#!/bin/sh # IMAGESIZE=$(stat -c%s "$2") NCORES=$3 ORG=0x80000 echo "[BITS 16]" echo "SECTION .data" echo "ORG $ORG" echo "addr DD $1 ; start addresss of the initrd" echo "size DD $IMAGESIZE ; size of the initrd" shift shift shift ARGC=`expr $# + 2` echo "argc DD $ARGC" echo "argv DD Largv" echo "Largv EQU \$" echo -n " DD name, ncores" for i in $* do echo -n ", L$i" done echo "" echo "name EQU \$" echo " DB \"MetalSVM\", 0" echo "ncores EQU \$" echo " DB \"$NCORES\", 0" for i in $* do echo "L$i EQU \$" echo " DB \"$i\", 0" done echo "gap:" echo "TIMES 4096-(\$-\$\$) DB 0"