Thomas Graf b5d081d1c9 Avoid freeing memory if vasprintf() failed
Founds this bugfix in Fedora's SOURCES for libnl. Not sure who the
original author is but the bug should be fixed upstream as well.
2011-08-11 15:06:29 +02:00

1038 lines
21 KiB

* lib/utils.c Utility Functions
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.1
* of the License.
* Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Thomas Graf <>
* @ingroup core
* @defgroup utils Utilities
* @{
#include <netlink-local.h>
#include <netlink/netlink.h>
#include <netlink/utils.h>
#include <linux/socket.h>
* Debug level
int nl_debug = 0;
struct nl_dump_params nl_debug_dp = {
.dp_type = NL_DUMP_DETAILS,
static void __init nl_debug_init(void)
char *nldbg, *end;
if ((nldbg = getenv("NLDBG"))) {
long level = strtol(nldbg, &end, 0);
if (nldbg != end)
nl_debug = level;
nl_debug_dp.dp_fd = stderr;
int __nl_read_num_str_file(const char *path, int (*cb)(long, const char *))
FILE *fd;
char buf[128];
fd = fopen(path, "r");
if (fd == NULL)
return -nl_syserr2nlerr(errno);
while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fd)) {
int goodlen, err;
long num;
char *end;
if (*buf == '#' || *buf == '\n' || *buf == '\r')
num = strtol(buf, &end, 0);
if (end == buf)
return -NLE_INVAL;
if (num == LONG_MIN || num == LONG_MAX)
return -NLE_RANGE;
while (*end == ' ' || *end == '\t')
goodlen = strcspn(end, "#\r\n\t ");
if (goodlen == 0)
return -NLE_INVAL;
end[goodlen] = '\0';
err = cb(num, end);
if (err < 0)
return err;
return 0;
* @name Unit Pretty-Printing
* @{
* Cancel down a byte counter
* @arg l byte counter
* @arg unit destination unit pointer
* Cancels down a byte counter until it reaches a reasonable
* unit. The chosen unit is assigned to \a unit.
* @return The cancelled down byte counter in the new unit.
double nl_cancel_down_bytes(unsigned long long l, char **unit)
if (l >= 1099511627776LL) {
*unit = "TiB";
return ((double) l) / 1099511627776LL;
} else if (l >= 1073741824) {
*unit = "GiB";
return ((double) l) / 1073741824;
} else if (l >= 1048576) {
*unit = "MiB";
return ((double) l) / 1048576;
} else if (l >= 1024) {
*unit = "KiB";
return ((double) l) / 1024;
} else {
*unit = "B";
return (double) l;
* Cancel down a bit counter
* @arg l bit counter
* @arg unit destination unit pointer
* Cancels downa bit counter until it reaches a reasonable
* unit. The chosen unit is assigned to \a unit.
* @return The cancelled down bit counter in the new unit.
double nl_cancel_down_bits(unsigned long long l, char **unit)
if (l >= 1099511627776ULL) {
*unit = "Tbit";
return ((double) l) / 1099511627776ULL;
} else if (l >= 1073741824) {
*unit = "Gbit";
return ((double) l) / 1073741824;
} else if (l >= 1048576) {
*unit = "Mbit";
return ((double) l) / 1048576;
} else if (l >= 1024) {
*unit = "Kbit";
return ((double) l) / 1024;
} else {
*unit = "bit";
return (double) l;
int nl_rate2str(unsigned long long rate, int type, char *buf, size_t len)
char *unit;
double frac;
switch (type) {
frac = nl_cancel_down_bytes(rate, &unit);
frac = nl_cancel_down_bits(rate, &unit);
return snprintf(buf, len, "%.2f%s/s", frac, unit);
* Cancel down a micro second value
* @arg l micro seconds
* @arg unit destination unit pointer
* Cancels down a microsecond counter until it reaches a
* reasonable unit. The chosen unit is assigned to \a unit.
* @return The cancelled down microsecond in the new unit
double nl_cancel_down_us(uint32_t l, char **unit)
if (l >= 1000000) {
*unit = "s";
return ((double) l) / 1000000;
} else if (l >= 1000) {
*unit = "ms";
return ((double) l) / 1000;
} else {
*unit = "us";
return (double) l;
/** @} */
* @name Generic Unit Translations
* @{
* Convert a character string to a size
* @arg str size encoded as character string
* Converts the specified size as character to the corresponding
* number of bytes.
