprocessor symbols.
* @return   N/A
* @note
* C-style signature:
*    void XLlFifo_IntEnable(XLlFifo *InstancePtr, u32 Mask)
#define XLlFifo_IntEnable(InstancePtr, Mask) \
{ \
	u32 Reg = XLlFifo_ReadReg((InstancePtr)->BaseAddress, \
	Reg |= ((Mask) & XLLF_INT_ALL_MASK);                    \
	XLlFifo_WriteReg((InstancePtr)->BaseAddress, XLLF_IER_OFFSET, \
			Reg); \

* XLlFifo_IntDisable disables the interrupts specified in <i>Mask</i> for the
* FIFO specified by <i>InstancePtr</i>. The corresponding interrupt for each bit
* set to 1 in <i>Mask</i>, will be disabled. In other words, XLlFifo_IntDisable
* uses the "set a bit to clear it" scheme.
* @param    InstancePtr references the FIFO on which to operate.
* @param    Mask contains a bit mask of the interrupts to disable. The mask
*           can be formed using a set of bitwise or'd values from the
*           <code>XLLF_INT_*_MASK</code> preprocessor symbols.
* @return   N/A
* @note
* C-style signature:
*    void XLlFifo_IntDisable(XLlFifo *InstancePtr, u32 Mask)
#define XLlFifo_IntDisable(InstancePtr, Mask) \
{ \
	u32 Reg = XLlFifo_ReadReg((InstancePtr)->BaseAddress, \
	Reg &= ~((Mask) & XLLF_INT_ALL_MASK);  \
	XLlFifo_WriteReg((InstancePtr)->BaseAddress, XLLF_IER_OFFSET, \
			Reg); \

* XLlFifo_IntPending returns a bit mask of the pending interrupts for the
* FIFO specified by <i>InstancePtr</i>. Each bit set to 1 in the return value
* represents a pending interrupt.
* @param    InstancePtr references the FIFO on which to operate.
* @return   XLlFifo_IntPending returns a bit mask of the interrupts that are
*           pending. The mask will be a set of bitwise or'd values from the
*           <code>XLLF_INT_*_MASK</code> preprocessor symbols.
* @note
* C-style signature:
*    u32 XLlFifo_IntPending(XLlFifo *InstancePtr)
#ifdef DEBUG
extern u32 _xllfifo_ipie_value;
extern u32 _xllfifo_ipis_value;
#define XLlFifo_IntPending(InstancePtr) \
	(_xllfifo_ipie_value = XLlFifo_ReadReg( \
		(InstancePtr)->BaseAddress, XLLF_IER_OFFSET),  \
	_xllfifo_ipis_value = XLlFifo_ReadReg( \
		(InstancePtr)->BaseAddress, XLLF_ISR_OFFSET),  \
	(_xllfifo_ipie_value & _xllfifo_ipis_value))
#define XLlFifo_IntPending(InstancePtr) \
	(XLlFifo_ReadReg((InstancePtr)->BaseAddress, XLLF_IER_OFFSET) &  \
	 XLlFifo_ReadReg((InstancePtr)->BaseAddress, XLLF_ISR_OFFSET))

* XLlFifo_IntClear clears pending interrupts specified in <i>Mask</i> for the
* FIFO specified by <i>InstancePtr</i>. The corresponding pending interrupt for
* each bit set to 1 in <i>Mask</i>, will be cleared. In other words,
* XLlFifo_IntClear uses the "set a bit to clear it" scheme.
* @param    InstancePtr references the FIFO on which to operate.
* @param    Mask contains a bit mask of the pending interrupts to clear. The
*           mask can be formed using a set of bitwise or'd values from the
*           <code>XLLF_INT_*_MASK</code> preprocessor symbols.
* @note
* C-style signature:
*    void XLlFifo_IntClear(XLlFifo *InstancePtr, u32 Mask)
#define XLlFifo_IntClear(InstancePtr, Mask) \
	XLlFifo_WriteReg((InstancePtr)->BaseAddress, XLLF_ISR_OFFSET, \
			((Mask) & XLLF_INT_ALL_MASK))

* XLlFifo_RxReset resets the receive channel of the FIFO specified by
* <i>InstancePtr</i>. XLlFifo_RxReset drops any bytes in the FIFO not yet
* retrieved.
* The calling software may want to test for the completion of the reset by
* reading the interrupt status (IS) register and testing for the Rx Reset
* complete (RRC) bit.
* @param    InstancePtr references the FIFO on which to operate.
* @return   N/A
* @note
* C-style signature:
*    void XLlFifo_RxReset(XLlFifo *InstancePtr)
#define XLlFifo_RxReset(InstancePtr) \
	XLlFifo_WriteReg((InstancePtr)->BaseAddress, XLLF_RDFR_OFFSET, \

