#include #include #include #include "string_utilities.h" #include "mms_client_connection.h" #include "conversions.h" static void print_help() { printf("MMS utility (libiec61850 " LIBIEC61850_VERSION ") options:\n"); printf("-h specify hostname\n"); printf("-p specify port\n"); printf("-l specify maximum PDU size\n"); printf("-d show list of MMS domains\n"); printf("-i show server identity\n"); printf("-t show domain directory\n"); printf("-r read domain variable\n"); printf("-a specify domain for read or write command\n"); printf("-f show file list\n"); printf("-g get file attributes\n"); printf("-x delete file\n"); printf("-j read journal\n"); printf("-v read domain variable list\n"); printf("-m print raw MMS messages\n"); } static void mmsFileDirectoryHandler (void* parameter, char* filename, uint32_t size, uint64_t lastModified) { char* lastName = (char*) parameter; strcpy (lastName, filename); printf("%s\n", filename); } static void mmsGetFileAttributeHandler (void* parameter, char* filename, uint32_t size, uint64_t lastModified) { char gtString[30]; Conversions_msTimeToGeneralizedTime(lastModified, (uint8_t*) gtString); printf("FILENAME: %s\n", filename); printf("SIZE: %u\n", size); printf("DATE: %s\n", gtString); } static void printJournalEntries(LinkedList journalEntries) { char buf[1024]; LinkedList journalEntriesElem = LinkedList_getNext(journalEntries); while (journalEntriesElem != NULL) { MmsJournalEntry journalEntry = (MmsJournalEntry) LinkedList_getData(journalEntriesElem); MmsValue_printToBuffer(MmsJournalEntry_getEntryID(journalEntry), buf, 1024); printf("EntryID: %s\n", buf); MmsValue_printToBuffer(MmsJournalEntry_getOccurenceTime(journalEntry), buf, 1024); printf(" occurence time: %s\n", buf); LinkedList journalVariableElem = LinkedList_getNext(journalEntry->journalVariables); while (journalVariableElem != NULL) { MmsJournalVariable journalVariable = (MmsJournalVariable) LinkedList_getData(journalVariableElem); printf(" variable-tag: %s\n", MmsJournalVariable_getTag(journalVariable)); MmsValue_printToBuffer(MmsJournalVariable_getValue(journalVariable), buf, 1024); printf(" variable-value: %s\n", buf); journalVariableElem = LinkedList_getNext(journalVariableElem); } journalEntriesElem = LinkedList_getNext(journalEntriesElem); } } void printRawMmsMessage(void* parameter, uint8_t* message, int messageLength, bool received) { if (received) printf("RECV: "); else printf("SEND: "); int i; for (i = 0; i < messageLength; i++) { printf("%02x ", message[i]); } printf("\n"); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { char* hostname = StringUtils_copyString("localhost"); int tcpPort = 102; int maxPduSize = 65000; char* domainName = NULL; char* variableName = NULL; char* filename = NULL; char* journalName = NULL; int readDeviceList = 0; int getDeviceDirectory = 0; int identifyDevice = 0; int readWriteHasDomain = 0; int readVariable = 0; int showFileList = 0; int getFileAttributes = 0; int readJournal = 0; int printRawMmsMessages = 0; int deleteFile = 0; int readVariableList = 0; int c; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "mifdh:p:l:t:a:r:g:j:x:v:")) != -1) switch (c) { case 'm': printRawMmsMessages = 1; break; case 'h': hostname = StringUtils_copyString(optarg); break; case 'p': tcpPort = atoi(optarg); break; case 'l': maxPduSize = atoi(optarg); break; case 'd': readDeviceList = 1; break; case 'i': identifyDevice = 1; break; case 't': getDeviceDirectory = 1; domainName = StringUtils_copyString(optarg); break; case 'a': readWriteHasDomain = 1; domainName = StringUtils_copyString(optarg); break; case 'r': readVariable = 1; variableName = StringUtils_copyString(optarg); break; case 'v': readVariableList = 1; variableName = StringUtils_copyString(optarg); break; case 'f': showFileList = 1; break; case 'g': getFileAttributes = 1; filename = StringUtils_copyString(optarg); break; case 'x': deleteFile = 1; filename = StringUtils_copyString(optarg); break; case 'j': readJournal = 1; journalName = StringUtils_copyString(optarg); break; default: print_help(); return 0; } MmsConnection con = MmsConnection_create(); MmsError error; /* Set maximum MMS PDU size (local detail) to 2000 byte */ MmsConnection_setLocalDetail(con, maxPduSize); if (printRawMmsMessages) MmsConnection_setRawMessageHandler(con, (MmsRawMessageHandler) printRawMmsMessage, NULL); if (!MmsConnection_connect(con, &error, hostname, tcpPort)) { printf("MMS connect failed!