* Supported formats are:
* - b,kb/k,m/mb,gb/g for bytes
* - bit,kbit/mbit/gbit
* @return The number of bytes or -1 if the string is unparseable
long nl_size2int(const char *str)
char *p;
long l = strtol(str, &p, 0);
if (p == str)
return -NLE_INVAL;
if (*p) {
if (!strcasecmp(p, "kb") || !strcasecmp(p, "k"))
l *= 1024;
else if (!strcasecmp(p, "gb") || !strcasecmp(p, "g"))
l *= 1024*1024*1024;
else if (!strcasecmp(p, "gbit"))
l *= 1024*1024*1024/8;
else if (!strcasecmp(p, "mb") || !strcasecmp(p, "m"))
l *= 1024*1024;
else if (!strcasecmp(p, "mbit"))
l *= 1024*1024/8;
else if (!strcasecmp(p, "kbit"))
l *= 1024/8;
else if (!strcasecmp(p, "bit"))
l /= 8;
else if (strcasecmp(p, "b") != 0)
return -NLE_INVAL;
return l;
static const struct {
double limit;
const char *unit;
} size_units[] = {
{ 1024. * 1024. * 1024. * 1024. * 1024., "EiB" },
{ 1024. * 1024. * 1024. * 1024., "TiB" },
{ 1024. * 1024. * 1024., "GiB" },
{ 1024. * 1024., "MiB" },
{ 1024., "KiB" },
{ 0., "B" },
* Convert a size toa character string
* @arg size Size in number of bytes
* @arg buf Buffer to write character string to
* @arg len Size of buf
* This function converts a value in bytes to a human readable representation
* of it. The function uses IEC prefixes:
* @code
* 1024 bytes => 1 KiB
* 1048576 bytes => 1 MiB
* @endcode
* The highest prefix is used which ensures a result of >= 1.0, the result
* is provided as floating point number with a maximum precision of 2 digits:
* @code
* 965176 bytes => 942.55 KiB
* @endcode
* @return pointer to buf
char *nl_size2str(const size_t size, char *buf, const size_t len)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(size_units); i++) {
if (size >= size_units[i].limit) {
snprintf(buf, len, "%.2g%s",
(double) size / size_units[i].limit,
return buf;
* Convert a character string to a probability
* @arg str probability encoded as character string
* Converts the specified probability as character to the
* corresponding probability number.
* Supported formats are:
* - 0.0-1.0
* - 0%-100%
* @return The probability relative to NL_PROB_MIN and NL_PROB_MAX
long nl_prob2int(const char *str)
char *p;
double d = strtod(str, &p);
if (p == str)
return -NLE_INVAL;
if (d > 1.0)
d /= 100.0f;
if (d > 1.0f || d < 0.0f)
return -NLE_RANGE;
if (*p && strcmp(p, "%") != 0)
return -NLE_INVAL;
return rint(d * NL_PROB_MAX);
/** @} */
* @name Time Translations
* @{
#ifdef USER_HZ
static uint32_t user_hz = USER_HZ;
static uint32_t user_hz = 100;
static double ticks_per_usec = 1.0f;
/* Retrieves the configured HZ and ticks/us value in the kernel.
* The value is cached. Supported ways of getting it:
* 1) environment variable
* 2) /proc/net/psched and sysconf
* Supports the environment variables:
* PROC_NET_PSCHED - may point to psched file in /proc
* PROC_ROOT - may point to /proc fs */
static void __init get_psched_settings(void)
char name[FILENAME_MAX];
FILE *fd;
int got_hz = 0;
if (getenv("HZ")) {
long hz = strtol(getenv("HZ"), NULL, 0);
if (LONG_MIN != hz && LONG_MAX != hz) {
user_hz = hz;
got_hz = 1;
if (!got_hz)
user_hz = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK);
if (getenv("TICKS_PER_USEC")) {
double t = strtod(getenv("TICKS_PER_USEC"), NULL);
ticks_per_usec = t;
else {
if (getenv("PROC_NET_PSCHED"))
snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s", getenv("PROC_NET_PSCHED"));
else if (getenv("PROC_ROOT"))
snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s/net/psched",
strncpy(name, "/proc/net/psched", sizeof(name) - 1);
if ((fd = fopen(name, "r"))) {
uint32_t ns_per_usec, ns_per_tick;
/* the file contains 4 hexadecimals, but we just use
the first two of them */
fscanf(fd, "%08x %08x", &ns_per_usec, &ns_per_tick);
ticks_per_usec = (double) ns_per_usec /
(double) ns_per_tick;
* Return the value of HZ
int nl_get_user_hz(void)
return user_hz;
* Convert micro seconds to ticks
* @arg us micro seconds
* @return number of ticks
uint32_t nl_us2ticks(uint32_t us)
return us * ticks_per_usec;
* Convert ticks to micro seconds
* @arg ticks number of ticks
* @return microseconds
uint32_t nl_ticks2us(uint32_t ticks)
return ticks / ticks_per_usec;
int nl_str2msec(const char *str, uint64_t *result)
uint64_t total = 0, l;
int plen;
char *p;
do {
l = strtoul(str, &p, 0);
if (p == str)
return -NLE_INVAL;
else if (*p) {
plen = strcspn(p, " \t");
if (!plen)
total += l;
else if (!strncasecmp(p, "sec", plen))
total += (l * 1000);
else if (!strncasecmp(p, "min", plen))
total += (l * 1000*60);
else if (!strncasecmp(p, "hour", plen))
total += (l * 1000*60*60);
else if (!strncasecmp(p, "day", plen))
total += (l * 1000*60*60*24);
return -NLE_INVAL;
str = p + plen;
} else
total += l;
} while (*str && *p);
*result = total;
return 0;
* Convert milliseconds to a character string
* @arg msec number of milliseconds
* @arg buf destination buffer
* @arg len buffer length
* Converts milliseconds to a character string split up in days, hours,
* minutes, seconds, and milliseconds and stores it in the specified
* destination buffer.
