2012-05-08 23:17:53 +02:00
* test / test - complex - HTB - with - hash - filters . c Add HTB qdisc , HTB classes and creates some hash filters
* This library is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.1
* of the License .
* Copyright ( c ) 2011 Adrian Ban < adrian . ban @ mantech . ro >
# include <netlink/route/link.h>
# include <netlink/route/tc.h>
# include <netlink/route/qdisc.h>
2012-05-16 13:43:52 +02:00
# include <netlink/route/qdisc/htb.h>
# include <netlink/route/qdisc/sfq.h>
# include <netlink/route/cls/u32.h>
2012-05-08 23:17:53 +02:00
# include <netlink/route/classifier.h>
2012-05-16 13:43:52 +02:00
# include <netlink/route/class.h>
2012-05-08 23:17:53 +02:00
# include <linux/if_ether.h>
# include <netlink/attr.h>
//#include "include/rtnl_u32.h"
# include <stdio.h>
# include <string.h>
//#include "include/rtnl_u32_addon.h"
# define TC_HANDLE(maj, min) (TC_H_MAJ((maj) << 16) | TC_H_MIN(min))
/* some functions are copied from iproute-tc tool */
int get_u32 ( __u32 * val , const char * arg , int base )
unsigned long res ;
char * ptr ;
if ( ! arg | | ! * arg )
return - 1 ;
res = strtoul ( arg , & ptr , base ) ;
if ( ! ptr | | ptr = = arg | | * ptr | | res > 0xFFFFFFFFUL )
return - 1 ;
* val = res ;
return 0 ;
int get_u32_handle ( __u32 * handle , const char * str )
__u32 htid = 0 , hash = 0 , nodeid = 0 ;
char * tmp = strchr ( str , ' : ' ) ;
if ( tmp = = NULL ) {
if ( memcmp ( " 0x " , str , 2 ) = = 0 )
return get_u32 ( handle , str , 16 ) ;
return - 1 ;
htid = strtoul ( str , & tmp , 16 ) ;
if ( tmp = = str & & * str ! = ' : ' & & * str ! = 0 )
return - 1 ;
if ( htid > = 0x1000 )
return - 1 ;
if ( * tmp ) {
str = tmp + 1 ;
hash = strtoul ( str , & tmp , 16 ) ;
if ( tmp = = str & & * str ! = ' : ' & & * str ! = 0 )
return - 1 ;
if ( hash > = 0x100 )
return - 1 ;
if ( * tmp ) {
str = tmp + 1 ;
nodeid = strtoul ( str , & tmp , 16 ) ;
if ( tmp = = str & & * str ! = 0 )
return - 1 ;
if ( nodeid > = 0x1000 )
return - 1 ;
* handle = ( htid < < 20 ) | ( hash < < 12 ) | nodeid ;
return 0 ;
uint32_t get_u32_parse_handle ( const char * cHandle )
uint32_t handle = 0 ;
if ( get_u32_handle ( & handle , cHandle ) ) {
printf ( " Illegal \" ht \" \n " ) ;
return - 1 ;
if ( handle & & TC_U32_NODE ( handle ) ) {
printf ( " \" link \" must be a hash table. \n " ) ;
return - 1 ;
return handle ;
int get_tc_classid ( __u32 * h , const char * str )
__u32 maj , min ;
char * p ;
maj = TC_H_ROOT ;
if ( strcmp ( str , " root " ) = = 0 )
goto ok ;
maj = TC_H_UNSPEC ;
if ( strcmp ( str , " none " ) = = 0 )
goto ok ;
maj = strtoul ( str , & p , 16 ) ;
if ( p = = str ) {
maj = 0 ;
if ( * p ! = ' : ' )
return - 1 ;
if ( * p = = ' : ' ) {
if ( maj > = ( 1 < < 16 ) )
return - 1 ;
maj < < = 16 ;
str = p + 1 ;
min = strtoul ( str , & p , 16 ) ;
if ( * p ! = 0 )
return - 1 ;
if ( min > = ( 1 < < 16 ) )
return - 1 ;
maj | = min ;
} else if ( * p ! = 0 )
return - 1 ;
ok :
* h = maj ;
return 0 ;
* Function that adds a new filter and attach it to a hash table
int u32_add_filter_on_ht ( struct nl_sock * sock , struct rtnl_link * rtnlLink , uint32_t prio ,
