2010-08-16 23:02:23 +02:00

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/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* GeoPortal Server
* Abstraction class for spatial objects
* @filesource $HeadURL: $
* @package classes
* @subpackage spatial
* @author Steffen Vogel (
* @modifedby $LastChangedBy: steffen $
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2009 Steffen Vogel (
* @license
* @link
* @since 30
* @version $Revision: 43 $
* @lastmodifed $Date: 2009-04-26 17:39:01 +0200 (So, 26 Apr 2009) $
class TLatLon {
public $lat, $lon, $alt;
function __construct($lat, $lon, $alt = 0) {
if ($lat > 90 || $lat < -90) throw new EBase('Out of Range!'); else $this->lat = (float) $lat;
if ($lon > 90 || $lon < -90) throw new EBase('Out of Range!'); else $this->lon = (float) $lon;
$this->alt = (float) $alt;
* @brief calculates distance between two coordinates
* @param $to
* @link
* @since 33
* @return float distance in kilometers to $pos
function distance(TLatLon $to) {
return 6371.01 * $this->greatCircleDistance($to);
* @brief calculates course between two coordinates
* @param $to
* @link
* @since 33
* @return float course in degree oriented towards the true northpole
function course(TLatLon $to) {
$lat1 = deg2rad($this->lat);
$lon1 = deg2rad($this->lon);
$lat2 = deg2rad($to->lat);
$lon2 = deg2rad($to->lon);
$d = $this->greatCircleDistance($to);
$course = acos((sin($lat2) - sin($lat1) * cos($d)) / (sin($d) * cos($lat1)));
if (sin($lon2 - $lon1) < 0) {
$course = 2 * pi() - $course;
return rad2deg($course);
* @brief calculates human readable course information
* @param $to
* @since 33
* @return string
function courseLetters($to) {
//TODO added windroses for diffrent languages
$windrose = array('N', 'NE', 'E', 'SE', 'S', 'SW', 'W', 'NW');
$angle = $this->course($to);
return $windrose[round($angle / 45)];
* @brief calculates the angle between the two coordinates and the earth's centerpoint
* @param $to
* @since 33
* @return float great circle distance in radians
private function greatCircleDistance(TLatLon $to) {
$lat1 = deg2rad($this->lat);
$lon1 = deg2rad($this->lon);
$lat2 = deg2rad($to->lat);
$lon2 = deg2rad($to->lon);
return acos(sin($lat1) * sin($lat2) + cos($lat1) * cos($lat2) * cos($lon2 - $lon1));
class TTrack {
public $coords = array();
function __construct($start, $end) {
* @brief calculate length of the line
* @return float length in kilometers
function length() {
class TPolygon {
public $points; // of TLatLon