############################################################################### # # Copyright (C) 2005 - 2014 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # Use of the Software is limited solely to applications: # (a) running on a Xilinx device, or # (b) that interact with a Xilinx device through a bus or interconnect. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # XILINX CONSORTIUM BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF # OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # # Except as contained in this notice, the name of the Xilinx shall not be used # in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in # this Software without prior written authorization from Xilinx. # # MODIFICATION HISTORY: # Ver Who Date Changes # -------- ------ -------- ------------------------------------ # 3.0 adk 12/10/13 Updated as per the New Tcl API's ############################################################################## ## @BEGIN_CHANGELOG ## ## 09/17/07 ecm Removed the PCI specific connections ## Moved to the Linux MLD. ## 10/24/07 rpm Fixed KIND_OF_INTR bug in canonicals and ## also generalized match on external interrupts ## 06/25/09 sdm Updated so that canonical definitions are ## not generated when instance name matches ## canonical name ## 04/27/10 sdm Updated the tcl so that the defintions are generated in ## the xparameters.h to know whether the optional registers ## SIE, CIE and IVR are enabled in the HW - Refer CR 555392 ## 05/24/11 hvm updated tcl to generate vector ids for external interrupts ## CR565336 ## 06/15/11 hvm Updated tcl with bypassing the external interrupt definition ## in xredefine_intc function. CR613925. ## 01/19/12 Updated the intc_define_use_dcr function so that it doesnot ## error out if there is more than one bus interface to the ## intc controller. The new version of the AXI_INTC can have two ## bus interfaces to support the fast interrupt for MicroBlaze. ## Updated for the generation of the C_HAS_FAST xparameters ## 08/16/12 bss added generation of C_IVAR_RESET_VALUE xparameters ## ## 01/29/13 bss Added check_cascade and get_intctype to support ## Cascade mode. Modified intc_define_vector_table procedure ## to generate interrupt IDs as 32..63 and 64..95 and so on ## for Slave controllers in Cascade mode ## 01/22/14 bss Modified check_cascade to fix CR#764865 ## 17/02/14 adk Fixed the CR:771287 in intc_define_vector_table ## if number of interrupt ports not equal to total numer of ## interrupts returning immediatly.And in the xredefine_intc ## if there is not interrupt source returining immediately. ## ## ## ## @END_CHANGELOG ############################################################ # Global interrupt handlers array, default handler routine ############################################################ array set interrupt_handlers "" set default_interrupt_handler "XNullHandler" set cascade 0 set intrid 0 ############################################################ # DRC procedure ############################################################ proc intc_drc {drv_handle} { } ############################################################ # "generate" procedure ############################################################ proc generate {drv_handle} { # Generate the following definitions in xparameters.h # 2. BASEADDR, HIGHADDR, C_NUM_INTR_INPUTS, XPAR_INTC_MAX_NUM_INTR_INPUTS set periphs [xget_sw_iplist_for_driver $drv_handle] set count [llength $periphs] variable cascade if {$count > 1} { set cascade [check_cascade $drv_handle] } if {$cascade == 0} { xdefine_max $drv_handle "xparameters.h" "XPAR_INTC_MAX_NUM_INTR_INPUTS" "C_NUM_INTR_INPUTS" } else { set maxintrs 0 foreach periph $periphs { set intrs [get_property CONFIG.C_NUM_INTR_INPUTS $periph] set maxintrs [expr "$maxintrs + $intrs"] } set file_handle [xopen_include_file "xparameters.h"] puts $file_handle "#define XPAR_INTC_MAX_NUM_INTR_INPUTS $maxintrs" close $file_handle } xdefine_if_all $drv_handle "xparameters.h" "XIntc" "C_HAS_IPR" "C_HAS_SIE" "C_HAS_CIE" "C_HAS_IVR" xdefine_include_file $drv_handle "xparameters.h" "XIntc" "NUM_INSTANCES" "DEVICE_ID" "C_BASEADDR" "C_HIGHADDR" "C_KIND_OF_INTR" "C_HAS_FAST" "C_IVAR_RESET_VALUE" "C_NUM_INTR_INPUTS" # Define XPAR_SINGLE_DEVICE_ID if {$count == 1} { xdefine_with_names $drv_handle [xget_sw_iplist_for_driver $drv_handle] "xparameters.h" "XPAR_INTC_SINGLE_BASEADDR" "C_BASEADDR" "XPAR_INTC_SINGLE_HIGHADDR" "C_HIGHADDR" "XPAR_INTC_SINGLE_DEVICE_ID" "DEVICE_ID" } set config_inc [xopen_include_file "xparameters.h"] # Generate config table, vector tables intc_define_config_file $drv_handle $periphs $config_inc close $config_inc # Generate canonical xparameters xdefine_canonical_xpars $drv_handle "xparameters.h" "Intc" "DEVICE_ID" "C_BASEADDR" "C_HIGHADDR" "C_KIND_OF_INTR" "C_HAS_FAST" "C_IVAR_RESET_VALUE" "C_NUM_INTR_INPUTS" } ########################################################################## # Generate Configuration C file xintc_g.c # This file has the Config Table and vector tables for each intc instance # as required by Xilinx intc driver ########################################################################## proc intc_define_config_file {drv_handle periphs config_inc} { variable interrupt_handlers variable default_interrupt_handler variable cascade # set isr_options to be XIN_SVC_SGL_ISR_OPTION as defined in xintc.h set isr_options XIN_SVC_SGL_ISR_OPTION set file_name "xintc_g.c" set drv_string "XIntc" set args [list "DEVICE_ID" "C_BASEADDR" "C_KIND_OF_INTR" "C_HAS_FAST" "C_IVAR_RESET_VALUE" "C_NUM_INTR_INPUTS"] set filename [file join "src" $file_name] file delete $filename set config_file [open $filename w] xprint_generated_header $config_file "Driver configuration" puts $config_file "#include \"xparameters.h\"" puts $config_file "#include \"[string tolower $drv_string].h\"" puts $config_file "\n" set tmp_filename [file join "src" "tmpconfig.c"] set tmp_config_file [open $tmp_filename w] puts $tmp_config_file "\n/*" puts $tmp_config_file "* The configuration table for devices" puts $tmp_config_file "*/\n" puts $tmp_config_file [format "%s_Config %s_ConfigTable\[\] =" $drv_string $drv_string] puts $tmp_config_file "\{" set start_comma "" foreach periph $periphs { if {$cascade == 1} { puts $config_inc [format "#define XPAR_%s_%s %d" [string toupper [get_property NAME $periph ]] "TYPE" [get_intctype $periph]] } else { puts $config_inc [format "#define XPAR_%s_%s %d" [string toupper [get_property NAME $periph ]] "TYPE" $cascade] } puts $tmp_config_file [format "%s\t\{" $start_comma] set comma "" foreach arg $args { # Check if this is a driver parameter or a peripheral parameter set value [get_property CONFIG.$arg $drv_handle ] if {[llength $value] == 0} { puts -nonewline $tmp_config_file [format "%s\t\t%s" $comma [xget_name $periph $arg]] } else { puts -nonewline $tmp_config_file [format "%s\t\t%s" $comma [xget_dname $drv_string $arg]] } set comma ",\n" } # add the OPTIONS as an arg to the config table - default OPTIONS value is XIN_SVC_SGL_ISR_OPTION puts -nonewline $tmp_config_file [format "%s\t\t%s" $comma $isr_options] puts -nonewline $tmp_config_file ",\n\t\t" puts -nonewline $tmp_config_file [format "XPAR_%s_%s" [string toupper [get_property NAME $periph]] "TYPE"] # generate the vector table for this intc instance intc_define_vector_table $periph $config_inc $tmp_config_file puts $config_inc "\n/******************************************************************/\n" puts -nonewline $tmp_config_file "\n\t\}" set start_comma ",\n" } puts $tmp_config_file "\n\};" close $tmp_config_file # Write out the extern definitions of handlers... foreach elem [array names interrupt_handlers] { puts $config_file [format "extern void %s (void *);" $elem ] } # copy over the tmp_config_file contents to config_file set tmp_config_file [open $tmp_filename r] while {![eof $tmp_config_file]} { gets $tmp_config_file line puts $config_file $line } close $tmp_config_file file delete -force $tmp_filename close $config_file } proc intc_define_vector_table {periph config_inc config_file} { variable interrupt_handlers variable default_interrupt_handler variable intrid variable cascade set periph_name [get_property NAME $periph] set interrupt_pin [get_pins -of_objects $periph intr] # Get pins/ports that are driving the interrupt lappend source_pins set source_pins [xget_source_pins $interrupt_pin] set num_intr_inputs [get_property CONFIG.C_NUM_INTR_INPUTS $periph] #calculate the total interrupt sources set total_intr_ports [xget_connected_pin_count $interrupt_pin] if {$num_intr_inputs != $total_intr_ports} { puts "ERROR: Internal error: Num intr inputs $num_intr_inputs not the same as length of xget_interrupt_sources [llength $source_pins] hsm_error" return } set i 0 foreach source_pin $source_pins { if { [is_external_pin $source_pin]} { #external interrupt port case set width [xget_port_width $source_pin] for { set j 0 } { $j < $width } { incr j } { set source_port_name($i) "[get_property NAME $source_pin]_$j" set source_name($i) "system" set port_type($i) "global" set source_driver "" set source_interrupt_handler($i) $default_interrupt_handler incr i } } else { #peripheral interrrupt case set source_periph [get_cells -of_objects $source_pin ] set port_type($i) "local" set source_name($i) [get_property NAME $source_periph] set source_port_name($i) [get_property NAME $source_pin] set source_driver [get_drivers -filter "HW_INSTANCE==$source_periph"] set source_interrupt_handler($i) $default_interrupt_handler incr i } } #Check if default_interrupt_handler has to have an extern definition if {[array size interrupt_handlers] < [llength $source_pins]} { intc_add_handler $default_interrupt_handler } puts -nonewline $config_file ",\n\t\t\{" set comma "\n" for {set i 0} {$i < $num_intr_inputs} {incr i} { puts $config_file [format "%s\t\t\t\{" $comma ] puts $config_file [format "\t\t\t\t%s," $source_interrupt_handler($i) ] if {[llength $source_name($i)] == 0} { puts $config_file "\t\t\t\t(void *)XNULL" } else { puts $config_inc [format "#define XPAR_%s_%s_MASK %#08X" [string toupper $source_name($i)] [string toupper $source_port_name($i)] [expr 1 << $i]] if {$cascade ==1} { puts $config_inc [format "#define XPAR_%s_%s_%s_INTR %d" [string toupper $periph_name] [string toupper $source_name($i)] [string toupper $source_port_name($i)] $intrid] } else { puts $config_inc [format "#define XPAR_%s_%s_%s_INTR %d" [string toupper $periph_name] [string toupper $source_name($i)] [string toupper $source_port_name($i)] $i] } if {[string compare -nocase "global" $port_type($i) ] != 0 && \ [string compare $source_interrupt_handler($i) $default_interrupt_handler ] != 0} { puts $config_file [format "\t\t\t\t(void *) %s" $source_handler_arg($i)] } else { puts $config_file "\t\t\t\t(void *) XNULL" } } puts -nonewline $config_file "\t\t\t\}" set comma ",\n" incr intrid } puts $config_file "\n\t\t\}" } ################################################ # This procedure creates a unique list of # handlers that needs to have an extern defn. # in xparameters.h ################################################ proc intc_add_handler {handler} { variable interrupt_handlers set interrupt_handlers($handler) 1 } # # Given a list of arguments, define each as a canonical constant name, using # the driver name, in an include file. # proc xdefine_canonical_xpars {drv_handle file_name drv_string args} { variable cascade # Open include file set file_handle [xopen_include_file $file_name] # Get all the peripherals connected to this driver set periphs [xget_sw_iplist_for_driver $drv_handle] # Get the names of all the