/* * Copyright 2016 Jakub Klama * All rights reserved * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted providing that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING * IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ /* * Based on libixp code: ©2007-2010 Kris Maglione */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../lib9p.h" #include "../lib9p_impl.h" #include "../log.h" static struct openfile *open_fid(const char *); static void dostat(struct l9p_stat *, char *, struct stat *, bool dotu); static void generate_qid(struct stat *, struct l9p_qid *); static void fs_attach(void *, struct l9p_request *); static void fs_clunk(void *, struct l9p_request *); static void fs_create(void *, struct l9p_request *); static void fs_flush(void *, struct l9p_request *); static void fs_open(void *, struct l9p_request *); static void fs_read(void *, struct l9p_request *); static void fs_remove(void *, struct l9p_request *); static void fs_stat(void *, struct l9p_request *); static void fs_walk(void *, struct l9p_request *); static void fs_write(void *, struct l9p_request *); static void fs_wstat(void *, struct l9p_request *); static void fs_freefid(void *softc, struct l9p_openfile *f); struct fs_softc { const char *fs_rootpath; bool fs_readonly; TAILQ_HEAD(, fs_tree) fs_auxtrees; }; struct fs_tree { const char *fst_name; const char *fst_path; bool fst_readonly; TAILQ_ENTRY(fs_tree) fst_link; }; struct openfile { DIR *dir; int fd; char *name; uid_t uid; gid_t gid; }; static struct openfile * open_fid(const char *path) { struct openfile *ret; ret = l9p_calloc(1, sizeof(*ret)); ret->fd = -1; ret->name = strdup(path); return (ret); } static void dostat(struct l9p_stat *s, char *name, struct stat *buf, bool dotu) { struct passwd *user; struct group *group; memset(s, 0, sizeof(struct l9p_stat)); generate_qid(buf, &s->qid); s->type = 0; s->dev = 0; s->mode = buf->st_mode & 0777; if (S_ISDIR(buf->st_mode)) s->mode |= L9P_DMDIR; if (S_ISLNK(buf->st_mode) && dotu) s->mode |= L9P_DMSYMLINK; if (S_ISCHR(buf->st_mode) || S_ISBLK(buf->st_mode)) s->mode |= L9P_DMDEVICE; if (S_ISSOCK(buf->st_mode)) s->mode |= L9P_DMSOCKET; if (S_ISFIFO(buf->st_mode)) s->mode |= L9P_DMNAMEDPIPE; s->atime = (uint32_t)buf->st_atime; s->mtime = (uint32_t)buf->st_mtime; s->length = (uint64_t)buf->st_size; /* XXX: not thread safe */ s->name = strdup(basename(name)); if (!dotu) { user = getpwuid(buf->st_uid); group = getgrgid(buf->st_gid); s->uid = user != NULL ? strdup(user->pw_name) : NULL; s->gid = group != NULL ? strdup(group->gr_name) : NULL; s->muid = user != NULL ? strdup(user->pw_name) : NULL; } else { /* * When using 9P2000.u, we don't need to bother about * providing user and group names in textual form. */ s->n_uid = buf->st_uid; s->n_gid = buf->st_gid; s->n_muid = buf->st_uid; if (S_ISLNK(buf->st_mode)) { char target[MAXPATHLEN]; ssize_t ret = readlink(name, target, MAXPATHLEN); if (ret < 0) { s->extension = NULL; return; } s->extension = strndup(target, (size_t)ret); } if (S_ISBLK(buf->st_mode)) { asprintf(&s->extension, "b %d %d", major(buf->st_rdev), minor(buf->st_rdev)); } if (S_ISCHR(buf->st_mode)) { asprintf(&s->extension, "c %d %d", major(buf->st_rdev), minor(buf->st_rdev)); } } } static void generate_qid(struct stat *buf, struct l9p_qid *qid) { qid->path = buf->st_ino; qid->version = 0; if (S_ISREG(buf->st_mode)) qid->type |= L9P_QTFILE; if (S_ISDIR(buf->st_mode)) qid->type |= L9P_QTDIR; if (S_ISLNK(buf->st_mode)) qid->type |= L9P_QTSYMLINK; } static bool check_access(struct stat *st, uid_t uid, int amode) { struct passwd *pwd; int groups[NGROUPS_MAX]; int ngroups = NGROUPS_MAX; int i; if (uid == 0) return (true); if (st->st_uid == uid) { if (amode == L9P_OREAD && st->st_mode & S_IRUSR) return (true); if (amode == L9P_OWRITE && st->st_mode & S_IWUSR) return (true); if (amode == L9P_OEXEC && st->st_mode & S_IXUSR) return (true); } /* Check for "other" access */ if (amode == L9P_OREAD && st->st_mode & S_IROTH) return (true); if (amode == L9P_OWRITE && st->st_mode & S_IWOTH) return (true); if (amode == L9P_OEXEC && st->st_mode & S_IXOTH) return (true); /* Check for group access */ pwd = getpwuid(uid); getgrouplist(pwd->pw_name, (int)pwd->pw_gid, groups, &ngroups); for (i = 0; i < ngroups; i++) { if (st->st_gid == (gid_t)groups[i]) { if (amode == L9P_OREAD && st->st_mode & S_IRGRP) return (true); if (amode == L9P_OWRITE && st->st_mode & S_IWGRP) return (true); if (amode == L9P_OEXEC && st->st_mode & S_IXGRP) return (true); } } return (false); } static void fs_attach(void *softc, struct l9p_request *req) { struct fs_softc *sc = (struct fs_softc *)softc; struct openfile *file; struct passwd *pwd; uid_t uid; assert(req->lr_fid != NULL); file = open_fid(sc->fs_rootpath); req->lr_fid->lo_qid.type = L9P_QTDIR; req->lr_fid->lo_qid.path = (uintptr_t)req->lr_fid; req->lr_fid->lo_aux = file; req->lr_resp.rattach.qid = req->lr_fid->lo_qid; uid = req->lr_req.tattach.n_uname; if (req->lr_conn->lc_version >= L9P_2000U && uid != (uid_t)-1) pwd = getpwuid(uid); else pwd = getpwnam(req->lr_req.tattach.uname); if (pwd == NULL) { l9p_respond(req, EPERM); return; } file->uid = pwd->pw_uid; file->gid = pwd->pw_gid; l9p_respond(req, 0); } static void fs_clunk(void *softc __unused, struct l9p_request *req) { struct openfile *file; file = req->lr_fid->lo_aux; assert(file != NULL); if (file->dir) { closedir(file->dir); file->dir = NULL; } else if (file->fd != -1) { close(file->fd); file->fd = -1; } l9p_respond(req, 0); } static void fs_create(void *softc, struct l9p_request *req) { struct fs_softc *sc = softc; struct openfile *file = req->lr_fid->lo_aux; struct stat st; char *newname; mode_t mode = req->lr_req.tcreate.perm & 0777; int fd; assert(file != NULL); if (sc->fs_readonly) { l9p_respond(req, EROFS); return; } asprintf(&newname, "%s/%s", file->name, req->lr_req.tcreate.name); if (stat(file->name, &st) != 0) { l9p_respond(req, errno); return; } if (!check_access(&st, file->uid, L9P_OWRITE)) { l9p_respond(req, EPERM); return; } if (req->lr_req.tcreate.perm & L9P_DMDIR) mkdir(newname, mode); else if (req->lr_req.tcreate.perm & L9P_DMSYMLINK) { if (symlink(req->lr_req.tcreate.extension, newname) != 0) { l9p_respond(req, errno); return; } } else if (req->lr_req.tcreate.perm & L9P_DMNAMEDPIPE) { if (mkfifo(newname, mode) != 0) { l9p_respond(req, errno); return; } } else if (req->lr_req.tcreate.perm & L9P_DMSOCKET) { struct sockaddr_un sun; int s = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (s < 0) { l9p_respond(req, errno); return; } sun.sun_family = AF_UNIX; sun.sun_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_un); strncpy(sun.sun_path, req->lr_req.tcreate.name, sizeof(sun.sun_path)); fd = open(file->name, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { l9p_respond(req, errno); return; } if (bindat(fd, s, (struct sockaddr *)&sun, sun.sun_len) < 0) { l9p_respond(req, errno); return; } if (close(fd) != 0) { l9p_respond(req, errno); return; } if (close(s) != 0) { l9p_respond(req, errno); return; } } else if (req->lr_req.tcreate.perm & L9P_DMDEVICE) { char type; int major, minor; if (sscanf(req->lr_req.tcreate.extension, "%c %u %u", &type, &major, &minor) < 2) { l9p_respond(req, EINVAL); return; } switch (type) { case 'b': if (mknod(newname, S_IFBLK | mode, makedev(major, minor)) != 0) { l9p_respond(req, errno); return; } break; case 'c': if (mknod(newname, S_IFCHR | mode, makedev(major, minor)) != 0) { l9p_respond(req, errno); return; } break; default: l9p_respond(req, EINVAL); return; } } else { file->fd = open(newname, O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | req->lr_req.tcreate.mode, mode); } if (lchown(newname, file->uid, file->gid) != 0) { l9p_respond(req, errno); return; } if (stat(newname, &st) != 0) { l9p_respond(req, errno); return; } generate_qid(&st, &req->lr_resp.rcreate.qid); l9p_respond(req, 0); } static void fs_flush(void *softc __unused, struct l9p_request *req) { /* XXX: not used because this transport is synchronous */ l9p_respond(req, 0); } static void fs_open(void *softc __unused, struct l9p_request *req) { struct l9p_connection *conn = req->lr_conn; struct openfile *file = req->lr_fid->lo_aux; struct stat st; assert(file != NULL); if (stat(file->name, &st) != 0) { l9p_respond(req, errno); return; } if (!check_access(&st, file->uid, req->lr_req.topen.mode)) { l9p_respond(req, EPERM); return; } if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) file->dir = opendir(file->name); else { file->fd = open(file->name, req->lr_req.topen.mode); if (file->fd < 0) { l9p_respond(req, EPERM); return; } } generate_qid(&st, &req->lr_resp.ropen.qid); req->lr_resp.ropen.iounit = conn->lc_max_io_size; l9p_respond(req, 0); } static void fs_read(void *softc __unused, struct l9p_request *req) { struct openfile *file; struct l9p_stat l9stat; bool dotu = req->lr_conn->lc_version >= L9P_2000U; ssize_t ret; file = req->lr_fid->lo_aux; assert(file != NULL); if (file->dir != NULL) { struct dirent *d; struct stat st; for (;;) { d = readdir(file->dir); if (d) { lstat(d->d_name, &st); dostat(&l9stat, d->d_name, &st, dotu); if (l9p_pack_stat(req, &l9stat) != 0) { seekdir(file->dir, -1); break; } continue; } break; } } else { size_t niov = l9p_truncate_iov(req->lr_data_iov, req->lr_data_niov, req->lr_req.io.count); #if defined(__FreeBSD__) ret = preadv(file->fd, req->lr_data_iov, niov, req->lr_req.io.offset); #else /* XXX: not thread safe, should really use aio_listio. */ if (lseek(file->fd, (off_t)req->lr_req.io.offset, SEEK_SET) < 0) { l9p_respond(req, errno); return; } ret = (uint32_t)readv(file->fd, req->lr_data_iov, (int)niov); #endif if (ret < 0) { l9p_respond(req, errno); return; } req->lr_resp.io.count = (uint32_t)ret; } l9p_respond(req, 0); } static void fs_remove(void *softc, struct l9p_request *req) { struct fs_softc *sc = softc; struct openfile *file; struct stat st; file = req->lr_fid->lo_aux; assert(file); if (sc->fs_readonly) { l9p_respond(req, EROFS); return; } if (lstat(file->name, &st) != 0) { l9p_respond(req, errno); return; } if (!check_access(&st, file->uid, L9P_OWRITE)) { l9p_respond(req, EPERM); return; } if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { if (rmdir(file->name) != 0) { l9p_respond(req, errno); return; } } else { if (unlink(file->name) != 0) { l9p_respond(req, errno); return; } } l9p_respond(req, 0); } static void fs_stat(void *softc __unused, struct l9p_request *req) { struct openfile *file; struct stat st; bool dotu = req->lr_conn->lc_version >= L9P_2000U; file = req->lr_fid->lo_aux; assert(file); lstat(file->name, &st); dostat(&req->lr_resp.rstat.stat, file->name, &st, dotu); l9p_respond(req, 0); } static void fs_walk(void *softc __unused, struct l9p_request *req) { uint16_t i; struct stat