* XLlFifo_IsRxEmpty returns true if the receive channel of the FIFO, specified
* by <i>InstancePtr</i>, is empty.
* @param    InstancePtr references the FIFO on which to operate.
* @return   XLlFifo_IsRxEmpty returns TRUE when the receive channel of the
*           FIFO is empty. Otherwise, XLlFifo_IsRxEmpty returns FALSE.
* @note
* C-style signature:
*    int XLlFifo_IsRxEmpty(XLlFifo *InstancePtr)
#define XLlFifo_IsRxEmpty(InstancePtr) \
	((XLlFifo_ReadReg((InstancePtr)->BaseAddress, XLLF_RDFO_OFFSET) == 0) \
							? TRUE : FALSE)

* XLlFifo_RxOccupancy returns the number of 32-bit words available (occupancy) to
* be read from the receive channel of the FIFO, specified by <i>InstancePtr</i>.
* The xps_ll_fifo core uses the same fifo to store data values and frame length
* values. Upon initialization, the XLlFifo_RxOccupancy will give the value of
* 1, which means one length value (a reserved fifo location) and no data
* values.
* @param    InstancePtr references the FIFO on which to operate.
* @return   XLlFifo_RxOccupancy returns the occupancy count for the specified
*           packet FIFO.
* @note
* C Signature: u32 XLlFifo_RxOccupancy(XLlFifo *InstancePtr)
#define XLlFifo_RxOccupancy(InstancePtr) \

* XLlFifo_RxGetLen notifies the hardware that the program is ready to receive
* the next frame from the receive channel of the FIFO, specified by
* <i>InstancePtr</i>.
* Note that the program must first call XLlFifo_RxGetLen before pulling data
* out of the receive channel of the FIFO with XLlFifo_Read.
* @param    InstancePtr references the FIFO on which to operate.
* @return   XLlFifo_RxGetLen returns the number of bytes available in the next
*           frame.
* @note
* C Signature: u32 XLlFifo_RxGetLen(XLlFifo *InstancePtr)
#define XLlFifo_RxGetLen(InstancePtr) \

* XLlFifo_Read reads <i>Bytes</i> bytes from the receive channel of the FIFO
* referenced by <i>InstancePtr</i> to the block of memory, referenced by
* <i>BufPtr</i>.
* Care must be taken to ensure that the number of bytes read with one or more
* calls to XLlFifo_Read() does not exceed the number of bytes available given
* from the last call to XLlFifo_RxGetLen().
* @param    InstancePtr references the FIFO on which to operate.
* @param    BufPtr specifies the memory address to place the data read.
* @param    Bytes specifies the number of bytes to read.
* @return   N/A
* @note
* Error handling is handled through hardware exceptions and interrupts.
* C Signature: void XLlFifo_Read(XLlFifo *InstancePtr, void *BufPtr, unsigned Bytes)
#define XLlFifo_Read(InstancePtr, BufPtr, Bytes) \
	XStrm_Read(&((InstancePtr)->RxStreamer), (BufPtr), (Bytes))

* XLlFifo_TxReset resets the transmit channel of the FIFO specified by
* <i>InstancePtr</i>. XLlFifo_TxReset drops any bytes in the FIFO not yet
* transmitted.
* The calling software may want to test for the completion of the reset by
* reading the interrupt status (IS) register and testing for the Tx Reset
* complete (TRC) bit.
* @param    InstancePtr references the FIFO on which to operate.
* @return   N/A
* @note
* C-style signature:
*    void XLlFifo_TxReset(XLlFifo *InstancePtr)
#define XLlFifo_TxReset(InstancePtr) \
	XLlFifo_WriteReg((InstancePtr)->BaseAddress, XLLF_TDFR_OFFSET, \

* XLlFifo_IsTxDone returns true if the transmission in the transmit channel
* of the FIFO, specified by <i>InstancePtr</i>, is complete. XLlFifo_IsTxDone
* works only if the TC bit in the IS register is cleared before sending a
* frame.
* @param    InstancePtr references the FIFO on which to operate.
* @return   XLlFifo_IsTxDone returns TRUE when the transmit channel of the
*           FIFO is complete. Otherwise, XLlFifo_IsTxDone returns FALSE.
* @note
* C-style signature:
*    int XLlFifo_IsTxDone(XLlFifo *InstancePtr)
#define XLlFifo_IsTxDone(InstancePtr) \
	((XLlFifo_ReadReg((InstancePtr)->BaseAddress, XLLF_ISR_OFFSET) & \

* XLlFifo_IsRxDone returns true if the reception in the receive channel
* of the FIFO, specified by <i>InstancePtr</i>, is complete. XLlFifo_IsRxDone
* works only if the RC bit in the ISR register is cleared before receiving a
* frame.
* @param    InstancePtr references the FIFO on which to operate.
* @return   XLlFifo_IsRxDone returns TRUE when the receive channel of the
*           FIFO is complete. Otherwise, XLlFifo_IsRxDone returns FALSE.
* @note
* C-style signature:
*    int XLlFifo_IsRxDone(XLlFifo *InstancePtr)
#define XLlFifo_IsRxDone(InstancePtr) \
	((XLlFifo_ReadReg((InstancePtr)->BaseAddress, XLLF_ISR_OFFSET) & \