peripherals connected to this driver foreach periph $periphs { set peripheral_name [string toupper [get_property NAME $periph]] lappend peripherals $peripheral_name } # Get possible canonical names for all the peripherals connected to this driver set device_id 0 foreach periph $periphs { set canonical_name [string toupper [format "%s_%s" $drv_string $device_id]] lappend canonicals $canonical_name # Create a list of IDs of the peripherals whose hardware instance name # doesn't match the canonical name. These IDs can be used later to # generate canonical definitions if { [lsearch $peripherals $canonical_name] < 0 } { lappend indices $device_id } incr device_id } set i 0 foreach periph $periphs { set periph_name [string toupper [get_property NAME $periph]] # Generate canonical definitions only for the peripherals whose # canonical name is not the same as hardware instance name if { [lsearch $canonicals $periph_name] < 0 } { puts $file_handle "/* Canonical definitions for peripheral $periph_name */" set canonical_name [format "%s_%s" $drv_string [lindex $indices $i]] foreach arg $args { set lvalue [xget_dname $canonical_name $arg] # The commented out rvalue is the name of the instance-specific constant # set rvalue [xget_name $periph $arg] # The rvalue set below is the actual value of the parameter set rvalue [xget_param_value $periph $arg] if {[llength $rvalue] == 0} { set rvalue 0 } set rvalue [xformat_addr_string $rvalue $arg] puts $file_handle "#define $lvalue $rvalue" } if {$cascade == 1} { puts $file_handle "#define [xget_dname $canonical_name "INTC_TYPE"] [get_intctype $periph]" } else { puts $file_handle "#define [xget_dname $canonical_name "INTC_TYPE"] $cascade" } puts $file_handle "" incr i } } # # Now redefine the Interrupt ID constants # xredefine_intc $drv_handle $file_handle puts $file_handle "\n/******************************************************************/\n" close $file_handle } ################################################ # # intc redefines # ################################################ proc xredefine_intc {drvhandle config_inc} { # Next define interrupt IDs for each connected peripheral set periphs [xget_sw_iplist_for_driver $drvhandle] set device_id 0 set periph_name [string toupper "intc"] foreach periph $periphs { # Get the edk based name of peripheral for printing redefines set periph_ip_name [get_property NAME $periph] # Get ports that are driving the interrupt set source_pins [xget_interrupt_sources $periph] if {$source_pins == ""} { return } set i 0 lappend source_list foreach source_pin $source_pins { set source_pin_name($i) [get_property NAME $source_pin] if {[is_external_pin $source_pin]} { set source_name($i) "system" } else { set source_periph [get_cells -of_objects $source_pin] set source_name($i) [get_property NAME $source_periph] } lappend source_list $source_name($i) incr i } set num_intr_inputs [get_property CONFIG.C_NUM_INTR_INPUTS $periph] for {set i 0} {$i < $num_intr_inputs} {incr i} { if {[string compare -nocase $source_name($i) "system"] == 0} { continue } set drv [get_drivers -filter "HW_INSTANCE==$source_name($i)"] if {[llength $source_name($i)] != 0 && [llength $drv] != 0} { set instance [xfind_instance $drv $source_name($i)] set drvname [get_property NAME $drv] # # Handle reference cores, which have non-reference driver names # if {[string compare -nocase $drvname "touchscreen_ref"] == 0} { set drvname "touchscreen" } elseif {[string compare -nocase $drvname "ps2_ref"] == 0} { set drvname "ps2" set instance [expr $instance*2] if {[string match -nocase "*SYS_INTR2" $source_pin_name($i)] == 1} { incr instance } } # # Define the interrupt vector IDs in xparameters.h for each core # that is connected to this intc. # set drvname [string toupper $drvname] # # Treat sources with multiple interrupt ports slightly different # by including the interrupt port name