* Control.cs
* Copyright 2014 Michael Zillgith
* This file is part of libIEC61850.
* libIEC61850 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* libIEC61850 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with libIEC61850. If not, see .
* See COPYING file for the complete license text.
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using IEC61850.Common;
namespace IEC61850
/// IEC 61850 common API parts (used by client and server API)
namespace Common {
/// Control model
public enum ControlModel
/** status only */
/** direct with normal security */
/** select before operate (SBO) with normal security */
/** direct with enhanced security */
/** select before operate (SBO) with enhanced security */
/// Originator category
public enum OrCat {
/** Not supported - should not be used */
/** Control operation issued from an operator using a client located at bay level */
/** Control operation issued from an operator using a client located at station level */
/** Control operation from a remote operator outside the substation (for example network control center) */
/** Control operation issued from an automatic function at bay level */
/** Control operation issued from an automatic function at station level */
/** Control operation issued from a automatic function outside of the substation */
/** Control operation issued from a maintenance/service tool */
/** Status change occurred without control action (for example external trip of a circuit breaker or failure inside the breaker) */
namespace Client {
internal struct LastApplErrorInternal
public int ctlNum;
public int error;
public int addCause;
public class LastApplError
public int ctlNum;
public int error;
public ControlAddCause addCause;
internal LastApplError (LastApplErrorInternal lastApplError)
this.addCause = (ControlAddCause) lastApplError.addCause;
this.error = lastApplError.error;
this.ctlNum = lastApplError.ctlNum;
/// Control object.
public class ControlObject : IDisposable
[DllImport("iec61850", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern LastApplErrorInternal ControlObjectClient_getLastApplError(IntPtr self);
[DllImport("iec61850", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern IntPtr ControlObjectClient_create(string objectReference, IntPtr connection);
[DllImport("iec61850", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern void ControlObjectClient_destroy(IntPtr self);
[DllImport("iec61850", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ControlObjectClient_getControlModel(IntPtr self);
[DllImport("iec61850", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I1)]
private static extern bool ControlObjectClient_operate(IntPtr self, IntPtr ctlVal, UInt64 operTime);
[DllImport("iec61850", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I1)]
private static extern bool ControlObjectClient_select(IntPtr self);
[DllImport("iec61850", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I1)]
private static extern bool ControlObjectClient_selectWithValue(IntPtr self, IntPtr ctlVal);
[DllImport("iec61850", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I1)]
private static extern bool ControlObjectClient_cancel(IntPtr self);
[DllImport("iec61850", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern void ControlObjectClient_setOrigin(IntPtr self, string orIdent, int orCat);
[DllImport("iec61850", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern void ControlObjectClient_setInterlockCheck(IntPtr self, bool value);
[DllImport("iec61850", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern void ControlObjectClient_setSynchroCheck(IntPtr self, bool value);
[DllImport("iec61850", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern void ControlObjectClient_setTestMode(IntPtr self, bool value);
private delegate void InternalCommandTerminationHandler(IntPtr parameter,IntPtr controlClient);
[DllImport("iec61850", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern void ControlObjectClient_setCommandTerminationHandler(IntPtr self,
InternalCommandTerminationHandler handler, IntPtr handlerParameter);
public delegate void CommandTerminationHandler (Object parameter, ControlObject controlObject);
private IedConnection iedConnection;
private IntPtr controlObject;
private CommandTerminationHandler commandTerminationHandler = null;
private Object commandTerminationHandlerParameter = null;
private void MyCommandTerminationHandler (IntPtr paramter, IntPtr controlClient)
if (commandTerminationHandler != null)
commandTerminationHandler(commandTerminationHandlerParameter, this);
private InternalCommandTerminationHandler intCommandTerminationHandler;
internal ControlObject (string objectReference, IntPtr connection, IedConnection iedConnection)
this.iedConnection = iedConnection;
this.controlObject = ControlObjectClient_create(objectReference, connection);
if (this.controlObject == System.IntPtr.Zero)
throw new IedConnectionException("Control object not found", 0);
intCommandTerminationHandler = new InternalCommandTerminationHandler (MyCommandTerminationHandler);
ControlObjectClient_setCommandTerminationHandler(controlObject, intCommandTerminationHandler, controlObject);
/// Gets the control model.
/// The control model.
public ControlModel GetControlModel ()
ControlModel controlModel = (ControlModel) ControlObjectClient_getControlModel(controlObject);
return controlModel;
/// Sets the origin parameter used by control commands.
/// Originator. An arbitrary string identifying the controlling client.
/// Originator category.
public void SetOrigin (string originator, OrCat originatorCategory)
ControlObjectClient_setOrigin(controlObject, originator, (int) originatorCategory);
/// Operate the control with the specified control value.