uint32_t keyval , uint32_t keymask , int keyoff , int keyoffmask ,
uint32_t htid , uint32_t classid
struct rtnl_cls * cls ;
int err ;
//printf("Key Val : 0x%x\n", keyval);
//printf("Key Mask : 0x%x\n", keymask);
cls = rtnl_cls_alloc ( ) ;
if ( ! ( cls ) ) {
printf ( " Can not allocate classifier \n " ) ;
nl_socket_free ( sock ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
rtnl_tc_set_link ( TC_CAST ( cls ) , rtnlLink ) ;
2012-05-16 13:43:52 +02:00
if ( ( err = rtnl_tc_set_kind ( TC_CAST ( cls ) , " u32 " ) ) ) {
2012-05-08 23:17:53 +02:00
printf ( " Can not set classifier as u32 \n " ) ;
return 1 ;
rtnl_cls_set_prio ( cls , prio ) ;
rtnl_cls_set_protocol ( cls , ETH_P_IP ) ;
rtnl_tc_set_parent ( TC_CAST ( cls ) , TC_HANDLE ( 1 , 0 ) ) ;
rtnl_u32_set_hashtable ( cls , htid ) ;
rtnl_u32_add_key_uint32 ( cls , keyval , keymask , keyoff , keyoffmask ) ; /* */
rtnl_u32_set_classid ( cls , classid ) ;
rtnl_u32_set_cls_terminal ( cls ) ;
2012-05-16 13:43:52 +02:00
if ( ( err = rtnl_cls_add ( sock , cls , NLM_F_CREATE ) ) ) {
2012-05-08 23:17:53 +02:00
printf ( " Can not add classifier: %s \n " , nl_geterror ( err ) ) ;
return - 1 ;
rtnl_cls_put ( cls ) ;
return 0 ;
* Function that adds a new filter and attach it to a hash table
* and set next hash table link with hash mask
int u32_add_filter_on_ht_with_hashmask ( struct nl_sock * sock , struct rtnl_link * rtnlLink , uint32_t prio ,
uint32_t keyval , uint32_t keymask , int keyoff , int keyoffmask ,
uint32_t htid , uint32_t htlink , uint32_t hmask , uint32_t hoffset
struct rtnl_cls * cls ;
int err ;
//printf("Key Val : 0x%x\n", keyval);
//printf("Key Mask : 0x%x\n", keymask);
cls = rtnl_cls_alloc ( ) ;
if ( ! ( cls ) ) {
printf ( " Can not allocate classifier \n " ) ;
nl_socket_free ( sock ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
rtnl_tc_set_link ( TC_CAST ( cls ) , rtnlLink ) ;
2012-05-16 13:43:52 +02:00
if ( ( err = rtnl_tc_set_kind ( TC_CAST ( cls ) , " u32 " ) ) ) {
2012-05-08 23:17:53 +02:00
printf ( " Can not set classifier as u32 \n " ) ;
return 1 ;
rtnl_cls_set_prio ( cls , prio ) ;
rtnl_cls_set_protocol ( cls , ETH_P_IP ) ;
rtnl_tc_set_parent ( TC_CAST ( cls ) , TC_HANDLE ( 1 , 0 ) ) ;
if ( htid )
rtnl_u32_set_hashtable ( cls , htid ) ;
rtnl_u32_add_key_uint32 ( cls , keyval , keymask , keyoff , keyoffmask ) ;
rtnl_u32_set_hashmask ( cls , hmask , hoffset ) ;
rtnl_u32_set_link ( cls , htlink ) ;
2012-05-16 13:43:52 +02:00
if ( ( err = rtnl_cls_add ( sock , cls , NLM_F_CREATE ) ) ) {
2012-05-08 23:17:53 +02:00
printf ( " Can not add classifier: %s \n " , nl_geterror ( err ) ) ;
return - 1 ;
rtnl_cls_put ( cls ) ;
return 0 ;
* function that creates a new hash table
int u32_add_ht ( struct nl_sock * sock , struct rtnl_link * rtnlLink , uint32_t prio , uint32_t htid , uint32_t divisor )
int err ;
struct rtnl_cls * cls ;
cls = rtnl_cls_alloc ( ) ;
if ( ! ( cls ) ) {
printf ( " Can not allocate classifier \n " ) ;
nl_socket_free ( sock ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
rtnl_tc_set_link ( TC_CAST ( cls ) , rtnlLink ) ;
2012-05-16 13:43:52 +02:00
if ( ( err = rtnl_tc_set_kind ( TC_CAST ( cls ) , " u32 " ) ) ) {
