3.2.8 release

This commit is contained in:
Thomas Graf 2012-04-26 11:22:49 +02:00
parent ff3e9e314c
commit ad5d2b7738

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@ -13,19 +13,34 @@
# copied from glib
m4_define([libnl_major_version], [3])
m4_define([libnl_minor_version], [2])
m4_define([libnl_micro_version], [7]) # bump for every release unless minor was bumped
m4_define([libnl_lt_revision], [2]) # bump or reset to 0 if interfaces were added
m4_define([libnl_backwards_age], [7]) # bump whenever a release is backwards compatible
# bump with +100 if a minor release is compatible
# reset to 0 if interfaces were removed
m4_define([libnl_micro_version], [8])
# If either revision or age are omitted, they default to 0. Also note that age
# must be less than or equal to the current interface number.
# Here are a set of rules to help you update your library version information:
# 1. Start with version information of `0:0:0' for each libtool library.
# 2. Update the version information only immediately before a public release
# of your software. More frequent updates are unnecessary, and only
# guarantee that the current interface number gets larger faster.
# 3. If the library source code has changed at all since the last update, then
# increment revision (`c:r:a' becomes `c:r+1:a').
# 4. If any interfaces have been added, removed, or changed since the last
# update, increment current, and set revision to 0.
# 5. If any interfaces have been added since the last public release, then
# increment age.
# 6. If any interfaces have been removed since the last public release, then
# set age to 0.
m4_define([libnl_lt_current], [206])
m4_define([libnl_lt_revision], [0])
m4_define([libnl_lt_age], [6])
m4_define([libnl_lt_age], [m4_eval(libnl_backwards_age - libnl_lt_revision)])
[m4_eval(100 * libnl_minor_version + libnl_micro_version - libnl_lt_revision)])
AC_INIT(libnl, [libnl_version], [http://www.infradead.org/~tgr/libnl/])