\n"); goto exit; } else printf("MMS connected.\n"); if (identifyDevice) { MmsServerIdentity* identity = MmsConnection_identify(con, &error); if (identity != NULL) { printf("\nServer identity:\n----------------\n"); printf(" vendor:\t%s\n", identity->vendorName); printf(" model:\t%s\n", identity->modelName); printf(" revision:\t%s\n", identity->revision); } else printf("Reading server identity failed!\n"); } if (readDeviceList) { printf("\nDomains present on server:\n--------------------------\n"); LinkedList nameList = MmsConnection_getDomainNames(con, &error); LinkedList_printStringList(nameList); LinkedList_destroy(nameList); } if (getDeviceDirectory) { LinkedList variableList = MmsConnection_getDomainVariableNames(con, &error, domainName); LinkedList element = LinkedList_getNext(variableList); printf("\nMMS domain variables for domain %s\n", domainName); while (element != NULL) { char* name = (char*) element->data; printf(" %s\n", name); element = LinkedList_getNext(element); } LinkedList_destroy(variableList); variableList = MmsConnection_getDomainJournals(con, &error, domainName); if (variableList != NULL) { element = variableList; printf("\nMMS journals for domain %s\n", domainName); while ((element = LinkedList_getNext(element)) != NULL) { char* name = (char*) element->data; printf(" %s\n", name); } LinkedList_destroy(variableList); } } if (readJournal) { printf(" read journal %s...\n", journalName); char* logDomain = journalName; char* logName = strchr(journalName, '/'); if (logName != NULL) { logName[0] = 0; logName++; uint64_t timestamp = Hal_getTimeInMs(); MmsValue* startTime = MmsValue_newBinaryTime(false); MmsValue_setBinaryTime(startTime, timestamp - 6000000000); MmsValue* endTime = MmsValue_newBinaryTime(false); MmsValue_setBinaryTime(endTime, timestamp); bool moreFollows; LinkedList journalEntries = MmsConnection_readJournalTimeRange(con, &error, logDomain, logName, startTime, endTime, &moreFollows); MmsValue_delete(startTime); MmsValue_delete(endTime); if (journalEntries != NULL) { bool readNext; do { readNext = false; LinkedList lastEntry = LinkedList_getLastElement(journalEntries); MmsJournalEntry lastJournalEntry = (MmsJournalEntry) LinkedList_getData(lastEntry); MmsValue* nextEntryId = MmsValue_clone(MmsJournalEntry_getEntryID(lastJournalEntry)); MmsValue* nextTimestamp = MmsValue_clone(MmsJournalEntry_getOccurenceTime(lastJournalEntry)); printJournalEntries(journalEntries); LinkedList_destroyDeep(journalEntries, (LinkedListValueDeleteFunction) MmsJournalEntry_destroy); if (moreFollows) { char buf[100]; MmsValue_printToBuffer(nextEntryId, buf, 100); printf("READ NEXT AFTER entryID: %s ...\n", buf); journalEntries = MmsConnection_readJournalStartAfter(con, &error, logDomain, logName, nextTimestamp, nextEntryId, &moreFollows); MmsValue_delete(nextEntryId); MmsValue_delete(nextTimestamp); readNext = true; } } while ((moreFollows == true) || (readNext == true)); } } else printf(" Invalid log name!\n"); } if (readVariable) { if (readWriteHasDomain) { MmsValue* result = MmsConnection_readVariable(con, &error, domainName, variableName); if (error != MMS_ERROR_NONE) { printf("Reading variable failed: (ERROR %i)\n", error); } else { printf("Read SUCCESS\n"); if (result != NULL) { char outbuf[1024]; MmsValue_printToBuffer(result, outbuf, 1024); printf("%s\n", outbuf); } else printf("result: NULL\n"); } } else printf("Reading VMD scope variable not yet supported!\n"); } if (readVariableList) { if (readWriteHasDomain) { MmsValue* variables = MmsConnection_readNamedVariableListValues(con, &error, domainName, variableName, true); if (error != MMS_ERROR_NONE) { printf("Reading variable failed: (ERROR %i)\n", error); } else { printf("Read SUCCESS\n"); } } else printf("Reading VMD scope variable list not yet supported!\n"); } if (showFileList) { char lastName[300]; lastName[0] = 0; char* continueAfter = NULL; while (MmsConnection_getFileDirectory(con, &error, "", continueAfter, mmsFileDirectoryHandler, lastName)) { continueAfter = lastName; } } if (getFileAttributes) { MmsConnection_getFileDirectory(con, &error, filename, NULL, mmsGetFileAttributeHandler, NULL); } if (deleteFile) { MmsConnection_fileDelete(con, &error, filename); if (error != MMS_ERROR_NONE) { printf("Delete file failed: (ERROR %i)\n", error); } else { printf("File deleted\n"); } } exit: free(hostname); MmsConnection_destroy(con); }