123 lines
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123 lines
3.7 KiB
* client_example1.c
* This example is intended to be used with server_example3 or server_example_goose.
#include "iec61850_client.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "thread.h"
reportCallbackFunction(void* parameter, ClientReport report)
MmsValue* dataSetValues = ClientReport_getDataSetValues(report);
printf("received report for %s\n", ClientReport_getRcbReference(report));
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
ReasonForInclusion reason = ClientReport_getReasonForInclusion(report, i);
if (reason != REASON_NOT_INCLUDED) {
printf(" GGIO1.SPCSO%i.stVal: %i (included for reason %i)\n", i,
MmsValue_getBoolean(MmsValue_getElement(dataSetValues, i)), reason);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
char* hostname;
int tcpPort = 102;
if (argc > 1)
hostname = argv[1];
hostname = "localhost";
if (argc > 2)
tcpPort = atoi(argv[2]);
IedClientError error;
IedConnection con = IedConnection_create();
IedConnection_connect(con, &error, hostname, tcpPort);
if (error == IED_ERROR_OK) {
/* read an analog measurement value from server */
MmsValue* value = IedConnection_readObject(con, &error, "simpleIOGenericIO/GGIO1.AnIn1.mag.f", MX);
if (value != NULL) {
float fval = MmsValue_toFloat(value);
printf("read float value: %f\n", fval);
/* write a variable to the server */
value = MmsValue_newVisibleString("libiec61850.com");
IedConnection_writeObject(con, &error, "simpleIOGenericIO/GGIO1.NamPlt.vendor", DC, value);
if (error != IED_ERROR_OK)
printf("failed to write simpleIOGenericIO/GGIO1.NamPlt.vendor!\n");
/* read data set */
ClientDataSet clientDataSet = IedConnection_readDataSetValues(con, &error, "simpleIOGenericIO/LLN0.Events", NULL);
if (clientDataSet == NULL)
printf("failed to read dataset\n");
/* Read RCB values */
ClientReportControlBlock rcb =
IedConnection_getRCBValues(con, &error, "simpleIOGenericIO/LLN0.RP.EventsRCB", NULL);
/* Install handler for reports */
IedConnection_installReportHandler(con, "simpleIOGenericIO/LLN0.RP.EventsRCB", ClientReportControlBlock_getRptId(rcb),
reportCallbackFunction, NULL);
/* Set trigger options and enable report */
ClientReportControlBlock_setTrgOps(rcb, TRG_OPT_DATA_UPDATE | TRG_OPT_INTEGRITY | TRG_OPT_GI);
ClientReportControlBlock_setRptEna(rcb, true);
ClientReportControlBlock_setIntgPd(rcb, 5000);
IedConnection_setRCBValues(con, &error, rcb, RCB_ELEMENT_RPT_ENA | RCB_ELEMENT_TRG_OPS | RCB_ELEMENT_INTG_PD, true);
if (error != IED_ERROR_OK)
printf("report activation failed (code: %i)\n", error);
/* trigger GI report */
ClientReportControlBlock_setGI(rcb, true);
IedConnection_setRCBValues(con, &error, rcb, RCB_ELEMENT_GI, true);
if (error != IED_ERROR_OK)
printf("Error triggering a GI report (code: %i)\n", error);
/* disable reporting */
ClientReportControlBlock_setRptEna(rcb, false);
IedConnection_setRCBValues(con, &error, rcb, RCB_ELEMENT_RPT_ENA, true);
if (error != IED_ERROR_OK)
printf("disable reporting failed (code: %i)\n", error);
else {
printf("Failed to connect to %s:%i\n", hostname, tcpPort);