added joywarrior boards

This commit is contained in:
Steffen Vogel 2014-01-04 23:21:25 +01:00
parent ec77cf2412
commit b0aebfe27e
34 changed files with 96381 additions and 0 deletions

JoyWarrior24/custom.lbr Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,632 @@
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<gate name="G$1" symbol="MAX1249" x="0" y="0"/>
<device name="" package="DIL16">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="AGND" pad="10"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="CH0" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="CH1" pad="3"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="CH2" pad="4"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="CH3" pad="5"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="COM" pad="6"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="CS" pad="15"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="DGND" pad="11"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="DIN" pad="14"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="DOUT" pad="12"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="REFADJ" pad="9"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="SCLK" pad="16"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="SHDN" pad="7"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="SSTRB" pad="13"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="VDD" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="VREF" pad="8"/>
<technology name=""/>

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@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
Exported from JW24A10L_revA.sch at 04.01.14 19:08
EAGLE Version 6.1.0 Copyright (c) 1988-2012 CadSoft
Assembly variant:
Part Value Device Package Library Sheet
AUX MA05-1 MA05-1 con-lstb 1
B0 10-XX B3F-10XX switch-omron 1
B1 10-XX B3F-10XX switch-omron 1
B2 10-XX B3F-10XX switch-omron 1
B3 10-XX B3F-10XX switch-omron 1
B4 10-XX B3F-10XX switch-omron 1
B5 10-XX B3F-10XX switch-omron 1
B6 10-XX B3F-10XX switch-omron 1
B7 10-XX B3F-10XX switch-omron 1
BTNS M09HP M09HP con-subd 1
C1 100n C-EU025-025X050 C025-025X050 rcl 1
C2 10n C-EU025-025X050 C025-025X050 rcl 1
C3 10n C-EU025-025X050 C025-025X050 rcl 1
C4 10n C-EU025-025X050 C025-025X050 rcl 1
C5 100n C-EU025-025X050 C025-025X050 rcl 1
C6 10u CPOL-EUE2-5 E2-5 rcl 1
C7 100n C-EU025-025X050 C025-025X050 rcl 1
C8 10u CPOL-EUE2-5 E2-5 rcl 1
CH0 PG203J PG203J PG203J con-hirschmann 1
CH1 PG203J PG203J PG203J con-hirschmann 1
CH2 PG203J PG203J PG203J con-hirschmann 1
JP2 JP3QE JP3Q jumper 1
JP3 JP1E JP1 jumper 1
R1 1k3 R-EU_0204/7 0204/7 rcl 1
R2 10R R-EU_0204/7 0204/7 rcl 1
R3 10R R-EU_0204/7 0204/7 rcl 1
R4 200R R-EU_0204/7 0204/7 rcl 1
R5 200R R-EU_0204/7 0204/7 rcl 1
R6 10R R-EU_0204/7 0204/7 rcl 1
R7 200R R-EU_0204/7 0204/7 rcl 1
U$1 MAX1249 MAX1249 DIL16 eigene 1
U$2 JW24A10L JW24A10L DIL24-3 eigene 1
USB PN61729 PN61729 con-berg 1

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# micromagic systems.
# DXF to SCR generated script file.
# Original Conversion Routine by: Hank Wallace.
Grid mil 1 off;
Set Wire_Bend 2;
Layer Dimension;
Change Font Vector;
Window Fit;
# lines=0, arcs=0, circles=0

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@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
Exported from JW24A10L_revB.sch at 04.01.14 19:09
EAGLE Version 6.1.0 Copyright (c) 1988-2012 CadSoft
Assembly variant:
Part Value Device Package Library Sheet
AUX MA05-1 MA05-1 con-lstb 1
BTNS M09H M09H con-subd 1
C1 100n C-EU025-025X050 C025-025X050 rcl 1
C2 10n C-EU025-025X050 C025-025X050 rcl 1
C3 10n C-EU025-025X050 C025-025X050 rcl 1
C4 10n C-EU025-025X050 C025-025X050 rcl 1
C5 100n C-EU025-025X050 C025-025X050 rcl 1
C6 10u CPOL-EUE2-5 E2-5 rcl 1
C7 100n C-EU025-025X050 C025-025X050 rcl 1
C8 10u CPOL-EUE2-5 E2-5 rcl 1
CH0 PG203J PG203J PG203J con-hirschmann 1
CH1 PG203J PG203J PG203J con-hirschmann 1
CH2 PG203J PG203J PG203J con-hirschmann 1
R1 1k3 R-EU_0204/7 0204/7 rcl 1
R2 10R R-EU_0204/7 0204/7 rcl 1
R3 10R R-EU_0204/7 0204/7 rcl 1
R4 200R R-EU_0204/7 0204/7 rcl 1
R5 200R R-EU_0204/7 0204/7 rcl 1
R6 10R R-EU_0204/7 0204/7 rcl 1
R7 200R R-EU_0204/7 0204/7 rcl 1
R8 200R R-EU_0204/7 0204/7 rcl 1
SW1 SW_DIP-4 EDG-04 special 1
U$1 MAX1249 MAX1249 DIL16 eigene 1
U$2 JW24A10L JW24A10L DIL24-3 eigene 1
USB PN61729 PN61729 con-berg 1