* @return The destination buffer.
char * nl_msec2str(uint64_t msec, char *buf, size_t len)
int i, split[5];
char *units[] = {"d", "h", "m", "s", "msec"};
#define _SPLIT(idx, unit) if ((split[idx] = msec / unit) > 0) msec %= unit
_SPLIT(0, 86400000); /* days */
_SPLIT(1, 3600000); /* hours */
_SPLIT(2, 60000); /* minutes */
_SPLIT(3, 1000); /* seconds */
#undef _SPLIT
split[4] = msec;
memset(buf, 0, len);
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(split); i++) {
if (split[i] > 0) {
char t[64];
snprintf(t, sizeof(t), "%s%d%s",
strlen(buf) ? " " : "", split[i], units[i]);
strncat(buf, t, len - strlen(buf) - 1);
return buf;
/** @} */
* @name Netlink Family Translations
* @{
static const struct trans_tbl nlfamilies[] = {
char * nl_nlfamily2str(int family, char *buf, size_t size)
return __type2str(family, buf, size, nlfamilies,
int nl_str2nlfamily(const char *name)
return __str2type(name, nlfamilies, ARRAY_SIZE(nlfamilies));
* @}
* @name Link Layer Protocol Translations
* @{
static const struct trans_tbl llprotos[] = {
{0, "generic"},
#ifdef ARPHRD_EUI64
#ifdef ARPHRD_HWX25
__ADD(ARPHRD_IEEE80211_PRISM, ieee802.11_prism)
char * nl_llproto2str(int llproto, char *buf, size_t len)
return __type2str(llproto, buf, len, llprotos, ARRAY_SIZE(llprotos));
int nl_str2llproto(const char *name)
return __str2type(name, llprotos, ARRAY_SIZE(llprotos));
/** @} */
* @name Ethernet Protocol Translations
* @{
static const struct trans_tbl ether_protos[] = {
#ifdef ETH_P_8021Q
#ifdef ETH_P_WCCP
char *nl_ether_proto2str(int eproto, char *buf, size_t len)
return __type2str(eproto, buf, len, ether_protos,
int nl_str2ether_proto(const char *name)
return __str2type(name, ether_protos, ARRAY_SIZE(ether_protos));
/** @} */
* @name IP Protocol Translations
* @{
char *nl_ip_proto2str(int proto, char *buf, size_t len)
struct protoent *p = getprotobynumber(proto);
if (p) {
snprintf(buf, len, "%s", p->p_name);
return buf;
snprintf(buf, len, "0x%x", proto);
return buf;
int nl_str2ip_proto(const char *name)
struct protoent *p = getprotobyname(name);
unsigned long l;
char *end;
if (p)
return p->p_proto;
l = strtoul(name, &end, 0);
if (l == ULONG_MAX || *end != '\0')
return (int) l;
/** @} */
* @name Dumping Helpers
* @{
* Handle a new line while dumping
* @arg params Dumping parameters
* This function must be called before dumping any onto a
* new line. It will ensure proper prefixing as specified
* by the dumping parameters.