2012-05-08 23:17:53 +02:00
printf ( " Can not set classifier as u32 \n " ) ;
return 1 ;
rtnl_cls_set_prio ( cls , prio ) ;
rtnl_cls_set_protocol ( cls , ETH_P_IP ) ;
rtnl_tc_set_parent ( TC_CAST ( cls ) , TC_HANDLE ( 1 , 0 ) ) ;
rtnl_u32_set_handle ( cls , htid , 0x0 , 0x0 ) ;
//printf("htid: 0x%X\n", htid);
rtnl_u32_set_divisor ( cls , divisor ) ;
2012-05-16 13:43:52 +02:00
if ( ( err = rtnl_cls_add ( sock , cls , NLM_F_CREATE ) ) ) {
2012-05-08 23:17:53 +02:00
printf ( " Can not add classifier: %s \n " , nl_geterror ( err ) ) ;
return - 1 ;
rtnl_cls_put ( cls ) ;
return 0 ;
* function that adds a new HTB qdisc and set the default class for unclassified traffic
int qdisc_add_HTB ( struct nl_sock * sock , struct rtnl_link * rtnlLink , uint32_t defaultClass )
struct rtnl_qdisc * qdisc ;
int err ;
/* Allocation of a qdisc object */
if ( ! ( qdisc = rtnl_qdisc_alloc ( ) ) ) {
printf ( " Can not allocate Qdisc \n " ) ;
return - 1 ;
//rtnl_tc_set_ifindex(TC_CAST(qdisc), master_index);
rtnl_tc_set_link ( TC_CAST ( qdisc ) , rtnlLink ) ;
rtnl_tc_set_parent ( TC_CAST ( qdisc ) , TC_H_ROOT ) ;
//delete the qdisc
//printf("Delete current qdisc\n");
rtnl_qdisc_delete ( sock , qdisc ) ;
//add a HTB qdisc
//printf("Add a new HTB qdisc\n");
rtnl_tc_set_handle ( TC_CAST ( qdisc ) , TC_HANDLE ( 1 , 0 ) ) ;
2012-05-16 13:43:52 +02:00
if ( ( err = rtnl_tc_set_kind ( TC_CAST ( qdisc ) , " htb " ) ) ) {
2012-05-08 23:17:53 +02:00
printf ( " Can not allocate HTB \n " ) ;
return - 1 ;
/* Set default class for unclassified traffic */
//printf("Set default class for unclassified traffic\n");
rtnl_htb_set_defcls ( qdisc , TC_HANDLE ( 1 , defaultClass ) ) ;
rtnl_htb_set_rate2quantum ( qdisc , 1 ) ;
/* Submit request to kernel and wait for response */
2012-05-16 13:43:52 +02:00
if ( ( err = rtnl_qdisc_add ( sock , qdisc , NLM_F_CREATE ) ) ) {
2012-05-08 23:17:53 +02:00
printf ( " Can not allocate HTB Qdisc \n " ) ;
return - 1 ;
/* Return the qdisc object to free memory resources */
rtnl_qdisc_put ( qdisc ) ;
2012-05-16 13:43:52 +02:00
return 0 ;
2012-05-08 23:17:53 +02:00
* function that adds a new HTB class and set its parameters
int class_add_HTB ( struct nl_sock * sock , struct rtnl_link * rtnlLink ,
uint32_t parentMaj , uint32_t parentMin ,
uint32_t childMaj , uint32_t childMin ,
uint64_t rate , uint64_t ceil ,
uint32_t burst , uint32_t cburst ,
uint32_t prio
int err ;
struct rtnl_class * class ;
2012-05-16 13:43:52 +02:00
//struct rtnl_class *class = (struct rtnl_class *) tc;
2012-05-08 23:17:53 +02:00
//create a HTB class
2012-05-16 13:43:52 +02:00
//class = (struct rtnl_class *)rtnl_class_alloc();
if ( ! ( class = rtnl_class_alloc ( ) ) ) {
2012-05-08 23:17:53 +02:00
printf ( " Can not allocate class object \n " ) ;
return 1 ;
rtnl_tc_set_link ( TC_CAST ( class ) , rtnlLink ) ;
//add a HTB qdisc
//printf("Add a new HTB class with 0x%X:0x%X on parent 0x%X:0x%X\n", childMaj, childMin, parentMaj, parentMin);
rtnl_tc_set_parent ( TC_CAST ( class ) , TC_HANDLE ( parentMaj , parentMin ) ) ;
rtnl_tc_set_handle ( TC_CAST ( class ) , TC_HANDLE ( childMaj , childMin ) ) ;
2012-05-16 13:43:52 +02:00