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File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
Exported from JW24A10L_revC.sch at 04.01.14 19:10
EAGLE Version 6.1.0 Copyright (c) 1988-2012 CadSoft
Assembly variant:
Part Value Device Package Library Sheet
AUX MA05-1 MA05-1 con-lstb 1
BTNS M09H M09H con-subd 1
C1 100n C-EU025-025X050 C025-025X050 rcl 1
C2 10n C-EU025-025X050 C025-025X050 rcl 1
C3 10n C-EU025-025X050 C025-025X050 rcl 1
C4 10n C-EU025-025X050 C025-025X050 rcl 1
C5 100n C-EU025-025X050 C025-025X050 rcl 1
C6 10u CPOL-EUE2-5 E2-5 rcl 1
C7 100n C-EU025-025X050 C025-025X050 rcl 1
C8 10u CPOL-EUE2-5 E2-5 rcl 1
CH0 PG203J PG203J PG203J con-hirschmann 1
CH1 PG203J PG203J PG203J con-hirschmann 1
CH2 PG203J PG203J PG203J con-hirschmann 1
R1 1k3 R-EU_0204/7 0204/7 rcl 1
R2 10R R-EU_0204/7 0204/7 rcl 1
R3 10R R-EU_0204/7 0204/7 rcl 1
R4 200R R-EU_0204/7 0204/7 rcl 1
R5 200R R-EU_0204/7 0204/7 rcl 1
R6 10R R-EU_0204/7 0204/7 rcl 1
R7 200R R-EU_0204/7 0204/7 rcl 1
R8 200R R-EU_0204/7 0204/7 rcl 1
SW1 SW_DIP-4 EDG-04 special 1
U$1 MAX1249 MAX1249 DIL16 eigene 1
U$2 JW24A10L JW24A10L DIL24-3 eigene 1
USB PN61729 PN61729 con-berg 1

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File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
Exported from JW24A10L_revD.sch at 04.01.14 19:11
EAGLE Version 6.1.0 Copyright (c) 1988-2012 CadSoft
Assembly variant:
Part Value Device Package Library Sheet
AUX MA05-1 MA05-1 con-lstb 1
BTNS M09H M09H con-subd 1
C1 100n C-EU025-025X050 C025-025X050 rcl 1
C2 10n C-EU025-025X050 C025-025X050 rcl 1
C3 10n C-EU025-025X050 C025-025X050 rcl 1
C4 10n C-EU025-025X050 C025-025X050 rcl 1
C5 100n C-EU025-025X050 C025-025X050 rcl 1
C6 10u CPOL-EUE2-5 E2-5 rcl 1
C7 100n C-EU025-025X050 C025-025X050 rcl 1
C8 10u CPOL-EUE2-5 E2-5 rcl 1
CH0 PG203J PG203J PG203J con-hirschmann 1
CH1 PG203J PG203J PG203J con-hirschmann 1
CH2 PG203J PG203J PG203J con-hirschmann 1
R2 10R R-EU_0207/2V 0207/2V rcl 1
R3 10R R-EU_0207/2V 0207/2V rcl 1
R4 1k3 R-EU_0207/2V 0207/2V rcl 1
SW1 SW_DIP-4 EDG-04 special 1
U$1 MAX1249 MAX1249 DIL16 eigene 1
U$2 JW24A10L JW24A10L DIL24-3 eigene 1
USB PN61729 PN61729 con-berg 1

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File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
Exported from JW24A10L_revE.sch at 04.01.14 19:11
EAGLE Version 6.1.0 Copyright (c) 1988-2012 CadSoft
Assembly variant:
Part Value Device Package Library Sheet
BUTTONS Buttons M09H M09H con-subd 1
C1 100n C-EU025-025X050 C025-025X050 rcl 1
C2 10n C-EU025-025X050 C025-025X050 rcl 1
C3 10n C-EU025-025X050 C025-025X050 rcl 1
C4 10n C-EU025-025X050 C025-025X050 rcl 1
C5 100n C-EU025-025X050 C025-025X050 rcl 1
C6 10u CPOL-EUE2-5 E2-5 rcl 1
C7 100n C-EU025-025X050 C025-025X050 rcl 1
C8 10u CPOL-EUE2-5 E2-5 rcl 1
JP1 PINHD-1X4 1X04 pinhead 1
JP2 PINHD-1X4 1X04 pinhead 1
JP3 PINHD-1X4 1X04 pinhead 1
R2 10R R-EU_0207/2V 0207/2V rcl 1
R3 10R R-EU_0207/2V 0207/2V rcl 1
R4 1k3 R-EU_0207/2V 0207/2V rcl 1
SW1 SW_DIP-4 EDG-04 special 1
U$1 MAX1249 MAX1249 DIL16 eigene 1
U$2 JW24A10L JW24A10L DIL24-3 eigene 1
USB PN61729 PN61729 con-berg 1

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