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"md_README_8build.html#wolf1", null ], [ "Compiling libwebsockets with CyaSSL", "md_README_8build.html#cya", null ], [ "Building plugins outside of lws itself", "md_README_8build.html#extplugins", null ], [ "Reproducing HTTP2.0 tests", "md_README_8build.html#http2rp", null ], [ "Cross compiling", "md_README_8build.html#cross", null ], [ "Memory efficiency", "md_README_8build.html#mem", null ] ] ], [ "Debugging problems", "md_README_8problems.html", null ], [ "Notes about lwsws", "md_README_8lwsws.html", [ [ "Libwebsockets Web Server", "md_README_8lwsws.html#lwsws", null ], [ "Build", "md_README_8lwsws.html#lwswsb", null ], [ "Lwsws Configuration", "md_README_8lwsws.html#lwswsc", null ], [ "Lwsws Vhosts", "md_README_8lwsws.html#lwswsv", null ], [ "Lwsws Vhost name and port sharing", "md_README_8lwsws.html#lwswsvn", null ], [ "Lwsws Protocols", "md_README_8lwsws.html#lwswspr", null ], [ "Lwsws Other vhost options", "md_README_8lwsws.html#lwswsovo", null ], [ "Lwsws Mounts", "md_README_8lwsws.html#lwswsm", null ], [ "Lwsws Other mount options", "md_README_8lwsws.html#lwswsomo", null ], [ "Lwsws Plugins", "md_README_8lwsws.html#lwswspl", null ], [ "Additional plugin search paths", "md_README_8lwsws.html#lwswsplaplp", null ], [ "lws-server-status plugin", "md_README_8lwsws.html#lwswsssp", null ], [ "Lwsws Integration with Systemd", "md_README_8lwsws.html#lwswssysd", null ], [ "Lwsws Integration with logrotate", "md_README_8lwsws.html#lwswslr", null ] ] ], [ "Notes about coding with lws", "md_README_8coding.html", [ [ "Daemonization", "md_README_8coding.html#dae", null ], [ "Maximum number of connections", "md_README_8coding.html#conns", null ], [ "Libwebsockets is singlethreaded", "md_README_8coding.html#evtloop", null ], [ "Only send data when socket writeable", "md_README_8coding.html#writeable", null ], [ "Do not rely on only your own WRITEABLE requests appearing", "md_README_8coding.html#otherwr", null ], [ "Closing connections from the user side", "md_README_8coding.html#closing", null ], [ "Fragmented messages", "md_README_8coding.html#frags", null ], [ "Debug Logging", "md_README_8coding.html#debuglog", null ], [ "External Polling Loop support", "md_README_8coding.html#extpoll", null ], [ "Using with in c++ apps", "md_README_8coding.html#cpp", null ], [ "Availability of header information", "md_README_8coding.html#headerinfo", null ], [ "TCP Keepalive", "md_README_8coding.html#ka", null ], [ "Optimizing SSL connections", "md_README_8coding.html#sslopt", null ], [ "Async nature of client connections", "md_README_8coding.html#clientasync", null ], [ "Lws platform-independent file access apis", "md_README_8coding.html#fileapi", null ], [ "ECDH Support", "md_README_8coding.html#ecdh", null ], [ "SMP / Multithreaded service", "md_README_8coding.html#smp", null ], [ "Libev / Libuv support", "md_README_8coding.html#libevuv", null ], [ "Extension option control from user code", "md_README_8coding.html#extopts", null ], [ "Client connections as HTTP[S] rather than WS[S]", "md_README_8coding.html#httpsclient", null ], [ "Using lws vhosts", "md_README_8coding.html#vhosts", null ], [ "How lws matches hostname or SNI to a vhost", "md_README_8coding.html#sni", null ], [ "Using lws mounts on a vhost", "md_README_8coding.html#mounts", null ], [ "Operation of LWSMPRO_CALLBACK mounts", "md_README_8coding.html#mountcallback", null ], [ "Dimming webpage when connection lost", "md_README_8coding.html#dim", null ] ] ], [ "Notes about generic-sessions Plugin", "md_README_8generic-sessions.html", [ [ "Enabling lwsgs for build", "md_README_8generic-sessions.html#gseb", null ], [ "lwsgs Introduction", "md_README_8generic-sessions.html#gsi", null ], [ "Lwsgs Integration to HTML", "md_README_8generic-sessions.html#gsin", null ], [ "Lwsgs Overall Flow@", "md_README_8generic-sessions.html#gsof", null ], [ "Lwsgs Configuration", "md_README_8generic-sessions.html#gsconf", null ], [ "Lwsgs Password Confounder", "md_README_8generic-sessions.html#gspwc", null ], [ "Lwsgs Preparing the db directory", "md_README_8generic-sessions.html#gsprep", null ], [ "Lwsgs Email configuration", "md_README_8generic-sessions.html#gsrmail", null ], [ "Lwsgs Integration with another protocol", "md_README_8generic-sessions.html#gsap", null ] ] ], [ "Notes about generic-table", "md_README_8generic-table.html", [ [ "What is generic-table?", "md_README_8generic-table.html#gtint", null ], [ "Enabling for build", "md_README_8generic-table.html#gteb", null ], [ "Integrating with your html", "md_README_8generic-table.html#gtinth", null ], [ "Lwsgt constructor", "md_README_8generic-table.html#gtc", null ], [ "Lwsgt click handling function", "md_README_8generic-table.html#gtclick", null ], [ "Generic-table JSON", "md_README_8generic-table.html#gtgj", null ], [ "Setting up protocol-lws-table-dirlisting", "md_README_8generic-table.html#gtdirl", null ] ] ], [ "Overview of lws test apps", "md_README_8test-apps.html", [ [ "Testing server with a browser", "md_README_8test-apps.html#tsb", null ], [ "Running test server as a Daemon", "md_README_8test-apps.html#tsd", null ], [ "Using SSL on the server side", "md_README_8test-apps.html#sssl", null ], [ "Testing websocket client support", "md_README_8test-apps.html#wscl", null ], [ "Choosing between test server variations", "md_README_8test-apps.html#choosingts", null ], [ "Testing simple echo", "md_README_8test-apps.html#echo", null ], [ "Testing SSL on the client side", "md_README_8test-apps.html#tassl", null ], [ "Using the websocket ping utility", "md_README_8test-apps.html#taping", null ], [ "fraggle Fraggle test app", "md_README_8test-apps.html#ta", null ], [ "proxy support", "md_README_8test-apps.html#taproxy", null ], [ "debug logging", "md_README_8test-apps.html#talog", null ], [ "Websocket version supported", "md_README_8test-apps.html#ws13", null ], [ "Latency Tracking", "md_README_8test-apps.html#latency", null ], [ "Autobahn Test Suite", "md_README_8test-apps.html#autobahn", null ], [ "Autobahn Test Notes", "md_README_8test-apps.html#autobahnnotes", null ] ] ], [ "Deprecated List", "deprecated.html", null ], [ "Modules", "modules.html", "modules" ], [ "Data Structures", "annotated.html", [ [ "Data Structures", "annotated.html", "annotated_dup" ], [ "Data Structure Index", "classes.html", null ], [ "Class Hierarchy", "hierarchy.html", "hierarchy" ], [ "Data Fields", "functions.html", [ [ "All", "functions.html", null ], [ "Functions", "functions_func.html", null ], [ "Variables", "functions_vars.html", null ] ] ] ] ], [ "Files", null, [ [ "File List", "files.html", "files" ], [ "Globals", "globals.html", [ [ "All", "globals.html", "globals_dup" ], [ "Functions", "globals_func.html", null ], [ "Typedefs", "globals_type.html", null ], [ "Enumerations", "globals_enum.html", null ], [ "Enumerator", "globals_eval.html", null ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]; var NAVTREEINDEX = [ "annotated.html", 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