/* * lib/route/classid.c ClassID Management * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.1 * of the License. * * Copyright (c) 2010 Thomas Graf <tgraf@suug.ch> */ /** * @ingroup tc * @defgroup classid ClassID Management * @{ */ #include <netlink-local.h> #include <netlink-tc.h> #include <netlink/netlink.h> #include <netlink/utils.h> #include <netlink/route/tc.h> struct classid_map { uint32_t classid; char * name; struct nl_list_head name_list; }; #define CLASSID_NAME_HT_SIZ 256 static struct nl_list_head tbl_name[CLASSID_NAME_HT_SIZ]; static void *id_root = NULL; static int compare_id(const void *pa, const void *pb) { const struct classid_map *ma = pa; const struct classid_map *mb = pb; if (ma->classid < mb->classid) return -1; if (ma->classid > mb->classid) return 1; return 0; } /* djb2 */ static unsigned int classid_tbl_hash(const char *str) { unsigned long hash = 5381; int c; while ((c = *str++)) hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + c; /* hash * 33 + c */ return hash % CLASSID_NAME_HT_SIZ; } static int classid_lookup(const char *name, uint32_t *result) { struct classid_map *map; int n = classid_tbl_hash(name); nl_list_for_each_entry(map, &tbl_name[n], name_list) { if (!strcasecmp(map->name, name)) { *result = map->classid; return 0; } } return -NLE_OBJ_NOTFOUND; } /** * @name Traffic Control Handle Translations * @{ */ /** * Convert a traffic control handle to a character string (Reentrant). * @arg handle traffic control handle * @arg buf destination buffer * @arg len buffer length * * Converts a tarffic control handle to a character string in the * form of \c MAJ:MIN and stores it in the specified destination buffer. * * @return The destination buffer or the type encoded in hexidecimal * form if no match was found. */ char * rtnl_tc_handle2str(uint32_t handle, char *buf, size_t len) { if (TC_H_ROOT == handle) snprintf(buf, len, "root"); else if (TC_H_UNSPEC == handle) snprintf(buf, len, "none"); else if (TC_H_INGRESS == handle) snprintf(buf, len, "ingress"); else { void *res; struct classid_map cm = { .classid = handle, .name = "search entry", }; if ((res = tfind(&cm, &id_root, &compare_id))) snprintf(buf, len, "%s", (*(struct classid_map **) res)->name); else if (0 == TC_H_MAJ(handle)) snprintf(buf, len, ":%02x", TC_H_MIN(handle)); else if (0 == TC_H_MIN(handle)) snprintf(buf, len, "%02x:", TC_H_MAJ(handle) >> 16); else snprintf(buf, len, "%02x:%02x", TC_H_MAJ(handle) >> 16, TC_H_MIN(handle)); } return buf; } /** * Convert a charactering strint to a traffic control handle * @arg str traffic control handle as character string * @arg res destination buffer * * Converts the provided character string specifying a traffic * control handle to the corresponding numeric value. * * The handle must be provided in one of the following formats: * - NAME * - root * - none * - MAJ: * - :MIN * - NAME:MIN * - MAJ:MIN * - MAJMIN * * @return 0 on success or a negative error code */ int rtnl_tc_str2handle(const char *str, uint32_t *res) { char *colon, *end; uint32_t h, err; if (!strcasecmp(str, "root")) { *res = TC_H_ROOT; return 0; } if (!strcasecmp(str, "none")) { *res = TC_H_UNSPEC; return 0; } h = strtoul(str, &colon, 16); /* MAJ is not a number */ if (colon == str) { if (*colon == ':') { /* :YYYY */ h = 0; } else { size_t len; char name[64] = { 0 }; if (!(colon = strpbrk(str, ":"))) { /* NAME */ return classid_lookup(str, res); } else { /* NAME:YYYY */ len = colon - str; if (len >= sizeof(name)) return -NLE_INVAL; memcpy(name, str, len); if ((err = classid_lookup(name, &h)) < 0) return err; /* Name must point to a qdisc alias */ if (TC_H_MIN(h)) return -NLE_INVAL; /* NAME: is not allowed */ if (colon[1] == '\0') return -NLE_INVAL; goto update; } } } if (':' == *colon) { /* check if we would lose bits */ if (TC_H_MAJ(h)) return -NLE_RANGE; h <<= 16; if ('\0' == colon[1]) { /* XXXX: */ *res = h; } else { /* XXXX:YYYY */ uint32_t l; update: l = strtoul(colon+1, &end, 16); /* check if we overlap with major part */ if (TC_H_MAJ(l)) return -NLE_RANGE; if ('\0' != *end) return -NLE_INVAL; *res = (h | l); } } else if ('\0' == *colon) { /* XXXXYYYY */ *res = h; } else return -NLE_INVAL; return 0; } static void free_nothing(void *arg) { } static void clear_hashtable(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < CLASSID_NAME_HT_SIZ; i++) { struct classid_map *map, *n; nl_list_for_each_entry_safe(map, n, &tbl_name[i], name_list) { free(map->name); free(map); } nl_init_list_head(&tbl_name[i]); } if (id_root) { tdestroy(&id_root, &free_nothing); id_root = NULL; } } /** * (Re-)read classid file * * Rereads the contents of the classid file (typically found at the location * /etc/libnl/classid) and refreshes the classid maps. * * @return 0 on success or a negative error code. */ int rtnl_tc_read_classid_file(void) { static time_t last_read; struct stat st = {0}; char buf[256], *path; FILE *fd; int err; asprintf(&path, "%s/classid", SYSCONFDIR); /* if stat fails, just (re-)read the file */ if (stat(path, &st) == 0) { /* Don't re-read file if file is unchanged */ if (last_read == st.st_mtime) { err = 0; goto errout; } } if (!(fd = fopen(path, "r"))) { err = -nl_syserr2nlerr(errno); goto errout; } clear_hashtable(); while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fd)) { struct classid_map *map; uint32_t classid; char *ptr, *tok; int n; /* ignore comments and empty lines */ if (*buf == '#' || *buf == '\n' || *buf == '\r') continue; /* token 1 */ if (!(tok = strtok_r(buf, " \t", &ptr))) { err = -NLE_INVAL; goto errout_close; } if ((err = rtnl_tc_str2handle(tok, &classid)) < 0) goto errout_close; if (!(tok = strtok_r(NULL, " \t\n\r#", &ptr))) { err = -NLE_INVAL; goto errout_close; } if (!(map = calloc(1, sizeof(*map)))) { err = -NLE_NOMEM; goto errout_close; } map->classid = classid; map->name = strdup(tok); n = classid_tbl_hash(map->name); nl_list_add_tail(&map->name_list, &tbl_name[n]); if (!tsearch((void *) map, &id_root, &compare_id)) { err = -NLE_NOMEM; goto errout_close; } } err = 0; last_read = st.st_mtime; errout_close: fclose(fd); errout: free(path); return err; } /** @} */ static void __init classid_init(void) { int err, i; for (i = 0; i < CLASSID_NAME_HT_SIZ; i++) nl_init_list_head(&tbl_name[i]); if ((err = rtnl_tc_read_classid_file()) < 0) fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read classid file: %s\n", nl_geterror(err)); } /** @} */