* @note This function will NOT dump any newlines itself
void nl_new_line(struct nl_dump_params *params)
if (params->dp_prefix) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < params->dp_prefix; i++) {
if (params->dp_fd)
fprintf(params->dp_fd, " ");
else if (params->dp_buf)
strncat(params->dp_buf, " ",
params->dp_buflen -
sizeof(params->dp_buf) - 1);
if (params->dp_nl_cb)
params->dp_nl_cb(params, params->dp_line);
static void dump_one(struct nl_dump_params *parms, const char *fmt,
va_list args)
if (parms->dp_fd)
vfprintf(parms->dp_fd, fmt, args);
else if (parms->dp_buf || parms->dp_cb) {
char *buf = NULL;
if (vasprintf(&buf, fmt, args) >= 0) {
if (parms->dp_cb)
parms->dp_cb(parms, buf);
strncat(parms->dp_buf, buf,
parms->dp_buflen - strlen(parms->dp_buf) - 1);
* Dump a formatted character string
* @arg params Dumping parameters
* @arg fmt printf style formatting string
* @arg ... Arguments to formatting string
* Dumps a printf style formatting string to the output device
* as specified by the dumping parameters.
void nl_dump(struct nl_dump_params *params, const char *fmt, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
dump_one(params, fmt, args);
void nl_dump_line(struct nl_dump_params *parms, const char *fmt, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
dump_one(parms, fmt, args);
/** @} */
/** @cond SKIP */
int __trans_list_add(int i, const char *a, struct nl_list_head *head)
struct trans_list *tl;
tl = calloc(1, sizeof(*tl));
if (!tl)
return -NLE_NOMEM;
tl->i = i;
tl->a = strdup(a);
nl_list_add_tail(&tl->list, head);
return 0;
void __trans_list_clear(struct nl_list_head *head)
struct trans_list *tl, *next;
nl_list_for_each_entry_safe(tl, next, head, list) {
char *__type2str(int type, char *buf, size_t len,
const struct trans_tbl *tbl, size_t tbl_len)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < tbl_len; i++) {
if (tbl[i].i == type) {
snprintf(buf, len, "%s", tbl[i].a);
return buf;
snprintf(buf, len, "0x%x", type);
return buf;
char *__list_type2str(int type, char *buf, size_t len,
struct nl_list_head *head)
struct trans_list *tl;
nl_list_for_each_entry(tl, head, list) {
if (tl->i == type) {
snprintf(buf, len, "%s", tl->a);
return buf;
snprintf(buf, len, "0x%x", type);
return buf;
char *__flags2str(int flags, char *buf, size_t len,
const struct trans_tbl *tbl, size_t tbl_len)
int i;
int tmp = flags;
memset(buf, 0, len);
for (i = 0; i < tbl_len; i++) {
if (tbl[i].i & tmp) {
tmp &= ~tbl[i].i;
strncat(buf, tbl[i].a, len - strlen(buf) - 1);
if ((tmp & flags))
strncat(buf, ",", len - strlen(buf) - 1);
return buf;
int __str2type(const char *buf, const struct trans_tbl *tbl, size_t tbl_len)
unsigned long l;
char *end;
int i;
if (*buf == '\0')
return -NLE_INVAL;
for (i = 0; i < tbl_len; i++)
if (!strcasecmp(tbl[i].a, buf))
return tbl[i].i;
l = strtoul(buf, &end, 0);
if (l == ULONG_MAX || *end != '\0')
return (int) l;
int __list_str2type(const char *buf, struct nl_list_head *head)
struct trans_list *tl;
unsigned long l;
char *end;
if (*buf == '\0')
return -NLE_INVAL;
nl_list_for_each_entry(tl, head, list) {
if (!strcasecmp(tl->a, buf))
return tl->i;
l = strtoul(buf, &end, 0);
if (l == ULONG_MAX || *end != '\0')
return (int) l;
int __str2flags(const char *buf, const struct trans_tbl *tbl, size_t tbl_len)
int i, flags = 0, len;
char *p = (char *) buf, *t;
for (;;) {
if (*p == ' ')
t = strchr(p, ',');
len = t ? t - p : strlen(p);
for (i = 0; i < tbl_len; i++)
if (!strncasecmp(tbl[i].a, p, len))
flags |= tbl[i].i;
if (!t)
return flags;
p = ++t;
return 0;
void dump_from_ops(struct nl_object *obj, struct nl_dump_params *params)
int type = params->dp_type;
if (type < 0 || type > NL_DUMP_MAX)
params->dp_line = 0;
if (params->dp_dump_msgtype) {
#if 0
/* XXX */
char buf[64];
dp_dump_line(params, 0, "%s ",
buf, sizeof(buf)));
params->dp_pre_dump = 1;
if (params->dp_buf)
memset(params->dp_buf, 0, params->dp_buflen);
if (obj->ce_ops->oo_dump[type])
obj->ce_ops->oo_dump[type](obj, params);
/** @endcond */
/** @} */