The message receive callback handler in the netlink api processes the result object from the python callback. It used PyArg_ParseTuple() to get the value, but this does not work as intended (see ref [1]). Instead check the type and convert it accordingly. refs: [1] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13636711/what-is-the-proper-usage-of-pyarg-parsetuple Reported-by: Teto <mattator@gmail.com> Signed-off-by: Arend van Spriel <arend@broadcom.com> Signed-off-by: Thomas Graf <tgraf@suug.ch>
141 lines
4.7 KiB
141 lines
4.7 KiB
import netlink.capi as nl
import netlink.genl.capi as genl
import nl80211
import sys
import traceback
class test_class:
def __init__(self):
self.done = 1;
def freq_to_ch(freq):
if freq == 2484:
return 14;
if freq < 2484:
return (freq - 2407) / 5;
# FIXME: dot11ChannelStartingFactor (802.11-2007
if freq < 45000:
return freq/5 - 1000;
if freq >= 58320 and freq <= 64800:
return (freq - 56160) / 2160;
return 0;
def handle_freq(attr, pol):
e, fattr = nl.py_nla_parse_nested(nl80211.NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_MAX, attr, pol)
if nl80211.NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_FREQ in fattr:
freq = nl.nla_get_u32(fattr[nl80211.NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_FREQ])
sys.stdout.write("\t\tfreq %d MHz [%d]" % (freq, freq_to_ch(freq)))
if nl80211.NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_MAX_TX_POWER in fattr and not (nl80211.NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_DISABLED in fattr):
sys.stdout.write(" (%.1f dBm)" % (0.01 * nl.nla_get_u32(fattr[nl80211.NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_MAX_TX_POWER])))
if nl80211.NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_DISABLED in fattr:
sys.stdout.write(" (disabled)")
def handle_band(attr, fpol):
e, battr = nl.py_nla_parse_nested(nl80211.NL80211_BAND_ATTR_MAX, attr, None)
print("\tband %d:" % nl.nla_type(attr))
if nl80211.NL80211_BAND_ATTR_FREQS in battr:
for fattr in nl.nla_get_nested(battr[nl80211.NL80211_BAND_ATTR_FREQS]):
handle_freq(fattr, fpol)
def cipher_name(suite):
suite_val = '%02x%02x%02x%02x' % tuple(reversed(suite))
if suite_val == '000fac01':
return "WEP40 (00-0f-ac:1)"
elif suite_val == '000fac05':
return "WEP104 (00-0f-ac:5)"
elif suite_val == '000fac02':
return "TKIP (00-0f-ac:2)"
elif suite_val == '000fac04':
return "CCMP (00-0f-ac:4)"
elif suite_val == '000fac06':
return "CMAC (00-0f-ac:6)"
elif suite_val == '000fac08':
return "GCMP (00-0f-ac:8)"
elif suite_val == '00147201':
return "WPI-SMS4 (00-14-72:1)"
return suite_val
def msg_handler(m, a):
e, attr = genl.py_genlmsg_parse(nl.nlmsg_hdr(m), 0,
nl80211.NL80211_ATTR_MAX, None)
if nl80211.NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_NAME in attr:
print('wiphy %s' % nl.nla_get_string(attr[nl80211.NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_NAME]))
if nl80211.NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_BANDS in attr:
fpol = nl.nla_policy_array(nl80211.NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_MAX + 1)
fpol[nl80211.NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_FREQ].type = nl.NLA_U32
fpol[nl80211.NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_DISABLED].type = nl.NLA_FLAG
fpol[nl80211.NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_PASSIVE_SCAN].type = nl.NLA_FLAG
fpol[nl80211.NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_NO_IBSS].type = nl.NLA_FLAG
fpol[nl80211.NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_RADAR].type = nl.NLA_FLAG
fpol[nl80211.NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_MAX_TX_POWER].type = nl.NLA_U32
nattrs = nl.nla_get_nested(attr[nl80211.NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_BANDS])
for nattr in nattrs:
handle_band(nattr, fpol)
if nl80211.NL80211_ATTR_CIPHER_SUITES in attr:
ciphers = nl.nla_data(attr[nl80211.NL80211_ATTR_CIPHER_SUITES])
num = len(ciphers) / 4
if num > 0:
print("\tSupported Ciphers:");
for i in range(0, num, 4):
print("\t\t* %s" % cipher_name(ciphers[i:i+4]))
if nl80211.NL80211_ATTR_SUPPORTED_IFTYPES in attr:
print("\tSupported interface modes:")
ifattr = nl.nla_get_nested(attr[nl80211.NL80211_ATTR_SUPPORTED_IFTYPES])
for nl_mode in ifattr:
print("\t\t* %s" % nl80211.nl80211_iftype2str[nl.nla_type(nl_mode)])
if nl80211.NL80211_ATTR_SOFTWARE_IFTYPES in attr:
print("\tsoftware interface modes (can always be added):")
ifattr = nl.nla_get_nested(attr[nl80211.NL80211_ATTR_SOFTWARE_IFTYPES])
for nl_mode in ifattr:
print("\t\t* %s" % nl80211.nl80211_iftype2str[nl.nla_type(nl_mode)])
return nl.NL_SKIP
except Exception as e:
(t,v,tb) = sys.exc_info()
print v.message
def error_handler(err, a):
a.done = err.error
return nl.NL_STOP
def finish_handler(m, a):
return nl.NL_SKIP
def ack_handler(m, a):
a.done = 0
return nl.NL_STOP
cbd = test_class()
tx_cb = nl.nl_cb_alloc(nl.NL_CB_DEFAULT)
rx_cb = nl.nl_cb_clone(tx_cb)
s = nl.nl_socket_alloc_cb(tx_cb)
nl.py_nl_cb_err(rx_cb, nl.NL_CB_CUSTOM, error_handler, cbd);
nl.py_nl_cb_set(rx_cb, nl.NL_CB_FINISH, nl.NL_CB_CUSTOM, finish_handler, cbd);
nl.py_nl_cb_set(rx_cb, nl.NL_CB_ACK, nl.NL_CB_CUSTOM, ack_handler, cbd);
nl.py_nl_cb_set(rx_cb, nl.NL_CB_VALID, nl.NL_CB_CUSTOM, msg_handler, cbd);
family = genl.genl_ctrl_resolve(s, 'nl80211')
m = nl.nlmsg_alloc()
genl.genlmsg_put(m, 0, 0, family, 0, 0, nl80211.NL80211_CMD_GET_WIPHY, 0)
nl.nla_put_u32(m, nl80211.NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY, 7)
err = nl.nl_send_auto_complete(s, m);
if err < 0:
while cbd.done > 0 and not err < 0:
err = nl.nl_recvmsgs(s, rx_cb)
except Exception as e:
(t, v, tb) = sys.exc_info()
print v.message