if ( ( err = rtnl_tc_set_kind ( TC_CAST ( class ) , " htb " ) ) ) {
2012-05-08 23:17:53 +02:00
printf ( " Can not set HTB to class \n " ) ;
return 1 ;
//printf("set HTB class prio to %u\n", prio);
2012-05-16 13:43:52 +02:00
rtnl_htb_set_prio ( ( struct rtnl_class * ) class , prio ) ;
2012-05-08 23:17:53 +02:00
if ( rate ) {
rtnl_htb_set_rate ( class , rate ) ;
if ( ceil ) {
rtnl_htb_set_ceil ( class , ceil ) ;
if ( burst ) {
//printf ("Class HTB: set rate burst: %u\n", burst);
rtnl_htb_set_rbuffer ( class , burst ) ;
if ( cburst ) {
//printf ("Class HTB: set rate cburst: %u\n", cburst);
rtnl_htb_set_cbuffer ( class , cburst ) ;
/* Submit request to kernel and wait for response */
2012-05-16 13:43:52 +02:00
if ( ( err = rtnl_class_add ( sock , class , NLM_F_CREATE ) ) ) {
2012-05-08 23:17:53 +02:00
printf ( " Can not allocate HTB Qdisc \n " ) ;
return 1 ;
rtnl_class_put ( class ) ;
2012-05-16 13:43:52 +02:00
return 0 ;
2012-05-08 23:17:53 +02:00
* function that adds a HTB root class and set its parameters
int class_add_HTB_root ( struct nl_sock * sock , struct rtnl_link * rtnlLink ,
uint64_t rate , uint64_t ceil ,
uint32_t burst , uint32_t cburst
int err ;
struct rtnl_class * class ;
//create a HTB class
class = ( struct rtnl_class * ) rtnl_class_alloc ( ) ;
//class = rtnl_class_alloc();
if ( ! class ) {
printf ( " Can not allocate class object \n " ) ;
return 1 ;
rtnl_tc_set_link ( TC_CAST ( class ) , rtnlLink ) ;
rtnl_tc_set_parent ( TC_CAST ( class ) , TC_H_ROOT ) ;
//add a HTB class
//printf("Add a new HTB ROOT class\n");
rtnl_tc_set_handle ( TC_CAST ( class ) , 1 ) ;
2012-05-16 13:43:52 +02:00
if ( ( err = rtnl_tc_set_kind ( TC_CAST ( class ) , " htb " ) ) ) {
2012-05-08 23:17:53 +02:00
printf ( " Can not set HTB to class \n " ) ;
return 1 ;
if ( rate ) {
rtnl_htb_set_rate ( class , rate ) ;
if ( ceil ) {
rtnl_htb_set_ceil ( class , ceil ) ;
if ( burst ) {
rtnl_htb_set_rbuffer ( class , burst ) ;
if ( cburst ) {
rtnl_htb_set_cbuffer ( class , cburst ) ;
/* Submit request to kernel and wait for response */
2012-05-16 13:43:52 +02:00
if ( ( err = rtnl_class_add ( sock , class , NLM_F_CREATE ) ) ) {
2012-05-08 23:17:53 +02:00
printf ( " Can not allocate HTB Qdisc \n " ) ;
return 1 ;
rtnl_class_put ( class ) ;
2012-05-16 13:43:52 +02:00
return 0 ;
2012-05-08 23:17:53 +02:00
* function that adds a new SFQ qdisc as a leaf for a HTB class
int qdisc_add_SFQ_leaf ( struct nl_sock * sock , struct rtnl_link * rtnlLink ,
uint32_t parentMaj , uint32_t parentMin ,
int quantum , int limit , int perturb
int err ;
struct rtnl_qdisc * qdisc ;
if ( ! ( qdisc = rtnl_qdisc_alloc ( ) ) ) {
printf ( " Can not allocate qdisc object \n " ) ;
return 1 ;
rtnl_tc_set_link ( TC_CAST ( qdisc ) , rtnlLink ) ;
rtnl_tc_set_parent ( TC_CAST ( qdisc ) , TC_HANDLE ( parentMaj , parentMin ) ) ;
rtnl_tc_set_handle ( TC_CAST ( qdisc ) , TC_HANDLE ( parentMin , 0 ) ) ;
2012-05-16 13:43:52 +02:00
if ( ( err = rtnl_tc_set_kind ( TC_CAST ( qdisc ) , " sfq " ) ) ) {
2012-05-08 23:17:53 +02:00
printf ( " Can not set SQF class \n " ) ;
return 1 ;
if ( quantum ) {
rtnl_sfq_set_quantum ( qdisc , quantum ) ;