buf; struct openfile *file = req->lr_fid->lo_aux; struct openfile *newfile; char name[MAXPATHLEN]; strcpy(name, file->name); for (i = 0; i < req->lr_req.twalk.nwname; i++) { strcat(name, "/"); strcat(name, req->lr_req.twalk.wname[i]); if (lstat(name, &buf) < 0){ l9p_respond(req, ENOENT); return; } generate_qid(&buf, &req->lr_resp.rwalk.wqid[i]); } newfile = open_fid(name); newfile->uid = file->uid; newfile->gid = file->gid; req->lr_newfid->lo_aux = newfile; req->lr_resp.rwalk.nwqid = i; l9p_respond(req, 0); } static void fs_write(void *softc, struct l9p_request *req) { struct fs_softc *sc = softc; struct openfile *file; ssize_t ret; file = req->lr_fid->lo_aux; assert(file != NULL); if (sc->fs_readonly) { l9p_respond(req, EROFS); return; } size_t niov = l9p_truncate_iov(req->lr_data_iov, req->lr_data_niov, req->lr_req.io.count); #if defined(__FreeBSD__) ret = pwritev(file->fd, req->lr_data_iov, niov, req->lr_req.io.offset); #else /* XXX: not thread safe, should really use aio_listio. */ if (lseek(file->fd, (off_t)req->lr_req.io.offset, SEEK_SET) < 0) { l9p_respond(req, errno); return; } ret = writev(file->fd, req->lr_data_iov, (int)niov); #endif if (ret < 0) { l9p_respond(req, errno); return; } req->lr_resp.io.count = (uint32_t)ret; l9p_respond(req, 0); } static void fs_wstat(void *softc, struct l9p_request *req) { struct fs_softc *sc = softc; struct openfile *file; struct l9p_stat *l9stat = &req->lr_req.twstat.stat; file = req->lr_fid->lo_aux; assert(file != NULL); /* * XXX: * * stat(9P) sez: * * Either all the changes in wstat request happen, or none of them * does: if the request succeeds, all changes were made; if it fails, * none were. * * Atomicity is clearly missing in current implementation. */ if (sc->fs_readonly) { l9p_respond(req, EROFS); return; } if (l9stat->atime != (uint32_t)~0) { /* XXX: not implemented, ignore */ } if (l9stat->mtime != (uint32_t)~0) { /* XXX: not implemented, ignore */ } if (l9stat->dev != (uint32_t)~0) { l9p_respond(req, EPERM); return; } if (l9stat->length != (uint64_t)~0) { if (file->dir != NULL) { l9p_respond(req, EINVAL); return; } if (truncate(file->name, (off_t)l9stat->length) != 0) { l9p_respond(req, errno); return; } } if (req->lr_conn->lc_version >= L9P_2000U) { if (lchown(file->name, l9stat->n_uid, l9stat->n_gid) != 0) { l9p_respond(req, errno); return; } } if (l9stat->mode != (uint32_t)~0) { if (chmod(file->name, l9stat->mode & 0777) != 0) { l9p_respond(req, errno); return; } } if (strlen(l9stat->name) > 0) { /* XXX: not thread safe */ char *dir = dirname(file->name); char *newname; asprintf(&newname, "%s/%s", dir, l9stat->name); rename(file->name, newname); free(newname); } l9p_respond(req, 0); } static void fs_freefid(void *softc __unused, struct l9p_openfile *fid) { struct openfile *f = fid->lo_aux; if (f == NULL) { /* Nothing to do here */ return; } if (f->fd != -1) close(f->fd); if (f->dir) closedir(f->dir); free(f->name); free(f); } int l9p_backend_fs_init(struct l9p_backend **backendp, const char *root) { struct l9p_backend *backend; struct fs_softc *sc; backend = l9p_malloc(sizeof(*backend)); backend->attach = fs_attach; backend->clunk = fs_clunk; backend->create = fs_create; backend->flush = fs_flush; backend->open = fs_open; backend->read = fs_read; backend->remove = fs_remove; backend->stat = fs_stat; backend->walk = fs_walk; backend->write = fs_write; backend->wstat = fs_wstat; backend->freefid = fs_freefid; sc = l9p_malloc(sizeof(*sc)); sc->fs_rootpath = strdup(root); sc->fs_readonly = false; backend->softc = sc; setpassent(1); *backendp = backend; return (0); }