//- Copyright (c) 2010 James Grenning and Contributed to Unity Project /* ========================================== Unity Project - A Test Framework for C Copyright (c) 2007 Mike Karlesky, Mark VanderVoord, Greg Williams [Released under MIT License. Please refer to license.txt for details] ========================================== */ #include "unity_fixture.h" #include "unity_internals.h" #include UNITY_FIXTURE_T UnityFixture; //If you decide to use the function pointer approach. int (*outputChar)(int) = putchar; int verbose = 0; void setUp(void) { /*does nothing*/ } void tearDown(void) { /*does nothing*/ } void announceTestRun(int runNumber) { UnityPrint("Unity test run "); UnityPrintNumber(runNumber+1); UnityPrint(" of "); UnityPrintNumber(UnityFixture.RepeatCount); UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR('\n'); } int UnityMain(int argc, char* argv[], void (*runAllTests)()) { int result = UnityGetCommandLineOptions(argc, argv); int r; if (result != 0) return result; for (r = 0; r < UnityFixture.RepeatCount; r++) { announceTestRun(r); UnityBegin(); runAllTests(); UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR('\n'); UnityEnd(); } return UnityFailureCount(); } static int selected(const char * filter, const char * name) { if (filter == 0) return 1; return strstr(name, filter) ? 1 : 0; } static int testSelected(const char* test) { return selected(UnityFixture.NameFilter, test); } static int groupSelected(const char* group) { return selected(UnityFixture.GroupFilter, group); } static void runTestCase() { } void UnityTestRunner(unityfunction* setup, unityfunction* testBody, unityfunction* teardown, const char * printableName, const char * group, const char * name, const char * file, int line) { if (testSelected(name) && groupSelected(group)) { Unity.CurrentTestFailed = 0; Unity.TestFile = file; Unity.CurrentTestName = printableName; Unity.CurrentTestLineNumber = line; if (!UnityFixture.Verbose) UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR('.'); else UnityPrint(printableName); Unity.NumberOfTests++; UnityMalloc_StartTest(); UnityPointer_Init(); runTestCase(); if (TEST_PROTECT()) { setup(); testBody(); } if (TEST_PROTECT()) { teardown(); } if (TEST_PROTECT()) { UnityPointer_UndoAllSets(); if (!Unity.CurrentTestFailed) UnityMalloc_EndTest(); UnityConcludeFixtureTest(); } else { //aborting - jwg - di i need these for the other TEST_PROTECTS? } } } //------------------------------------------------- //Malloc and free stuff // #define MALLOC_DONT_FAIL -1 static int malloc_count; static int malloc_fail_countdown = MALLOC_DONT_FAIL; void UnityMalloc_StartTest() { malloc_count = 0; malloc_fail_countdown = MALLOC_DONT_FAIL; } void UnityMalloc_EndTest() { malloc_fail_countdown = MALLOC_DONT_FAIL; if (malloc_count != 0) { TEST_FAIL_MESSAGE("This test leaks!"); } } void UnityMalloc_MakeMallocFailAfterCount(int countdown) { malloc_fail_countdown = countdown; } #ifdef malloc #undef malloc #endif #ifdef free #undef free #endif #include #include typedef struct GuardBytes { int size; char guard[sizeof(int)]; } Guard; static const char * end = "END"; void * unity_malloc(size_t size) { char* mem; Guard* guard; if (malloc_fail_countdown != MALLOC_DONT_FAIL) { if (malloc_fail_countdown == 0) return 0; malloc_fail_countdown--; } malloc_count++; guard = (Guard*)malloc(size + sizeof(Guard) + 4); guard->size = size; mem = (char*)&(guard[1]); memcpy(&mem[size], end, strlen(end) + 1); return (void*)mem; } static int isOverrun(void * mem) { Guard* guard = (Guard*)mem; char* memAsChar = (char*)mem; guard--; return strcmp(&memAsChar[guard->size], end) != 0; } static void release_memory(void * mem) { Guard* guard = (Guard*)mem; guard--; malloc_count--; free(guard); } void unity_free(void * mem) { int overrun = isOverrun(mem);//strcmp(&memAsChar[guard->size], end) != 0; release_memory(mem); if (overrun) { TEST_FAIL_MESSAGE("Buffer overrun detected during free()"); } } void* unity_calloc(size_t num, size_t size) { void* mem = unity_malloc(num * size); memset(mem, 0, num*size); return mem; } void* unity_realloc(void * oldMem, size_t size) { Guard* guard = (Guard*)oldMem; // char* memAsChar = (char*)oldMem; void* newMem; if (oldMem == 0) return unity_malloc(size); guard--; if (isOverrun(oldMem)) { release_memory(oldMem); TEST_FAIL_MESSAGE("Buffer overrun detected during realloc()"); } if (size == 0) { release_memory(oldMem); return 0; } if (guard->size >= size) return oldMem; newMem = unity_malloc(size); memcpy(newMem, oldMem, size); unity_free(oldMem); return newMem; } //-------------------------------------------------------- //Automatic pointer restoration functions typedef struct _PointerPair { struct _PointerPair * next; void ** pointer; void * old_value; } PointerPair; enum {MAX_POINTERS=50}; static PointerPair pointer_store[MAX_POINTERS]; static int pointer_index = 0; void UnityPointer_Init() { pointer_index = 0; } void UnityPointer_Set(void ** pointer, void * newValue) { if (pointer_index >= MAX_POINTERS) TEST_FAIL_MESSAGE("Too many pointers set"); pointer_store[pointer_index].pointer = pointer; pointer_store[pointer_index].old_value = *pointer; *pointer = newValue; pointer_index++; } void UnityPointer_UndoAllSets() { while (pointer_index > 0) { pointer_index--; *(pointer_store[pointer_index].pointer) = pointer_store[pointer_index].old_value; } } int UnityFailureCount() { return Unity.TestFailures; } int UnityGetCommandLineOptions(int argc, char* argv[]) { int i; UnityFixture.Verbose = 0; UnityFixture.GroupFilter = 0; UnityFixture.NameFilter = 0; UnityFixture.RepeatCount = 1; if (argc == 1) return 0; for (i = 1; i < argc; ) { if (strcmp(argv[i], "-v") == 0) { UnityFixture.Verbose = 1; i++; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-g") == 0) { i++; if (i >= argc) return 1; UnityFixture.GroupFilter = argv[i]; i++; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-n") == 0) { i++; if (i >= argc) return 1; UnityFixture.NameFilter = argv[i]; i++; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-r") == 0) { UnityFixture.RepeatCount = 2; i++; if (i < argc) { if (*(argv[i]) >= '0' && *(argv[i]) <= '9') { UnityFixture.RepeatCount = atoi(argv[i]); i++; } } } } return 0; } void UnityConcludeFixtureTest() { if (Unity.CurrentTestIgnored) { Unity.TestIgnores++; } else if (!Unity.CurrentTestFailed) { if (UnityFixture.Verbose) { UnityPrint(" PASS"); UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR('\n'); } } else if (Unity.CurrentTestFailed) { Unity.TestFailures++; } Unity.CurrentTestFailed = 0; Unity.CurrentTestIgnored = 0; }