in the canonical constant # name # if { [lcount $source_list $source_name($i)] > 1} { set port_name [string toupper $source_pin_name($i)] # # If there are multiple interrupt ports for axi_ethernet, do not include # the port name in the canonical name, for the port "INTERRUPT". Other ports # will have the port name in the canonical name. This is to make sure that # the canonical name for the port INTERRUPT will remain same irrespective of # whether the design has a single interrupt port or multiple interrupt ports # if {[string compare -nocase $drvname "axiethernet"] == 0} { if {[string compare -nocase $port_name "INTERRUPT"] == 0} { set first_part [format "#define XPAR_%s_%s_%s_%s_VEC_ID" $periph_name $device_id $drvname $instance] } else { set first_part [format "#define XPAR_%s_%s_%s_%s_%s_VEC_ID" $periph_name $device_id $drvname $instance $port_name] } } else { set first_part [format "#define XPAR_%s_%s_%s_%s_%s_VEC_ID" $periph_name $device_id $drvname $instance $port_name] } } else { set first_part [format "#define XPAR_%s_%s_%s_%s_VEC_ID" $periph_name $device_id $drvname $instance] } set second_part [format "XPAR_%s_%s_%s_INTR" [string toupper $periph_ip_name] [string toupper $source_name($i)] [string toupper $source_pin_name($i)] ] if {[string compare -nocase $drvname "generic"] != 0} { puts $config_inc "$first_part $second_part" } } } incr device_id } } ################################################################### # # Get the number of elements in the given list that match the # given entry. Assume elements are strings. # ################################################################### proc lcount {list match_entry} { set len [llength $list] set count 0 for {set i 0} {$i < $len} {incr i} { set entry [lindex $list $i] if { [string compare -nocase $entry $match_entry] == 0} { incr count } } return $count } ################################################################### # # Get the HW instance number for a particular device. This will be used to enumerate # the vector ID defines if more than one interrupt from the core is connected to the # interrupt controller. # ################################################################### proc xfind_instance {drvhandle instname} { set instlist [xget_sw_iplist_for_driver $drvhandle] set i 0 foreach inst $instlist { set name [get_property NAME $inst] if {[string compare -nocase $instname $name] == 0} { return $i } incr i } set i 0 return $i } ################################################################################### # # Checks whether system has Cascade interrupt controllers # ################################################################################### proc check_cascade {drv_handle} { set periphs [xget_sw_iplist_for_driver $drv_handle] foreach periph $periphs { set i 0 set source_pins [xget_interrupt_sources $periph] foreach source_pin $source_pins { set source_pin_name($i) [get_property NAME $source_pin] if { [is_external_pin $source_pin] } { continue } set source_periph [get_cells -of_objects $source_pin ] set source_type [get_property IP_TYPE $source_periph] if {[string compare -nocase $source_type "INTERRUPT_CNTLR"] == 0} { return 1 } } } return 0 } ################################################################## # # Returns Interrupt controller type # 1 - primary instance # 2 - secondary instance # 3 - last instance # ################################################################## proc get_intctype {periph} { set iscascade [xget_param_value $periph "C_EN_CASCADE_MODE"] set ismaster [xget_param_value $periph "C_CASCADE_MASTER"] if {$iscascade == 1 && $ismaster == 1} { set retval 1 } elseif {$iscascade == 1 && $ismaster == 0} { set retval 2 } elseif {$iscascade == 0 && $ismaster == 0} { set retval 3 } else { error "ERROR: The C_CASCADE_MASTER is allowed to set only when the C_EN_CASCADE_MODE is set to 1" } return $retval }