} else {
rtnl_sfq_set_quantum ( qdisc , 16000 ) ; // tc default value
if ( limit ) {
rtnl_sfq_set_limit ( qdisc , limit ) ; // default is 127
if ( perturb ) {
rtnl_sfq_set_perturb ( qdisc , perturb ) ; // default never perturb the hash
/* Submit request to kernel and wait for response */
2012-05-16 13:43:52 +02:00
if ( ( err = rtnl_qdisc_add ( sock , qdisc , NLM_F_CREATE ) ) ) {
2012-05-08 23:17:53 +02:00
printf ( " Can not allocate SFQ qdisc \n " ) ;
return - 1 ;
/* Return the qdisc object to free memory resources */
rtnl_qdisc_put ( qdisc ) ;
2012-05-16 13:43:52 +02:00
return 0 ;
2012-05-08 23:17:53 +02:00
int main ( ) {
struct nl_sock * sock ;
struct rtnl_link * link ;
2012-05-16 13:43:52 +02:00
//struct rtnl_qdisc *qdisc;
//struct rtnl_class *class;
//struct rtnl_cls *cls;
2012-05-08 23:17:53 +02:00
2012-05-16 13:43:52 +02:00
uint32_t ht , htlink , htid , direction , classid ;
//uint32_t hash, hashmask, nodeid, divisor, handle;
//struct rtnl_u32 *f_u32;
2012-05-08 23:17:53 +02:00
char chashlink [ 16 ] = " " ;
2012-05-16 13:43:52 +02:00
//uint64_t drops, qlen;
2012-05-08 23:17:53 +02:00
2012-05-16 13:43:52 +02:00
//int master_index;
2012-05-08 23:17:53 +02:00
int err ;
2012-05-16 13:43:52 +02:00
//uint64_t rate=0, ceil=0;
2012-05-08 23:17:53 +02:00
struct nl_cache * link_cache ;
if ( ! ( sock = nl_socket_alloc ( ) ) ) {
printf ( " Unable to allocate netlink socket \n " ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
if ( ( err = nl_connect ( sock , NETLINK_ROUTE ) ) < 0 ) {
printf ( " Nu s-a putut conecta la NETLINK! \n " ) ;
nl_socket_free ( sock ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
if ( ( err = rtnl_link_alloc_cache ( sock , AF_UNSPEC , & link_cache ) ) < 0 ) {
printf ( " Unable to allocate link cache: %s \n " ,
nl_geterror ( err ) ) ;
nl_socket_free ( sock ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
/* lookup interface index of eth0 */
2012-05-16 13:43:52 +02:00
if ( ! ( link = rtnl_link_get_by_name ( link_cache , " imq0 " ) ) ) {
2012-05-08 23:17:53 +02:00
/* error */
printf ( " Interface not found \n " ) ;
nl_socket_free ( sock ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
err = qdisc_add_HTB ( sock , link , 0xffff ) ;
//drops = rtnl_tc_get_stat(TC_CAST(qdisc), RTNL_TC_DROPS);
//printf("Add ROOT HTB class\n");
err = class_add_HTB_root ( sock , link , 12500000 , 12500000 , 25000 , 25000 ) ;
err = class_add_HTB ( sock , link , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0xffff , 1250000 , 12500000 , 25000 , 25000 , 5 ) ;
err = qdisc_add_SFQ_leaf ( sock , link , 1 , 0xffff , 16000 , 0 , 10 ) ;
err = class_add_HTB ( sock , link , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0x5 , 2000000 , 2000000 , 25000 , 25000 , 5 ) ;
err = qdisc_add_SFQ_leaf ( sock , link , 1 , 0x5 , 16000 , 0 , 10 ) ;
err = class_add_HTB ( sock , link , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0x6 , 1000000 , 1000000 , 25000 , 25000 , 5 ) ;
err = qdisc_add_SFQ_leaf ( sock , link , 1 , 0x6 , 16000 , 0 , 10 ) ;
//err=class_add_HTB(sock, link, 1, 0, 1, 0x7, 1024000, 100000000, 5);