* XLlFifo_TxVacancy returns the number of unused 32 bit words available
* (vacancy) in the send channel of the FIFO specified by <i>InstancePtr</i>.
* The xps_ll_fifo core uses tXLLF_he same fifo to store data values and frame length
* values. Upon initialization, the XLlFifo_TxVacancy will give the value of
* FIFO_WIDTH - 1, which means one length value used (a reserved fifo location)
* and no data values yet present.
* @param    InstancePtr references the FIFO on which to operate.
* @return   XLlFifo_TxVacancy returns the vacancy count in 32-bit words for
*           the specified FIFO.
* @note
* C-style signature:
*    u32 XLlFifo_TxVacancy(XLlFifo *InstancePtr)
#define XLlFifo_TxVacancy(InstancePtr) \

* XLlFifo_TxSetLen begins a hardware transfer of <i>Bytes</i> bytes out of the
* transmit channel of the FIFO specified by <i>InstancePtr</i>.
* @param    InstancePtr references the FIFO on which to operate.
* @param    Bytes specifies the frame length in bytes.
* @return   N/A
* @note
* C Signature: void XLlFifo_TxSetLen(XLlFifo *InstancePtr, u32 Bytes)
#define XLlFifo_TxSetLen(InstancePtr, Bytes) \
	XStrm_TxSetLen(&((InstancePtr)->TxStreamer), (Bytes))

* XLlFifo_Write writes <i>Bytes</i> bytes of the block of memory, referenced by
* <i>BufPtr</i>, to the transmit channel of the FIFO referenced by
* <i>InstancePtr</i>.
* Care must be taken to ensure that the number of bytes written with one or
* more calls to XLlFifo_Write() matches the number of bytes given in the next
* call to XLlFifo_TxSetLen().
* @param    InstancePtr references the FIFO on which to operate.
* @param    BufPtr specifies the memory address of data to write.
* @param    Bytes specifies the number of bytes to write.
* @return   N/A
* @note
* Error handling is handled through hardware exceptions and interrupts.
* C Signature: void XLlFifo_Write(XLlFifo *InstancePtr, void *BufPtr, unsigned Bytes)
#define XLlFifo_Write(InstancePtr, BufPtr, Bytes) \
	XStrm_Write(&((InstancePtr)->TxStreamer), (BufPtr), (Bytes))

* XLlFifo_WriteTdr writes to the Transmit Destination Register (TDR)
* The TDR stores the destination address corresponding to the packet to  be
* transmitted. When presenting a transmit packet to the AXI4-Stream FIFO core
* the following sequence should be followed
*  - Write the destination address into TDR first,
*  - Write the packet data to the Transmit Data FIFO next
*  - Write the length of the packet into the Transmit Length Register.
* @param    InstancePtr references the FIFO on which to operate.
* @param    Tdest is the Transmit Destination address to be written to TDR.
* @return   N/A
* @note		C Signature:
*		void XLlFifo_WriteTdr(XLlFifo *InstancePtr, u32 Tdest);
#define XLlFifo_WriteTdr(InstancePtr, Tdest) \
	XLlFifo_WriteReg((InstancePtr)->BaseAddress, XLLF_TDR_OFFSET, \
			  Tdest & 0xF)

* XLlFifo_ReadTdr returns the contents of the Receive Destination Register(RDR).
* The RDR contains destination address corresponding to the valid packet that
* is received. The RDR should only be read when a receive packet is available
* for processing (the receive occupancy is not zero).
* Once the RDR is read, the receive packet data should be read from the receive
* data FIFO before the RDR is read again. The RDR values are stored in the
* receive data FIFO by the AXI4-Stream FIFO core with the data of each packet.
* The RDR value for the subsequent packet to be processed is moved to the RDR
* when the previous RDR value has been read.
* @param    	InstancePtr references the FIFO on which to operate.
* @return   	The Receive Destination address  read from the RDR.
* @note		C Signature:
*		u32 XLlFifo_ReadRdr(XLlFifo *InstancePtr)
#define XLlFifo_ReadRdr(InstancePtr) 				\
	XLlFifo_ReadReg((InstancePtr)->BaseAddress, XLLF_RDR_OFFSET)

/************************** Function Prototypes ******************************/
 * Initialization functions xllfifo.c
int XLlFifo_CfgInitialize(XLlFifo *InstancePtr,
			XLlFifo_Config *Config, u32 EffectiveAddress);
void XLlFifo_Initialize(XLlFifo *InstancePtr, u32 BaseAddress);
XLlFifo_Config *XLlFfio_LookupConfig(u32 DeviceId);
u32 XLlFifo_iRxOccupancy(XLlFifo *InstancePtr);
u32 XLlFifo_iRxGetLen(XLlFifo *InstancePtr);
u32 XLlFifo_iTxVacancy(XLlFifo *InstancePtr);
void XLlFifo_iTxSetLen(XLlFifo *InstancePtr, u32 Bytes);
u32 XLlFifo_RxGetWord(XLlFifo *InstancePtr);
void XLlFifo_TxPutWord(XLlFifo *InstancePtr, u32 Word);

#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif				/* XLLFIFO_H  end of preprocessor protection symbols */