/// the new value of the control
/// true when the operation has been successful, false otherwise
public bool Operate (bool ctlVal)
return Operate (ctlVal, 0);
/// Operate the control with the specified control value (time activated control).
/// the new value of the control
/// the time when the operation will be executed
/// true when the operation has been successful, false otherwise
public bool Operate (bool ctlVal, UInt64 operTime)
MmsValue value = new MmsValue(ctlVal);
return Operate (value, operTime);
/// Operate the control with the specified control value.
/// the new value of the control
/// true when the operation has been successful, false otherwise
public bool Operate (float ctlVal)
return Operate (ctlVal, 0);
/// Operate the control with the specified control value (time activated control).
/// the new value of the control
/// the time when the operation will be executed
/// true when the operation has been successful, false otherwise
public bool Operate (float ctlVal, UInt64 operTime)
MmsValue value = new MmsValue(ctlVal);
return Operate (value, operTime);
/// Operate the control with the specified control value.
/// the new value of the control
/// true when the operation has been successful, false otherwise
public bool Operate (int ctlVal)
return Operate (ctlVal, 0);
/// Operate the control with the specified control value (time activated control).
/// the new value of the control
/// the time when the operation will be executed
/// true when the operation has been successful, false otherwise
public bool Operate (int ctlVal, UInt64 operTime)
MmsValue value = new MmsValue(ctlVal);
return Operate (value, operTime);
/// Operate the control with the specified control value.
/// the new value of the control
/// true when the operation has been successful, false otherwise
public bool Operate (MmsValue ctlVal)
return Operate (ctlVal, 0);
/// Operate the control with the specified control value (time activated control).
/// the new value of the control
/// the time when the operation will be executed
/// true when the operation has been successful, false otherwise
public bool Operate (MmsValue ctlVal, UInt64 operTime)
return ControlObjectClient_operate(controlObject, ctlVal.valueReference, operTime);
/// Select the control object.
/// true when the selection has been successful, false otherwise
public bool Select ()
return ControlObjectClient_select(controlObject);
/// Send a select with value command for generic MmsValue instances
/// the value to be checked.
/// true when the selection has been successful, false otherwise
public bool SelectWithValue (MmsValue ctlVal)
return ControlObjectClient_selectWithValue(controlObject, ctlVal.valueReference);
/// Send a select with value command for boolean controls
/// the value to be checked.
/// true when the selection has been successful, false otherwise
public bool SelectWithValue (bool ctlVal)
return SelectWithValue(new MmsValue(ctlVal));
/// Send a select with value command for integer controls
/// the value to be checked.
/// true when the selection has been successful, false otherwise
public bool SelectWithValue (int ctlVal)
return SelectWithValue(new MmsValue(ctlVal));
/// Send a select with value command for float controls
/// the value to be checked.
/// true when the selection has been successful, false otherwise
public bool SelectWithValue (float ctlVal)
return SelectWithValue(new MmsValue(ctlVal));
/// Cancel a selection or time activated operation
/// true when the cancelation has been successful, false otherwise
public bool Cancel ()
return ControlObjectClient_cancel(controlObject);
/// Enables the synchro check for operate commands
[Obsolete("use SetSynchroCheck instead")]
public void EnableSynchroCheck ()
ControlObjectClient_setSynchroCheck (controlObject, true);
/// Enables the interlock check for operate and select commands
[Obsolete("use SetInterlockCheck instead")]
public void EnableInterlockCheck ()
ControlObjectClient_setInterlockCheck (controlObject, true);
/// Sets the value of the interlock check flag for operate and select commands
public void SetInterlockCheck (bool value)
ControlObjectClient_setInterlockCheck (controlObject, value);
/// Sets the value of the synchro check flag for operate command
public void SetSynchroCheck (bool value)
ControlObjectClient_setSynchroCheck (controlObject, value);
/// Sets the value of the test flag for the operate command
public void SetTestMode (bool value)
ControlObjectClient_setTestMode (controlObject, value);
/// Gets the last received LastApplError (Additional Cause Diagnostics) value.
/// The last appl error.
public LastApplError GetLastApplError ()
LastApplErrorInternal lastApplError = ControlObjectClient_getLastApplError(controlObject);
return new LastApplError(lastApplError);
/// Sets the command termination handler.
/// the handler (delegate) that is invoked when a CommandTerminationMessage is received.
/// Parameter.
public void SetCommandTerminationHandler (CommandTerminationHandler handler, Object parameter)
this.commandTerminationHandler = handler;
this.commandTerminationHandlerParameter = parameter;
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) {
if (this.controlObject != System.IntPtr.Zero) {
ControlObjectClient_destroy (controlObject);
this.controlObject = System.IntPtr.Zero;
public void Dispose() {
Dispose (true);