Run-time version information is available as exported four integers:
- const int nl_ver_num = LIBNL_VER_NUM;
- const int nl_ver_maj = LIBNL_VER_MAJ;
- const int nl_ver_min = LIBNL_VER_MIN;
- const int nl_ver_mic = LIBNL_VER_MIC;
The purpose of this is to get version of compiled library as run time.
Use cases:
- To know exact version of the library in Python's ctypes module,
Say, to find out if nl_cache_mngr_alloc() allow sk=NULL
- To make sure that the version of the loaded library corresponds to the
version of headers (for the paranoid). Say, to check:
if (LIBNL_VER_NUM != nl_ver_num)
It has been a request that multiple libnl versions should be installabe
in parallel.
In order to achieve this, the basename of the library was changed to
libnl-3 which reflects the 3rd generation of libnl APIs. It also means
that release based library versioning is left behind and libtool
versioning is used instead.
Projects using pkgconfig will automatically link against the new library
basename and will not notice a difference.
The SO versioning is based on the glib model:
current := 100 * minor + micro - revision
revision := revision
age := age (number of backwards compatible versions)