//err=class_add_HTB(sock, link, 1, 0, 1, 0x8, 2048000, 100000000, 5);
//err=class_add_HTB(sock, link, 1, 0, 1, 0x9, 4096000, 100000000, 5);
//err=class_add_HTB(sock, link, 1, 0, 1, 0xa, 8192000, 100000000, 5);
//printf("Add main hash table\n");
/* create u32 first hash filter table
/* formula calcul handle:
* uint32_t handle = ( htid < < 20 ) | ( hash < < 12 ) | nodeid ;
* Upper limit of number of hash tables : 4096 ( 0xFFF )
* Number of hashes in a table : 256 values ( 0xFF )
/* using 256 values for hash table
* each entry in hash table match a byte from IP address specified later by a hash key
uint32_t i ;
for ( i = 1 ; i < = 0xf ; i + + )
u32_add_ht ( sock , link , 1 , i , 256 ) ;
* attach a u32 filter to the first hash
* that redirects all traffic and make a hash key
* from the fist byte of the IP address
2012-05-16 13:43:52 +02:00
//divisor=0x0; // unused here
//handle = 0x0; // unused here
//hash = 0x0; // unused here
//htid = 0x0; // unused here
//nodeid = 0x0; // unused here
2012-05-08 23:17:53 +02:00
2012-05-16 13:43:52 +02:00
// direction = 12 -> source IP
// direction = 16 -> destination IP
2012-05-08 23:17:53 +02:00
direction = 16 ;
* which hash table will use
* in our case is hash table no 1 defined previous
* There are 2 posibilities to set the the hash table :
* 1. Using function get_u32_handle and sent a string in
* format 10 : where 10 is number of the hash table
* 2. Create your own value in format : 0xa00000
strcpy ( chashlink , " 1: " ) ;
//printf("Hash Link: %s\n", chashlink);
//chashlink=malloc(sizeof(char) *
htlink = 0x0 ; // is used by get_u32_handle to return the correct value of hash table (link)
if ( get_u32_handle ( & htlink , chashlink ) ) {
printf ( " Illegal \" link \" " ) ;
nl_socket_free ( sock ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
//printf ("hash link : 0x%X\n", htlink);
//printf ("hash link test : %u\n", (htlink && TC_U32_NODE(htlink)));
if ( htlink & & TC_U32_NODE ( htlink ) ) {
printf ( " \" link \" must be a hash table. \n " ) ;
nl_socket_free ( sock ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
/* the hash mask will hit the hash table (link) no 1: in our case
/* set the hash key mask */
//hashmask = 0xFF000000UL; // the mask that is used to match the hash in specific table, in our case for example 1:a with mean the first byte which is 10 in hash table 1
/* Here we add a hash filter which match the first byte (see the hashmask value)
* of the source IP ( offset 12 in the packet header )
* You can use also offset 16 to match the destination IP
* Also we need a filter to match our rule
* This mean that we will put a 0.0 .0 .0 / 0 filter in our first rule
* that match the offset 12 ( source IP )
* Also you can put offset 16 to match the destination IP
u32_add_filter_on_ht_with_hashmask ( sock , link , 1 ,
0x0 , 0x0 , direction , 0 ,
0 , htlink , 0xff000000 , direction ) ;
* For each first byte that we need to match we will create a new hash table
* For example : you have those clases : 10.0 .0 .0 / 24 and 172.16 .0 .0 / 23
* For byte 10 and byte 172 will create a separate hash table that will match the second
* byte from each class .
