A common practise to temporarily disable a socket in a poll call is to negate the socket fd. poll should then ignore the socket.
emulated_poll does this with the following code:
if (poll_fd->fd < 0 || !poll_fd->events)
goto skip1;
However on Windows the fd field in WSAPOLLFD is unsigned int!!! So the check for a negative fd value always fails.
This results in select returning an error with an error code of 10038 -- Socket operation on nonsocket.
The fix is to type cast fd like so:
if ((int)poll_fd->fd < 0 || !poll_fd->events)
This may be the cause of some high CPU load reports. I noticed the load being 50% with my application running on Windows XP.
Signed-off-by: Graham Newton <gnewton@peavey-eu.com>
This is important since this stuff is in publicly included headers
and even though the usage of the WSAPoll API is a runtime decision
the public headers may be used in code that needs to build with
_WIN32_WINNT=0x0501 to support WinXP.
When building a project using libwebsockets with that define set
to 0x0501 winsock.h will not define the WSAPOLLFD struct causing that
project to fail to compile.
here are the problems that I found while compiling libwebsockets with
CMake using as a generator MinGW Makefiles.
1. In http://git.warmcat.com/cgi-bin/cgit/libwebsockets/plain/win32port/win32helpers/gettimeofday.c
Remove spaces around time.h, otherwise it looks for " time.h " and
fails with "No such file ..."
I also needed to comment out
struct timezone
int tz_minuteswest; /* minutes W of Greenwich */
int tz_dsttime; /* type of dst correction */
It is already declared in mingw's time.h
Signed-off-by: Arokux B <arokux@gmail.com>
- Finalized CMake support (tested on windows only so far).
- Uses a generated lws_config.h that is included in
private-libwebsocket to pass defines, only used if CMAKE_BUILD is set.
- Support for SSL on Windows.
- Initial support for CyaSSL replacement of OpenSSL (This has been added
to my older CMake-fork but haven't been tested on this version yet).
- Fixed windows build (see below for details).
- Fixed at least the 32-bit Debug build for the existing Visual Studio
Project. (Not to keen fixing all the others when we have CMake support
anyway (which can generate much better project files)...)
- handshake.c
- used C99 definition of handshake_0405 function
- libwebsocket.c
- syslog not available on windows, put in ifdefs.
- Fixed previous known crash bug on Windows where WSAPoll in
Ws2_32.dll would not be present, causing the poll function pointer
being set to NULL.
- Uninitialized variable context->listen_service_extraseen would
result in stack overflow because of infinite recursion. Fixed by
initializing in libwebsocket_create_context
- SO_REUSADDR means something different on Windows compared to Unix.
- Setting a socket to nonblocking is done differently on Windows.
(This should probably broken out into a helper function instead)
- lwsl_emit_syslog -> lwsl_emit_stderr on Windows.
- private-libwebsocket.h
- PATH_MAX is not available on Windows, define as MAX_PATH
- Always define LWS_NO_DAEMONIZE on windows.
- Don't define lws_latency as inline that does nothing. inline is not
support by the Microsoft compiler, replaced with an empty define
instead. (It's __inline in MSVC)
- server.c
- Fixed nonblock call on windows
- test-ping.c
- Don't use C99 features (Microsoft compiler does not support it).
- Move non-win32 headers into ifdefs.
- Skip use of sighandler on Windows.
- test-server.c
- ifdef syslog parts on Windows.
Dan Zhang needed to defeat the recv() with PEEK in order to get working
poll() emulation on 64-bit windows.
I cleaned up the style in that file and made a version of his workaround
(which was force recv result to 0). I can't test the result so it may
need more work.
Reported-by: Dan Zhang <emaildanzhang@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Andy Green <andy@warmcat.com>
This adds win32 build compatability to libwebsockets.
The patch is from Peter Hinz, Andy Green has cleaned it up a bit and
possibly broken win32 compatability since I can't test it, so there
may be followup patches. It compiles fine under Linux after this
patch anyway.
Much of the patch is changing a reserved keyword for Visual C compiler
"this" to "context", but there is no real C99 support in the MSFT
compiler even though it is 2011 so C99 style array declarations
have been mangled back into "ancient C" style.
Some windows-isms are also added like closesocket() but these are
quite localized. Win32 random is just using C library random() call
at the moment vs Linux /dev/urandom. canonical hostname detection is
broken in win32 at the moment.
Signed-off-by: Peter Hinz <cerebusrc@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Andy Green <andy@warmcat.com>