// Create a new hash table with prio 1, id 2 and 256 entries
// u32_CreateNewHashTable(sock, link, 1, 2, 256);
// Create a new hash table with prio 1, id 3 and 256 entries
// u32_CreateNewHashTable(sock, link, 1, 3, 256);
// u32_CreateNewHashTable(sock, link, 1, 4, 256);
// u32_CreateNewHashTable(sock, link, 1, 5, 256);
* Now we will create other filter under ( ATENTION ) our first hash table ( link ) 1 :
* Previous rule redirects the trafic according the hash mask to hash table ( link ) no 1 :
* Here we will match the hash tables from 1 : 0 to 1 : ff . Under each hash table we will attach
* other rules that matches next byte from IP source / destination IP and we will repeat the
* previous steps .
// /8 check
ht = get_u32_parse_handle ( " 1:a: " ) ;
htid = ( ht & 0xFFFFF000 ) ;
htlink = get_u32_parse_handle ( " 2: " ) ;
u32_add_filter_on_ht_with_hashmask ( sock , link , 1 ,
0x0a000000 , 0xff000000 , direction , 0 ,
htid , htlink , 0x00ff0000 , direction ) ;
ht = get_u32_parse_handle ( " 1:ac: " ) ;
htid = ( ht & 0xFFFFF000 ) ;
htlink = get_u32_parse_handle ( " 3: " ) ;
u32_add_filter_on_ht_with_hashmask ( sock , link , 1 ,
0xac000000 , 0xff000000 , direction , 0 ,
htid , htlink , 0x00ff0000 , direction ) ;
// /16 check
ht = get_u32_parse_handle ( " 2:0: " ) ;
htid = ( ht & 0xFFFFF000 ) ;
htlink = get_u32_parse_handle ( " 4: " ) ;
u32_add_filter_on_ht_with_hashmask ( sock , link , 1 ,
0x0a000000 , 0xffff0000 , direction , 0 ,
htid , htlink , 0x0000ff00 , direction ) ;
ht = get_u32_parse_handle ( " 3:11: " ) ;
htid = ( ht & 0xFFFFF000 ) ;
htlink = get_u32_parse_handle ( " 5: " ) ;
u32_add_filter_on_ht_with_hashmask ( sock , link , 1 ,
0xac110000 , 0xffff0000 , direction , 0 ,
htid , htlink , 0x0000ff00 , direction ) ;
// /24 check
ht = get_u32_parse_handle ( " 4:9: " ) ;
htid = ( ht & 0xFFFFF000 ) ;
htlink = get_u32_parse_handle ( " 6: " ) ;
u32_add_filter_on_ht_with_hashmask ( sock , link , 1 ,
0x0a000900 , 0xffffff00 , direction , 0 ,
htid , htlink , 0x000000ff , direction ) ;
ht = get_u32_parse_handle ( " 5:2: " ) ;
htid = ( ht & 0xFFFFF000 ) ;
htlink = get_u32_parse_handle ( " 7: " ) ;
u32_add_filter_on_ht_with_hashmask ( sock , link , 1 ,
0xac110200 , 0xffffff00 , direction , 0 ,
htid , htlink , 0x000000ff , direction ) ;
// final filters
ht = get_u32_parse_handle ( " 6:14: " ) ;
htid = ( ht & 0xFFFFF000 ) ;
err = get_tc_classid ( & classid , " 1:5 " ) ;
u32_add_filter_on_ht ( sock , link , 1 ,
0x0a000914 , 0xffffffff , direction , 0 ,
htid , classid ) ;
ht = get_u32_parse_handle ( " 7:78: " ) ;
htid = ( ht & 0xFFFFF000 ) ;
err = get_tc_classid ( & classid , " 1:6 " ) ;
u32_add_filter_on_ht ( sock , link , 1 ,
0xac110278 , 0xffffffff , direction , 0 ,
htid , classid ) ;
nl_socket_free ( sock ) ;
return 0 ;